Tuesday, February 12, 2013



For the convenience of rail users to register their complaints regarding catering services like food quality, over charging etc. both at railway stations and in running trains, Western Railway has introduce a unique Catering Complaint No.9004441955. Rail users can call or can send SMS o­n this number. Passengers can also send catering related complaints at Western Railway's email ID cateringcomplaint@wr.railnet.gov.in . Besides, the Ministry of Railways has also set up a Central Monitoring Cell with the toll free number i.e. 1800-111-321 to register catering related complaint. This facility is available all seven days from (7.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs). Rail users can also register their complaints in Complaint books available with Station Masters, Catering stalls and Pantry Car Managers.

The Catering complaint number has been set up by the Western Railway for providing proactive and effective complaint redressal mechanism.

In order to publicize this number widely, Western Railway is going to put up posters at prominent locations at stations and reservation offices along with stickers in trains. It is also planned to publish this number at the back of the reserved tickets. It will not o­nly help to redress the Catering Complaints quickly but also to improve quality of service.

Timely intimation about payment of additional fee under RTI Act 2005

Timely intimation about payment of additional fee under RTI Act 2005

Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi – 110001 
Dated: 11.2.2013
Subject: Timely intimation about payment of additional fee under RTI Act 2005.
It has been brought to the notice of the Central Information Commission that some CPIOs inform the information seeker about the additional fee under sub section 7(3) of the RTI Act at the fag end of the thirty days period prescribed for providing the information under sub-section 7(1) of the RTI Act.

2. The Central Information Commission in one of its orders has mentioned that while there cannot be any hard and fast rule about when exactly the intimation about the photocopying charges should be conveyed to the information seeker, it is implied in the prescribed time limit that the demand for the photocopying charges must be made soon after the RTI application is received so that the information seeker has time to deposit the fees and receive the information within the prescribed thirty days period. If the information sought is not voluminous or is not dispersed over o large number of files, computation of the photocopying charges should not be a time consuming task. As soon as the RTI application is received, the holder of the information should decide about how much information to disclose and then calculate the photocopying charges so that the CPIO can immediately write to the information seeker demanding such fees.
3. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned for compliance.
(Sandeep Jain) 
Deputy Secretary
Source: www.persmin.nic.in 

All tax payers to disclose their true income and pay appropriate taxes within the current financial year-Finance Minister

All tax payers to disclose their true income and pay appropriate taxes within the current financial year-Finance Minister

Government Once again urges all Tax Payers to Disclose their true income and pay Appropriate Taxes within the Current Financial Year; Nodal Cell set up to Capture the Response and take Follow-up Action; an Online Monitoring System to Ensure Follow-up Action and Track Return Filing and Tax Payment of the Target Segment

The Union Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram has repeatedly emphasized that there is need for a non–intrusive tax administration to enable the tax payer to file his return and pay appropriate taxes.

In the statement made by the Revenue Secretary to the media on 10th December 2012, he had stated that there is no advantage in suppressing the true income or avoiding paying income tax that is due because, sooner or later, the information available with the Income Tax Department will lead the department to the doors of such persons.

The Directorate of Systems of the Income Tax Department has undertaken a business intelligence project to identify PAN holders who have not filed Income Tax Return and about whom specific information is available in 148 information codes of Annual Information Return (AIR), Central Information Branch (CIB) data and TDS/TCS Returns. Information in the Cash Transaction Reports (CTRs) of FIU-IND has also been included as part of this data matching exercise. This data analysis has identified target segment of 12,19,832 non-filers linked to more than 4.7 crore information records. Rule based algorithms have been used to identify high priority cases for follow-up and monitoring.

In the first batch, letters are being sent to 35,170 PAN holders by the Directorate of Intelligence and Criminal Investigation. The letter contains the summary of the information of financial transaction(s) along with a customized response sheet and seeks to know whether the person had filed his Income Tax return or not. A Nodal cell has been set up to capture the response and take follow-up action. There will be an online monitoring system to ensure follow-up action and track return filing and tax payment of the target segment.

The Government would once again urge all tax payers to disclose their true income and pay appropriate taxes within the current financial year.


INDWF News : All India Strike on 20th and 21st February, 2013

INDWF News : All India Strike on 20th and 21st February, 2013

INDWF General Secretary R.Srinvasan writes to all its affiliated unions, instructions regarding the two days strike on 20th and 21st February, 2013 the same is reproduced here for your information...

All India Strike

Estd 1959 (Recognised by Government of India)

General Secretary,
Indian National Defence Workers Federation
Member National Council JCM, (Standing Committee)
Secretary, Staff Side, Departmental Council JCM, Ministry of Defence
Secretary, Staff Side, JCM III rd Level Council, OF Board
Secretary, INTUC (Central)
Vice President, INTUC Tamil Nadu Branch
Chairman, RAC Central Board for Workers Education, Chennai.

All Unions affiliated with INDWF
Dear Colleagues,
Best Wishes to all our Unions and its members for a prosperous New Year 2013.

Herewith we are enclosing the Joint Statement by three recognized Federations in Defence to organize and conduct  TWO Days All India strike proposed by INTUC and by all the Central Trade Unions on the following demands on 20th & 21st February 2013

  •     Concrete measures to contain price rise.
  •     Concrete measures for employment generation.
  •     Strict enforcement of labour laws
  •     Universal Social Security cover for organised and unorganized workers and creation of National Social Security Fund and
  •     Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs/Undertakings
  •     No Contractorisation of work of permanent/perennial  nature and payment of wages and benefits to the Contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the industry/establishment;
  •     Amendment of Minimum Wages  Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs.10,000/- linked with cost price index;
  •     Remove all Ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity;
  •     Assured Pension for all;
  •     Compulsory registration of Trade Unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of ILO Core Conventions 87 & 98.

For the above demands and for the demands of Defence Civilian Employees (List enclosed) a Joint Committee at all the units may be formed and the demonstrations, strike Ballot and strike notices be served to the Head of the Establishments as per the schedule by each union individually.  Programmes may be conducted jointly but strike Ballot, Strike notices are to be conducted and served individually.  The reports may be sent to INDWF.

Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary.  

Source: www.indwf.blogspot.in

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