Latest Central Government Employees News
Government of India / Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Labour / Shram Mantralaya
Government of India / Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Labour / Shram Mantralaya
Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg,
New Delhi, Dated 4th May, 2020
New Delhi, Dated 4th May, 2020
The undersigned is directed to Say that to consider the payment /settlement of Transport Allowance for the month of April 2020, all the officers / officials claiming TA are requested to furnish information in the prescribed proforma by 14.05.2020, with the approval of their concerned Bureau Head.
2. In case the duly filled in proforma is not submitted by any officer/ official by the prescribed date, it will be presumed that the concerned officer has not attended office even for one day in the month of April 2020 and TA will be settled accordingly.
Section/ Division:
Employee code:
Dates on which attended Office in the month of April,:
Dates of which Govt. vehicle was availed for commuting to & from office:
Dates on which attended office by personal vehicle/ personal arrangement:
It is certify that the above information is correct and true to my best of knowledge.
Signature of the Govt. Servant
Signature of the Divisional Head:
Counter Signature of the Bureau Head:
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