Bunching benefit to Inspector of Posts cadre w.e.f 01.01.2006: Department of Posts
Ministry of Communications Department of Posts [Establishment Divigion/P.A.P. Section]
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg. New Delhi-110001, Dated: 20.08. 2020
To All Head of Circles
Sub: Proposal for allowing bunching benefit to Inspector of Posts Cadre wef 01.01.2006.
Many references in this regard were received from Circles and Service
Association. The matter was referred to Ministry of Finance.
2. I am directed to inform you that Ministry of Finance, Department
of Expenditure vide their ID) No 03-31/2019-E III (A) dated 17.06.2020
has clarified that “It is stated that this Department’s OM dtd
28.09.7019 ensures the minimum entry pay of those existing government
servants Whose revised pay as on 01.01.2006 fixed under Rule 7 of CCS
(RP) rules 2008 turns out to be lower than the prescribed entry pay for
direct recruits of that post. In other words, the revised pay of
inspector of posts cadre as on 01.01.2006 will be fixed under rule 7 of
CCS (RP) Rules 2008 i.e. by multiplying the basic pay as on 31.12.2005
in pre-revised scale Rs 5500-9000 with factor 1.86(rounded off to next
Rs 10) and thereafter to add the upgraded Grade Pay Rs 4600 and if the
resultant figure (i.e. revised pay on Pay band + Grade Pay) is less than
the entry pay of inspector of Posts of GP Rs 4600 i.e. Rs 17140, then
Inspector of Posts , may be granted the minimum entry pay of Rs 17140
w.e.f 01.01.2006. The bunching benefit on Entry Pay of Rs 17140 as proposed by D/o Posts, is not in order and hence not agreed to.”
(D. K. Tripathi ) Assistant Director General (Estt.) Phone – 011-23096191 email: adgestt2@indiapost.gov.in
Revision of acceptance limits for PLI RPLI plans & claims resolution - DoP
Department of Posts,
Ministry of Communications,
Government of India
Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex, New Delhi-1 10021
No 25-01/2020-LI
Dated 21.08.02020
Office Memorandum
Sub: Revision of approver limits of proposals & settlement of claims in respect of PLI & RPLI
In supersession of OM of this Directorate OM No. 25-1/2011-LI dated
19.10.2015 and to simplify the process of acceptance of new proposals
and facilitate settlement of claims within Citizen Charter’s norms,
approver limits for acceptance of new proposals and settlement of claims
are hereby revised as following :-
1. New proposals, revival, surrender, forced surrender,
maturity, survival, death claims (except early death claims) – PLI &
Sl No.
Approving Authority/Approver
Revised approver limit (for single or aggregate sum assured)
Postmaster (HSG I/HSG II),
Sr Postmaster(Gr B),
Dy. Chief Postmaster (Gr B),
A.D of HO (Gr B) headed by Director
Upto and equal to Rs. 20 lakhs
Head of Division (Gr BY Gr A),
Postmaster (Gr A),
Director of HO (Gr A) Headed by a Director
Greater than Rs. 20 Lakhs and upto and equal to Rs. 50 Lakhs
ii. Early death claim (Death within 3 years of acceptance of policy) – PLI & RPLI
Sl . No.
Approving Authority/ Approver
Revised approver limits for early death claim (for single or aggregate sum assured
Director GPO (JAG) Director(HQ) /Regional DPS(JAG)
All Cases (irrespective of Sum Assured)
2 Second or subsequent loan not exceeding the amount as prescribed in
POLI Rules will now be granted by Postmaster /Manager of CPC instead of
Postmaster General subject to the condition of full repayment of the
previous loan, if any.
3 In case of reopening of claim cases (for example. in case of court
case etc). the authority competent to approve claims may re-open the
claim but would submit it to the next higher authority for decision.
4 The following non-financial/financial service requests will
continue to be approved by Postmaster/ Manager of Central Processing
Centre (GPO/ Head Office) concerned:
Address change
Agent change
Billing frequency change
Billing Method change
Duplicate Policy Bond
Name change
Refund of premium/loan interest or principal
Reduced Paid-up
Free Look / policy cancellation.
Authorization of medical examiner for examine PLI and RPLI proponent
5. The revised approver limits will be effective from 25th of August, 2020.
6 This issue with the approval of Competent Authority.
Subject: Issuance of Annual Statement of General Provident Fund Account-reg
As per Rule 39 of GPF Rules 1960 an annual statement of GPF is to be provided to the subscriber at the end of Financial Year.
The Annual Statement of GPF
is to be maintained in Form 49 of CAM, which includes details of
missing credit/debit and also provides for acknowledging the receipt of
the statement. Immediate action should be taken by Pay and Accounts
Office in case any variation in the GPF annual statement is reported.
The statement is to be dispatched, invariably, to the subscribers latest
by the 31st of July every year as per para 6.9.2 of CAM.
the laid down guidelines/ provisions on the matter, DoP&PW has been
receiving grievances from retired government servants regarding missing
credits and delayed GPF settlement on their retirement, vide their OM
No. No.3/7/2020- P&PW (Desk-F) E.6574 dated 17.07.2020.
the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/ CAs(IC) are , therefore, requested to ensure that
codal provisions of GPF prescribed under GPF(CS)Rules 1960 and CAM are
scrupulously complied with and annual signed statement of GPF is,
invariably, issued to all the GPF subscribers.
(Sanjeev Shrivastava)
Joint Controller General of Accounts
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Dated: 21 AUG 2020
Relaxation in eligibility criteria and enhancement in the
payment of unemployment benefit under Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyan yojana of
Establishment of ICU/HDU services at 10% of total beds in ESIC Hospitals
ESI Corporation Members appreciates measures taken by ESIC during Covid - 19 pandemic
The ESI Corporation during its 182nd meeting held late yesterday
under the Chairmanship of Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State
for Labour and Employment (I/C) has taken some very important decisions
towards improvement in its service delivery mechanism and providing
relief to workers affected by Covid-19 pandemic. Following important
decisions were taken during the meeting:
ESIC is implementing the Atal Bimit Vyakti Kalyna Yojna under which
unemployment benefit is paid to the workers covered under ESI Scheme.
The ESI Corporation has decided to extend the scheme for one more year
upto 30th June 2021. It has been decided to relax the existing
conditions and the amount of relief for workers who have lost employment
during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The enhanced relief under the
relaxed conditions will be payable during the period of 24.03.2020 to
31st December 2020. Thereafter the scheme will be available with
original eligibility condition during the period 01.01.2021 to
30.06.2021. Review of these conditions will be done after 31.12.2020
depending upon the need and demand for such relaxed condition.
The eligibility criteria for availing the relief has also been relaxed, as under:
The payment of relief has been enhanced to 50% of average of
wages from earlier 25% of average wages payable upto maximum 90 days of
Instead of the relief becoming payable 90 days after unemployment, it shall become due for payment after 30 days.
Insured Person can submit the claim directly to ESIC Branch Office
instead of the claim being forwarded by the last employer and the
payment shall be made directly in the bank account of IP.
Insured Person should have been insurable employment for a minimum
period of 2 years before his/her unemployment and should have
contributed for not less than 78 days in the contribution period
immediately preceding to unemployment and minimum 78 days in one of the
remaining 3 contribution periods in 02 years prior to unemployment.
With a view to strengthen ICU/HDU services in ESIC hospitals amid the
Covid-19 pandemic, it has been decided to establish ICU/HDU services
upto 10% of total commissioned beds in all ESIC Hospitals.
The members of ESI Corporation in meeting appreciated the actions
taken by ESIC towards mitigating the effect of Covid-19 on its
stakeholders besides providing its infrastructure for medical care to
general public. So far, 23 ESIC hospitals with around 2600 Isolation
Beds and aprox 1350 quarantine beds across India are functioning as COVID-19
Dedicated Hospitals to exclusively provide COVID medical services to
the general public of the area. In addition to above, around 961 Covid
Isolation Beds are available in most of the remaining ESIC Hospitals
across the country, making a total of 3597 Covid Isolation Beds in
various ESIC Hospitals. Further, a total of 555 ICU/HDU Beds with 213
Ventilators have also been made available in these Hospitals.
B. ESIC Medical College & Hospitals at Faridabad (Haryana),
Sanath Nagar, Hyderabad (Telangana), Gulbarga (Karnataka) and ESIC
PGIMSR, Basaidarapur (Delhi) have startd ICMR approved in-house Covid-19
lab test service.
C. Plasma Therapy treatment is being provide at ESIC Medical College
Faridabad (Haryana) and Sanath Nagar, Hyderabad (Telangana).
D. Rapid Covid-18 ANTIGEN TEST has also been started in all major ESIC hospitals of Delhi/NCR regions.
E. Alternate provisions have been made for providing non-Covid
medical services from tie-up hospitals to the Insured Persons and their
family members.
Besides above, around 30 other agenda/reporting items pertaining to
improvement in services/ benefits to Insured Persons & their
beneficiaries and other administrative matters were deliberated upon and
approved during the meeting.
Around 60 members of the Corporation including employers’
representative, employees’ representatives, professional expert and
representatives of State Government participated through video
conference. The other dignitaries who participated in the meeting were
Shri HeeraLal Samariya, Secretary, Labour & Employment, Shri Ram
Kripal Yadav, MP, Smt Dola Sen, MP, Smt. Anuradha Prasad, Director
General and Ms. Sibani Swain, AS&FA, Ministry of Labour and
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