NFIR writes to 7th CPC to send Interim Report to the Government along with the aspect of merger of dearness allowance with basic pay...
Preliminary inter-action meeting between 7th CPC & NFIR — reg.
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-110 055
IndIan National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/2013/Pt.Ii
The Chairman,
Seventh Central Pay Commission,
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
Sub: Preliminary inter-action meeting between 7th CPC & NFIR — reg.
Ref: Seventh CPC’s D.O. No.7CPC/22/Meeting dated 12th May, 2014.
express our sincere gratitude to the 7th CPC for extending invitation
to the NFIR to take part in the inter-action meeting. As this being the
first meeting of preliminary inter-action nature. NFIR submits certain
facts briefly for appreciation. The Federation would, however submit
detailed memorandum separately on various issues as well as the proposed
pay structure for Railwaymen/ Women and the need for upward revision of
various allowances, incentive etc.
is one of the major Federations in the railways functioning for the
cause of rail workforce (serving & retired) and equally for the
growth of Nation as well Railways since the last over six decades.
is one of the major constituents of the Joint Consultative Machinery
(JCM). M. Raghavaiah, General Sccrctary/NFIR, is also the Leader of
Staff Side/JCM.
Railways is a unique and complex transportation system under the
control of Central Government, serving the needs of people since the
last more than 160 years. Indian Railways handle over 19,000 regular
trains (Freight & Passenger) per day besides about 3000 special
trains a day during various seasons. Its route kilometerage is 65,187.
the year 2012-13, Indian Railways moved more than 1010 Metric Tonnes of
freight traffic and joined as fourth member of the select Billion Tonne
Club of USA, China and Russia. The operating ratio has been around 90%
barring the 3 years period between 2005-06 & 2008. The Indian
Railways incur losses as a result of fulfilling the social service
obligations. The approximate loss on this account is around Rupees
Twenty Thousand Crores per annum.
railway employees perform duties for ensuring uninterrupted flow of
services. They Work at over 7000 railway stations. Most work places do
not have access to facilities and basic amenities for their living. The
employees are compelled to work under the open sky and inclement weather
conditions. They face hazards associated with the job environment,
remoteness. inhospitable terrain etc.,
railway employees are part of Central Government Employees, their nature
of work, duties and responsibilities are uncommon and not comparable
with any other system/industry. The staff who maintain railway tracks,
rolling stock, signal/telecom network, train operations, trains
planning, punctuality, safety are skillful and devoted to the system but
however, these factors have not been given due weighage by successive
Pay Commissions. The running staff i.e. Loco Pilots, Asst. Loco Pilots,
Guards. operating staff, station masters, controllers etc.. perform
their jobs facing many odds. They are expected lo perform duties even
beyond the prescribed duty hours.
We may
incidentally cite para 2.3 of the report of the Chairman, High Level
Safety Review Committee headed by Dr.Anil Kakodkar submitted to the
Railway Ministry. According tlo the said report the number of railway
employees killed in the course of performing duties has been higher as
can be seen from the following figures (period 2007—08 to 2011)
| Killed | Injured |
(a) Railwaymen | 1,600 | 8,700 |
(b) Passenger/Public | 1,019 | 2,110 |
(c) Unmanned Level Crossing | 723 | 690 |
nature of work, duties, responsibilities of railway staff justify grant
of better pay structtire and other benefits treating the Railway
Workforce as unique and not comparable with other Central Government
employees. We shall explain the facts through our memorandum for
consideration of Hon’ble 7th CPC.
the NFIR is one of the major constituents of the JCM, our memorandum
will be drafted and finalized after the submission of memorandum by JCM
(Staff Side). In view of this, we request that we may be given time to
submit our memorandum by 31st July, 20l4.
As the
Hon’ble Pay Commission is aware that 1.3 million staff belonging to
hundreds of caegories are working in the railways, we request that the
Federation be given more slots in phases to facilitate us to explain the
case of every important category cogently.
may submit that the 6th report, more particularly the concept of Grade
Pay and Pay Band had generated many anomalies. This led to
dis-satisfaction among different categories of railway employees. These
anomalies are yet to be rectified by the Government. The proposals of
Railway Ministry on 6th CPC issues are pending with Finance Ministry.
MACPS aberrations have also been very large in number. Our efforts at
the level of Railway Ministry as well Ministry of Personnel/MoF have not
yielded positive result.
We hope that the Seventh
Central Pay Commission would look into these issues in a realistic
manner for mitigating the injustice caused to staff.
Pay Commission may kindly appreciate that the Dearness Allowance (D.A.)
has become 100% of pay w.e.f. 01/01/2014. This scenario was never
anticipated by the 6th CPC. It may however be appreciated that in the
past, the Government had merged DA with pay when it crossed 50% (In the
year 2004). We are expecting 6% DA w.e.f. July 1, 2014, thus the DA%
would be 106% of pay in July, 2014.
We therefore,
request the Hon’ble Pay Commission to kindly consider this aspect for
sending interim report to the Government recommending merger.
assures its co-operation to the Pay Commission by way providing facts
and material & equally hopes that this Pay Commission would render
justice to the Railway employees.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary/NFIR
to the Affiliated Unions of NFIR. lt was explained very effectively the
uniqueness and uncommon working of the rail work force justifying
different pay package. Speciai thrust was DA merger. The response has
been positive.
Source: NFIR