Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2017-18

Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2017-18
No.7/24/2007/E Ill (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Fiance
Department of Expenditure
(E.III-A Branch)
North Block, New Delhi,
8th October 2018
Office Memorandum

Subject: Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus) to Central Government Employees for the year 2017-18

The undersinged is directed to convey the sanction of  the President to the grant of Non-productivity Linked Bonus to  30 days emoluments for the accounting year 2017-18 to the Central Government employees in Group 'C' and all non-gazetted employees in Group B, who are not covered by any Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme. The calculation ceiling for payment of ad-hoc Bonus under these orders shall be monthly emoluments of Rs. 7000/-, as revised w.e.f 01/04/2014 vide OM No.7/4/2014-E.III(A), dated 29th August, 2016. The payment of ad-hoc Bonus under these orders will also be admissible to the eligible employees of Central Para Military Forces and Armed Forces. The orders will be deemed to be extended to the employees of Union Territory Administration which follow the Central Government pattern of emoluments and are not covered by any other bonus or ex-gratia scheme.

2. The benefit will be admissible subject to the following terms and conditions:-

(i) Only those employees who were in service as on 31.3.2018 and have rendered at least six months of continuous service during the year 2017-18 will be eligible for payment under these orders. Pro-rata payment will be admissible to the eligible employees for period of continuous service during the year from six months to a full year, the eligibility period being taken in terms of number of months of service (rounded off to the nearest number of months):

(ii) The quantum of Non-PLB (ad-hoc bonus) will be worked out on the basis of average emoluments/calculation ceiling whichever is lower. To calculate Non- PLB (Ad-hoc bonus) for one day, the average emoluments in a year will be divided by 30.4 (average number of days in a month). This will, thereafter, be multiplied by the number of days of bonus granted. To illustrate, taking the calculation ceiling of monthly emoluments of Rs. 7000 (where actual average emoluments exceed Rs. 7000), Non-PLB (Ad-hoc Bonus) for thirty days would work out to Rs. 7000×30/30.4=Rs.6907.89 (rounded off to Rs.6908/-).

(iii) The casual labour who have worked in offices following a 6 days week for at least 240 days for each year for 3 years or more (206 days in each year for 3 years or more in the case of offices observing 5 day week), will be eligible for this Non-PLB (Ad-hoc Bonus) Payment. The amount of Non-PLB (ad-hoc bonus) payable will be (Rs.1200×30/30.4 i,e.Rs.1184 21 (rounded off to Rs.1184/-). in cases where the actual emoluments fall below Rs.1200/- p.m., the amount will be calculated on actual monthly emoluments.

(iv) All payments under these orders will be rounded off to the nearest rupee.

(v) Various points regarding regulation of Ad-hoc / Non-PLB Bonus are given in the Annexure.

3. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to the respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited.

4. The expenditure to be incurred on account of Non-PLB (Ad-hoc Bonus) is to be met from within the sanctioned budget provision of concerned Ministries/Departments for the current year.

5. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned. these orders are issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
(Amar Nath Singh)

Regulation of Ad-Hoc and Non-PLB Bonus - Finmin Clarification

Various points regarding regulation of Ad-hoc and Non PLB Bonus are given below…




1. Whether the employees in the following categories are eligible for the benefit of ad-hoc bonus for an accounting yearSubject to completion of minimum six months continuous service and being in service as on 31st March, 2018.
(a) Employees appointed on purely temporary ad-hoc basis.(a) Yes, if there is no break in service.
(b) Employees who resigned, retired from service or expired before 31st March, 2018.(b) As a special case only those persons who superannuated or retired on invalidation on medical grounds or died before 31st′ March, 2018 but after completing at least six months regular service during the year will be eligible for the ad-hoc bonus on pro rata basis in terms of nearest number of months of service.
(c) Employees on deputation/foreign service terms to state governments, U.T.Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, etc., on 31st March, 2018.(c) Such employees are not eligible for the ad-hoc bonus to be paid by the lending departments. In such cases the liability to pay ad-hoc bonus lies with the borrowing organization depending upon the ad-hoc bonus/PLB/ex-gratiafincentive payment scheme, if any, in force in the borrowing organization.
(d) Employees who reverted during accounting year from deputation on foreign service with the organizations indicated in 'C' above.(d) The total amount of bonusiex-gratia received for the accounting year from foreign employer and the ad-hoc bonus, if any, due from a central government office for the period after reversion will be restricted to the amount due under ad-hoc bonus as per these orders.
(e) Employees from state Government/U.T. Admn./Public Sector Undertakings on reverse deputation with the Central Government.(e) Yes, they are eligible for ad-hoc bonus to be paid by the borrowing departments in terms of these orders provided no additional incentive as part of terms of deputation, other than Deputation Allowance, is paid and the lending authorities have no objection.
(f) Superannuated employees who were re-employed.(f) Re-employment being fresh employment eligibility period is to be worked out separately for re-employment period; the total amount admissible, if any. for prior to superannuation and that for re-employment period being restricted to the maximum admissible under ad-hoc bonus under these orders.
(g) Employees on half-Pay leave/E.O.L/Leave not due/study leave at any time during the accounting year.(g) Except in the case of leave without pay the period of leave of other kinds will be included for the purpose of working out eligibility period. The period of E.O.L./dies non will be excluded from eligibility period but will not count as break in service for the purpose of ad-hoc bonus.
(h) Contract employees(h) Yes. if the employees are eligible for benefits like dearness allowance and interim relief. Categories not eligible for these benefits would be considered at par with casual labor in terms of ad-hoc bonus orders.
(i) Employees under suspension at any time during the accounting year.(i) Subsistence allowance given to an employee under suspension for a period in the accounting year cannot be treated as emoluments, Such an employee becomes eligible for the benefit of ad-hoc bonus if and when reinstated with benefit of emoluments for the period of suspension, and in other cases such period will be excluded for the purpose of eligibility as in the case of employees on leave without pay.
(j) Employees transferred from one Ministry./Department/Office covered by ad-hoc bonus orders to another within the Government of India or a Union Territory Government covered by ad-hoc bonus orders and vice versa.(j) Employees who are transferred from any of the Ministry/Department/Office covered by ad-hoc bonus orders to another such office without break in service will be eligible on the basis of combined period of service in the different organizations. Those who are nominated on the basis of a limited departmental or open competitive exam from one organization to a different organization will also be eligible for the ad-hoc bonus. The payment will be made only by the organization where he was employed as on 31st March,2018 and no adjustments with the previous employer will be necessary.
(k) Employees who are transferred from a Government Department/Organization covered by ad-hoc bonus orders to a Government Department/Organisation covered by productivity - Linked Bonus scheme or vice versa.(k) They may be paid what would have been paid on the basis of emoluments in ad-hoc bonus covered department for the entire year less the amount due as productivity-linked bonus. The amount so calculated may be paid by Department where he was working on 31s' March, 2018 and/or at the time of payment.
(l) Part-time employees engaged on nominal fixed payment(l) Not eligible.
2. Whether ad-hoc bonus is payable to casual labour for an accounting year in the following cases:-
(a) Those who have put in specified number of days of work in different offices during each of the three years ending with the said accounting year.(a) The eligibility is to be worked out for three years from the said accounting year backwards. The period of 240 days of work in each of these years may be arrived at by combining the number of days worked in more than one offices of the government of India, for which bonus. ex-gratia or incentive payment has not been earned and received.
(b) Casual labour who were not in work on 31st March, 2018 .The condition of being in on 31st March, 2018 employment as laid down in these orders is applicable to regular Government Employees and not to casual labour.
(c) Those who have put in at least specified number of days of work in each of two years preceding the accounting year but are short of this limit due to regularization in employment in the said accounting year.If a casual labour, who has been regularized in the accounting year does not fulfill the minimum continuous service of six months as on 31st March, 2018 and therefore, cannot be granted benefit as a regular employee, he may be allowed the benefit as for a casual labour provided the period of regular service in the said year if added to the period of work as casual labour works out to at least specified number of days in that accounting year.

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Source: https://www.doe.gov.in

Grant of Dearness Relief in the 5th CPC series effective from 01.07.2018 to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment

Dearness Relief in the 5th CPC series effective from 01.07.2018 to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment

F. No. 42/06/2018-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market. New Delhi
Dated 8th Oct. 2018
Sub:- Grant of Dearness Relief in the 5th CPC series effective from 01.07.2018 to CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment-reg

In continuation of this Department's OM No. 42/06/2018-P&PW(G) dated 19.04.2018 the President is pleased to decide that the Deamess Relief w.e.f 01 .07.2018 to the CPF beneficiaries in receipt of ex-gratia payment shall be paid in the following manner:-
(i) The surviving CPF beneficiaries who have retired from service between the period 18.11.1960 and 31.12.1985. and were sanctioned ex-gratia @ Rs. 600/ p.m. w.e.f. 01.11.1997 under this Department's OM No. 45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 and revised to Rs.3000, Rs.1000. Rs.750 & Rs.650 for Group A, B, C & D respectively w.e.f 4th June.2013 vide OM No. 1/10/2012-P&PW(E) dtd. 27th June 2013 shall be entitled to enhanced Dearness Relief from 274% to 284% w.e.f 01.07.2018.

(ii) The following categories of CPF beneficiaries who are in receipt of ex-gratia payment in terms of this Department's OM No. 45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16.12.1997 shall be entitled to enhanced Dearness Relief from 266% to 276% w.e.f. 01.07.2018.

(a) The widows and eligible children of the deceased CPF beneficiary who had retired from service prior to 01.1.1986 or who had died while in service prior to 1.1.1986 and were sanctioned ex-gratia payment of Rs. 605/- p.m. and revised to Rs.645/-p.m w.e.f  4th June, 2013 vide OM No 1/10/2012-P&PW(E) dated 27th June 2013.

(b) Central Government employees who had retired on CPF benefits before 18.11.1960 and in receipt of Ex-gratia payment of Rs.654/-, Rs. 659/-, Rs.703/- and Rs. 965/-

2. Payment of DR involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee.

3. It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authorities, including the nationalized bank etc. to calculate the quantum of DR payable in each individual case.

4. In their application to the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after the concurrence of O/o C&AG.

5. This issues in pursuance of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No. IG/2008-E(B) dated 11th Sept, 2018.

6. Hindi version will follow.

Sanjay Wadhawan
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
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Timely Revision of Pension as per 7th CPC

Timely Revision of 7th CPC Pension - Instructions to credit the revised Pension and Arrears immediately: CPAO

NEW DELHI-110066
CPAO/IT&Tech/Bank Performance/2017-18/132
Subject :- Timely Revision of Pension as per 7th CPC

References have been received from pensioners and pensioner's association that the revised pension and arrear of revised pension as per 7th CPC has not been credited into the account of the pensioners/family pensioners.

All the CPPCs of the Banks are, therefore, requested to credit the revised pension and arrears of revised pension immediately in the account of pensioners/family pensioners for which Special Seal Authorities (SSAs) have been issued to the banks and in any case not later than 30 days of receipt of the Special Seal Authority (SSA) from this office so that the grievances of and hardships faced by the pensioners/family pensioners could be minimised.

This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pension).

(Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Asstt. Controller of Accounts)
Source: Cpao.nic.in

Grant of entry pay to ASOs of CSS promoted on or after 01.01.2006

Grant of entry pay to Assistant Section Officers of CSS promoted on or after 01.01.2006: DoPT

F. No.9/7/2013-CS.I(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi.
Dated the 8th October, 2018

Subject : Grant of entry pay to ASOs of CSS promoted on or after 01.01.2006 - Reg.

The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of Department of Expenditure's OM No.8-23/2017-E.III A dated 28.9.2018 for information and compliance to all cadre units of CSS in respect of Assistant Section Officers of CSS cadre, who got promoted on or after 1.1.2006 and whose pay, as fixed under Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 happened to be lower than the entry pay of direct recruit Assistant Section Officers appointed on or after 1.1.2006.

2. This is also in compliance with the direction of Hon'ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench's Order dated 6.7.2018 (pronounced on 3.8.2018) in respect of OA No.1015/2013 (Shri Radhey Shyam Singh & Others Vs. Union of India).
(K. Srinivasan)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 24642705
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DoPT: Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/ rotational transfer

Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/ rotational transfer who who is a care-giver of dependent with Specified Disability: DoPT Order

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
dated the 08th October, 2018
Subject: Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/ rotational transfer.

Considering that transfer of a Government employee who serves as the main care giver of persons with disability would have a bearing on the systematic rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, the Government issued OM of even number dated June 6, 2014 to exempt such employee from routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer, subject to administrative constraints.

2. The scope of disability initially had covered (i) blindness or low vision (ii) hearing impairment (iii) locomotor disability or cerebral Palsy (iv) leprosy cured (v) mental retardation (vi) mental illness and (vii) multiple disabilities, which subsequently, vide OMs of even number dated November 17, 2014 and January 5, 2016, was further extended to include 'Autism', 'Thalassemia' and 'Haemophilia'.

3. With the enactment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 on April 17, 2017, the following instructions are issued in supersession of the above-mentioned OMs of even number dated June 6, 2014, November 17, 2014 and January 5, 2016 with regard to the eligibility for seeking exemption from routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer:
(i) A Government employee who is a care-giver of dependent daughter/son/parents/spouse/brother/sister with Specified Disability, as certified by the certifying authority as a Person with Benchmark Disability as defined under Section 2(r) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 may be exempted from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer subject to the administrative constratints.

(ii) The term "Specified Disability" as defined in the Schedule to the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, covers (i) Locomotor disability including leprosy cured person, cerebral palsy, dwarfism, muscular dystrophy and Acid attack victims (ii) Blindness (iii) Low-vision (iv) Deaf (v) Hard of hearing (vi) Speech and language disabilities (vii) Intellectual disability including specific learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorder (viii) Mental illness (ix) Disability caused due to: (a) Neurological conditions such as Multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease (b) Blood disorder- Haemophilia, Thalassemia and Sickle cell-disease and (x) Multiple disabilities (more than one of the above specified disabilities) including deaf blindness and any other category of disabilities as may be notified by the Central Government.

(iii) The term 'Specified Disability' as defined herein is applicable as grounds only for the purpose of seeking exemption from routine transfer/ rotational transfer by a Government employee, who is a care-giver of dependent daughter/son/parents/spouse/brother/sister as stated in Para 3(i) above.

4. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned under their control.
Director (Res)
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