INGA and CPAO are requested to revisit the rosters made for presence of staff in the office
It has to be ensured that 50 percent of officers (below the level
of Dy. Secretary) and 50 percent of staff attend office on every
alternate day.
F. No. A-65061(55)/9/2020-Admin-CGA-Part(1)/ 101
Government of India
Department of Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts ‘
Room No. 203, 2nd Floor, Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
Block-E, G.P.O. Complex, I.N.A., New Delhi-110023
Dated: 05.06.2020
Reference is invited to the Guidelines issued by MIIA to prevent Covid-19 dated 15.04.2020, guideline issued by office of CGA dated 17.04.2020. guideline issued by Dopt dated 19.03.2020 and also the guidelines vide DoP’T OM No.11013/9/2014-Estt.A. III dated 18.05.2020.
All the verticals of O/o CGA. PFMS (Headquarters and State Directorates), INGA and CPAO are requested to revisit the rosters made for presence of staff in the office. It has to be ensured that 50 percent of officers (below the level of Dy. Secretary) and 50 percent of staff attend office on every alternate day. Leave may be sanctioned to those staff members who may not be in position to attend office during this period
Further Extension of timelines for recording of PAR for the year 2019-20 in respect of AIS officers – DoPT
Latest DoPT Orders 2020
F.No. 11059/01/2014-AIS-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 09th June, 2020
The Chief Secretaries of States / UTs
Subject: Further Extension of timelines for recording of PAR for the year 2019-20 in respect of AIS officers - reg.
Sir /Madam,
I am directed to refer to the relevant provisions for recording of
PAR under the AIS(PAR)Rules, 2007 as amended, including also the
provisions regarding the reporting / reviewing / accepting authorities
to record PAR not after one month of their retirement and also to this
Department’s letters of even number dated 27.03.2020 and 30.03.2020.
2. In view of the pandemic caused by the spread of COVID 19
and the consequent nation-wide Lockdown extended from time to time, AIS
officers are involved in various activities relating to management and
control of the pandemic, continuance of essential services and
maintenance of law and order etc. Further, most of the government
offices, except those involved in essential services and law and order,
are working with skeletal staff strength. In the light of exigent
situation, the timelines for online generation of PAR, and submission of
self-appraisal, recording of comments by reporting/ reviewing /
accepting authorities and also retired/retiring government officers were
extended vide this Department’s letters of even number dated 27.03.2020
and 30.03.2020.
3 In view of the continuance of the restrictions imposed due to
spread of COVID 19, it would still be practically difficult for the AIS
officers to either submit their self -appraisal or to record the PAR for
the year 2019-2020 as reporting / reviewing / accepting authority
within extended timelines. To overcome this, it has now been decided
with the approval of competent authority, to further revise the existing
cut-off dates prescribed for self-appraisal, reporting, reviewing and
acceptance of PAR in respect of AIS officers for the year 2019-20, in
relaxation of Rule 4 A (1), Rule 5(1) read with Schedule 2 of the AIS
(PAR) Rules, 2007 as amended, so as to give sufficient time to each authority, as indicated below:-
4. It has also been decided with the approval of Competent Authority,
that irrespective of their date of retirement, the reporting/
reviewing/ accepting authorities, retiring from 29.02.2020 to 31.10.2020
shall be allowed to record PAR for the year 2019-2020 beyond the extant
time line of one month after their retirement and as per the revised
timeline mentioned in para 3 above, in relaxation of Rule 7A of AIS
(PAR) Rules, 2007 as amended.
5. Further, it may cause a burden on healthcare system as well as
risk to AIS officers to get medical examination done for submitting
mandatory summary of Medical Report along with self-appraisal.
Therefore, with the approval of competent authority, it has also been
decided to delink the submission of summary of medical report from
recording and completion of APAR for the year 2019-2020 in respect of
AIS officers. Also, it has been decided to extend the timeline for
conduct of Annual Medical Examination and thereafter submitting the
summary of Medical Report for the PAR year 2019-2020 for a further
period up to 31.12.2020.
6. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, no remarks may be recorded after 31st December,2020 in the PAR of AIS officers for the PAR year 2019-2020, in accordance with the 2nd proviso of the AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 as amended.
Counting of the limitation period for the diverse purposes under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
Latest DoPT Orders 2020
F.No.11013/9/2014-Estt.A. III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 5th June, 2020
Subject: Counting of the limitation period for the diverse purposes under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972
The undersigned is directed to refer to OM of even number dated 30th
March, 2020 whereby, considering the unprecedented situation of lockdown
w.e.f. 24th March, 2020, the period of lockdown was decided to be
excluded from the time-limits prescribed in various Rules/instructions.
While in the initial periods of lockdown, the Government offices were
directed to work either with skeletal staff or with 1/3rd of its
strength, DoPT’s extant instructions provide for attendance of 100%
officers of the level of DS & above and 50% below DS on all working
days. Ministry of Home Affairs vide its Order dated 30th May, 2020 has
also issued instructions for phase-wise reopening of prohibited
activities outside the containment zone. In view of this, it has now
been decided that the exclusion of lockdown period w.e.f. 24th March,
2020 shall cease to have further effect with the issue of this O.M.
Therefore, after exclusion of lockdown period, action as per time-lines
provided under various Rules/ instructions may be completed within the
period as explained in paras 2 & 3 of O.M. dated 30th March, 2020
referred above.
(Umesh Kumar Bhatia)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
The undersigned is directed to refer to Central Civil Services
(Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965 [CCS(CCA) Rules,
1965] and Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 [CCS(Pension)
Rules, 1972] and the instructions issued under these Rules wherein
certain timelines have been prescribed for various activities/ events/ procedures relating to procedures under the said Rules, For instance, in the said
Rules/instructions, time limits have been prescribed for the following:
Review of order of Suspension before its expiry date [Rule 10(6) of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965]
of written statement of defence on the charge-sheet by the charged
officer ISub Rule 4 in Rule 14 of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965]
of charge-sheet once a decision is taken by the Disciplinary Authority
to initiate Disciplinary proceedings.{DopTs 0. M. No.
425/04/2012-AVDIV(A) dated 29.11.2012],
completion of Inquiry and submission of report by the Inquiring Authority [Sub rule (24) in Rule 14 of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965]
proceedings initiated against a Pensioner shall not be in respect of an
event which took place four years before such initiation,{Rule 9 of
CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972]
Acceptance of notice of VRS under Rule 48Aof CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972
(The list is only illustrative and not exhaustive)
2. Consequent upon the outbreak of COVID-19,
and considering the unprecedented situation of the Lockdown w.e.f. 24th
March 2020, it may not be feasible to adhere to the timelines
prescribed in the said Rules and to the instructions issued under the
Rules. It has accordingly been decided not to count the period of the
Lockdown for the purposes of adherence to the prescribed timelines,
including those listed above. For example, if the due date for
completing a process/work/event at the start of the Lockdown falls after
20 days, then the due date will get postponed by the number of Lockdown
days and the same number (20) of days will be available to complete the
work after the Lockdown is lifted.
3. However, after the Lockdown is lifted, if the time left to
complete the task is less than 15 days) then the processes may be
allowed to be completed within 15 days.
4. In addition, timelines may have been prescribed for receipt of
applications for direct recruitment, deputation, etc. Where the last
date of receipt of application for direct recruitment, deputation etc.
falls within the period of the Lockdown, the last date shall be extended
by the number of days of the Lockdown. Similarly, the time limits
prescribed in the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, for various purposes shall
also be extended by the number of days of the Lockdown.
5. These instructions are applicable only in such cases where there
is an intervening Lockdown period and it will not be applicable
7th CPC revised conveyance allowance rates for Railway Medical Officers
Government of India/ Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Railways / Rail Mantralaya
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No. 155
RBE No. 43
No. F(E)I/2016/AL-7/1
New Delhi, dated 9.06.2020
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways etc.,
(As per Standard Mailing List).
Sub: Recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission – Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Railway Medical Officers.
Consequent to the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission,
the Ministry or Health & Family Welfare, vide their O.M.
No.A-45012/04/2017-CHS-V (Pt.) dated 9th April, 2019 (copy enclosed),
have decided in consultation with Ministry of Finance that revised rates
of Conveyance Allowance admissible to Central Health Service Doctors
working under the Central Health Service may be granted as per the rates
mentioned in the DOE’s OM No. 1903903/2017-E.IV dated 19th July, 2017
(circulated vide Board’s letter No. F(E)/2017/AL-4/3 dated 10.08.2017).
MoH&FW’s O.M. dated 9th April, 2019 shall apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway Medical Officers also.
Also check: Grant of annual increment due on 1st July to the employees retiring on 30th June of the year
2. These orders are issued in supersession of all earlier orders including Board’s letter of even number dated 29.08.2018.
7th CPC Notional Pay of Havildar granted Hony. Naib Subedar fixed in Level-6 for Pension purpose only.
Latest Central Government Employees News Today
Government of India
Ministry of Defence (Finance)
Circular No. 634
Dated: 01.06.2020
The OI/C Records
Subject: Implementation of the Government decision on the
recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – in respect of
Service Pension to the Havildar granted Honorary Rank of Naib Subedar
retiring on or after 01.01.2016.
Reference: Circular No. 584 dated 07.09.2017.
Reference is invited towards this office Circular No. 584 dated
07.09.2017. In this circular orders and procedure of pensionary award of
7th CPC were circulated with LPCs & its filling instructions. But
the Circular is silent in respect of service pension of Havildar granted
Hony Rank of Naib Subedar. A clarification was sought for regarding
applicability of MoD letter dated 12.06.2009 for post 2016 retirees. It
has now been clarified by the competent authority that ibid MoD letter
is also applicable to post-2016 retirees Havildar granted Honorary rank
of Naib Subedar.
2. Now, it has been decided that in all such cases the field SI No.
93 (Field name-Average Pay) of LPC-Cum Data Sheet of Circular No. 584 dt
07.09.2017 is invariably to be filled with Notional Pay of Havildar
granted Hony. Naib Subedar fixed in Level-6 for Pension purpose only.
3. All other terms and condition shall be applied as per various
paras of this govt. order as well as the existing provisions on the
4 This circular is applicable in respect of service pension to the
Havildar granted Honorary Rank of Naib Subedar retiring on or after
5. This circular has been uploaded on this office website
Change of Nomenclature of posts- Assistant to Assistant Section Officer, Upper Division Clerk to Sr. Assistant and Lower Division Clerk to Jr. Assistant in CAT: DoPT Notification
Latest Central Government Employees News
New Delhi, the 5th June, 2020
G.S.R. 350(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section
(2) of section 13 read with clause (b) of section 36 of the
Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 (13 of 1985), the Central Government
hereby makes the following rules to amend the Central Administrative
Tribunal (Salaries, allowances and conditions of service of the officers
and employees) Rules, 2017, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules
may be called the Central Administrative Tribunal (Salaries, allowances
and conditions of service of the officers and employees) Amendment
Rules, 2020.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Central Administrative Tribunal (Salaries,
allowances and conditions of service of the officers and employees)
Rules, 2017, in the Schedule, -
in column (2), against serial number 15, for the words “Assistant”, the words “Assistant Section Officer” Shall be substituted;
column (2), against serial number 26, for the words “Upper Division
Clerk”, the words “Senior Assistant” shall be substituted;
column (2), against serial number 29, for the words “Lower Division
Clerk”, the words “Junior Assistant” shall be substituted.
Note.- The principal rules were published in the
Gazette of India, Extraordinary Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (1) vide
notification number G.S.R. 1020(E), dated the 17™ August, 2017
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Different Types of Leave available to central government staffs and a brief description of each leave.1. Earned Leave2. Half Pay Leave3. Commuted Leave4...
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