Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Seventh Central Pay Commissions recommendations - revision of pay scales - amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules

Amendment of Service Rules and Recruitment Rules as per 7th CPC - DoPT

7th Central Pay Commissions Recommendations - Revision of Pay Scales - Amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules

Amendment of Service Rules and Recruitment Rules as per 7th CPC - DoPT

Government of India
Ministry or Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Estt.-RR Division
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 25th July 2018

Sub: Seventh Central Pay Commissions recommendations - revision of pay scales - amendment of Service Rules/Recruitment Rules.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 9th August 2016 regarding amendment of Service Rules/ Recruitment Rules by replacing the existing Pay Band and Grade Pay with the corresponding Level in the Pay Matrix in the revised pay structure recommended by the Seventh CPC and notified in the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

2. In the light of above all cadre controlling authorities of Organized Group A services are hereby requested to amend the SRs as per OM dated 30.08.2016 to bring them in-conformity with 7th CPC structure. The information in this regard may also be furnished to the undersigned latest by 31st July 2018 in the format enclosed.
(Shukdeo Sah)
Under Secretary to Government of India

Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix)

Procedure-regarding Railway Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix)
RBE No.102/2018
New Delhi, dated. 18.07.2018
No. E(NG)II/2008/RR-1/33 (3010339)
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units,
(As per standard mailing list).

Sub: Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix) - Procedure-regarding.

The non-materialization of full panel despite all out efforts made by the Railway recruiting agencies has been engaging the attention of the Board. Accordingly, the procedure for recruitment from open market in Level-1 was reviewed and following decisions taken with respect to different instructions issued from time to time:-

i) Para 1 (ii) of instructions contained under RBE No. 138/2014 dated 10.12.2014 lays down that “the number of candidates called for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) should be 02 (two) times the number vacancies”.

- In modification of above, the number of candidates to be called for PET should now be 03 (three) times the number notified vacancies.

ii) Para 3 of instructions contained in RBE No. 73/2008 dated 17.06.2008 lays down that “the number of candidates called for Document Verification (DV) shall be 20% over & above the number of vacancies”.

- In modification of above, henceforth, the number of candidates to be called for DV shall be twice the number of notified vacancies.

iii) Para 2 of instructions contained in RBE No. 06/2014 dated 10.01.2014 stipulates that “no replacement panels are to be given against non-joining of selected candidates”.

- In modification of the above, it has been decided that the panel will now be formed to the extent of the notified vacancies with a standby panel of 50% of the notified vacancies. In case the main panel plus stand-by is also exhausted and still there is a shortfall vis-a-vis notified vacancies, the recruiting agency may further go down in the list of candidates which meet the requirement of minimum qualifying marks in their respective community for conducting PET (if needed) and DV/ME to the extent of shortfall community-wise. This may be done till the demand from the concerned Railway administration w.r.t. indent placed and vacancies notified are fully met. These provisions shall be subject to currency of the panel.

2. The above guidelines will also be applicable to recruitment notification published under Centralized Employment Notice No. 02/2018, issued by Railway Recruitment Boards.

Please acknowledge receipt.
(Neeraj Kumar)
Dir. Estt.(N)-II
Railway Board

Standard Terms and Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs

Regarding Standard Terms and Conditions [FORMAT] for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs

F. No. W-02/0031/2018-DPE (WC)-G1-XX/18
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block No.14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi, the 23rd July, 2018

Subject :- Standard Terms and Conditions for 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs - reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to DPE’s OM dated 14.12.2012 and to state that guidelines on revised pay scales etc. in respect of executives of CPSEs following IDA pattern of pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 have been issued vide DPE OMs dated 03.08.2017, 04.08.2017 and 07.09.2017. Based on the Government policy declared in these OMs, standard terms and conditions in respect of Board level executives of the CPSEs following IDA pay scales have been finalized by DPE. A copy of the standard terms and conditions is enclosed.

2. All proposals for pay fixation and terms & conditions of Board level executives in 2017 pay scales may be finalized in the model format enclosed, as per the procedure prescribed in the aforesaid DPE OM dated 14.12.2012.

3. All the cases where the pay fixation based on 2017 IDA pay scales in respect of Board level executives of CPSEs have already been finalized, the terms and conditions of such Board level executives may be reviewed in light of the enclosed standard terms & conditions.

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(Samsul Haque)
Under Secretary

ECHS: Scrutiny of OPD/ IPD Claims at RC Level

ECHS: Scrutiny of OPD/ IPD Claims at RC Level
Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General's Branch
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt- 110 010
B/ 49779-Outsourcing/ AG/ ECHS/ Policy
12 Jul 2018
All Regional Centres


1. Further to our letter No B/ 49779-Outsourcing/ AG/ ECHS/ Policy dated 10 Nov 2017, pursuant to the instructions received from DoESW vide letter No. 18(80) / 2017/WE/ D(Res-1) dated 12 Jul 2018 and proposal to formalize second tier check vide case file No B/ 49779- Outsourcing/ AG/ ECHS initiated on 06 Jul 2018.

2. It is directed that the process for online bill processing at RC level to be carried out as under:-
(a) Bills Amounting to Less than Rs 30,000/ -. For bills amounting to less than Rs. 30,000/ -, 2% bills per day shall be checked by the JD (HS). The bills selected will be those having highest financial value. Additional bill scan be checked as per discretion.
(b) Bills in the Range of Rs 30,000/ -to Rs 59,999/ -. For bills in the range of Rs 30,000/ - to 59,999/ -, 3% bills per day shall be checked by the JD (HS). The bills selected will be those having highest financial value. Additional bills can be checked as per discretion.
(c) Bills in the Range of Rs 60,000/ -to Rs 99,999/ -. For bills in the range of Rs 60,000/ - to 99,999/ -, 5% bills per day shall be checked by the JD (HS). The bills selected will be those having highest financial value. Additional bills can be checked as per discretion.
(d) Bills More than Rs1 Lakh. 100% Bills for amount more than Rs. 1 Lakh to be checked by JD(HS) at RC.
3. The process to be put in effect immediately and respective functionaries in the Online Bill Processing chain to ensure that the above is complied.

4. The modification incorporated in the system of the online bill processing application will be such that a basket of 100 claims is presented to the JD(HS), those 100 claims will be picked up in FIFO manner out of the claims processed by BPA. There will be separate baskets for OPD, IPD and individual re-imbursement claims. The 100 claims in each basket will be strictly presented in FIFO manner. The presentation of these baskets to JD(HS) and its subsequent manner of processing for all baskets (OPD, IPD and individual re-imbursement) is described below:- ,
(a) Claims less than Rs. 30,000/ -. These will be listed on top of the page and JD(HS) would have to compulsorily check 2% of such claims (number to be rounded off to the next round figure). These claims would be the one's with the highest recommended amount. The multi select option for the balance claim in this category would be available orally after atleast 2% claims have been checked. JD(HS) can check additional claims also as per his discretion.

(b) Claims between Rs. 30.000/ - to Rs. 59,999/-. A counter for the claims falling in this region would be created by BPA to reflect 3% of such claims ,(number to be rounded off to the next round figure) which would have to be compulsorily checked by the JD(HS). These claims would be the one's with the highest recommended amount. The JD(HS) would have the option to check any additional claim also should he choose to do so. The multi select option for the balance claim in this category would be available only after atleast 3% claims have been checked.

(c) Claims between Rs. 60,000/ - to Rs. 99,999 / -. A counter for the claims falling in this region would , be created by BPA to reflect 5% of such claims (number to be rounded off to the next round figure) which would have to be compulsorily checked by the JD(HS). These claims would be the one's with the highest recommended amount. The JD(HS) would have the option to check any additional claim also should he choose to do so. The multi select option for the balance claim in this category would be available only after atleast 5% claims have been checked.

(d) Claims above Rs. 1 Lakh/-. All claims above Rs. 1 Lakh will have to be compulsorily checked by JD(HS). No multi select option will be enable? in this window.
5. Next set of 100 claims in the concerned basket will be presented to the JD(HS) only after the claims in the respective basket has been completely cleared.

6.In addition, it is highlighted that in accordance with Para 2(d) of MoD letter No. 22(A)(10/ 10/ US(WE)(Res) dated 23 Feb 2012, "CFA will examine the bill and BPA's worksheet prior to according sanction,,." Hence, all CFAs must ensure that no violation to the above guidelines take place and 'the provisions brought out above are not compromise did any manner.

7. Please ensure speedy clearance of bills so that large tendencies can be reduced. Financial integrity of checks, will not be compromised.

8. These instructions are issued with approval of MD ECHS.1
(DM Anand)
Dir (Stats & Automation)
Source: ECHS

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