IT Cadre Restructuring - Distribution of Posts for Group "B" & "C" [other than IRS] Posts
Income Tax Cadre Restructuring: Distribution of additional posts in various cadres in the Income Tax Department other than the Indian Revenue Service as indicated in the table below are hereby created with effect from 22 5.2013. Reproduced text of CBDT letter:-
Government of India/Ministry of Finance
Department. of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
New Delhi, the July 19, 2013
Subject: Additional Manpower for grades other than the Indian Revenue Service in the Income Tax Department.
In accordance with the approval of the Cabinet conveyed vide Cabinet Secretariat U.O. No.20/CM/2013 (Case No.165/20/2013) dated the May 27th 2013 following additional posts in various cadres in the Income Tax Department other than the Indian Revenue Service as indicated in the table below are hereby created with effect from 22 5.2013:
2. This issues with the concurrence of the IFU vide CTS 200503
Income Tax Cadre Restructuring: Distribution of additional posts in various cadres in the Income Tax Department other than the Indian Revenue Service as indicated in the table below are hereby created with effect from 22 5.2013. Reproduced text of CBDT letter:-
Government of India/Ministry of Finance
Department. of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
New Delhi, the July 19, 2013
Subject: Additional Manpower for grades other than the Indian Revenue Service in the Income Tax Department.
In accordance with the approval of the Cabinet conveyed vide Cabinet Secretariat U.O. No.20/CM/2013 (Case No.165/20/2013) dated the May 27th 2013 following additional posts in various cadres in the Income Tax Department other than the Indian Revenue Service as indicated in the table below are hereby created with effect from 22 5.2013:
Sl. No. | Cadre | Pay Scale | Existing Posts | Additional Posts approved |
1 | Income Tax Officer | Rs.9300-34800 + grade pay of Rs.4800/Rs.5400 | 4448 | 1494 |
2. | Posts in AO cadre | Rs. 15600-39100 + grade pay of Rs.6600/ Rs.9300-34800 + grade pay of Rs 4800/4200 | 814 | 570 |
3. | Posts in PS cadre | Rs.9300 34800 grade pay of Rs 4800/4200 | 823 | 228 |
4. | Inspector of Income Tax | Rs.9300-34800 + grade pay of Rs 4600 | 9490 | 3803 |
5. | Executive Assistants | Rs 9300-34800 + grade pay of Rs. 4600 | 13905 | 5932 |
6. | TA/Steno III/Driver | Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2400 | 11886 | 2895 |
7 | Notice server LDC/ Driver | Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay of Rs 1900 | 3707 | 267 |
8. | Group C | Rs. 5200-20200+ grade pay of Rs. 1800 | 7365 | 3273 |
9. | Posts in EDP, cadre | Rs. 15600-39100 /Rs 5200-20200 | 321 | 289 |
10. | Posts in OL Cadre | Rs. 15600-39100 / Rs 9300-34800 | 203 | 151 |
11. | Other Posts | 639 | 0 |
2. This issues with the concurrence of the IFU vide CTS 200503
Yours sincerely,
(S.K. Lohani)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
(S.K. Lohani)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India