Guidelines of Drop box for depositing cheque in post offices
No. 112-08/2018-SB Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (FS Division)
Dak Bhawan New Delhi-110001 Dated: 07.12.2020
To, All Head of Circles
Sub: Introduction of the system of “Drop box” for depositing cheques in post offices. -reg.
Respected Sir/Madam.
Kindly refer to this Division’s D.O.No. 112-08/2018-SB dated
13.09.2018 regarding Drop Box system in post offices for cheque deposit.
In this regard, the undersigned is directed to request you to start the “Drop Box” system for cheque deposit in post offices chosen for the purpose by the circle.
Following guidelines may be followed for smooth operation of “Drop Box” facility :
1. Drop Box facility should be provided in the Public Hall for easy access to public. 2. The following instruction for dropping cheques should be placed besides the drop box.
A. Please drop the cheque with filled pay-in slip (SB-103) duly filled in all respects.
B. Please correct Account Number, also write cheque number, bank name in the pay-in-slip.
C. Please write contact number on the back side of pay-in-slip and cheque.
D. For Cheque amounting 50000 or more, PAN card no. should be mentioned in pay-in-slip.
E. For Cheque of PPF/SSA scheme please check your prescribed limit for financial year.
F. For cheque of PPF/SSA account for matured account should be extended first for depositing cheque.
G. Post dated and outdated cheque should not be dropped in the drop box.
H. Non-CTS cheques should not be dropped in the drop box.
I. Cheque for opening of New Accounts should not be dropped in drop box.
3. Drop Box opening timings may be fixed with reference to cheque clearance hours in the circle/Post Office.
4. Concerned PA should collect the cheques from the drop box twice in
a day at fixed timing, make a list of the cheques & then handover
respective counters for depositing/making entries.
5. Proper Supervision to be made by the concerned supervisor on this to avoid any discrepancy or irregularity.
6. In case of any discrepancy noticed, depositor should be intimated through phone/ letter for completion of requsite details.
Pension Adalat 2020 - CPAO organised facilities for all central civil pensioners to interact in video conferencing
Pension Adalat 2020
Central Pension Accounting office (CPAO) Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama place-110066
All Central Civil Pensioners are informed that the Central pension Accounting
office is going to organize a Pension Adalat, which will be held on
28th Dec, 2020 through video conferencing facility.
Therefore, all Central Civil Pensioners/ Family Pensioners (except
Railway, Defence, Post and Telegraph) may visit to register their
grievance on CPAO website or send their grievance filled in the prescribed format through e-mail to Sr. Accounts Officers, Grievance Cell at
or via post to this office by 18th Dec, 2020. The prescribed format is
available at CPAO website. To participate in Pension Adalat, a link will
be sent one day before the Pension Adalat on your registered mobile
number or e-mail. The resolution of grievance registered through this
link will be done through video conferencing facility in the Pension
Adalat to be organized on 28th Dec, 2020. Kindly mention your PPO
Number, Account Number, Contact Address and telephone Number along with
your grievance. If the grievance is being sent by post, the “Pension Adalat-2020” may be superscribed on top of envelope.
Retired employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti NVS for coverage under Old Pension Scheme OPS - Pensionary Benefit under CCS Pension Rules 1972
Retired employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Ministry of Education, Govt. of India (Deptt. of School Education & Literacy) B-15, Institutional Area Sector 62, NOIDA, Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.)- 201309
Dated: 09.12.2020
This office is in receipt of representations from various serving and
retired employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti for coverage under Old
Pension Scheme i.e. Pensionary Benefit under CCS (Pension) Rules -1972.
Dealing with each individual representation on this subject is not
feasible. Therefore, for information of all the concerned it is
intimated that the issue regarding grant of benefits of CCS (Pension)
Rules – 1972 to the Samiti’s employee has been considered and examined
on a number of occasions by the Government but this benefit is not
extended so far due to various reasons.
In place of CCS (Pension) Rules – 1972, a proposal for grant of
Annuity Based Pension to the serving employees of Navodaya Vidyalaya
Samiti who joined Samiti before 01.01.2004 is under consideration.
Further, New Pension Scheme has already been made applicable to the
employees who joined Samiti on or after 01.04.2009 and option was also
provided to the employees who joined upto 31.03.2009 for opting NPS or
to continue with existing CPF scheme.
With this the representations and notices of all the serving as well as retired employees stand disposed off.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
1. Deputy Commissioner, All ROs/NLIs 2. The Principals, All JNVs through concerned ROs 3. AC (IT) – with a request to arrange to upload the same on the website of NVS.
Retired private employee is now eligible to open SCSS account after 55 years of age
SCSS account
File No. FS-10/17/ 2020-FS Govt. of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi- 110001 Dated: 07.12.2020
To All Heads of Circle
Subject: Eligibility for opening of Senior Citizen Savings Scheme Accounts – Reg.
Sir / Madam,
A POSB customer, formerly employed with M/s. Abbott Healthcare,
Tanjore has sought for clarification through email whether he being a
retired from a private company and 58 years of age is eligible to open
SCSS account.
Detailed procedure related to opening of SCSS accounts have been laid
down in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme notified vide G.S.R. 916(E) dated
12.12.2019. More specifically, Rule 3 (ii) of Senior Citizen Savings
Scheme 2019 specifies, “an individual who has attained the age of
fifty-five years or more but less than sixty years, and who has retired
on superannuation or otherwise on the date of opening of an account
under this Scheme is eligible to open the account, subject to the
condition that the account is opened by such individual within one month
of the date of receipt of the retirement benefits and proof of date of
disbursal of such retirement benefit(s) along with a certificate from
the employer indicating the details of retirement on superannuation or
otherwise, retirement benefits, employment held and period of such
employment with the employer, is attached with the application form”.
The rule doesn’t specify category of employer. Any customer
fulfilling the conditions laid out in the Scheme is allowed to open SCSS
account in the post office of his choice. This may be circulated to all
the post offices.
Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2021 - BSNL Holidays 2021
BSNL Holidays 2021
BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise)
File No. BSNLCO-A/ 14(14)/2/2020-ESTAB
Dated: 01.12.2020
To, Heads of Telecom Circles/ All Heads of metro Districts/ All Heads of Administrative Unit, BSNL.
Subject: Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2021- reg.
In accordance with Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances &
Pensions (Deptt. of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 12/9/2020-JCA-2
dated 10th June 2020, it has been decided by the Competent Authority
that the holidays as specified in the Annexure I to this O.M. will be
observed in all the BSNL Offices located at Delhi / New Delhi during the
year 2021. In addition, each employee will also be allowed to avail
himself/ herself of any two holidays to be chosen by him/her out of the
list of Restricted Holidays in Annexure II.
BSNL Administrative Offices located outside Delhi / New Delhi shall
observe the following holidays compulsorily in addition to three
holidays as per para 3.1 below:
3.1 In addition to the above 14 Comnpulsory holidays mentioned in
para 2, three holidays shall be decided from the list indicated below by
the Circle Heads of Territorial Circles in consultation with the Circle
Staff Welfare Board and the representative Union and keeping in view
the recommendation of the Central Government Employees Coordination
Committee in the State Capitals. The final list applicable uniformly to
all BSNL offices within the territorial jurisdiction of the concerned
State shall be notified accordingly and a copy endorsed to the Corporate
Office within a period of 4 weeks of issue of this letter and no change
can be carried out thereafter. It is also clarified that no change is
permissible in regard to festivals and dates as indicated.
3.2 No substitute holiday should be allowed if any of the festival
holidays, initially declared, subsequently happens to fall on a weekly
off or any other non-working day or in the event of more than one
festival falling on the same day.
4. The list of Restricted Holidays appended to this O.M. is meant for
BSNL Offices located in Delhi/ New Delhi. The Heads of Territorial
Circle in consultation with the Circle Staff Welfare Board and the
representative Union and keeping in view the recommendations of the
Central Government Employees Co-ordination Committee in the State
Capitals may draw up separate list of Restricted Holidays keeping in
view the occasions of local importance but the 9 occasions left over,
after choosing the 3 variable holidays in para 3.1 above, are to be
included in the list of restricted holidays.
5.1 For offices in Delhi New Delhi, any change in the date of
holidays in respect of Idu’l Fitr, Idu’l Zuha, Muharram and Id-e-Milad,
if necessary, depending upon sighting of the Moon, would be declared by
the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions after
aScertaining the position trom the Govt. of NCT of Delhi (DCP, Special
Branch, Delhi Police).
5.2 For offices outside Delhi / New Delhi, the Heads of Territorial
Circles are authorized to change the date of holiday, if necessary,
based on the decision of the concerned State Governments / Union
Territories, in Muharram respect of ldu’l Fitr, Idu’l Zuha, and
5.3 It may happen that the change of date of the above occasions has
to be declared at a very short notice. In such a situation, announcement
could be made through P.I.B/ T.V. /A.l.R. / Newspapers and the Heads of
Territorial Circles may take action according to such an announcement
without waiting for a formal order, about the change of date.
6. During 2021, Diwali (Deepavali) falls on Thursday, November 4,
2021 (kartika 13). In certain States, the practice is to celebrate the
occasion a day in advance, i.e., on “Naraka Chaturdasi Day”. In view of
this, there is no objection if holiday on account of Deepavali is
observed on- “Naraka Chaturdasi Day (in place of Deepavali Day)
compulsory for the holiday BSNL Offices for Diwali in a State if in that
State that day alone is declared as a for the offices of the State
7. BSNL Offices which include industrial, commercial and would
observe upto 16 trading establishments holidays in a Republic Day, year
including three national holidays viz. Independence Day and Mahatma
Gandhi’s birthday, as holidays. The compulsory of Circle remaining
holidays / occasions may be determined by respective Heads themselves
for the year 2021, subject to para 3.2 above.
Keshav Kumar) Assistant General Manager (Estt.II) Enc: Lists of Holidays.
Ref: 1) Railway Board letter No.E(W)2020/Misc/ Dashboard- GIS, dated 27.10.2020 2) Railway Board order No.ERB-1I/2020/23/30, dated 20.10.2020.
1) Ministry of Railways constituted a committee to examine and tender
their recommendations to bring all Railway Employees under the Medical
Insurance Scheme for obtaining treatment in private hospitals. IRTSA
submits the following for the kind consideration of Railway Board.
2) Indian Railways Medical Service (IRMS) is spread
across the length and breadth of the country. IRMS is having 125
hospitals and 586 dispensaries, manned by 33,300 medical staff catering
to approximately 66 lakh beneficiaries including 12.27 lakh serving
employees. In the year 2018-19 Railway Hospitals treated 2.01 crore OPD
patients, 5.08 lakh in-patients and performed 1.02 lakh major and
specialty surgeries.
3) Railway Hospitals performed pre-placement medical examination for
38,000 candidates and carried out periodical medical examination for
1.14 lakh employees. They also examined 12.51 lakh food and water
4) Indian Railways total medical services expenses for the year
2018-19 including cost of medical staff is Rs. 6888.34 crore. That makes
average medical expense per beneficiary as Rs.10,500.
5) No medical insurance company in India handles 66 lakh
beneficiaries. Medical Insurance doesn’t cover OPD. Since Railway is
catering 2.01 crore OPD patients in a year, it may not be possible to
include huge OPD beneficiaries in private managed medical insurance.
6) In existing Railway medical system all medical services like OPD,
diagnosing, medicines, Surgeries, in-patient care, major
treatment/surgeries carried out in referral private/ CGHS hospitals and
follow-up checking are part of employees’ welfare scheme offered to
employees and their dependents. It is a part of service condition. For
retired employees and their dependents who opted for RELHS on onetime
payment, same medical services are extended.
7) In the Railway Medical system, no cost ceiling is fixed for
entitlement of any required treatment. On the other hand, medical
insurance cover is basically extended to in-patient treatments and for
surgeries with a ceiling based on the premium paid.
8) For example, United India Insurance Company Limited offers Rs.10
lakh sum insured at premium rate per member Rs.12,386 in age group
41-45. If all 66 lakh Railway beneficiaries are covered under above
premium Rs.8370.78 crore will be paid as total premium. Whereas total
medical expense of Indian Railways for the year 2018-19 is Rs. 6888.34
crore which is for diverse services given in the Annexure.
9) In the same time there is a need for addition of more private
empanelled hospitals in Indian Railways Medical Services with seamless
cashless treatment, since large number of serving and retired health
care beneficiaries live in the newly developed suburbs of various cities
throughout India. It is pertinent to note that in case of emergency,
beneficiaries first require to approach Railway Hospital, then they are
referred to private hospitals and in many cases precious golden hours
are lost in mere formalities endangering the life.
10) Beneficiaries living in faraway places from Railway Hospitals
also find it difficult to get their regular treatments and minor
treatments occasionally, since they are required to travel long distance
to reach Railway Hospitals. These beneficiaries will be benefited if
cashless treatment is extended to them in the hospitals available near
their living place.
11) Hence it is requested that,
a. Existing Indian Railways Medical Service facilities may please be continued.
b. The proposal for Medical Insurance Scheme for Railway employees /
Pensioners and their depended may please be made as additionally
facility to the beneficiaries to get their regular treatments including
OPD & IPD in empaneled private hospitals, premium thereof may please
be borne by Railways.
Thanking You
Yours faithfully, (Harchandan Singh), General Secretary, IRTSA
List of diverse services performed by Indian Railways Medical Service (IRMS)
1) Attending Railway accidents and similar incidents; 2) Emergency medical treatment for sick passengers; 3) Pre-employment medical examination for prospective employees; 4) Periodical medical examination for employees; 5) Medical boards and other medical certification for employees; 6) Safe water supply at Railway stations; 7) Safe food supply at Railway stations; 8) Running medical first-aid posts for IR factories under the Factories Act; 9) Certification of dead bodies; 10) Certification of perishable goods; 11) Curative healthcare; and 12) Preventive healthcare.
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (2016=100) – October 2020
AICPIN for the month of Oct 2020
The Labour Bureau, an attached office of the M/o Labour &
Employment, has been compiling Consumer Price Index for Industrial
Workers every month on the basis of retail prices collected from 317
markets spread over 88 industrially important centres in the country.
The index is compiled for 88 centres and All-India and is released on
the last working day of succeeding month. The index for the month of
October, 2020 is being released in this press release.
The All-India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW)
for October, 2020 increased by 1.4 points and stood at 119.5 (one
hundred nineteen and point five). On 1-month percentage change, it
increased by (+) 1.19 per cent between September and October, 2020
compared to (+) 0.93 per cent increase between corresponding months of
previous year.
The maximum upward pressure in current index came from Food &
Beverages group contributing (+) 1.29 percentage points to the total
change. At item level, Arhar Dal, Poultry (Chicken), Eggs (Hen), Goat
Meat, Mustard Oil, Sunflower Oil, Brinjal, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower,
Chillies Green, Gourd, Lady Finger, Onion, Peas, Potato, Electricity
Domestic, Doctor’s Fee, Bus Fare, etc. are responsible for the increase
in index. However, this increase was checked by Wheat, Fish Fresh,
Tomato, Apple, etc., putting downward pressure on the index.
At centre level, Doom-Dooma Tinsukia, Patna and Ramgarh recorded the
maximum increase of 4 points each. Among others, 3 points increase was
observed in 9 centres, 2 points in 24 centres and 1 point in 33 centres.
Rest of 19 centres’ indices remained stationary.
Year-on-year inflation based on all-items stood at 5.91 per cent for
October, 2020 as compared to 5.62 per cent for the previous month and
7.62 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year.
Similarly, Food inflation stood at 8.21 per cent against 7.51 per cent
of the previous month and 8.60 per cent during the corresponding month a
year ago.
All-India Group-wise CPI-IW for July and August, 2020
Sr. No.
August, 2019
Jul, 2020
August, 2020
Food Group
Pan, Supari, Tobacco & Intoxicants
Fuel & Light
117 .6
117 .4
Clothing, Bedding & Footwear
Miscellaneous Group
117 .0
General Index
The next issue of CPI-IW for the month of November, 2020 will be
released on Thursday 31st December, 2020. The same will also be
available on the office website
Key Points:-
All-India CPI for Industrial Workers (2016=100) for October,
2020 increased to 119.5 points compared to 118.1 points for September,
In percentage terms, it rose by 1.19%
w.r.t. previous month mainly due to Food group items having a share of
39.17% in the total weight which recorded a rise of 76% between these
two months. During the period, increase in prices of food items viz.
Arhar Dal, Poultry Chicken, Goat Meat, Egg, Mustard Oil, Onion, Potato,
Brinjal, Peas, Doctor’s Fee, Bus Fare, etc., had greater impact.
inflation based on all-items stood at 5.91 per cent for October, 2020
compared to 5.62 per cent for September, 2020 and 7.62 per cent during
the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, Food inflation
stood at 8.21 per cent against 7.51 per cent of the previous month and
8.60 per cent during the corresponding month a year ago.
Freezing of DA rates - CPSEs IDA pay scales revision guidelines at current rates till 30th June 2021
Highlights of the Freezing IDA order:
IDA will be freezed till 30th June 2021.
IDA rate from 01.07.2020 to be continued till 30.06.2021.
From 1st July 2021, the effective IDA rate will consider the 3 missed IDA rate of 01.10.2020, 01.01.2021, 01.04.2021.
No arrears will be paid for these 3 missed quarters (01.10.2020, 01.01.2021, 01.04.2021).
Industrial Dearness Allowances to be revised quarterly for Central
Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) or PSUs has been freezed by Department
of Public Enterprises under the ministry of Heavy Industries &
Public Enterprises.
Freezing of DA rates – CPSEs IDA pay scales revision till 30th June 2021
Freezing of IDA, Dearness Allowances for CPSE employees till 30th June 2021:
Freezing of Dearness Allowances to employees of Central Public Sector
Enterprises (CPSEs) drawing pay as per 2017, 2007, 1997, 1992 and 1987
IDA pay revision guidelines at current rates till 30th June 2021 order
has been issued on 19th Nov’ 20.
The ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises has already
freezed DA /DR for Central Government employees on 23.03.2020. Now,
Government of India has issued IDA freezing order for CPSE employees
Government of India had released average AICPIN for the quarter
Jun’20, Jul’20, Aug’20. With these average AICPIN numbers, the IDA for
3rd PRC should have been increased by 2.52 % from October 2020 for 2017
(3rd PRC) pay scales. Similarly, the IDA from October 2020 for 2nd PRC
should have been increased by 5.55 % for 2007 (2nd PRC) pay scales. But, now these increments have been frezzed till 30th June 2021.
IDA rate calculation for 2nd PRC and 3rd PRC from 1st October 2020
From 01.10.2020, IDA will increase to 20.9 %, increased by 2.52 % for
3rd PRC or 2017 pay scale employees. For 2nd PRC or 2007 pay scale, IDA
will increase to 165.4 % increased by 5.55 % after declaration of
August AICPIN on 30.09.20.
Since, the DA increments have been freezed, so the DA from 1st OCT’20
number will be added while calculating DA from 1st July 2021.
The AICPI – IW (All-India Consumer Price Index – Industrial Workers)
is released by Labour Bureau, under Ministry of Labour and Employment,
on the last working day of every month for previous month. And based on
the consecutive 3 months, means 1 quarter, calculation of average is
done to finalize the IDA rate, which may be more or less than the
previous quarter IDA rate.
IDA for 3rd PRC from 1st October 2020 will be 20.9 %, increased by 2.52 % for 2017 pay scale.
IDA for 2nd PRC from 1st October 2020 will be 165.4 %, increased by 5.55 % for 2007 pay scale.
IDA from from 1st October 2020 is yet to be declared for 1997 pay scale.
IDA from from 1st October 2020 is yet to be declared for for 1987 & 1992 pay scale (based on the pay-band).
AICPIN -IW of last 3 months
22.10.2020 – Sep AICPIN – 340 (118 x 2.88 = 340)
30.09.2020 – Aug AICPI – 338
31.08.2020 – Jul AICPI – 336
Based on the AICPI-IW data, Department of Public Enterprises (DPE)
under Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises calculates
the new IDA rate and releases the press note indicating the change in
IDA rate.
Similarly, after the release of aicpin-iw data of September 2020,
October 2020 and November 2020 by the Ministry of labour and employment,
the IDA from 1st January 2021 for PSU, CPSE and Govt. employees will be
decided for 3rd PRC, 2nd PRC etc.
Past change of IDA for CPSE employees for 2017 (3rd PRC), 2007 (2nd PRC), 1997, 1987 & 1992 with DPE letter:
The current data of IDA since 01.01.2018 for all the pay scale as
well as the historical data of all the CPSE pay scales implemented from
year 2017, 2007, 1997 and 1987 & 1982 are compiled here.
This will give you the reference to compare all the data among the
different pay scales in different times, how much differences are among
the pay scales and in same pay scale, what is the timeline of IDA
Here the IDA change has been written for a quarter for all the pay
scales. These letters are issued by the DPE under MHIPE. The official
letters issued by them has been attached here in the link. Click on the
‘IDA % number’ link to fetch the official letter from the DPE website.
Compassionate appointment to ensure transparency in selection process
F.No.A.12012/8/ 2020- Ad.III.B Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs
Gr. Floor, Hudco Vishal Building, Bhikaji Cama Place, RK Puram, New Delhi-66, Dated: 18.11.2020
(i) DGHRD, (HRM-II) , Customs & Central Excise, 507, Deep Shikha, Rajendra Place, New Delhi- 110 008
(ii) The All Cadre Controlling Authorities Under Central Board of Indirect Tax & Customs
Subject: Clarification for selecting of applicants who secured equal weightage points on the 100 points scale in merit – reg.
Sir/ Madam,
Please refer to Board’s letter F.No.A.12012 / 52/ 2018-Ad.III B dated
15th May, 2019 wherein a standard operating procedure based on a
100-point scale was circulated for compassionate appointment to ensure
transparency and maintain uniformity and to avoid litigation in the
selection process.
2. It has been reported to the Board by one CCA that while applying
100 points scale parameters, as mentioned in SOP, some candidates have
equal marks in merit and Cadre Controlling Authority is unable to decide
the merit of such candidates in case of tie of marks secured by some
candidates. The matter has been deliberated in the Board to resolve such
3. After examination the issue in detail, it is felt that the tie breaking factor can be per dependant available income e.
total of first three financial parameters prescribed in SoP
(Pension-annualised, total terminal benefits and annual income of
earning members and income from property) divided by total number of
dependants (spouse, parents, unmarried daughters, minor children,
unmarried major son below 25 years and dependant major sons who are
physically/ mentally challenged). The lesser the per dependant availableincome, the higher the rank amongst the applicants whose scores hada tie.
4. In case of tie even after applying the factor of per dependant availableincome, then
the left-over service of Government Servant can be conside This is
suggested as it is felt that longer the left-over service of the
deceased, the more is the impact on the family. Applicants related to
Government servant with higher left-over service would be considered
over the one with lesser left-over service. In case of tie even then,
the next factor can be age of the applicant, with elder applicants given
preference .
5. The tie breaking factor(s) in the order indicated above, should be
used only to decide relative merit of the applicants scoring same
points on 100- point scale and only if the applicants scoring same
points cannot be accommodated against available All the above details
are already included in the SOP and hence would be readily available
with CCAs in case of a tie.
6. It is requested to offer your comments/ suggestions, if any, on
the proposed formula to resolve the Tie cases not later than 26th Nov,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- (MohammadAshit) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India 011-26 162780
Copy to: The Director General System & Data Management, New Delhi
With reference to the above, it is stated that Para 9 of Annexure to
Board’s letter dated 10.06.2009 (RBE No. 101/2009) explicitly mentions
that … “Regular service for the purpose of the MACPS
shall commence from the date of joining of a post in direct entry grade
on a regular basis either on direct recruitment basis or on absorption
re-employment basis. Service rendered on ad-hoc contract basis before
regular appointment on pre-appointment training shall not be taken into
reckoning… “. As such. ad-hoc service is not to be counted
for the purpose of MACPS and, therefore. the concerned employee is
entitled for 3rd financial upgradation under MACPS wef 11.10.2012
subject to fulfillment of other terms and condition as contained in
Board’: letter dated 10-06-09 (RBE No. 101/2009).
Payment of 7th CPC Transport Allowance to Railway Employees working from home for entire calendar month(s) in view of COVID-19 Pandemic
Transport Allowance to Railway Employees
if a Government
servant is absent form Headquarters/ place of posting for a full
calendar month, he will not be entitled to any Transport Allowance
during that calendar month….
(Railway Board)
No. PC-V/2017/ A/TA/1
New Delhi, dated: 16.11.2020
The General Manager (P) All Indian Railways and PUs. (As per mailing list)
Sub: Payment of Transport Allowance to Railway Employees working
from home for entire calendar month(s) in view of COVID-19 Pandemic.
References have been received in Board’s office secking clarification
from Railways on the above mentioned subject. The matter has been
considered in Board’s office and it has been decided that Transport
Allowance is not admissible to such employees in terms of clarification
No. 1 of Annexure-II issued vide Board’s letter dated 24-11-2003 (RBE
No. 203/2003). This provision stipulates as under:
” if a Government servant is absent form Headquarters/ place of
posting for a full calendar month, he will not be entitled to any
Transport Allowance during that calendar month….”
Transport allowance in respect of such employees may be regulated accordingly..
60 Days Productivity Linked Bonus (P.L.B.) for the employees of the EPFO for the year 2019-2020
Bonus for EPFO Employees 2020
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. Of India) Head Office Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14-Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-1 10066
No. WSU/25(1)/2018-19/ PLB
Date: 22.10.2020
All Addl. CPFC (Zones), RPFC-I (ASD), Head Office & Director (PDNASS) and All Regional P.F. Commissioners-Incharge of Regional Offices.
Sub: Declaration of Productivity Linked Bonus (P.L.B.) for the employees of the EPFO for the year 2019-2020.
The Central Government has conveyed its approval to the existing
Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme for the year 2019-2020 for the
employees of EPFO vide letter No A- 26022/1/94 -SS-1 (Pt) dated 22nd October, 2020.
2. Accordingly, the competent authority is pleased to convey the
approval for payment of the Productivity Linked Bonus for the year
2019-2020 for 60 (Sixty) days in all the offices of
EPFO. The bonus of 60 days has been assessed on the basis of data/
information submitted by the Zonal Offices in compliance to Head Office
letter dated 07.10.2020. The payment of bonus is to be released to all
Group ‘C’ and Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) employees of EPFO.
3. The quantum of bonus may be assessed as per the following formula:-
(* Average number of days in a month)
4. The expenditure incurred for payment of bonus may be debited from the budget head “Productivity Linked Bonus.” It may be ensured that Bonus is disbursed as per eligibility.
5. This has approval of Central P.F. Commissioner.
Defence Bonus 2020 – Payment of PLB to Civilian Employees of Defence Production Establishments 2019-2020
Defence Bonus 2020
Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to Civilian Employees of Defence Production Establishments for the year 2019-20
No.10(1)/2020-D(Est LING) Government of India, Ministry of Defence, (Deptt, Of Defence Production) New Delhi
Dated: the 23rd Oct, 2020
To The Chairman. Ordnance Factory Board, 10A, S. K. Bose Road. Kolkata- 700 001.
The Controller General of Defence Accounts. New Delhi. The Director general of Quality Assurance, New Delhi. The Director General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, New Delhi.
Subject: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to Civilian Employees of Defence Production Establishments for the year 2019-2020.
Madam / Sir,
I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter
No.48(4)/98/D(B&C) dated 27th July, 2000 on the above subject and to
convey the sanction of the President to payment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the year 2019-20 equivalent to 37 days wages
to the eligible employees in Defence Production Establishments as
mentioned therein with an overall ceiling of wages of Rs.7000/- per
month. PLB is to be calculated taking average number of days per month
as 30.4 days.
02. The casual labour who has worked for at least 240 days, in each
year, for 03 years or more, will be eligible for this PLB payment. The
amount will be paid on a notional monthly wages of Rs.1200/-. In case
where the actual emoluments fall below Rs.1200/- per month, the amount
will be calculated on actual monthly emoluments, All payments under
these orders will he rounded oft’ to the nearest rupee.
3. The above sanction is subject to the following condition:-
(a) OFB will submit a monthly status report on the progress achieved
to review the formula for calculation of PLB which otherwise would have
been reviewed after three years from implementation i.e, from the
accounting year 1999-2000.
(b) GMs each of the respective factories should submit the
Certificate regarding standard man-hours for jobs whenever there is a
change in production processes or when new labour saving machines are
introduced, incorporating the following details:
Standard Man Hours before the installation of CNC Machines.
Standard Man Hours after the installation of CNC Machines,
Difference between the above two leading to savings in Standard Man Hours.
In the event of more than one CNC’ Machine being installed on two
different occasions, each t me figures are to be updated for additional
subsequent addition of CNC Machine.
(c) The financial implications on this account would be met from your
existing sanctioned Budget of FY 2020-21 without any additionality from
the Government.
4. It is also advised that formula for working out PLB may be
revisited/re-examined for future years. However since PLB for the
current year has been computed as per the approved formula. the proposal
of OFB for Payment of 37 days PLB for 2019-20 to the 75016 eligible
employee of OFB, DGQA, DGQAQA and DAD working in OFB is sanctioned.
5. The expenditure will be debited to Major head 2079 of the Defence Service Estimates (Ordnance Factories) from the existing budget provisions for the F.Y. 2020-21 and to the respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of employees of allied establishments are debited.
6. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance vide ID
No.7-39/2007-E-III(A), dated 21.10.2020/eFTS 1506055/2020 and MoD
(Finance Division) vide N-23 dated 23.10.2020 in MoD File No.
(ManishaBhatnagar) Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Postal Employees Bonus 2020 - Productivity Linked Bonus for postal employees for the accounting year 2019-2020
Postal Employees Bonus 2020
File No. PP-26/1/ 2020-PAP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Establishment Division) P.A.P. Section
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110 001. Dated: 22.10.2020
To All Chief Postmasters General All Postmasters General Sr. Deputy Director General (PAF), Department of Posts All General Managers (Finance) All Directors/ Deputy Directors of Accounts (Postat) Director. RAKNPA/ Directors of All PTCs
Sub: Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting year 2019-20.
Sir/ Madam, The undersigned is directed to convey the sanction of the President of India to the payment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the Accounting year 2019-20 equivalent of emoluments of 60 (Sixty) Days to the employees of Department of Posts in MTS, / Group ‘C’ and non-gazetted Group ‘B’. Ex-gratia payment of bonus to Gramin Dak Sevaks who are regularly appointed after observing all appointment formalities, and Ad-hoc payment of bonus to Casual laborers who have been conferred Temporary Status are also to be paid equivalent to allowance/ wages respectively for 60 (Sixty) Days for the same period.
1.1 The calculation for the purpose of payment of bonus under eachcategory will be done as indicated below:-
2.1 Productivity Linked Bonus will be calculated on the basis of thefollowing formula:
Average emoluments X Number of davs of bonue 30.4 (average no. of days in a month)
2.2 The terms “emoluments” for regular Departmental
employees includes Basic Pay in the Pay matrix, Dearness Pay, S.B.
Allowance, Deputation (Duty) Allowance, Dearness Allowance and Training
Allowance, to Faculty Members in Training Institutes. In case of drawal
of salary exceeding Rs.7000/- (Rupees Seven Thousand only)
in any month during the accounting year 2019-20, the emoluments shall
be restricted to Rs.7000/-(Rupees Seven Thousand only) per month only.
2.3 “Average Emoluments” for a regular employee is
arrived at by dividing by twelve, the total salary drawn during the year
2019-20 for the period from 1.4.2019 to 31.03.2020, by restricting each
month’s salary to Rs.7000/- per month. However, for the periods of EOL
and Dies-Non in a given month, proportionate deduction is required to be
made from the ceiling limit of Rs.7000/-
2.4 In case of those employees who were under suspension, or on whom
dies-non was imposed or both, during the accounting year, the
clarificatory orders issued vide Paras 1 & 3 respectively of this
officer order No. 26-8/80-PAP (Pt.I) dated 11.6.1981 and No.
26-4/87-PAP(Pt II) dated 8.2.1988 will apply.
2.5 Those employees who have resigned/retired or left services
orproceeded on deputation within the Department of Posts or those who
haveproceeded on deputation outside the Department of Posts after
31.03.2020 will also be entitled to bonus. In case ofall such employees,
the ProductivityLinked Bonus admissible will be as per provisions of
Paras 2.1 to 2.3 above.
3.1 In respect of GDSs who were on duty throughout the year during
2019-20, Average Monthly Time Related Continuity Allowance will
becalculated taking into account the Time Related Continuity
Allowance(TRCA) plus corresponding Dearness Allowance drawn by them for
theperiod from 1.4.2019 to 31.3.2020 divided by 12. However, where the
Time Related Continuity Allowance exceeds Rs. 7000/- in any month during
thisperiod, the allowance will be restricted to Rs.7000/- per month.
Ex-gratia payment of bonus may be calculated by applying the bonus
formula as mentioned below:
Average TRCA X Number of days of bonus 30.4 (average no. of days in a month)
3.2 The allowance drawn by a substitute will not be counted towards
ex-gratia bonus calculation for either the substitutes or the incumbent
GDSs. In respect of those GDS who were appointed in short term vacancies
in Postmen / MTS Cadre will be governed by instructions issued by this
Directorate vide O.M. No. 23-01/2019- GDS dated 23.10.2019.
3.3 If a GDS has been on duty for a part of the year by way of a
fresh appointment, or for having been put off duty, or for having left
service, he will be paid proportionate ex-gratia bonus calculated by
applying the procedure prescribed in Para 3.1 above.
3.4 Those Gramin Dak Sevaks who have resigned/ discharged or
leftservice after 31.03.2020 will also be entitled to proportionate
ex-gratiaBonus. In case of all such Gramin Dak Sevaks, the Ex-gratia
Bonus admissible will be as per provisions of Para 3.1 above.
3.5 In case of those Gramin Dak Sevaks who were under put off, or
onwhom dies-non was imposed, or both, during the accounting year,
theclarificatory orders issued vide Paras 1 & 3 respectively of this
ofEce orderNo 26-08/80-PAP (Pt-I)dated 11.6.1981 and No.
26-04/87-PAP(P.II) dated 8.2.1988 will apply.
4.1 Full Time Casual Labourers including Temporary Status Casual
Laborers who have worked for 8 hours a day, for at least 240 days in a
year for three consecutive years or more (206 days in each year for
three years or more in case of offices observing 5 days a week) as on
31.03.2020 will be paid ad-hoc bonus on notional monthly wages of Rs.1200/- (Rupees Twelve hundred only). The maximum ad-hoc bonus will be calculated as below:
(Notional monthly wages of Rs.1200 X Number of days of bonus) 30.4 (average no. of days in a month)
Accordingly, the rate of bonus per day will be worked out as indicated below:
Maximum ad-hoc bonus for the year 365
The above rate of bonus per day may be applied to the numler of
daysfor which the services of such casual laborers had been utilized
during theperiod from 1.4.2019 to 31.03.2020. In cases where the actual
wages in anymonth fall below Rs.1200/- during the period 1.4.2019 to
31.3.2020, theactual monthly wages drawn should be taken into account to
arrive at theactual ad’hoc bonus due in such cases.
The amount of Productivity Linked Bonus/ ex-gratia
payment/ Ad-hoc bonus payable under this order will be rounded off to
the nearest rupee. The payment of Productivity Linked Bonus as well as
the ex-gratia payment and ad-hoc payment will be chargeable to the Head
“Salaries” under the relevant Sub-Head of account to which pay and
allowances of the staff are debited. The payment will be met from the
sanctioned grant for the year 2020-21.
After payment, the total
expenditure incurred and the number of employees paid may be ascertained
from all the units by Circles and consolidated figures are intimated to
the Budget Section of the Department of Posts. The Budget Section will
furnish consolidated information to PAP Section about the total amount
of bonus paid and the total number employees (Category-wise) to whom it
was disbursed for the Department as a whole.
This has the
approval of Hon’ble Finance Minister vide Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure’s ID Note No. 11/ 1/2017-E.III(A)(1520078/2020
dated 21.10.2020 and issue with the concurrence of AS & FA vide
Diary No. FA/2020-CS/50 dated 22.10.2020
Employees appointed on purely temporary ad-hoc basis? Yes, if there is no break in service
Employees who resigned, retired from service or expired before 31st March, 2020? As
a special case only those persons who superannuated or retired on
invalidation on medical grounds or died before 31st March, 2020 but
after completing at least six months regular service during the year
will be eligible for the ad-hoc bonus on pro rata basis in terms of
nearest number of months of service.
Employees on
deputation/ foreign service terms to state governments, U.T.
Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, etc., on 31st March, 2020? Such
employees are not eligible for the ad-hoc bonus to be paid by the
lending departments. In such cases the liability to pay ad-hoc bonus
lies with the borrowing organization depending upon the ad-hoc bonus/
PLB/ ex-gratia/ incentive payment scheme, if any, in force in the
borrowing organization.
Employees who reverted during accounting year from deputation on foreign service with the organizations indicated in ‘C’ above? The
total amount of bonus/ex-gratia received for the accounting year from
foreign employer and the ad-hoc bonus, if any, due from a central
government office for the period after reversion will be restricted to
the amount due under ad-hoc bonus as per these orders.
Employees from state Government/U.T. Admn./ Public Sector Undertakings on reverse deputation with the Central Government? Yes,
they are eligible for ad-hoc bonus to be paid by the borrowing
departments in terms of these orders provided no additional incentive as
part of terms of deputation, other than Deputation Allowance, is paid
and the lending authorities have no objection.
Superannuated employees who were re-employed? Re-employment
being fresh employment, eligibility period is to be worked out
separately for re-employment period; the total amount admissible, if
any, for prior to superannuation and that for re¬employment period being
restricted to the maximum admissible under ad-hoc bonus under these
Employees on half-Pay leave/ E.O.L./ Leave not due/study leave at any time during the accounting year? Except
in the case of leave without pay the period of leave of other kinds
will be included for the purpose of working out eligibility period. The
period of E.O.L./ dies non will be excluded from eligibility period but
will not count as break in service for the purpose of ad-hoc bonus.
Contract employees? Yes,
if the employees are eligible for benefits like dearness allowance and
interim relief. Categories not eligible for these benefits would be
considered at par with casual labor in terms of ad-hoc bonus orders.
Employees under suspension at any time during the accounting year? Subsistence
allowance given to an employee under suspension for a period in the
accounting year cannot be treated as emoluments. Such an employee
becomes eligible for the benefit of ad-hoc bonus if and when reinstated
with benefit of emoluments for the period of suspension, and in other
cases such period will be excluded for the purpose of eligibility as in
the case of employees on leave without pay.
transferred from one Ministry/ Department/ Office covered by ad-hoc
bonus orders to another within the Government of India or a Union
Territory Government covered by ad-hoc bonus orders and vice versa? Employees
who are transferred from any of the Ministry/ Department/ Office
covered by ad-hoc bonus orders to another such office without break in
service will be eligible on the basis of combined period of service in
the different organizations. Those who are nominated on the basis of a
limited departmental or open competitive exam from one organization to a
different organization will also be eligible for the ad-hoc bonus. The
payment will be made only by the organization where he was employed as
on 31st March, 2020 and no adjustments with the previous employer will
be necessary.
Employees who are transferred from a
Government Department /Organization covered by ad-hoc bonus orders to a
Government Department/ Organisation covered by productivity – Linked
Bonus scheme or vice versa? They may be paid what would have
been paid on the basis of emoluments in ad-hoc bonus covered department
for the entire year less the amount due as productivity-linked bonus.
The amount so calculated may be paid by Department where he was working
on 31st March, 2020 and/or at the time of payment.
Part-time employees engaged on nominal fixed payment? Not eligible.
who have put in specified number of days of work in different offices
during each of the three years ending with the said accounting year? The
eligibility is to be worked out for three years from the said
accounting year backwards. The period of 240 days of work in each of
these years may be arrived at by combining the number of days worked in
more than one offices of the government of India, for which bonus,
ex-gratia or incentive payment has not been earned and received.
Casual labour who were not in work on 31st March, 2020? The
condition of being in employment on 31st March, 2020 as laid down in
these orders is applicable to regular Government Employees and not to
casual labour.
Those who have put in at least specified
number of days of work in each of two years preceding the accounting
year but are short of this limit due to regularization in employment in
the said accounting year? If a casual labour, who has been
regularized in the accounting year does not fulfill the minimum
continuous service of six months as on 31st March, 2020 and therefore,
cannot be granted benefit as a regular employee, he may be allowed the
benefit as for a casual labour provided the period of regular service in
the said year if added to the period of work as casual labour works out
to at least specified number of days in that accounting year.
Bonus 2020 for Central Government Employees - Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) for the year 2019-2020 - FinMin Order
Central Government Employees Bonus 2020
No.7/24/2007/ E III (A) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure (E III-A Branch)
North Block, New Delhi 21st October 2020
Subject: Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2019-20
The undersigned is directed to convey the sanction of the President
to the grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus) equivalent
to 30 days emoluments for the accounting year 2019-20
to the Central Government employees in Group ‘C’ and all non-gazetted
employees in Group ‘B’, who are not covered by any Productivity Linked
Bonus Scheme. The calculation ceiling for payment of ad-hoc Bonus
under these orders shall be monthly emoluments of Rs.7000/-, as revised
w.e.f 01/04/2014 vide OM No.7/4/2014-E.III(A), dated 29th August, 2016.
The payment of ad-hoc Bonus under these orders will also be admissible
to the eligible employees of Central Para Military Forces and Armed
Forces. The orders will be deemed to be extended to the employees of
Union Territory Administration which follow the Central Government
pattern of emoluments and are not covered by any other bonus or
ex-gratia scheme.
2. The benefit will be admissible subject to the following terms and conditions:-
Only those employees who were in service as on 31.3.2020 and
have rendered at least six months of continuous service during the year
2019-20 will be eligible for payment under these orders. Pro-rata
payment will be admissible to the eligible employees for period of
continuous service during the year from six months to a full year, the
eligibility period being taken in terms of number of months of service
(rounded off to the nearest number of months);
The quantum of
Non-PLB (ad-hoc bonus) will be worked out on the basis of average
emoluments/calculation ceiling whichever is lower. To calculate Non-PLB
(Ad-hoc bonus) for one day, the average emoluments in a year will be
divided by 30.4 (average number of days in a month). This will,
thereafter, be multiplied by the number of days of bonus granted. To
illustrate, taking the calculation ceiling of monthly emoluments of Rs.
7000 (where actual average emoluments exceed. Rs.7000), Non-PLB (Ad-hoc
Bonus) for thirty days would work out to Rs. 7000×30/30.4=Rs.6907.89
(rounded off to Rs.6908/-).
The casual labour who have worked in
offices following a 6 days week for at least 240 days for each year for
3 years or more (206 days in each year for 3 years or more in the case
of offices observing 5 day week), will be eligible for this Non-PLB
(Ad-hoc Bonus) Payment. The amount of Non-PLB (ad-hoc bonus) payable
will be (Rs.1200×30/30.4 i.e.Rs.1184.21 (rounded off to Rs.1184/-). In
cases where the actual emoluments fall below Rs.1200/- p.m., the amount
will be calculated on actual monthly emoluments.
All payments under these orders will be rounded off to the nearest rupee.
Various points regarding regulation of Ad-hoc/Non-PLB Bonus are given in the Annexure.
3. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to the
respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are
4. The expenditure to be incurred on account of Non-PLB (Ad-hoc
Bonus) is to be met from within the sanctioned budget provision of
concerned Ministries/ Departments for the current year.
Railway Bonus 2020 - 78 days Bonus for non-gazetted Railway employees - Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus 2019-2020
Railway Bonus 2020
Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees for the financial year 2019-2020
RBE No.91/2020 New Delhi, dt.21.10.2020
The General Managers/ CAOs, All Indian Railways & Production Units etc.
Subject : Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees for the financial year 2019-2020
The President is pleased to sanction Productivity Linked
Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 (Seventy Eight) days wages without any
ceiling on wages for eligibility for the financial year 2019-20to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees (excluding
all RPF/RPSF personnel). Where, wages exceed Rs.7000/- per month,
Productivity Linked Bonus will be calculated as if the ‘wages’ are
Rs.7000/- p.m.
2. ‘Wages’ for the purpose of calculating Productivity Linked Bonus
shall include ‘Basic pay’ as defined in the Railway Services (Revised
Pay) Rules, 2016 and dearness allowance drawn during the financial year
2019-20. Other conditions of eligibility, method of calculation of
wages, etc., as prescribed in this Ministry’s instructions and
clarifications issued from time to time, shall remain unchanged.
3. It has also been decided that in the case of eligible employees
mentioned in Para 1 above who were not placed under suspension, or had
not quit service/retired/expired during the financial year 2019-20 or
were on leave where leave salary admissible is not less than that
admissible on leave on average pay, may be paid an amount of Rs.17,951/- towards
Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2019-20. In the case
of employees other than those mentioned above, the amount of
Productivity Linked Bonus may be calculated in accordance with the
extant instructions on the subject.
4. Further, in relaxation to the provisions in Rules 905(2), 908 and
909 of State Railway Provident Fund Rules, as contained in Chapter 9 of
R-1/1985 edition (2003 Reprint edition), such of the subscribers to the
SRPF as are entitled to Productivity Linked Bonus may, if they so
desire, deposit the whole or part of the amount admissible under the
Scheme in their respective State Railway Provident Fund Accounts.
5. Disbursement of Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year
2019-20 to all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees mentioned in Para
1 above should be made on priority in the same mode as payment of
salary before the ensuing Puja/Dussehra holidays.
Cabinet Cabinet approves Productivity Linked Bonus and non-Productivity Linked Bonus for 2019-2020
Posted On: 21 OCT 2020 3:24PM by PIB Delhi
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi,
has given its approval to pay Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB)for the
year 2019-2020 to 16.97 lakh non-gazetted employees of commercial
establishments like Railways, Posts, Defence, EPFO, ESIC, etc. will be
benefitted and the financial implication would be Rs.2,791 crore.
Non-PLB or ad-hoc Bonus is given to Non-Gazetted Central Government
employees. 13.70 lakh employees would be benefited and Rs.946 crore will
be the financial implication for the same.
A total of 30.67 lakh employees would be benefited by the Bonus
announcement and total financial implication will be Rs 3,737 crore.
Payment of Bonus to non-gazetted employees for their performance in
the preceding year is usually made before Durga Puja/ Dussehra season.
The Government is announcing the Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) and ad
hoc bonus for its non-gazetted employees to be disbursed immediately.
20th October 2020 as Grant Bonus Day For Central Government Employees – CONFEDERATION
CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS 1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001
No. Confd./ Circular-2020
Dated : 17th October-2020
Dear Comrades,
This year’s Bonus to Central Government Employees is not yet declared
by the Central Government. Normally, every year Bonus is declared
before the second week of October. We suspect some hidden agenda behind
the deliberate delay on the part of the Government. From 1978 onwards
Central Government Employees are paid Bonus without any interruption.
Bonus is a product of historic strike of Railway employees under the
banner of Railway Federations and other Central Government Employees
under the banner of Confederation of Central Government Employees and
Workers. Any attempt to deny Bonus under any pretext cannot be
Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers calls upon the
entirety of Central Government Employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks GDS to
hold protest demonstrations all over India at all centres and also in
front of all offices (observing Covid protocol) on 20th October 2020,
Tuesday. Railway Federations have also given a similar call for protest
demonstrations on 20.10.2020. Let us be ready for strike with short
notice if circumstances demand.
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