Introduction of SPARROW across al the cadres of CSS/CSSS/CSCS for the reporting year 2018-19 : DoPT
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, A-Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-11 0003,
Dated: 10th April, 2019
Introduction of SPARROW across all the cadres of CSS/CSSS/CSCS for the reporting year 2018-19 - implementation thereof.
The undersigned is directed to say that from the year 2018-19, APARs across all the cadres of CSS/CSSS/CSCS are required to be recorded online through SPARROW. Instructions in this regard have been issued vide O.M. of even number dated 1st June, 2018.
2. The date-lines for generation of PARs, recording of self assessment by the officers to be reported upon (ORU) and recording of remarks by various authorities have already been prescribed vide DoP&T O.M. No. 21011/112005-Estt.(A)(Pt.II) dated 23rd July, 2009. [t is expected that the time-lines prescribed in the aforesaid O.M. are adhered to scrupulously by all the concerned. In the environment of electronic submission of APARs, a number of activities are required to be completed before APAR could be filed on the SPARROW. Considering the feedback received by the SPARROW Help-desk from the concerned Users and Nodal Officers relating to the practical problems arising out of the process, it is advised that information pertaining to the operation of the SPARROW System may be shared with other Ministries/Departments for solution.
3. Various key words used in SPARROW have already been elaborated at Annexure. It will be advisable for the functionaries under SPARROW to keep in mind following parameters before proceeding to record their APARs on the SPARROW:
(A) Officers to be reported upon (ORU):
(i) Datelines prescribed in the Establishment Division, DoP&T's O.M. No. 21011/1/2005-Estt.(A)(Pt.Il) dated 23rd July, 2009 are equally applicable in
the case of submission of online APARs on SPARROW portal.
(ii) The ORUs should ensure that their data is duly mapped in SPARROW system. If not already done by their Office, they should immediately contact the concerned section dealing with SPARROW for generation of their online APAR.
(iii) All the activities relating to SPARROW are to be handled by Custodian/Nodal officer in the respective MinistrylDepartment. Any problem being faced by the ORUs is to be reported to their Nodal Officers of the concerned Ministries/Departments. If they are not able to resolve the issues at their end, the matter then only may be reported to DoP&T by the Nodal Officers concerned preferably through email at the following address : (i) For CSS/CSSS - or (ii) For CSCS - (Tel: 011-24625816).
(iv) The officers, who have been promoted/transferred during the period of Report, should ensure that their data with regard to transfer/promotion is
updated by the EMD in their respective Department. This will help the EMD in the new Ministry/Department to create workflow.
(v) All the users should invariably ensure that they have a valid DSC/Mobile phone number linked with AADHAAR for e-signing their PAR.
(B) Nodal Officers:
(i) Whenever, the admin designated for SPARROW is transferred, their role has to be revoked by the DoP&T's SPARROW Help-desk. Hence, any
change in the roles assigned to the officers should be immediately reported to DoP&T's SPARROW Help-desk through e-mails before roles are assigned to the officer replacing the earlier one.
(ii) While setting up workflow for generation of PARs for working period in respect of CSS, 'WORKING' under caption 'Status' and 'css with Authority Details' under caption 'Form Type' may be selected.
(iii) While generating No Report Certificate, 'NRC' under caption 'Status' and 'NRC Form II' under caption 'Form Type' may be selected.
(iv) For addition of personal data in SPARROW, information in excel sheet may be sent by email to DoP&T's SPARROW Help-desk.
(v) Problems relating to log-in if faced by the User, all efforts should be made for resolution by the concerned Ministry/Department at its end. In case the problem still persists, it should then only be reported to DoP& T's SPARROW Help-desk, preferably through emails, along with the contact numbers of the User/Department.
(B) For Reporting Officers/Reviewing Officers
(i) A review of progress of PARs generated during last three years shows that a number of Reporting/Reviewing Officers have not recorded their remarks in the PARs in respect of the officers subordinate to them despite extension of time limits granted from time to time.
(ii) It has also been observed that the reporting/reviewing officers recorded remarks even upto the last dates for closing of the SPARROW window leaving no time very little time for further process after recording of the APARs is completed. This is not desirable and may kindly be avoided by sticking to the respective date-lines as prescribed for various functionaries vide DoP&T's OM No. 21011/1/2005-Estt(A)(Pt.lI) dated 23rd July, 2009 or extended date-lines granted for the specific year, if any. In this regard attention is also invited to DoP&T's Estt. Division O.M. 21011/02/2009- Estt.(A) dated 16.02.2009.
4. It is, therefore, once again reiterated that the Reporting Officers and Reviewing Officers may adhere to the date-lines prescribed. The PARs recorded beyond the prescribed date-lines may not be accepted by DPC and may adversely affect the career prospects of the officers reported upon concerned. Similarly, NRCs (No Report Certificates) should not be issued indiscriminately in a routine manner and only be issued strictly after examination on a case-to-case basis in the light of the instructions/ guidelines. The concerned sections in the Cadre Units should constantly monitor the progress in respect of each individual official/officer till the completion of the entire process for a particular APAR year.
5. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned in respective Ministries / Departments.
(Chandra Shekhar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele: 24624046