Sunday, August 2, 2020

Expected DA 2020 – AICPIN for the month of June 2020 increased by 2 points

Expected DA 2020

AICPIN for the month of June, 2020 increased by 2 points
Expected DA 2020
No. 5/1/2020-CPI

DATED: 31st July, 2020

Press Release

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) - June, 2020

The Labour Bureau, an attached office of the M/o Labour & Employment, has been compiling Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers every month on the basis of the retail prices of selected items collected from 289 markets spread over 78 industrially important centres in the country. The index is compiled for 78 centres and All-India and is released on the last working day of succeeding month. The index for the month of June, 2020 is being released in this press release.

The All-India CPI-IW AICPIN for June, 2020 increased by 2 points and stood at 332 (three hundred and thirty two). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by (+) 0.61 per cent between May and June, 2020 compared to (+) 0.64 per cent increase between corresponding months of previous year.

Also check: Expected DA 2020 – AICPIN for the month of May, 2020 increased by 1 point

The maximum upward pressure in current index came from Food group contributing (+) 1.65 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Rice, Groundnut Oil, Fish Fresh, Goat Meat, Poultry (Chicken), Milk (Buffalo), Brinjal, Cauliflower, Green Coriander Leaves, Potato, Tomato, Refined Liquor, Cooking Gas, Petrol, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. However, this increase was checked by Wheat Atta, Arhar Dal, Garlic, Onion, Arum, Coconut, Lady’s Finger, Lemon, Mango, Kerosene Oil, etc., putting downward pressure on the index.

At centre level, Jharia recorded the maximum increase of 9 points. Among others, 8 points increase was observed in 3 centres, 7 points in 2 centres, 6 points in 3 centres, 5 points in 7 centres, 4 points in 12 centres, 3 points in 7 centres, 2 points in 10 centres and 1 point in 12 centres. On the contrary, Ranchi-Hatia recorded the maximum decrease of 8 points. Among others, 3 points decrease was observed in 5 centres, 2 points in 2 centres and 1 point in 1 centre. Rest of 12 centres’ indices remained stationary.

The indices of 31 centres are above All-India Index and 45 centres’ indices are below national average. The indices of Chhindwara and Jalandhar centres remained at par with All-India Index.
Year-on-year inflation based on all-items stood at 5.06 per cent for June, 2020 as compared to 5.10 per cent for the previous month and 8.59 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous. year. Similarly, Food inflation stood at 5.49 per cent against 5.88 per cent of the previous month and 5.47 per cent during the corresponding month a year ago.

The next issue of CPI-IW for the month of July, 2020 will be released on Monday 31st August, 2020. The same will also be available on the office website

(Shyam Singh Negi)
Deputy Director General

Source: Labour Bureau

7th Pay Commission Clarification regarding prescribed Benchmark while considering MACPs to Non-Gazetted Staff


7th Pay Commission Clarification regarding prescribed Benchmark while considering MACPs to Non-Gazetted Staff
प्रधान मुख्य कार्मिक अधिकारी का कार्यालय
Office of the Principal Chief Personnel Officer
रेल सदन, द्वितीय तल, भुवनेश्वर – 751017
Rail Sadan, IInd Floor, Bhubaneswar – 751017
Date: 29.07.2020

No. ECor/Pers/R/ Clari-MACPs/2020

Sub: Clarification regarding prescribed Benchmark while considering MACPs to Non-Gazetted Staff.

Reff: RBE No. 155/2016 and RBE-16/2020.

The comprehensive MACP Scheme on acceptance of Seventh Central Pay Commission recommendations has been issued vide RBE No-16/2020. In the light of the recommendations of the 7th CPC, the Modified Assured Carrier Progression Scheme (MACPs) will continue to be administered at 10, 20 and 30 years as before. In order to implement a uniform policy all over ECoR, the following staff.
  1. In terms of RBE No.-155/2016 for grant of financial up gradation under the MACPs the prescribed Benchmark has been revised for all level to “Very Good” w.e.f 25th July, 2016.
  2. In compliance to RBE No-16/2020, enclosing DOPT’s O.M. No-35034/3/2015-Estt. (D) dated-22.10.2019, Para-17, (i) the revised benchmark of APARs i.e. “Very Good” shall be applicable for the year 2016-17 and subsequent years.
  3. White assessing the suitability of and employee for grant of MACP, the DSC (Departmental Screening Committee) shall assess the APARs in the reckoning period, the benchmark for the APARs for the years 2016-2017 and thereafter shall be “Very Good”.
  4. For Example, if a particular MACP falls due on or after 25.07.2016, the following benchmark for APARs are applicable for Level 11 and below:
APAR for the YearBenchmark grading for MACP for Level-11 and below.
2015-16 and earlierGood
2016-17Very Good
2017-18 and subsequent yearVery Good
(R.N.A. Parida)
Chairman Railway Recruitment Cell
For Principal Chief Personnel Officer

Source: Indian Railways

Grant of disability pension, comprising service element and disability clement to pre-2006 disability pensioners of Govt service

Central Government Pension News

No.1/7/2017- P&PW (F)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare

3nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
July 28, 2020

Subject: Grant of disability pension, comprising service element and disability clement to pre-2006 disability pensioners, who were boarded out from service, with less than 10 years of qualifying service, due to an injury/ disability, attributable to Govt. service – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that, considering the hardship being faced by the disabled Government servants, covered under the provisions of CCS (EOP) Rules, the Government had decided to dispense with the minimum service required for earning service element of disability pension, with effect from 01.01.2006 and orders were issued vide OM No.33/5/2009-P&PW (F). dated 10th December 2010.
Also check: 7th CPC Concordance Table – Revision of pension pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners
  1. A doubt has been raised whether the provision of the aforesaid OM, dated 10.12.2010, would be applicable to the Government servants who were boarded out of service, prior to 01.01.2006, with a qualifying service of less than ten years.
  2. The matter has been examined and it is clarified that Central Civil Government servants who were boarded out, prior to 01.01.2006, with a qualifying service of less than ten years and were in receipt of only the disability element of disability pension, would also be eligible for the service element of disability pension, w.e.f. 01.01.2006, in addition to the disability clement.
  3. For calculating the disability pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006, the disability pension comprising, both the service element and the disability clement, will be notionally fixed from the date of boarding out and the same will be notionally revised in accordance with the orders tor revision of disability pension. issued from time to time. The actual payment of such revised disability pension would be payable only w.e.f. 01.01.2006, No arrears on account of grant of service element, for the period prior to 01.01.2006, would be admissible. The amount of service gratuity, if any paid, to the Government servant at the time of boarding out would be adjusted from the arrears of pension accruing as a result of these orders.
  4. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, vide their ILD. Note No. 1(9)/EV/2019 dated 25/06/2020.
  5. In their application to the persons belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders are issued under Article 148(5) of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
  6. The Administrative Divisions of all Ministries / Department & attached / subordinate offices are requested to bring the contents of these instructions to the notice of all concerned for compliance.
(Seema Gupta)
Grant of disability pension comprising service element to pre-2006 disability

Reimbursement of medical claims to pensioners residing in non-CGHS areas - DoT



No: 4-35(01)/ 2019-PAT
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications

20, Ashoka Road, 1120, Sanchar Bhawan
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 28/07/2020


Subject -: Reimbursement of medical claims to pensioners residing in non-CGHS areas-reg.

This refers to medical claims being received from pensioners residing in non-CGHS areas. In this respect. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s (MoH&FW) OM No. S. 14025/23/2013-MS.EHSS dated 29.09.2016 may be referred (copy enclosed). As per this OM, the pensions residing in non-CGHS have following options to avail medical facilities:
  • (a) They can avail Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) @ Rs. 500/- per month or as revised from time to time. At present, vide OM 4/34/2017/P&PW(D) dated 19.07.2017. FMA is @ Rs. 1000/- per month.
  • (b) They can also avail benefits of CGHS (OPD & IPD) by registering themselves In the nearest CGHS city after making the required subscription.
  • (c) They also have the option to avail FMA for OPD treatment, and CGHS for IPD treatment after making the required subscriptions as per CGHS guidelines.
2. In addition, in accordance to MoH&FW’s OM No. 8.11011/11/2016 CGHS (P)/EHS dated 09.01.2017 (copy enclosed), pensioners have option to avail CGHS facilities by making contribution on an annual basis (1 year/12 months) or by making contribution for 10 (ten) years (120 months) for getting a pensioner CGHS card with life-time validity.

3. The undersigned is directed to request ail the Pr. CCA/CCAS and others concerned offices that the pensioners of this Department residing in non-CGHS areas may be intimated/ sensitized (more than once) by an appropriate means about the above options for medical facilities available to them as per MoH&FW OM dated 29.09.2016 and OM No. S.11011/11/2016 CGHS (P)/EHS dated 09.01.2017. They may be advised that for availing reimbursement of their medical bills, they have to mandatoryly register themselves with the nearest CGHS facility as per one of the options above. They may also be advised that if they fail to register themselves w.e.f. applicable date with the nearest CGHS facility for availing OPD/IPD treatment, their further medical bills may not be reimbursed by this Department.

4. Compliance report in respect of the above may be furnished to this office for appraisal of Secretary, DoT.

5. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

(A). Monthly Contributions for availing CGHS facility:
Sl. No.Corresponding levels in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPCContribution (Rs. Per month)
1.Level: 1 to 5250
2.Level: 6450
3.Level: 7 to 11650
4.Level: 12 & above1000
(B). Entitlement of words in private hospitals empanelled under CGHS
Sl. No.Corresponding Basic Pay drawn by the officer in 7th CPC per monthWard entitlement
1.Up to Rs. 47,600/-General
2.Rs. 47,601/- to Rs. 63,100/-Semi-Private
3.Rs. 63,101/- and abovePrivate
Pay slab for determining the entiltlement of a commodation in AIIMS, New Delhi.
The revised entitlement, as per the drawn the official, is as  follows:
Sl. No.Corresponding Basic Pay drawn by the officer in 7th CPC pre monthWard entitlement
1.Up to Rs. 63,100/-General
2.Rs. 63, 101/- to Rs. 80,900/-Private
3.Rs. 80, 901/- and aboveDeluxe/Private
(S.C. Karol)
Director (Estt.)
Phone. 23036500


EPFO – Guidelines for Appointment on Compassionate grounds- Revised delegation of Administrative Powers


File No. 1RM-V/11(07) Compassionate Appointment / Policy Matter/2019 /Vol.III/1/478/2020
कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
मुख्य कार्यालय/Head Office
भविषयूव निधि भवत, 34, भीकाजी कामा प्लेस, लई दिलली-110066
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066
Website:, www.epfindia nic.m

The Addl. CPFC (HQ) / Addl. CPFC (Zones)/
Director (PDNASS)/ Addl. CPFC (ASD)
All Regional PF Commissioners/ OIC of Regional Offices

Guidelines for Appointment on Compassionate grounds – Revised delegation of Administrative Powers – Regarding.

Ref: (i) HO letter no HRM-V/11(7)/ 2019/CA Policy Matter/Vol-III/1/474/2020 Dated: 23.07.2020
(ii) HO letter no. HRM-V/IV/11(7)/ 2015/CA Policy Matter/Vol.J/ 4563 Dated 29.06.2018.

Sir /Madam,

Please refer to HO Letter under reference (i) conveying the delegation of powers for appointment on compassionate ground of an eligible dependent family member of a deceased /missing employee or an employee retired on medical grounds. The detailed guidelines for consideration of appointment on compassionate basis are enclosed herewith, which may scrupulously be followed to ensure uniformity and transparency of procedure across the country.

(This issues with the approval of the Central P.F. Commissioner.)

Yours faithfully
Encl.: As above.
(Uma Mandal)
Addl. Central PF Commissioner (HRM)


A consolidated set of instructions on compassionate appointment was issued by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoP&T) vide OM No.14014/02/2012–Estt. (D) dated 16.01.2013 as amended from time to time. In view of the statutory nature of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), the said guidelines have been adopted for implementation in EPFO, subject to such delegation as deemed appropriate by the CBT, EPF and with such modification as deemed expedient by the circulars issued by the Head Office from time to time. (A list of such circulars/guidelines issued on the matter is enclosed as Annexure-I along with copies thereof for ready reference).

2. The CBT, EPF delegated the power of appointment on compassionate grounds to CPFC and the ACC (Zone) in its 226 Meeting held on 05.03.2020. To give effect to the said delegation, a detailed set of procedural guidelines is laid down herewith. These guidelines shall further be subject to such amendment as deemed necessary by the DoP&T and Head Office from time to time.

3. The object of these guidelines is to bring uniformity and transparency in the procedure of granting approval for appointment on compassionate grounds to a dependent family member of an employee of the Central Board of Trustees (CBT), who died in harness or who is retired on medical grounds, thereby leaving his family in penury and without any means of livelihood, to relieve the family of the employee concerned from financial destitution and to help it get over the emergency.

Download: Procedural Guidelines for Compassionate Appointment in EPFO

KVS - Fee collection of fee in respect of class XI students promoted from class X

KV School

KVS Fee collection
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18, Institutional Area
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi – 16
F.110350/01/2020/ KVS(HQ)/UBI/2071-2100

Date : 28-07-2020

The Deputy Commissioners / Directors
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices / ZIETs

Sub: Fee collection of fee in respect of class XI students promoted from class X – reg.

Madam / Sir,
The KVS HQ is receiving lot of queries regarding collection of fee of class XI students promoted from class X after declaration of result by CBSE. In this regard, it is to inform you that since the collection of fee for the 2nd Quarter is currently going on hence the data cannot be edited/ verified for class XI students in respect of existing students. To facilitate collection of fee from class XI students it is decided to open the UBI fee portal for verification of class XI student data w.e.f 06.08.2020. The process of verification in respect of class XI students should he completed by 13.08.2020. It is relevant to inform you that since as of now data for rt Quarter can only he verified in respect of class XI students, the said data for the 3rd Quarter will be replicated for the last two quarters (1st and 2nd) for collection of fee by KVS HQ.

Also check: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has recently released the official admission guidelines for Class 1 to 11th academic session 2020-21

The fee collection for class XI will commence from 15.08.2020 to 31.08.2020 without any late payment fee. The Regional Offices are also directed to send the consolidated list of all students of class XI along with ‘Student Code’ after verification to this office at ‘’. Thereafter, UBI portal will be opened for verification of data for the 3rd quarter in respect of all classes.

The content of this letter may be circulated to all Principals of Kendriya Vidyalayas and other stake holders.

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Note: The data only in respect of class XI students promoted from class X should be verified during aforementioned dates.

Yours sincerely
(A.K Srivastava)
Assistant Commissioner (Fin)

MACP - Grant of financial upgradations under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme - MoF

Latest MACP Scheme

No. 17001/1/2020-NGE-CGA/ 2G

NEW DELHI-110023
Dated: 27th July 2020


Grant of financial upgradations under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme.

Reference is invited to DoP&T OM dated 22.10.2019 on the subject mentioned above. Para 6 of the OM ibid “the Screening Committee shall follow a time schedule and meet twice in a financial year - preferably in the first week of January and July of year for advance processing of the cases maturing in that half.”

Now the cases of those PS/AAQOs, who are eligible for grant of financial upgradation upto 31.03.2021 is required to be placed before the Screening Committee.

In view of above, it is requested that all the Ministries/ Departments may forward the cases of such PS/AAOs, in the enclosed proforma alongwith Service Book. complete CR Dossier upto 2018-19 and latest vigilance clearance certificate by 07.08.2021 positively.

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Madhukar Sharma)
Senior Accounts Officer (HR-4)

The Pr.CCAs/ CCAs/CAs (IC) of Ministries/Departments.
The Joint CGA (Admn.)/ Director (INGAF)/ CC(Pension)/ FC(Civil Aviation)/ADG (B&A) Prasar Bharati.
Sr. A.O. (ITD) for uploading the OM on the CGA website.

Now the cases of those PS/ AAQOs, who are eligible for grant of financial upgradation upto 31.03.2021 is required to be placed before the Screening Committee.

In view of above, it is requested that all the Ministries/ Departments may forward the cases of such PS/AAOs, in the enclosed proforma alongwith Service Book. complete CR Dossier upto 2018-19 and latest vigilance clearance certificate by 07.08.2021 positively.

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Madhukar Sharma)
Senior Accounts Officer (HR-4)

The Pr.CCAs/ CCAs/CAs (IC) of Ministries/Departments.
The Joint CGA (Admn.)/ Director (INGAF)/ CC(Pension)/ FC(Civil Aviation)/ADG (B&A) Prasar Bharati.
Sr. A.O. (ITD) for uploading the OM on the CGA website.

Proforma for furnishing information in respect of AAOs/PS
APAR Gradings
1Current Vigilance status of (Name of the Sr.PS)Shri/ Smt./ Ms.
2Gradation List No.
3Present Ministry
4Present Office/ Department
5Cases where charge sheet* has been issued and disciplinary proceedings are on
6Cases where prosecution for criminal charge is pending in Court of Law
7Whether under suspension. If yes, date from which suspended/ suspension extended and copy of the suspension order / order for review of suspension.
8Major Penalty/ Minor penalty imposed in the last ten (10) years if any, and currency of such penalty.
9Details of APARs not available in the APAR dossier alongwith the detailed reasons and efforts made
10Details of adverse entries/ grading AVERAGE/ below Average, if any :
i) Whether the same has been communicated.
ii) Whether reply has been obtained
iii) Whether the reply has been considered.
iv) The final outcome of the adverse entries.

11Whether requisite seen certificate has been enclosed alongwith the APARs.
Source: CGA

DoPT - Clarification on regularization of absence during COVID-19 epidemic lockdown period

Latest DoPT Orders 2020

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Old JNU Campus, New Delhi 110 067
Dated: 28.07.2020


Subject: Clarification on regularization of absence during COVID-19 epidemic lockdown period – regarding.

This Department has been receiving several references/ queries from Central Government employees who proceeded on leave, with station leave permission, but could not report for duty due to non-availability of public transport / flights and restrictions on inter/ intra state movement of persons as per Ministry of Home Affairs’ Orders from time to time, to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in the country. The matter has been considered and the following clarifications relating to regularization of period of absence during the period of lockdown are issued in the matter :-

Central government employees news latest update today

1Government Servants who were on official tour and were unable to return to their Headquarters (HQs) due to non-availability of Public TransportDeemed to have joined duty on the date of expiry of official tour, if intimation in any form, indicating difficulty in joining duty due to non-availability of public transport/ flights, has been given by the Government servant to the office.
2Government servants who were on leave prior to issue of lockdown orders with effect from 25.03.2020 and the leave ended during lockdown periodDeemed to have joined duty from the date of expiry of leave, if intimation in any form, indicating difficulty in joining duty due to non-availability of public transport /flights has been given by the Government servant to the office. In case of leave on medical grounds, this is subject to production of medical/fitness certificate
3Government servants who left HQ on the week-end prior to lockdown, i.e. 20.03.2020 (Friday), but could not return to HQ on 23.03.2020 (Monday) due to non-availability of transport.Deemed to have joined on 23.03.2020, if intimation, in any form indicating difficulty in joining duty due to nonavailability of public transport/ flights has been given by the Government servant to the office.
4Government servants who were on leave prior to issue of orders on lockdown with effect from 25.03.2020 and the leave expired during the lock down but who wish to curtail the leave before expirty and join dutyCurtailment of sanctioned leave may not be agreed to, unless allowed by the leave sanctioning authority only in rare cases based on official exigency. From the date following the date of expiry of leave during the period of lockdown, the employee may be deemed to have joined duty.
2. All the Ministries/ Departments and their attached/ subordinate offices are directed to regulate the period of absence strictly as per above clarifications and unnecessary references to DoPT on the subject may be avoided.

Also check: Government employees retiring during COVID pandemic will be receiving provisional pension till their regular Pension Payments

(Satyajit Mishra)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
 CG Employees absence during COVID-19
Source: DoPT

Government employees retiring during COVID pandemic will be receiving “provisional” pension till their regular Pension Payment Order (PPO) is issued

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Government employees retiring provisional pension
Government employees retiring during COVID pandemic will be receiving “provisional” pension till their regular Pension Payment Order is issued: Dr. Jitendra Singh

27 JULY 2020

Government employees retiring during COVID pandemic will be receiving “provisional” pension till their regular Pension Payment Order (PPO) is issued and other official formalities completed.

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh said that after the Modi Government took over, the Department of Pensions had upgraded and equipped itself to deliver the PPO to the concerned employee without delay on the day of his or her superannuation. Besides this, in the last few years, taking cue from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s emphasis on digitalization, the Department of Pension also created a Portal, which could be accessed by any government employee approaching superannuation to find out the status of his or her pension papers, he said.

However, because of the disruption in the official work due to COVID pandemic and lockdown, Dr Jitendra Singh said, some of the employees who had retired during this period may not have been provided with PPO. But, as an evidence of the present government’s sensitivity towards the pensioners and the senior citizens, a decision was taken that in order to avoid a delay in the start of regular pension covered under CCS (Pension Rules) 1972, the rules may be relaxed to enable seamless payment of “Provisional Pension” and “Provisional Gratuity” till the regular PPO is issued.
As per the OM (Office Memorandum) issued by Department of Pensions, affiliated to the Ministry of Personnel, the payment of “Provisional Pension” will initially continue for a period of six months from the date of retirement and the period of “Provisional Pension” may be further extended up to one year in exceptional cases. These instructions shall also be applicable in cases where a government servant retires otherwise than on superannuation i.e. voluntary retirement, retirement under FR 56, etc.

Also check: Retirement benefits as per Rule 64 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 during Covid Pandemic time

Dr Jitendra Singh said, this decision has been taken considering that because of the constraints of pandemic and lockdown, a government servant may find difficulty in submitting his Pension Forms to the Head of Office or may not be able to forward the Claim Form in hard copy along with Service Book to the concerned Pay & Accounts Office in time, particularly when both the offices are located in different cities. This is very pertinent to Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) who are constantly on the move and whose Heads of Offices are located in cities different from where the Pay & Accounts Office is located.

Vide another circular, Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOPPW) has directed all offices maintaining GPF (General Provident Fund) Accounts to complete all credit entries including accruing interest to the employees two years before retirement and then one year before retirement so that Provident Fund is also paid accurately in time.

Source: PIB

Regularization of leave for the absence period of Central Government Employees during lockdown period due to COVID-19

Absence during COVID-19 Lockdown period

Latest Central Government Employees News

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001

Ref: Confd/ Leave/ COVID

Dated: 25.07.2020

The Cabinet Secretary,
Government of India,
Rashtrapati Bhawan
New Delhi

Sub: Regularisation of leave in respect of absence during Lockdown period.

The following suggestion are submitted for regularization of leave for the absence period of Central Government Employees during lockdown period due to COVID-19 :

Also check: Clarification on regarding of Absence during COVID-19 Lockdown period
1. Regularisation of leave by declaring special casual leave or by declaring the unintended absence from duty as regular duty:
  • A. For all such staff who were unable to attend office duty during lockdown period.
  • B. For all such essential service staffs who were not listed in the duty roaster by their head of office during the lock down period and couldn’t attend office.
  • C. For all such staff who were unable to attend office duty during unlock period for the reason their name has not been included in the duty roaster.
  • D. For all such staff who were unable to attend office duty during unlock period for derth of communication facility.
  • E. All such absence should invariably be counted as duty.
2. Reintroduction of quarantine leave for the Central Government employees who are:
  • a) self-quarantined for co morbidity issue or have come across some COVID infected patients,
  • b) whose friends and relatives are Covid 19 infected and are leaving in proximity,
  • c) Asymptomatic patients who are self-quarantined.
Further we would like to point out the following:
  • Quarantine Leave, as was, should not be a regular leave and akin to casual leave, it should not be treated as an absence from duty, but a leave necessitated by orders not to attend office consequential to presence of infectious diseases in the family or household of the employee.
  • Quarantine leave was admissible earlier in cases of cholera, smallpox, plague, diphtheria, typhus fever and cerebrospinal meningitis. Now the issue of Covid 19 infection has to be included and the Central Government has to be requested to reissue this order with certain corrections.
  • As in case of casual leave, an employee on quarantine leave should not be treated as absence from duty and his pay and allowances are not to be intermitted.
  • However, unlike casual leave, Quarantine leave may be combined with any other type of leave except causal leave or special casual leave.
  • Quarantine Leave of 21 days (+ 9 days) to attend dependent in the family suffering from infectious disease should be allowed.
Sir, it may also not out of context to mention that evidences available from various pay commission reports point toward existence of Quarantine leave till introduction of CCS Leave Rules, 1972 and even today it is existing in departments like OIDB (Oil Industry Development Board) under petroleum ministry. Similar dispensation may also be brought in for all Central Government employees at this situation of Pandemic.

Also check: Regularization of officer / employee absence due to lockdown w.e.f. 25th March 2020

With greetings,
Yours sincerely,
(R. N. Parashar)
General Secretary

Source: confederation

7th CPC Advance increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m

7th CPC Advance increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m

Latest DoPT Orders 2020

F. No. 1/7/2017-Estt (Pay-l)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 24th July, 2020


Subject: Advance increments granted to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m., in the 7th CPC Scenario-reg.

In accordance with the provisions contained in Department of Expenditure’s OM No. 7(31)E-IIKA)/75 dated 04.10.1975 and this Department’s OM No. 18/44/88- Estt.(Pay-l) dated 14.08.1989 and OM No. 1/9/98-Estt.(Pay-l) dated 30.01.2001, Stenographers of Subordinate Offices were granted one or two advance increments for qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 wpm. This Department vide OM No. 18/44/88-Estt.(Pay-7) dated 07.12.2009 provided that these advance increments should be treated as pay for all purposes. Further, due to the introduction of Grade Pay and Pay Band system, consequent to the implementation of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, this Department vide OM No. 1/1/2010-Estt.(Pay-l) dated 06.12.2012 had clarified the manner in which these advance increment(s) are to be computed.

2. Consequent upon the implementation of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016, the system of Pay Band and Grade Pay has been replaced by the Pay Matrix.The manner in which the advance increment(s) are to be computed and the guidelines for granting these advance increments to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m., in the 7th CPC Scenario, have been considered in this Department, in consultation with Department of Expenditure.

3. The President is pleased to decide that in supersession of all the existing orders/ OMs/ instructions/ guidelines on the subject of granting the advance increment(s) to Stenographers of Subordinate Offices on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100/120 w.p.m., w.e.f. 01.01.2016 the advance increments shall be regulated as under:
  • The stenographer who is recruited on the basis of speed test in the shorthand at 80 w.p.m. may be granted one advance increment on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 100 w.p.m. and one more advance increment on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 120 w.p.m. while in service. However, if a stenographer who is recruited on the basis of speed test in the short hand at 80 w.p.m. directly qualifies the speed test in shorthand at 120 w.p.m. while in service, he/she may be granted two advance increments.
  • The stenographer, who is recruited on the basis of speed test in the shorthand at 100 w.p.m., may be granted one advance increment on qualifying speed test in shorthand at 120 w.p.m. while in service.
  • These speed tests shall be conducted by properly constituted Authorities including Departmental Authorities.
  • These advance increments shall be granted from the date of passing the test.
  • These advance increments shall not be absorbed in future increments and the date of next increment after the grant of these advance increments shall remain the same. No option for fixation of pay from the Date of Next Increment shall be available/ allowed for fixation of pay on account of these advance increments.
  • The amount of these advance increments shall be treated as a separate element in addition to the basic pay and it should be counted as pay for all purposes. Further, once these advance increments are taken into account for the purpose of fixation of pay on promotion or being placed in a higher scale on grant of MACP or due to revision of Pay Scale or Pay Structure etc., these advance increments no longer continue as a separate element.
  • In respect of the stenographers, who become eligible for grant of these advance increments consequent upon the implementation of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016, they may be granted one/ two advance increments (as the case may be) in the vertical Level, in which the Government Servant is placed on the date of passing the test, as illustrated below:
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(a) For granting two advance increments:
1Due date of grant of next annual increment: 01.07.2017
2Date of qualifying proficiency Stenography Test: 25.04.2017
3Basic Pay in pay Matrix, on the date of qualifying proficiency Test: 30100 [Level 5]
4Value in pay Matrix, after grant of two advance increments : 31900 [Level 5]
5Separate Element: 31900-30100=1800/-
6Basic Pay as on 25.04.2017=30100 + 1800 (Separate Element); DNI will remain the same i.e. 01.07.2017.
7Basic Pay on 01.07.2017 (DNI)= 31000+ 1800 (Separate Element)
Grade Pay24002800
(b) For granting one advance increment:
1Due date of grant of next annual increment: 01.01.2018
2Date of qualifying proficiency Stenography Test: 10.09.2017
3Basic Pay in pay Matrix, on the date of qualifying proficiency Test: 34900 [Level 5]
4Value in pay Matrix, after grant of one advance increment : 35900 [Level 5]
5Separate Element: 31900-30100=1000/-
6Basic Pay as on 10.09.2017=34900 + 1000 (Separate Element); DNI will remain the same i.e. 01.07.2018.
7Basic Pay on 01.01.2018 (DNI) = 35900+ 1000 (Separate Element)
Grade Pay24002800
(viii) Benefit of these advance increments will not be treated as an anomaly for the purpose of stepping of pay of seniors.

4. In their application to the employees of Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders are issued after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, as mandated under Article 148(5) of the Constitution.

5. Hindi Version will follow.

(Rajeev Bahree)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

All Ministries/ Departments of Government of India
7th CPC Advance increments to Stenographers
7th CPC Advance increments to Stenographers
Source: DoPT

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