Friday, August 25, 2017

7th CPC : Appeal for restoration of option 1 for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners

Central Government Pensioners: Appeal for restoration of Option 1 recommended by 7th Central Pay Commission for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners 7th CPC  :  Appeal for restoration of option 1  for Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners No. RSCWS/ HO / 7th CPC/2017-16 Dated: 23rd August, 2017 Shri Narindera Modi, Hon. Prime Minister India, 152, South Block, New...

Benefit of Bunching Increment to Master Craftsman : CGDA

Benefit of Bunching Increment to Master Craftsman: CGDA's clarification on bunching benefit Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts ( Fys) 10-A, S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata-700001 No. Pay/ Tech-II/04/Vol.-LXXIV Date:- 17/08/2017 To ALL CFA(Fys) AO, OF Nalanda. Sub: Benefit of Bunching Increment to Master Craftsman In continuation to this office earlier circular of even No. dated 04.12.2013,...

Additional benefit on death/disability of Government servant covered by New Pension System

Additional benefit on death/disability of Government servant covered by NPS "It is once again reiterated that the aforesaid instructions may be followed scrupulously and to review all the cases for ensuring the payment of family pension, disability pension and extra-ordinary pension to the NPS subscribers in case of death/disability" GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS...

Implementation of the 7th CPC : PCA(Fys) Orders

Implementation of the 7th CPC benefits extended to each and every officers/staffs "to ensure that benefits have been extended to each and every officers/staffs.  PCA(Fys) Orders  IMPORTANT CIRCULAR No.1431/AN-PAY/V/7th CPC Dated 23.08.2017 To All CFAs(Fys) Branch Accounts Offices Subject: Implementation of the 7th CPC It has now been for a year that Govt. has declared the 7th...

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