Clarification on grant of Non-functional Scale to Gr. 'B' officers in Level-11 of Accounts Department and Level-10 in organized departments of Indian Railways
No. E(GP)2003/2/22
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units
Sub.: Clarification on grant of Non-functional Scale to Gr. 'B' officers in Level-11 of Accounts Department and Level-10 in organized departments of Indian Railways- reg.
In terms of Ministry of Railways' Gazette Notification G.S.R. 210(E) dated 08.03.2018 (RBE No. 37/2018), the higher scale of Level-11 in Accounts department and Level-10 in other organised departments has to be operated to the extent of 100% of the Gr. 'B' officers on-roll including Gr. 'B' officers officiating in Level-11 on ad-hoc basis after completion of 4 years of regular service in the respective grades in organized departments. Subsequently, detailed guidelines outlining the procedure have also been issued vide Board's letter no. E(GP) 2003/2/22) dated 12.12.2018 (RBE No. 192/2018).
2. It has been observed that references are being received from various Zonal Railways seeking clarification on issues relating to the aforementioned scheme. In the past, several clarifications have been issued to various Zonal Railways over a number of issues. Therefore, in order to provide clarity on the issue, these clarifications are being summarised as under:
No. E(GP)2003/2/22
New Delhi, dated: 06.08.2019
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units
Sub.: Clarification on grant of Non-functional Scale to Gr. 'B' officers in Level-11 of Accounts Department and Level-10 in organized departments of Indian Railways- reg.
In terms of Ministry of Railways' Gazette Notification G.S.R. 210(E) dated 08.03.2018 (RBE No. 37/2018), the higher scale of Level-11 in Accounts department and Level-10 in other organised departments has to be operated to the extent of 100% of the Gr. 'B' officers on-roll including Gr. 'B' officers officiating in Level-11 on ad-hoc basis after completion of 4 years of regular service in the respective grades in organized departments. Subsequently, detailed guidelines outlining the procedure have also been issued vide Board's letter no. E(GP) 2003/2/22) dated 12.12.2018 (RBE No. 192/2018).
2. It has been observed that references are being received from various Zonal Railways seeking clarification on issues relating to the aforementioned scheme. In the past, several clarifications have been issued to various Zonal Railways over a number of issues. Therefore, in order to provide clarity on the issue, these clarifications are being summarised as under:
S.No. | Doubt | Remarks |
1 |
Whether Gr. 'B' officers completing 4 years of regular service are to be
granted NFS from the next date or from 1st January or 1st July of the
following year.
The date of effect of placement in the higher Group 'B' non-functional
grade will be the date when the officer becomes eligible i.e. when
the officer completes four years of regular service in the relevant
Clarification whether Gr 'B' officers on deputation, on the date of
their consideration for grant of NFS to be taken to be on roll or total
no. of Gr. 'B' officers be computed excluding their names.
Officers on deputation to other departments may be granted Non
functional Scale of Level-10 notionally from 08.03.2018 while the actual
benefit will accrue to them on return from deputation and joining the
Grading of APAR for allotment of higher scale of Level-11 to Gr. 'B'
officers of Accounts Department and Level- 10 of other organised
The benchmark for grant of NFS of Level-11 to Gr. 'B' officers of
Accounts Department and Level-10 of other organised Departments would
continue to be 'Good'.
Whether Gr. 'B' officers 'On-roll' includes officers on deputation.
Yes. The term Gr. 'B' officers on-roll mentioned in Board's letter dated
08.03.2018 also include officers who are having their lien on the
Railway but are working elsewhere on deputation.
Five years APARs are required to be considered. If any APARs is not
available, the APARs of the immediately preceding year/years to that
extent may be taken into account even if it pertains to non-gazetted
period of service.
Whether a senior employee can be considered for grant of NFS with his junior having already completed 4 years of service.
For consideration of officers for placement in the higher Gr. 'B' Scale
of Level-10 (Level-11 in case of Accounts department), the senior Group
'B' employee shall be deemed to have rendered the service put in by his
immediate junior and if that happens 4 years or more he should be
considered for placement in higher Gr. 'B' scale of Level-10 (Level-11
in case of Accounts department).
Extended Panel is required to be formed in lieu of officers who would be retiring during the intervening period.
Since the posts are being operated at 100% and officers are being
granted the benefit from the date on which they are becoming eligible
(through assessment being done on the prescribed date), formation of
extended panel is not required.
Whether service rendered in the Gr. 'B' in the previous unit can be considered for grant of NFS.
The issue may be decided in terms of Board's Letter No. E(GP)2005/1/43 dated 16.12.2005.