Thursday, October 24, 2013

Implementation of LARSGESS amongst Railway emproyees in Gp Rs 1800/-

Implementation of LARSGESS amongst Railway employees in Gp Rs 1800/-

Dated: 23/10/2013
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,

Dear Sir,

Sub: Implementation of LARSGESS amongst Railway emproyees in GP Rs 1800/-

Federation wishes to bring to the notice of Rairway Board grievance railway employees working on Delhi Division/Northern Railway safety categories (Loco Pilots) and eligible to avail benefit under LARSGESS whose wards had appeared in the Aptitude test of December 2011 cycle but unfortunately could not qualify. It has been reported to NFIR that when the staff represented for 2nd chance pursuant to instructions of Railway Board vide letter no. E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 dated 29/03/2011, as applicable in written test, Administration did not allow. This is grossly unjustified. A copy of representation submitted by the staff is enclosed for reference.

NFIR, therefore, requests Railway Board to consider and issue suitable instructions to all zones for considering cases of cycle of December 2011 and onwards for granting 2nd chance to clear aptitude test, as a special case. A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

Source: NFIR

Timely payment of dues of encashment of leave to Government servants retiring on attaining the age of superannuation — need to obviate delays in payment of such dues

Timely payment of dues of encashment of leave to Government servants retiring on attaining the age of superannuation — need to obviate delays in payment of such dues

No. 18019/6/2013-Estt(L)
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi, the 21 October, 2013


Subject: Timely payment of dues of encashment of leave to Government servants retiring on attaining the age of superannuation — need to obviate delays in payment of such dues - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to state that in terms of the provisions of rule 39 of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972, the authority competent to grant leave is suo mote required to issue an order granting cash equivalent of leave salary for both earned leave and half pay leave, if any, at the credit of the Government servant on the date of his retirement, subject to the prescribed limits.

2. It has since been brought to the notice of this Department that the concerned administrative authorities as indicated in First Schedule to the said rules including authorities subordinate to the leave sanctioning authorities to whom such powers have been delegated, are not ensuring that the dues, as admissible to a Government servant retiring on attaining the age of superannuation, are promptly paid. This has led to avoidable litigation where courts have been directing payment of interest on such delayed payments. It has been observed from the references received in this Department that the delays in such payments are predominantly due to avoidable administrative reasons relating to processing of such cases.

3. It is further stated that the Leave Account of a Government servant is a dynamic document which is required to be revisited periodically to record credits of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave in terms of provisions of rules 26 and 29 of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 with entries made on each occasion the Government servant avails the leave of the kind due and admissible to him Further, the said rules envisage that advance credits be made in the leave account of the Government servant and a constant check maintained to ensure that the total accumulations at any given time do not exceed 300+15 days.

4. Delays in reckoning the leave accumulations at the credit of Government servant at any stage, particularly at the time of his retirement on superannuation, cannot be acceptable and can be construed as administrative lapse, liable to attract provisions of the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 and CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965. All cases
of delay may be looked into and delays in disbursement of dues to Government servants retiring on attaining the age of superannuation be avoided.

5. The administrative authorities may consider putting in place a mechanism to check such delays and define various processing parameters and time lines viz. issuance of orders in respect of such retiring Government servants who have 300+15 days earned leave at their credit on the 20th of the month in which they are retiring as any leave availed by such Government servants shall not impact the maximum ceiling of encashment of such leave even if any request is made for grant of earned leave during the said period. The possibility of e-transfer of dues can also be worked out in consultation with respective P&AOs.

6. All Ministries/Departments are accordingly advised to bring the position referred to in this OM to the notice of all concerned from the perspective of ensuring that the dues of leave encashment in respect of Government servants retiring on attaining the age of superannuation are discharged with due promptness. It maybe ensured that sanction orders, in this regard are issued timely, so that dues admissible to the Government servants on attaining the age of superannuation, on account of encashment of leave, are discharged as soon as possible, preferably on the next working day following the date of their retirement on superannuation.
(Mukul Ratra)

Service Book - Simplification of procedure for verification of service — adherence to the revised format

Service Book - Simplification of procedure for verification of service — adherence to the revised format

18019/7/2013-Estt. (L)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & training)

Old JNU Campus, New Delhi
Dated the 23 October, 2013.

Subject: Simplification of procedure for verification of service — adherence to the revised format - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to the provisions of the Supplementary Rules which relate to maintaining records of service of a Government employee. The provisions of SR- 199 and 202 require that "Every step in a Government servant's official life must be recorded in his Service Book and each entry must be attested by the Head of his Office...." (SR199) and that "It shall be the duty of every Head of Office to initiate action to show the Service Books to the Government servants under his administrative control every year.....The Government servants shall inter alia ensure......    that their services have been duly verified and certified as such...." (SR 202).

2. Further, the provisions of Rule 32 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 provide for issuing a communication in Form-24 on completion of 18 years of service regarding verification and determination of qualifying service. The Rule 59 thereof relates to the preparatory work to be done by the Head of Office for sanctioning pensionary benefits to the retiring employee. Attention is also invited to this Department's OM No. 17011/1199-Estt.(L) dated 11-03-2008, whereby the revised format of the Service Book was circulated for being adopted. The said revised format also includes Part V whereunder the record of verification of service is to be maintained.

3. It has since been brought to the notice of this Department that the aforesaid provisions of the Supplementary Rules as also the provisions of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 as referred to above are not being followed. Consequently, the gaps in service verification, get detected at a very late stage when the concerned Government servant is due to retire on attaining the age of superannuation.

4. In view of this and with the objective of eliminating delays in processing of cases of retiring Government Servants, the aforementioned rules and the instructions of this Department are reiterated and it is stated that it may be ensured that the following are strictly adhered to:

(i) The record of verification of service may henceforth be maintained only in Part V of the revised format of the Service Book as per the new format prescribed by this Department's aforesaid OM of 11-03-2008

(ii) The exercise for ensuring completion of the entries of service verification in the Part V of the new format, in respect of employees who are retiring within five years, may be undertaken immediately, by the concerned administrative authorities and concluded within a defined time frame, as may be worked out by such authority.

(iii) Any gap in the verification of service may be intimated to the employee concerned, and simultaneously appropriate action for ensuring verification of missing spells may be taken by the Head of Office.

(iv) The concerned Government servant may also be informed of deficiencies and gaps as regards missing entries relating to verification of service and the period thereof.

5. The Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare have also suggested that the administrative authorities, to preclude and to cut down on delays in payment of retiral benefits to Government servants retiring of superannuation, may consider adoption of the following mechanisms and processes, in consultation with their PAOs:

(i) Annual service verification statements may be considered to be issued along with pay slip for the month of April every year.

(ii) At the time of transfer from one Ministry/ Department/Office to another, any gap in the service record including for prior periods under the administrative control of the Ministry/Department/Office will be indicated in the Last Pay Certificate.

(iii) Creation & Maintenance of Service Records in e-format available in e-Office under e-governance.

6. All Ministries/ Departments are accordingly requested to issue suitable instructions to all Heads of Offices/Pay & Accounts Offices for strict compliance of the above instructions so as to preclude any delays in disbursement of retiral benefits of Government servants. It may be reiterated and again stressed that the action as indicated in para 4 of this OM may be taken immediately by prioritizing the up-dation of service verification details in respect of such Government servants who are due to retire on attaining the age of superannuation in the next five (5) years, by working out a time bound schedule. In the second phase, the verification of service of all remaining employees in the prescribed format may be completed.

(Mukul Ratra)

Priority allotment to the personal staff attached with Union Ministers and other dignitaries List of central areas and non-central areas

Priority allotment to the personal staff attached with Union Ministers and other dignitaries List of central areas and non-central areas

Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi-110 108
Dated the 21′ October 2013.

Subject: Priority allotment to the personal staff attached with Union Ministers and other dignitaries List of central areas and non-central areas

Personal staff attached with the Union Ministers and other dignitaries and key officials working in the Vice-President’s Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet Secretariat are eligible for priority/out of turn allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) in accordance with the provisions contained in SR 317-B-8A of the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963 and this Directorate’s OM No.12035/2/97-Pol.II(PLII) dated 17.11.1997. Instructions regarding floor and locality of GPRA to be allotted to such officials along with a list of central localities of Delhi were issued vide this Directorate’s OMs of even number dated rd April 2004 and 9th July 2012.

2. The matter has been reconsidered in this Ministry and it has now been decided that priority/out-of-turn allotments to the personal staff attached with the various dignitaries and key officials working in the Vice-President’s Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet Secretariat shall normally be restricted to the first floor in central areas or any floor in non-central areas. However, the Minister of Urban Development shall have the discretion to allot ground floor accommodation in central localities also to such officials in deserving cases.

3. It has also been decided that the following localities for the types of accommodation specified below shall constitute central areas:-

No.Type of AccommodationLocality (Central Area)
1D I (V B)1. Chanakyapuri
2. Bharti Nagar
3. Rabindra Nagar
2D II (V A)1.Kaka Nagar
2. Pandara Road
3. Pandara Park
4. Shah Jahan Road
5. Tilak Lane
6. Vinay Marg
7. Lodhi Road Complex
8. Subramanya Bharti Marg
3IV1. Laxmibai Nagar
2. Sarojini Nagar
3. Netaji Nagar
4. Peshwa Road
5. Kalibari Marg
6. Pandara Road
7. Lodhi Colony
4III1. DIZ Area
2. Sarojini Nagar
3. BKS Marg
4. Mandir Marg
5. Lodhi Road Complex
6. North West Moti Bagh
7. Laxmibai Nagar
8. Lodhi Colony
5II1. DIZ Area
2. BKS Marg
3. Mandri Marg
4. Lodhi Road Complex
5. North West Moti Bagh
6. Laxmibai Nagar
7. Netaji Nagar
8. Kidwai Nagar (East)
9. Aram Bagh
10. Kalibari Marg
11. Albert Square
12. Hanuman Road
13. Lodhi Colony
6I1. BKS Marg
2. Kalibari Marg
3. Panchkuian Road
4. Minto Road
5. Prem Nagar (New)
6. DIZ Area

4. Accommodation located in areas other than those mentioned in paragraph 2 above shall be treated as non-central areas.

5. All Allotment Sections are advised to implement this decision accordingly, with immediate effect.

6. This supersedes Directorate of Estates’s OMs of even number dated 2.4.2004 and 9.7.2012.

Relaxation of requirement of 4 APARs for Section Officer LDCE 2012 & 2013

Relaxation of requirement of 4 APARs for Section Officer LDCE 2012 & 2013

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Lok Nayak Bhawan,
New Delhi October 23, 2013.


Whereas the Central Secretariat Service Section Officers’ Grade (Limited Departmental Competitive Examination) Regulations, 2010 provide that for being eligible to appear in the Section Officers’ Grade (Limited Departmental Competitive Examination) (hereinafter referred to as ‘examination’) an officer of the Assistants’ Grade of the Central Secretariat Service (CSS) or of Personal Assistants’ Grade (Stenographer Grade ‘C’) of the Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service (CSSS) possessing a Bachelor’s Degree of a recognised university or equivalent shall, inter-alia, satisfy the following condition on the crucial date:

"He shall have rendered not less than five years’ approved service and shall also have, earned at least four Annual Performance Appraisal Reports in .the Assistants’ Grade of the Central Secretariat Service or Personal Assistants’ Grade of Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service."

2. And whereas in response to the notice for the Combined Section Officers/Stenographers’(Grade-B/Grade-l) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2012 & 2013, representations from individuals were received stating that the condition of four Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APAR) as on the crucial date for eligibility for the SO Grade 1DCE, was adversely affecting them as they would not be eligible for the forthcoming examination due to not having obtained the requisite number of APARs whereas many of their juniors appointed by the same mode of recruitment would be eligible.

3. And whereas the Government on consideration of the matter observed that introduction of the new condition of four APARs is creating incongruity in so far as many junior Assistants/PAs are eligible for taking the examination for the years 2012 and 2013 but the seniors are not, as they have not obtained four APARs in that grade as on the crucial date due to either late joining in the case of direct recruits on account of administrative delays or due to late finalisation of Select Lists in the case of promotes. As a result, an anomalous situation has arisen whereby officers senior in the Select List or in rank in the direct recruitment examination would not be eligible to sit for the forthcoming examination due to not obtaining the requisite APARs while their juniors would be eligible to take the examination.

4. And whereas the Government has on consideration decided that the condition of four APARs for the examination is causing undue hardship to those Assistants/PAs who have completed at least five years of approved service but are not eligible to appear in the examination for the years 2012 & 2013 as hey have not obtained four APARs due to administrative reasons, while their juniors are eligible for the examination.

5. And now, therefore, to bring about uniformity in the eligibility condition for all the candidates for the examination for the years 2012 & 2013 for category –I and to avoid undue hardship to many Assistants/PAs as an exception, and in  exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 23 of the Central Secretariat Service Rules, 2009, the competent authority has decided to relax the condition relating to the requirement of four APARs, on the crucial date, in the Assistants ‘Grade of CSS  or Personal Assistant Grade of CSSS contained in Regulation 4 of the Section Officers ‘Grade (Limited Department competitive Examination) Regulations, 2010. Consequently Assistants of CSS and Personal Assistants of CSSS who have rendered five years ‘Approved service in the respective grades as on the crucial date would be eligible to appear in the combined Section Officers’/Stenographers’(Grade-B/Grade-I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2012 & 2013 for Category-I (Section Officer of CSS).

(Utkaarsh R Tiwaati)

Re-commencing of booking of Holiday Home at Port Blair - Directorate of Estates

Re-commencing of booking of Holiday Home at Port Blair - Directorate of Estates
No. D-11016/53/2007-Regions
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 03-10-2013

Subject: Re-commencing of booking of Holiday Home at Port Blair.

Reference Directorate of Estates vide O.M. of even No. dated 6th June, 2013. Room No. 301, 302, 303, 304, 305 & 306 of Holiday Home at Port Blair kept for repairs & maintenance would be ready for occupation w.e.f. November, 2013 and accordingly, it has been decided to re-commence the booking of above rooms in Holiday Home at Port Blair with effect from 1st November, 2013.

NIC, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi is requested that online booking of above rooms may be re-activated with immediate effect.  However, it may be ensured that applicants can apply for booking only for period with effect from 1.11.2013.

(N.S. Chauhan)
Assistant Director of Estates (Regions)


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