Request for Payment of Salaries on 27.04.2018
The Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle
Chennai 600 002.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Request for payment of salary to the employees on 27.4.2018 due to continuous Bank Holidays from 28th to 30th April,2018 - Reg.
Ref: 1.Controller General of Accounts Manual Part III Section II Rule 64.
2. CPMG. WB letter No.MM & PO/ Salary disbursement/2018 dt. 24.4,2018.
The kind attention of CPMG, TN is requested 10 the reference cited. The entire Banking Sector is on closed Holidays continuously from 28.4.2018 to 30.4.2018 due 10 fourth Saturday, Sunday and Holiday on 30.4.2018. Hence drawings could not be made from the Banks on these days and huge cash could not be held in the Treasury of the offices for more than 3 days continuously, if drawn much earlier for payment of salary to all the employees.
It is further to note that, as per the Stat utory rules of the Dept. and as per the reference (1) cited, pay ond allowonces are earned and shall be due for payment on the last working day af the month to which they retore and the pay and allowance for the month of April 2018 and should be paid either on 30th or preceding to any date in accordance with the convenience of the Department.
As per the referenee (2) cited, the CPMG. West Bengal Circle has issued order for payment of salary on 27th April, 2018. citing the same reason.
Hence, it is requested that necessary act ion may kindly be token so as to issue suitable orders to the pay drawing and disbursing Authorities, for making payment of the pay and allowance of the working staff by 27th April. 2018, as in the case of West Bengal Circle.
Expecting your kindly consideration and a line in reply,
No, P3/2·Genl/TN
dt. 25.04.2018
ToThe Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle
Chennai 600 002.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Request for payment of salary to the employees on 27.4.2018 due to continuous Bank Holidays from 28th to 30th April,2018 - Reg.
Ref: 1.Controller General of Accounts Manual Part III Section II Rule 64.
2. CPMG. WB letter No.MM & PO/ Salary disbursement/2018 dt. 24.4,2018.
The kind attention of CPMG, TN is requested 10 the reference cited. The entire Banking Sector is on closed Holidays continuously from 28.4.2018 to 30.4.2018 due 10 fourth Saturday, Sunday and Holiday on 30.4.2018. Hence drawings could not be made from the Banks on these days and huge cash could not be held in the Treasury of the offices for more than 3 days continuously, if drawn much earlier for payment of salary to all the employees.
It is further to note that, as per the Stat utory rules of the Dept. and as per the reference (1) cited, pay ond allowonces are earned and shall be due for payment on the last working day af the month to which they retore and the pay and allowance for the month of April 2018 and should be paid either on 30th or preceding to any date in accordance with the convenience of the Department.
As per the referenee (2) cited, the CPMG. West Bengal Circle has issued order for payment of salary on 27th April, 2018. citing the same reason.
Hence, it is requested that necessary act ion may kindly be token so as to issue suitable orders to the pay drawing and disbursing Authorities, for making payment of the pay and allowance of the working staff by 27th April. 2018, as in the case of West Bengal Circle.
Expecting your kindly consideration and a line in reply,
With profound regards,