Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Filling up of post of Personal Assistant in Staff Selection Commission (WR), Mumbai - regarding

Filling up of post of Personal Assistant in Staff Selection Commission (WR), Mumbai - regarding
Government of India
Ministry of PersonneL, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi — 110 003
Date: the 13th February, 2013
Subject : Filling up of post of Personal Assistant in Staff Selection Commission (WR), Mumbai — regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that a vacancy in the grade of Personal Assistant of CSSS in the Staff Selection Commission (WR), Mumbai is lying vacant.
2. All the Cadre Units are requested that the application of willing Personal Assistants of CSSS for being considered to the afore said post, may be forwarded along with the personal particulars in the enclosed proforrna by 28th February. 2013. Substitute in place of the selected officer will be provided in due course.
(Kameshwar Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source :

AIRF’s proposal for Railway Budget 2013-14.

AIRF’s proposal for Railway Budget 2013-14.
Dated: January 30, 2013
Respected Shri Bansal Ji,
Sub: Proposals for the Rail Budget 2013-14
All India Railwaymen’s  Federation, the oldest and largest organization of the Railwaymen in India, takes this privilege to  put-forth the following important proposals with the hope that the same would receive due consideration in the Rail Budget 2013-14, which not only help moral boosting of  the Railwaymen, but also improve upon the Railway Industry as a whole:
1. Educational Facilities for the children of Railwaymen 
Educational Institutions in majority are being run by the private  entrepreneurs, with the result that,not only higher education but also education up to Intermediate level is day-by-day becoming beyond the reach of common Railwayman in general and were particularly the low paid  Railway Staff. Taking this aspect into consideration, the then Hon’ble Minister for Railways had made proposals in the Rail Budget to open Central School, Technical Education Institutions and Medical Institutions on railway land to provide better educational facilities to Railwaymen’s  children on the persuasion of AIRF.
These proposals could not be materialized due to financial crunch, as such there is glaring need to provide adequate funds for this purpose.

2. Medical Facilities 
The existing medical facilities are quite inadequate, particularly because of shortage of Railway doctors and paramedical staff, besides inadequacy of infrastructure facility of Mobile Medical Vans was, therefore, thought of to provide medical facilities for the staff and their family members posted on roadside stations and remote areas. Again, due to financial crunch, this proposal has not been implemented as yet. Adequate budget allotment for provision of at least 6-7 Mobile Medical Vans in each division may, therefore be done in the Rail Budget 2013-14.2
3. Extension of LARSGESS Scheme 
The safety of Rail operation  is  supreme for all of us. The safety related Voluntary Retirement Scheme was, therefore, introduced for the staff of Safety categories, initially for Trackman and Loco Pilots after though consideration of all the related aspects. The scope of this scheme with modified  nomenclature of LARSGESS was subsequently extended covering all the safety staff in Grade Pay Rs. 1800 and Rs 1900 sustained  persuasion of AIRF. This scheme further needs extension of scope covering all the staff working up to Grade Pay of Rs 4200 and Rs 4600 and the appointment of the wards under this scheme be made on the basis of  compassionate  ground  appointment, appointment of medically de-categorized staff and the children of land losers, so that young blood are inducted in the safety categories for safe operation of trains.
4. Staff Benefit Fund 
The fund allotted under this head is used for several welfare activities of Railwaymen including Women Empowerment, Education assistance to girl- child of low paid staff etc. The per capita allotment is still inadequate as such needs to be enhanced to Rs. 800/- in the ensuing Rail Budget.
5. Maintenance of Railway Quarters and Colonies 
During the last few years a conation of Railway Quarters and Colonies has destroyed rustically because of non availability of adequate fund, as a result of which,  the residence of Railway employees and his family members continue to face adequate hardship on this account. With this view, to provide some relief to them, adequate fund allotment may be ensured during the current Budget so that maintenance and up keep of Railway quarters and colonies is possible. Here it is worth mentioning that in CPWD, per quarter maintenance cost has been provided Rs.35,000(Thirty Five  Thousand) in  comparison  to  the Railways of Rs.10,000(Rupees Ten Thousand ) which also does not use to be spent. Our demand for  Maintenance  Allowance to cover minor repairs/white washing/painting of quarters should also be considered.
6. Absorption of Quasi-Administrative Staff in the Railways 
The issue of absorption of quasi-administrative offices staff in the Railways was raised by the AIRF several times in various Negotiating Fora, but unfortunately, up-till now, nothing has been done in this regard. We also brought their apathies before your goof-self. Absorption of quasi-administrative offices staff in the Railways will not only help their regularization in the Railways but also Railways will get a trained manpower.
7. Appointment of substitutes at DRM’s/CWM’s level to fill up the large number of vacancies 
There continued to remain large numbers of vacancies unfilled, particularly in Safety  Category,which we are of opinion,    is safety hazards. The present system of recruitment through RRC in erstwhile in Group ‘D’ category does not fulfill requirement. As such, the time tested process of engaging substitutes at DRM’s/CWM’s level is to be revised, wherein preference should be given to the wards of Railway employees. This would not only provide employment to the ward of Railway employees but also will help in smooth Rail operations.
8. Improvement in Training Facilities 
Indian Railways are progressing towards modernization for providing World  Class service to rail users, for which  technical advancement is  inevitable. Staff are, therefore, required to impart adequate training to educate them. With latest technology, the training facility therefore, needs to be upgraded and modernized to make them capable of imparting adequate training for staff, for which sufficient fund allocation needs to be done in the Rail Budget.
9. Privilege passes for Parents 
In almost all the organization, viz. Defense, Airways etc., the parents of the staff  avail the facility of free travel on par with staff, i.e. both father and mother are entitle for free travel to the serving wards. Unfortunately, in Indian Railways, a mother can only avail this facility after death of his husband,which is highly unfair. The Railways should therefore, have gesture to provide privilege passes to father and mother of Railway employees also.
10. Creation of posts 
As creation of post is required for maintenance and commercial activities of Railways. Posts  are created on matching saving basis, on account of which, the required number of posts are not created commensurate with the requirement. Due to inadequate Ticket Checking staff, there is remarkable Financial loss because a number of coaches remain unmanned,  providing scope for irregular traveling of the passengers. Similarly, shortage of the maintenance staff does result in a proper maintenance of rolling stock, track and signaling etc., which endangers the safety of train operations.Therefore, there is urgent need of create adequate posts for the above purpose, for which funds allotment would be necessary.
11. Non-Introduction of new trains 
It has been observed in all the Rail Budgets that more than 100 new trains use to be introduced and numbers of services use to increase in weekly or by weekly trains without creation of posts and provision of staff and infrastructure which leads stress on staff and safety also use to be endanger. Therefore, it is requested that no new trains should be introduced without creation of staff and  provision of infrastructure. AIRF is confident that the Hon’ble Railway Minister for Railways would give serious consideration to our above proposals to make announcement through the Rail Budget 2013-14.
Source : AIRF

Repairing/Renovation of Nizam Palace Guest House, Kolkata – reg.

Repairing/Renovation of Nizam Palace Guest House, Kolkata – reg.

Govt. of India 
Min. of Urban Development 
Directorate of Estates 
Regions Section

Nirman Bhawan 
New Delhi 110108 

Sh. PP. Bandopadhyay,
Estate Manager,
5-Esplanade East,
Kolkata — 700 069

Subject: Repairing/Renovation of Nizam Palace Guest House, Kolkata – reg.

It has been decided at the competent level to get the entire Nizam Palace Guest House, Kolkata renovated. For this purpose, the entire Guest House building is required to be handed over to the Central Public Works Department for carrying out necessary repairs and renovation with effect from 01.04.2013.

2. You are therefore requested to stop booking both off line and online of the Guest House Accommodation in the Central Government Officers’ Guest House at Nizam Palace, Kolkata from 01.04.2013 onwards and also to issue notices to the present occupants to vacate room/suites and hand over the vacant possession of the same to the CPWD/Estate Manager, Kolkata.

3. This may kindly be treated as the MOST URGENT.

Yours sincerely 
(S.K. Jain) 
Deputy Director (Policy)


Extension of time limit for Members of Parliament for shifting from transit / temporary / accommodation to regular accommodation

Extension of time limit for Members of Parliament for shifting from transit / temporary / accommodation to regular accommodation

Government of India 
M/o Urban Development 
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 
Dated 1/2//2013


Subject : Extension of time limit for Members of Parliament for shifting from transit / temporary / accommodation to regular accommodation.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Rajya Sabha Parliamentary Bulletin Part.II dated 14.6.2005 and Lok Sabha Secretariat Letter No. 14/1/2006/MS dated 13/3/2006 on the subject cited above and to say that the newly elected Members of Parliament are allowed to stay in the transit accommodation without payment of rent for two weeks from date of habitability, of the regular accommodation allotted to them.

(Munish Kumar Garg) 
Director of Estates



The Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan batar Road, Palam
Delhi Cantt.-110010.

Sub: Serving of “Strike Notice”
Dear Sir,
Notice is hereby given that members of All India Defence Accounts Employees’ Association (HQ), Kolkata, an affiliated to the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, will go on two day strike on 20 & 21st February, 2013.  The Charter of Demands in pursuance of which the Confederation has given notice to the Cabinet Secretary for the one day strike action is appended hereunder.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General

1.      Take concrete measures to contain Price rise.
2.     Take concrete measures for linkage of employment protection with the concession / incentive package offered to the entrepreneurs.
3.     Ensure strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
4.     Universal social security covers for the unorganised sector workers without any restriction and creation of a National Social Security Fund with adequate resources in line with the recommendation of NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour.
5.     Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs.
6.     No Contractorisation of work permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the industry / establishment.
7.     Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs.10,000/-.
8.     Remove all ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.
9.     Assured statutory Pension for all.
10.   Ensure Compulsory registration of trade unions within a  period of 45 days and immediate ratification of the ILO Conventions Nos.87 and 98.
11.    Revise the wages of the Central Government employees including Gramin Dak Sewaks with effect from 1.1.2011 and every five years thereafter by setting up the 7th CPC.
12.   Merge DA with Pay for all purposes with effect from 1.1.2011 including for Gramin Dak Sweaks.
13.   Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointments and the discrimination on such appointments between the Railway workers and other Central Government Employees.
14.   [a] Departmentalise all Gramin Dak Sweaks and grant them all benefits of regular employees; End Bonus discrimination and enhance bonus ceiling to 3500/-; Withdraw open market recruitment in Postman / MTS cadre; Revise cash handling norms; Grant full protection of TRCA; Grant Time Bound Promotion and Medical Reimbursement facility etc.
[b] Regularise the daily rated, contingent, casual workers and introduce a permanent scheme for periodical regularization. Pending regularization, provide them with pro-rata salary at 6th CPC rates.  
15.   (a) Revive the functioning of the JCM. Convene the meeting of the Departmental Councils in all Ministries/Departments. Settle the anomalies raised in the National Anomaly Committee as also in the Departmental Anomaly Committees. Hold National Council meetings as specified in the JCM constitution. 
(b) Remove the anomalies in the MACP Scheme.(c) Grant recognition to all Associations/Federations, which have complied with the formalities and conditions stipulated in the CCS(RSA) Rules.
16.   Fill up all vacant posts and creates posts n functional requirements.
17.   Stop downsizing outsourcing, contractorization, corporatization and privatization of Government functions.
18.   Stop Price rise; Strengthen the PDS.
19.   (a) Stop the proposal to introduce the productivity linked wage system; (b) discard the performance related pay structure; (c) introduce PLB in all Departments; (d) remove the ceiling on emoluments for bonus computation.
20.   Revise the OTA, Night duty allowance and clothing rates.
21.   Implement all arbitration awards.
22.   Make the right to strike a legal and fundamental right of the Government employees on par with the other section of the working class.
23.   Grant Five promotions to all employees as is provided for in the case of Group-A services.
24.   (a) Withdraw the PFRDA Bill. (b) Rescind the decision to allow FDI in pension sector;(c) Scrap the new contributory pension scheme (d) Extend the existing statutory defined pension scheme to all Central Govt. employees irrespective of their date of entry in Government service.
25.   Vacate all Trade Union victimisation, and more specifically in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.
Implement all arbitration awards including grant of higher pay scale notionally w.e.f. 01-01-1986 and effectively w.e.f. 01-01-2006.
Upgrade LDCs by re-designation them as Audit Assistants and following pay sales to different cadres –
Acctts./Audit Assistant - PB-1 with Grade Pay Rs.2400
Auditor/Steno Gr.II - PB-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4200
Sr. Auditor/Steno Gr.I - PB-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4600
SO/AAO - PB-2 with Grade Pay Rs.4800
                     PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs.5400                                                                                 
                     (on completion of 4 years).
Accounts Officer - PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs.6600
Sr. Accounts Officer - PB-3 with Grade Pay Rs.7600
Grant MACP on departmental hierarchy basis.
Grant one increment and Grade pay of Rs.4800 from the day of passing SAS examination.
Grant three increments on passing Departmental Confirmatory Examination.
Step up pay of Senior Promotes who exhausted ACP in the event of junior drawing more pay and getting ACP in compliance with apex court judgment.
Lady employees should be exempted from outstation transfer except volunteers.
Ensure posting at choice/home station just after completion of tenure fixed for the station.
Implement same scale for promotees and direct recruits.
Ensure promotion of clerks to the grade of Auditor after completion of five years’ service and Auditor to the grade of Sr. Auditor after completion of three years’ service respectively.
Introduce Zonal Transfer Policy up to AAO by formulating comprehensive transfer policy.
Grant higher Grade Pay for DEOs.
Grant promotion of all MTS to the grade of Clerk irrespective of academic qualification as well as age on one time measure.

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