Sl. | Name of the Allowance | Recommendation |
1 | Accident Allowance | Not included in the report. |
2 | Acting Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Additional Post Allowance." |
3 | Aeronautical Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
4 | Air Despatch Pay | Abolished. |
5 | Air Steward Allowance | Abolished. |
6 | Air Worthiness Certificate Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
7 | Allowance in Lieu of Kilometreage (ALK) | Not included in the report. |
8 | Allowance in Lieu of Running Room Facilities | Not included in the report. |
9 | Annual Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. Extended to some more categories. |
10 | Antarctica Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell RH-Max of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
11 | Assisting Cashier Allowance | Abolished. |
12 | ASV Allowance | Abolished. |
13 | Bad Climate Allowance | Abolished
as a separate allowance. Subsumed in Tough Location Allowance-III. To
be paid as per Cell R3H3 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
14 | Bhutan Compensatory Allowance | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
15 | Boiler Watch Keeping Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R3H1 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
16 | Book Allowance Retained. | Status Quo to be maintained. |
17 | Breach of Rest Allowance | Not included in the report. |
18 | Breakdown Allowance | Abolished. |
19 | Briefcase Allowance | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
20 | Camp Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Territorial Army Allowance. |
21 | Canteen Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
22 | Caretaking Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Extra Work Allowance" |
23 | Cash Handling Allowance | Abolished. |
24 | Children Education Allowance (CEA) | Retained. Procedure of payment simplified. |
25 | CI Ops Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
26 | Classification Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
27 | Clothing Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Dress Allowance. |
28 | Coal Pilot Allowance | Abolished |
29 | COBRA Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R1H1 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
30 | Command Allowance | Abolished |
31 | Commando Allowance | Abolished |
32 | Commercial Allowance | Abolished |
33 | Compensation in Lieu of Quarters (CILQ) | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed provisions for Housing for PBORs. |
34 | Compensatory (Construction or Survey) Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R3H2 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
35 | Composite Personal Maintenance Allowance (CPMA) | Retained. Rationalised. Enhanced by 50%. Extended to some more categories. |
36 | Condiment Allowance | Abolished. |
37 | Constant Attendance Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
38 | Conveyance Allowance | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
39 | Cooking Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R3H3of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
40 | Cost of Living Allowance | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
41 | Court Allowance | Abolished. |
42 | Cycle Allowance | Abolished. |
43 | Daily Allowance Retained. | Rationalized. |
44 | Daily Allowance on Foreign Travel | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
45 | Dearness Allowance (DA) | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
46 | Deputation (Duty) Allowance for Civilians | Retained. Ceilings enhanced by 50%. |
47 | Deputation (Duty) Allowance for Defence Personnel | Retained. Ceilings enhanced by 50%. |
48 | Desk Allowance | Abolished. |
49 | Detachment Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. Enhanced by 50%. |
50 | Diet Allowance | Abolished. |
51 | Diving Allowance, Dip Money and Attendant Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
52 | Dual Charge Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Additional Post Allowance". |
53 | Educational Concession | Retained. Rationalized. Extended to some more categories. |
54 | Electricity Allowance | Abolished. |
55 | Entertainment Allowance | for Cabinet Secretary Abolished. |
56 | Entertainment Allowance | in Indian Railways Abolished. |
57 | Extra Duty Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Extra Work Allowance". |
58 | Family Accommodation Allowance (FAA) | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed provisions for Housing for PBORs. |
59 | Family HRA Allowance | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
60 | Family Planning Allowance | Abolished. |
61 | Field Area Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
62 | Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
63 | Fixed Monetary Compensation | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Additional Post Allowance". |
64 | Flag Station Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Extra Work Allowance". |
65 | Flight Charge Certificate Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Extra Work Allowance". |
66 | Flying Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R1H1 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
67 | Flying Squad Allowance | Abolished. |
68 | Free Fall Jump Instructor Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R2H2 of the newlyproposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
69 | Funeral Allowance | Abolished. |
70 | Ghat Allowance | Not included in the report. |
71 | Good Service | Good Conduct-Badge Pay Retained. Enhanced by a factor of 2.25. |
72 | Haircutting Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in Composite Personal Maintenance Allowance. |
73 | Handicapped Allowance | Abolished. |
74 | Hard Area Allowance | Retained. Rationalized by a factor of 0.8. |
75 | Hardlying Money | Retained. Rationalised. Full Rate to be paid as per Cell R3H3 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
76 | Headquarters Allowance | Abolished. |
77 | Health and Malaria Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R3H3 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
78 | High Altitude Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
79 | Higher Proficiency Allowance | Abolished
as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by Language
Award or Higher Qualification Incentive for Civilians. |
80 | Higher Qualification Incentive for Civilians | Retained. Rationalized. |
81 | Holiday Compensatory Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by National Holiday Allowance. |
82 | Holiday Monetary Compensation | Retained. Rationalized. |
83 | Hospital Patient Care Allowance | Patient Care Allowance Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R1H3 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
84 | House Rent Allowance (HRA) | Retained. Rationalized by a factor of 0.8. |
85 | Hutting Allowance | Abolished. |
86 | Hydrographic Survey Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
87 | Initial Equipment Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Dress Allowance. |
88 | Instructional Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by Training Allowance. |
89 | Internet Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
90 | Investigation Allowance | Abolished. |
91 | Island Special Duty Allowance | Retained. Rationalized by a factor of 0.8. |
92 | Judge Advocate General Department Examination Award | Abolished
as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly
proposed Higher Qualification Incentive for Defence Personnel. |
93 | Kilometreage Allowance | (KMA) Notincluded in the report. |
94 | Kit Maintenance Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Dress Allowance. |
95 | Language Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
96 | Language Award | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
97 | Language Reward and Allowance | Abolished. |
98 | Launch Campaign Allowance | Abolished. |
99 | Leave Travel Concession (LTC) | Retained. Rationalized. |
100 | Library Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Extra Work Allowance". |
101 | MARCOS and Chariot Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R1H1 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
102 | Medal Allowance | Retained. |
103 | Messing Allowance | Retained for "floating staff" under Fishery Survey of India, and enhanced by 50%. Abolished for Nursing Staff. |
104 | Metropolitan Allowance | Abolished. |
105 | Mileage Allowance | for journeys by road Retained. |
106 | Mobile Phone Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
107 | Monetary Allowance attached to Gallantry Awards | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
108 | National Holiday Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
109 | Newspaper Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
110 | Night Duty Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
111 | Night Patrolling Allowance | Abolished. |
112 | Non-Practicing Allowance | (NPA) Retained. Rationalizedby a factor of 0.8. |
113 | Nuclear Research Plant Support Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
114 | Nursing Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
115 | Official Hospitality Grant in Defence forces | Abolished. |
116 | Officiating Allowance | Not included in the report. |
117 | Operation Theatre Allowance | Abolished. |
118 | Orderly Allowance | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
119 | Organization Special Pay | Abolished. |
120 | Out of Pocket Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by Daily Allowance on Foreign Travel. |
121 | Outfit Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Dress Allowance. |
122 | Outstation (Detention) Allowance | Not included in the report. |
123 | Outstation (Relieving) Allowance | Not included in the report. |
124 | Out-turn Allowance | Abolished. |
125 | Overtime Allowance (OTA) | Abolished. |
126 | Para Allowances | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R2H2 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
127 | Para Jump Instructor Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R2H2of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
128 | Parliament Assistant Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
129 | PCO Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
130 | Post Graduate Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
131 | Professional Update Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. Extended to some more categories. |
132 | Project Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R3H2 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
133 | Qualification Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. Extended to some more categories. |
134 | Qualification Grant | Abolished
as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly
proposed Higher Qualification Incentive for Defence Personnel. |
135 | Qualification Pay | Retained. Enhanced by a factor of 2.25. |
136 | Rajbhasha Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Extra Work Allowance" |
137 | Rajdhani Allowance | Abolished. |
138 | Ration Money Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
139 | Refreshment Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by a factor of 2.25. |
140 | Rent Free Accommodation | Abolished. |
141 | Reward for Meritorious Service | Retained. Enhanced by a factor of 2.25. |
142 | Risk Allowance | Abolished. |
143 | Robe Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Dress Allowance. |
144 | Robe Maintenance Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Dress Allowance. |
145 | Savings Bank Allowance | Abolished. |
146 | Sea Going Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R2H2 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
147 | Secret Allowance | Abolished. |
148 | Shoe Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposedDress Allowance. |
149 | Shorthand Allowance | Abolished. |
150 | Shunting Allowance | Not included in the report. |
151 | Siachen Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per CellRH-Max of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
152 | Single in Lieu of Quarters (SNLQ) | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governedby the newly proposed provisions for Housing for PBORs. |
153 | Soap Toilet Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed inComposite Personal Maintenance Allowance. |
154 | Space Technology Allowance | Abolished. |
155 | Special Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disabilities | Retained. Enhanced by 100%. |
156 | Special Allowance to Chief Safety Officers | Safety Officers Retained. Rationalized by a factor of 0.8. |
157 | Special Appointment Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly proposed "Extra Work Allowance". |
158 | Special Compensatory (Hill Area) Allowance | Abolished. |
159 | Special Compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowance | Abolished
as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly
proposed Tough Location Allowance-I, II or III. |
160 | Special DOT Pay | Abolished. |
161 | Special Duty Allowance | Retained. Rationalized by a factor of 0.8. |
162 | Special Forces Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R1H1 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
163 | Special Incident | Investigation Security Allowance Retained. Rationalized. |
164 | Special LC Gate Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R3H3 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
165 | Special NCRB Pay | Abolished. |
166 | Special Running Staff Allowance | Retained. Extended to some more categories. |
167 | Special Scientists’ Pay | Abolished. |
168 | Specialist Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
169 | Spectacle Allowance | Abolished. |
170 | Split Duty Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
171 | Study Allowance | Abolished. |
172 | Submarine Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R1H1 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
173 | Submarine Duty Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R3H1 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix, on a pro-rata basis. |
174 | Submarine Technical Allowance | Retained.
Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R3H3 of the newly proposed Risk
and Hardship Matrix. Extended to some more categories. |
175 | Subsistence Allowance | Retained. Status Quo to be maintained. |
176 | Sumptuary Allowance in Training Establishments | Abolished. |
177 | Sumptuary Allowance to Judicial Officers in Supreme Court Registry | Abolished. |
178 | Sunderban Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in Tough LocationAllowance-III. To be paid as per Cell R3H3 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
179 | TA Bounty | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Territorial Army Allowance. |
180 | TA for Retiring Employees | Retained. Rationalized. |
181 | TA on Transfer | Retained. Rationalized. |
182 | Technical Allowance | Abolished
as a separate allowance. Eligible employees to be governed by the newly
proposed Higher Qualification Incentive for Defence Personnel. |
183 | Tenure Allowance | Retained. Ceilings enhanced by 50%. |
184 | Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer Allowance | Retained. Rationalised. To be paid as per Cell R1H3 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
185 | Training Allowance | Retained. Rationalized by a factor of 0.8. Extended to some more categories. |
186 | Training Stipend | Abolished. |
187 | Transport Allowance (TPTA) | Retained. Rationalized. |
188 | Travelling Allowance | Retained. Rationalized. |
189 | Treasury Allowance | Abolished. |
190 | Tribal Area Allowance | Abolished
as a separate allowance. Subsumed in Tough Location Allowance-III. To
be paid as per Cell R3H3 of the newly proposed Risk and Hardship Matrix. |
191 | Trip Allowance | Not included in the report. |
192 | Uniform Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Dress Allowance. |
193 | Unit Certificate and Charge Certificate Allowance | Retained. Enhanced by 50%. |
194 | Vigilance Allowance | Abolished. |
195 | Waiting Duty Allowance | Not included in the report. |
196 | Washing Allowance | Abolished as a separate allowance. Subsumed in the newly proposed Dress Allowance. |