Thursday, October 12, 2017

Bunching of stages in the revised pay structure in the Grade of Assistant Section Officers

Bunching of stages in the revised pay structure in the Grade of Assistant Section Officers


F.No.7/1/2017-CS-I(A) (Pt.II)
Government of India
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi - 3

Subject: Bunching of stages in the revised pay structure in the Grade of Assistant Section Officers - Reg

Reference is invited to this Department's O.M. No. 7/1/2017-CS-I(A)(Pt.) dated 27.02.17 on this subject cited above.

2. In view of Department of Expenditure's O.M. No.1-6/2016-IC dated 03.08.2017 (copy enclosed), it has been decided with the approval of competent authority of withdraw the DoP&T's O.M dated 27-02.2017 with immediate effect.
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Implementation Cell, 7th CPC
North Block, New Delhi,
3rd August, 2017

Subject: Recommendations of the Central Pay Commission (CPC) - bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

With reference to the subject mentioned above and in continuation of this Department's OM of even number dated 07.09.2016 and 13.06.2017, detailed instructions are hereby being issued on the application of the benefit on account of bunching of stages while fixing the pay in the revised pay structure as a response to a large number of references received from Ministries/Departments.

2. The provisions giving effect to the recommendations of the 7th CPC on extending the benefit on account of bunching were notified vide DoE O.M. dated 07.09.2016. Benefits on account of bunching have been extended during the initial fixation of pay in the revised pay structure while implementing the recommendations of earlier CPCs also. Bunching occurs in the fixation of pay when the pay at two or more consecutive stages in a Pay Scale/ Grade Pay in the pre revised scale get fixed at the same stage in the corresponding Pay Scale/ Level in the revised pay structure.

3. The modalities of determining the extent of bunching and the nature of benefits to be extended on account thereof, based on the recommendations of the CPCs, have differed across different Pay Commission periods. While the 5th CPC recommended that benefits be extended when more than four stages get bunched, the 6th CPC recommended that benefits be extended when two or more stages get bunched. The fitment tables drawn by the 6th CPC and notified by the Government subsequently provided for the benefit of bunching only when more than two stages were bunched. As regards the benefits to be extended on account of bunching, the 5th CPC recommended benefit of one increment for every four consecutive stages bunched. the 6th CPC recommended benefit of one increment for every two consecutive pay stages bunched. For HAG scales, however, benefit of one increment was given at each of the pay stages in the 6th CPC pay structure.

4. In terms of the DoE O.M. dated 07.09.2016 based on the 7th CPC recommendations, bunching occurs when two or more stages get bunched and benefit of one increment is to be given for every two stages bunched. These provisions are to be applied while revising the pay from the 6th CPC regime to the 7th CPC regime. In the 6th CPC pay structure, about 35 pay scales existing in the 5th CPC pay structure were replaced by a system of running pay bands recommended by the 6th CPC. The 6th CPC pay structure consisted of 19 grades spread across four distinct pay bands and 4 distinct scales including two fixed scales. The 6th pay structure being replaced by the 7th CPC recommended Pay Matrix, thus. consists of 4 Pay Bands with 15 levels of Grade Pay, along with 4 standalone scales, viz., HAG scale, HAG+ scale, Apex scale (fixed) and the scale of Cabinet Secretary (fixed).

5. While in the 5th CPC structure, the stages in every pay scale were well defined, the stages were not well defined in the 6th CPC structure. The pay was to be fixed in the running Pay Band by rounding off to the next higher multiple of 10. Every multiple of 10 was a pay stage in the 6th CPC regime. However, all consecutive 10 rupee stages for any Grade Pay cannot be taken as consecutive stages for the purpose of bunching in reference to the 7th CPC recommendations as is also clear from the illustration contained in para 5.1.37 of the 7th CPC Report. Based on the illustration contained in para 5.1.37 of the 7th CPC Report, Department of Expenditure’s O.M. dated 07.09.2016 provided that a difference of at least 3%, the rate of annual increment, in the 6th CPC pay structure was essential for counting of two stages. The 6th CPC had replaced the system of equidistant pay stages in a pay scale based on equal annual increments in the 5th CPC regime by a system of annual increment of 3% on the sum of pay in the running pay band and the Grade Pay which was to be added to the running pay as increment. Therefore, the pay stages in any given Grade Pay were specific to an employee and depended upon the initial fixation of pay in that Grade Pay. As a result, the amount of increment earned in the same Grade Pay would differ in the same Pay Scale/ Grade Pay not only between different employees but also across years for the same employee. To illustrate, an employee whose pay was fixed at Rs 46,100 in GP of 8700 in PB-4 would have the first annual increment of Rs 1390 which would be added to his running pay in the Pay Band. another employee whose pay initially was fixed at Rs 46,400 in the same Grade Pay would have the first annual increment of Rs 1400. In such a scenario where the pay stages are specific to the employee, it is not possible to arrive at universal pay stages for the purpose of determining the extent of bunching. Therefore, for the purpose of determining the extent of bunching in a system of running pay bands, the consecutive pay stages that need to be considered are the pay stages which are specific to the employee

6. In the 5th CPC structure, the maximum and the minimum of every pay scale were well defined. In the 6th CPC structure, Entry Pay was separately notified for most Grade Pay levels to govern the entry pay of direct recruits in that level. The pay of those moving from a lower grade to a higher one on promotion was regulated in terms of provisions contained in Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008. As such, the Entry Pay notified for a given Pay Scale/ Grade Pay is the effective minimum of that Grade Pay for direct recruits. For an employee getting promoted, the sum of the minimum of the relevant Pay Band and the Grade Pay is the effective minimum pay. The 7th CPC, in its Report, has commented that this led to many situations where direct recruits drew higher pay as compared to personnel who reached that stage through promotion. Demands were received by the 7th CPC from many staff associations and employees for removal of this disparity which the 7th CPC refers to as differential entry pay.

7. In the revised dispensation for pay fixation in the New Pay Structure as recommended by the 7th CPC, direct recruits shall start at the minimum pay corresponding to the level to which recruitment is made, which will be the first cell of each level. For those promoted from the previous level, the fixation of pay in the new level will depend on the pay they were already drawing in the previous level. The pay, however, cannot be less than the first stage of the relevant level. While enumerating the benefits of migrating to the new system at para 5.1.47 of the 7th CPC Report, it has been stated that ‘the issue of differential entry pay has been resolved‘. At para 5.1.36 of the 7th CPC Report it has also been mentioned that rationalization has been done with utmost care to ensure minimum bunching at most levels. Rationalization has been done by the 7th CPC through the Index of Rationalisation (IoR) which has been multiplied with the Entry Pay in the 6th CPC regime to arrive at the first cell of each level. With the Entry Pay along with IOR being used as the determiner of the first cell, pay stages below the Entry Pay have been consciously brought up to the level of Entry Pay and its corresponding pay stage in the revised pay structure. As a result, all pay stages below the Entry Pay in any Level will, on re-fixation, converge to the first pay stage in that level. As this convergence takes place on account of a conscious decision of the 7th CPC intrinsic to the architecture of the Pay Matrix by indicating the Entry Pay as the starting point of each Level, benefit on account of bunching cannot be extended with reference to pay stages lower than the Entry Pay indicated by the 7th CPC for that level in the Pay Matrix. Extending the benefit of bunching with reference to pay stages below the entry pay will perpetuate the difference in pay on account of differential Entry Pay which was addressed by the 7th CPC.

8. Based on the above. it is clarified that the following shall be kept in view while determining the extent of bunching as also the benefits to be extended on account of bunching at the time of initial fixation of pay in the 7th CPC pay structure:

(i) Benefit on account of bunching is to be extended when two or more stages get bunched.

(ii) Benefit of one increment is to be extended on account of bunching of every two consecutive stages.

(iii) As stipulated in MoF OM dated 07.09.2016, a difference of 3% to be reckoned for determination of consecutive pay stages, specific to each employee.

(iv) All pay stages lower than the Entry Pay in the 6th CPC pay structure as indicated in the Pay Matrix contained in the 7th CPC Report are not to be taken into account for determining the extent of bunching.

9. All Ministries/ Departments are advised to review all cases wherein benefit on account of bunching has been extended in terms of this Department’s OM dated 07.09.2016 and to re-fix the pay in terms of the instructions contained herein.
(V.K Singh)

 Source: DoPT

Reservation for OBCs in Civil posts and Services under the Government of India

Reservation for OBCs in Civil posts and Services under the Government of India

Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT),
dated the 8th September, 1993, to all Ministries/Departments, etc.


Subject: Reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil Pats and Services under the Government of India - Regarding.

The undersigned Is directed to refer to this Departments O.M. No. 15012/31/90-Estt. (SCI), dated the 13th August, 1990 and 25th September, 1991 regarding reservation for Socially and Educationally Backward Classes in Civil Posts and Services under the Government of India and to say that following the Supreme Court judgement in the Indira Sewhney and other and others Vs. Union of India and others case (Write Petition (Civil) No. 930 of 1990) the Government of India appointed an Expert Committee to recommend the criteria for exclusion of the ;oddly advanced persons/section from the benefits of reservations for Other Backward Classes in civil poser and services under the Government of India.

2. Consequent to the consideration of the Expert Committee's recommendations this Department's Office Memorandum No. 36012/31190-Ests (SCT), dated 131.90 referred to in pan (1) above is hereby modified to provide as follows:
(a) 27% (twenty seven percent) of the amoeba in civil posts and services under the Government of India, to be filled through direst recruitment, shall be reserved for the Other Backward Classes. Detailed instruction relating to the procedure to be followed for enforcing reservation wit be issued separately.

(b) Candidates belonging to OBCs recruited on the basis of merit in an open competition on the same standards prescribed for the general candidates shall not be adjusted against the reservation quota of 27%.

(c) (i) The aforesaid reservation shall not apply to persons/sections mentioned in column
3 of the Schedule to this office memorandum.

(ii) The rule of minion win not apply to persons working as artisans or engaged in hereditary occupations, callings. A list of such occupations, callings will be issued separately by the Ministry of Welfare.
The OBCs for the purpose of the aforesaid reservation would contain, in the first phase, the castes and communities which are common to both the lists in the report of the Mandal Commission and the State Governments' Lists. A list of such canes and communities is being issued separately by the Ministry of Welfare.

(e) The aforesaid reservation shall take immediate effect. However, this will not apply to vacancies where the recruitment process boa already been initiated prior to the issue of this order,
3. Similar instructions in respect of public sector undertakings and financial institution  including public sector banks will be issued by the Department of Public Enterprises and by the Ministry of Finance respectively effective from the date of ibis Office Memorandum.
(Smt. Smite Prasad)
Joist Secretary to the Government of India.
Click here to see the SCHEDULE

Appeal of Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare to donate minimum Rs. 200/- to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF)

Appeal of Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare to donate minimum Rs. 200/- to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 11th October, 2017

Subject: Appeal of Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare to donate minimum Rs. 200/- to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF). The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of the O.M. No.7(8)/2017/D (Res. II) dated 4th October, 2017 the contents of which are self explanatory.

2. It is requested that the appeal made by Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare may please be brought to the notice of the respective DDOs' and of all the employees working in all the Attached/Subordinate offices of your Ministry/Department as well as the principal offices for necessary action.
(D.K. Sengupta)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Joint Secretaries(Administration) of all Ministries/Departments
Copy for information to:
1. Shri. Santosh, Joint Secretary, M/o Defence, D/o Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Room No. 237, 'B' Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-110011.
2. NIC, DoPT with the request to upload this O.M. alongwith the enclosures on DoPT's website.

Source: DoPT

DoPT: Updation of data in Web-based cadre management System

DoPT: Updation of data in Web-based cadre management System.

No: 21/1/2016/CS-I/PR/CMS
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-3
10th October, 2017

Subject: Web-based cadre management System - Upgradation of data of CSS officers/officials in the Grade of ASO/SO/Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary/Director who are likely to be transferred under Rotational Transfer Policy of DoPT or on promotion.

It is brought to the notice of all the officers of the rank of ASO, Section Officer, Under Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Director of CSS Cadre, who are likely to be transferred under Rotational Transfer Policy of DoPT or on promotion that despite the lapse of more than four years since the CSCMS System was operationalized in the year 2013, complete and up-to-date data in respect of various grades of officers of CSS Cadre, is still not available in the system. Since, the prime objective of the web-based system is to ensure accurate real-time data of all the officers to enable this Division to take quicker decisions relating the cadre management functions and hence, unless and until the data is maintained up to date, the purpose of the cadre management system of DoPT is not completed.

2 The instructions in this regard, have already been issued to all cadre units Ministries/Departments from time to time and the same is also available on the website of this Department under the classification "Web Based Cadre Management", To ensure that up-to-date data of all officers of all grades is available so that transfers/promotions are done in an effective manner, all officers who have not updated their service details in the CSCMS Portal, may kindly get their details updated through their assigned Nodal Officers within three days from the issue of this letter. This practice will help in updating the CSCMS data in respect of various grades of officers of CSS and help CS-I Division in cadre management functions.

3 In case of any doubt I difficulty about the functioning of the system/ correctness of data In CSCMS, CS-I Division (Shri H.M. Malhotra, Section Officer {CMS/PR} / Shri Krishnandan Kumar. A.S O. {CMS/PR}, Telephone No, 24629414) may be contacted.
(Anil Tripathi)
Under Secy, to the Government of India
Tele: 2429412
Source: Download DoPT Order

Revised Minimum Wages & VDA w.e.f. 01.10.2017: Agriculture - Highly Skilled, Semi-skilled, Unskilled, Supervisory/Clerical

Revised Minimum Wages & VDA w.e.f. 01.10.2017: Agriculture - Highly Skilled, Semi-skilled, Unskilled, Supervisory/Clerical
No.1/ 13(1)/2017-LS-II
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner(C)
New Delhi
Dated: 6/10/2017

In exercise of the powers conferred by Central Government vide Notification No. 186 (E) dated 19th January, 2017 of the Ministry of Labour and Employment the undersigned hereby declares that there shall be no increase in Variable Dearness Allowance for the period of 1.10.2017-31.3.2018 due to decrease in the average Consumer Price Index for the period January, 2017 to June, 2017 for the workers employed in Agriculture and thereby resulting in the VDA remaining the same as it was during the period of 1.4.2017 to 30.9.2017. This order shall come into force w.e.f. 01.10.2017.
Therefore, the minimum rates of wages including the basic rates and Variable Dearness Allowance payable w.e.f. 01.10.2017 to the employees would be same as under:

Category of workerRates of wages including V.D.A. Area wise per day
(in Rupees)
'A' Area‘B' Area'C' Area
Semi-Skilled/ Unskilled Supervisory364+9
Skilled/ Clerical395+10
Highly Skilled438+11
The VDA has been rounded off to the next higher rupee as per the decision of the Minimum Wages Advisory board.

The classification of workers under different categories will be same as in Part-I of the notification, whereas classification of cities will be same as in the Part-II of the notification dated 19th January, 2017. The present classification of cities into areas A, B & C is enclosed at Annexure I for ready reference.

CGHS: Revision of Ceiling Rates for Knee and Hip Implants under CGHS and CS(MA) Rules

CGHS: Revision of Ceiling Rates for Knee and Hip Implants under CGHS and CS(MA) Rules

Government Of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
EHS Section
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 11011
Dated the 26th September,2017

Subject: Revision of Ceiling Rates for Knee and Hip Implants under CGHS and CS(MA) Rules

with reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is directed to draw attention to this Ministry’s OM No.S.11018/1/95-CGHS (P), dated the 7th March, 1995 vide which ceiling rates for Knee and Hip implants under CGHS and CS(MA) Rules have been prescribed and to state that it has now been decided by competent authority to revise the ceiling rates and guidelines for Knee and Hip implants under CGHS and CS(MA) rules as per the details given under the succeeding paragraphs.

(*Ceiling Price in Rs.)
(Any Material)
1. Titanium alloy coated38,74024,28095504090
2. Oxidized Zirconium (OxZr) alloy38,74024,280
3. Hi-flex25,680
4. Cobalt Chromium (CoCr) alloy and other than at 1,2, and 3 above24,09016,960
Polyethylene or cross-linked polyethylene or highly cross linked polyethylene or any other material12960
Tibial: Metallic Insert: Polyethylene or cross linked polyethylene or highly cross linked polyethylene or any other material26,546
* plus GST wherever Paid or payable

(*Ceiling Price in Rs.)
(Any Material)
* plus GST wherever paid or payable

(C) HIP IMPLANT - Rs.40,000/- + GST, wherever paid or payable

3. The rates prescribed shall be valid till further orders and are applicable to Implants of any name/category/comented/non-cemented.

4. The ceiling rates are applicable for treatment taken in government hospitals/ private empanelled hospitals/ other private hospitals.

5. Institutions such as hospitals utilizing knee implants shall specifically and separately mention the cost of the knee implant component-wise along with its brand name, name of manufacturer/importer/batch no./specifications and other details, if any in their estimate/proforma invoice/final billing, etc.,

6. Prior permission of Competent Authority may be obtained before undergoing knee/hip Implant surgery.

7. This issues with the approval of competent authority and concurrence of Integrated Finance Division vide Dy.No.C.No.3119442, dated 30.08.2017.
(Sunil Kumar Gupta)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

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