Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Promotion from Group D to C for Indian Railway Employees

Promotion from Group D to C for Indian Railway Employees
  •  Prescribed percentage (as given below) in nominated Group C categories are to be filled by promotion of Group D employees on selection on the basis of a written exam.
  • Group D staff who complete 3 years of regular service on Dec 31 will be considered  promotion if they apply.  The minimum service condition  does  not  apply  to  Scheduled  Castes  and  Scheduled  Tribes  candidates.
  • Technical : APWI(25%), Keyman/Keymate(33 1/3%, skilled posts in S&T(50%), Fireman A(25%)
  • Non technical : Account Clerk(25%),, Personnel Branch Clerk(25%),Commercial Clerk(33 1/2%), TC(33 1/2%), Train Clerk(33 1/2%), Timekeepers(33 1/2%),Fuel checkers(33 1/2%), Store clerks(33 1/2%), Markers(100%).
  • Marks are given for written test – 85 marks and record of service- 15 marks.
  • Question paper shall contain questions to test knowledge of one’s work.
  • Written  test  should  consist  of  one  paper  of  3  hours  duration  divided  into  two  parts  -  Part  'A'  to  test  the  working  knowledge  of  the  Railway  servant  of  the  English  language  and  Part  'B'  his  general  standard  of  intelligence  and  proficiency  through  questions  in  Arithmetic,  General  Knowledge  mainly  pertaining  to  Railway  matters  and  matters  immediately  pertaining  to  the  work  he  has  been  acquainted  with  during  his  Railway  service.
  • Paper may be set in Bilingual in Hindi/English and may be answered in Hindi also.
  • Panel is formed on the basis of seniority from those who qualify.
  • No viva-voce.
  • Assessment  under  the  heading  Record  of  Service  will  be  based  on  entries  in  the  Service  Book/personal  file  regarding  academic/  technical  qualifications,  awards/  punishments,  etc.
  • Regular selections will be held for promotion from Group C to D every year by 31st March.
  • For  promotions  to  Group  'C'  posts  in  the  Ministerial  cadre,  Group  'D'  staff  will  be  required  to  possess  a  typing  speed  of  30  w.p.m.  in  English  or  25  w.p.m.  in  Hindi.  Promotions  may,  however,  be  allowed  on  provisional  basis  and  the  concerned  staff  given  two  year's  time  from  the  date  of  promotion,  to  qualify  the  prescribed  typewriting  test.
  • The  standard  of  training  imparted  to  the  Group  'D'  railway  servants  selected  for  Group  'C'  posts  should  be  the  same  as  for  direct  recruits  for  the  same  Group  'C'  categories.
  • In  the  case  of  failures  in  the  first  attempt  such  employees  may  be  given  second  -  chance  to  qualify.
  • All  allowances  like  Dearness,  Compensatory  and  House  Rent  Allowances  will  be  allowed  to  them  at  the  scales  applicable,  had  the  stipend  been  treated  as  pay.
  •  Rule 189 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual.

Source:  Indian Railway Employee

Guidelines for conduct of 44th KVS National Sports Meet-2013

Guidelines for conduct of 44th KVS National Sports Meet-2013


18, Institutional Area, S.J. Marg,
New Delhi-110016.
Tel.: 26858570 Fax 26514179
Website: www.kvsangathan.nic.in

File No. 110355/01/2013/KVS(HQ)/SP/NSM-2013 (1041-42) Dated 9/04/2013


The Deputy Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional offices.

Subject: Guidelines for conduct of 44th KVS National Sports Meet-2013.


Enclosed please find herewith Guidelines for conduct of 44th KVS National Sports Meet, 2013 alongwith Annexures, as approved by Competent Authority. It is pertinent to mention that prior to National Sports Meet 2013, Zonal Sports Meets at 05 different venues will be organized as per these guidelines.

There will essentially be no change in organization of Sports Meet at Regional Level and same is to be completed before August, 2013. However, the winner KV teams at Regional level in different games will also be sponsored by Regions for the Zonal sports meet as a part of Regional contingent.

For details please see the Guidelines carefully. The Guidelines for conduct of KVS Sports Meet, 2013 are also available on KVS website www.kvsangathan.nicin/Academic/Circulars. Please note that exact dates, venues and other finer details of Zonal/National Meet will be decided during the Annual meeting of NSCB.

 This may be circulated amongst the Kendriya Vidyalayas of your Region for information and necessary action.

Yours Faithfully

(P.K. Koul)
Dy. Commissioner (Acad.)
Source: http://www.kvsangathan.nic.in/Index.aspx

BSNL / CPSE DA from April, 2013 @ 74.9% – Payment of IDA to Board Level and below Board Level Posts including non-unionised supervisors – Revision of Scales w.e.f. 01.01.07

BSNL / CPSE DA from April, 2013 @ 74.9% – Payment of IDA to Board Level and below Board Level Posts including non-unionised supervisors – Revision of Scales w.e.f. 01.01.07

F.No.2(70)/2008-DPE (WC) – GL-IX/13
Government of India
Ministry of Industries and Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block 14, CGO Complex
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003
Dated 8th April 2013
Office Memorandum

Subject :  Board level and below board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector enterprises (CPSE) – Revision of Scales of pay w.e.f 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA at revised Rates – Regarding.

In modification of this Department’s O.M of even No. dated 08.01.2013, the rate of DA payable to the executives and non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs (2007 pay revision) may be as follows

Effective DateAverage of AICPIRevised DA Rates (%)

2. The above rates of DA would be applicable in the case of IDA employees who have been allowed revised pay scales (2007) as per DPE O.Ms dated 26.11.2008, 09.02.2008 and 02.04.2009.

3. All administrative Ministries / Departments of the Government of India are requested to bring the foregoing to the notice of the CPSEs under their administrative control for action at their end
Source: www.dpe.nic.in

----------------------------- xxx ---------------------------

Forwarding of DA ORDER for BSNL:

No. 14-1/2012-PAT(BSNL)
Dated 12.04.2013

Sub: Board level posts and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises(CPSEs) — Revision of scales of pay vv.e.f. 01.01.2007- Payment of IDA at revised rates- regarding.

Department of Public Enterprises O.M. No.2(70)/2008-DPE(WC)-G1.-1Xi13 dated 08.04.2013 on the above mentioned subject on revised DA rates @74.9% w,e.f. 01-04-2013 is sent to all concerned for information and necessary action please.

(Sheo Shankar Prasad)
Assistant General Manager (Pers-V)

Guidelines for Promotions in Public Sector Banks – 2013-14

Guidelines for Promotions in Public Sector Banks – 2013-14
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Financial Services

Jeevan Deep, Parliament Street,
New Delhi, dated the April 4, 2013

The Chairman and Managing Directors of PSBs

Subject: Guidelines for Promotions in Public Sector Banks – 2013-14

I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter number 4/1 1/1/2011-FR dated 14th March, 2012, 3rd May, 2012 and 15th June, 2012 on the subject cited above and to say that the references received from several banks regarding relaxations for promotions for the year 2013-14 have been examined in this Department.

2.    It has been decided that Banks can, with the approval of their Boards, provide relaxations, if required, in the guidelines on promotions. Reasons for any such relaxation/deviation must be properly recorded in the minutes of the Board meetings.

3.    However, any relaxation/change in the following provisions in the promotion guidelines referred to in para 1 above would require prior approval of the Government:-

a)    Minimum experience requirement at each scale. However, Banks may with the prior approval of their Boards provide a further relaxation of 3 months in the minimum experience requirement at each scale.

b)    Minimum requirement of APAR marks. However, Banks may, with the prior approval of their Board, relax the requirement of marks in APAR to an average of 75% marks of APAR with minimum 60% in each preceding five years.

c) The requirement of rural/semi urban experience. However, Banks may decide with the prior approval of their Boards, if the stipulated tenure of rural/semi-urban experience is required to be continuous or in parts.

d)    The requirement of length of service in specialized cadre before promotion or prior to joining the mainstream cadre.

e)    The requirement of the zone of consideration. However, Banks may with the prior approval of their Boards relax the Zone of consideration so as to include all officers promoted on the same date/batch.

4.    Banks are advised to take appropriate action in the matter with due approval of their Board of Directors.

5.    This issues with the approval of Secretary (FS).

Yours faithfully,
(Vijay Malhotra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Recruitment against Physically Handicapped Quota from open market - disability certificate regarding.

Recruitment against Physically Handicapped Quota from open market - disability certificate regarding.



New Delhi, dated 10.04.2013

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/PUs,

Sub : Recruitment against Physically Handicapped Quota from open market - disability certificate regarding.

A number of references have been received from various sources regarding non-acceptance of the applications/candidatures of persons with disabilities for not producing certificate of disability in a particular format for appointment on the Railways.

2. The issue has been examined, pursuant to the order dated 18.10.12 of the Court of Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities in Case Nos.46, 52-55, 59/1121/12-13 and it has accordingly been decided that recruiting agencies should not insist on a particular format of disability certificate at the time of accepting the ‘application/considering the candidature of the applicant  as the medical authority In different states are using different formats, Stipulation made vide Para 4 (I) of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2006/RC-2/13 dated 17.09.2007, accordingly, is reiterated which state that Disability Certificate issued by Medical Board constituted either by Central or State Government is acceptable.

Please acknowledge receipt.

(Harsha Dass)
Director Estt. (N)II
Railway Board.

Source: AIRF

Grant Pension to Ex-employee (Retired Army Personnel): CAT to Delhi Government.

Grant Pension to Ex-employee (Retired Army Personnel): CAT to Delhi Government.

New Delhi: Observing that the aim of pension is to provide social security to government servants, the Central Administrative Tribunal has directed the Delhi government to grant pension to one of its former employees who was denied the benefit on the ground that he had resigned before completing 20 years in service.

"The object of pension rules itself is to provide social security to government servants, by way of pension, but not to deny the same even to a dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired government servant," CAT member Ajay Kumar said.

The tribunal made the observations while deciding in favour of petitioner Amar Singh, a retired army personnel who had challenged the Delhi government's order rejecting his requests for pension.

After serving in the Army Medical Corps as Naik, Singh retired on March 24, 1986. On March 22, 1988 he joined as a laboratory technician in Aruna Asif Ali hospital against a vacancy reserved for ex-serviceman. After serving there for 18 years 4 months and 9 days, he resigned on July 1, 2006, stating he intends to dedicate himself fully in the spiritual service of the society.

He had submitted that his repeated requests for pension and gratuity were denied by the hospital which said he had not completed the required service of 20 years to qualify for the benefits.

Later, the authorities concerned told him that his case was referred to the Finance (Accounts) Department of Delhi government which had clarified that he is not entitled to any post-retirement benefit as he had resigned from his post unconditionally and not to take up employment in another government entity.

The government also relied upon a pension rule to say that its object was to provide benefit of past service to those who take up another employment under the government after resigning to the earlier service or post even before completing the qualifying service.

Source:  Zee News

Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishment in modification of recommendations of 6th CPC - Clarification regarding.

Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishment in modification of recommendations of 6th CPC - Clarification regarding.
FAX / Speed Post

10-A, S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata - 700001

No. Pay/Tech-II/04
Date : 21/02/2013
The Accounts Officer (Fys)

Sub : Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishment in modification of recommendations of 6th CPC - Clarification regarding.

OFB, Kolkata vide letter No.01/CR/A/I/Vol.IV/658 dated 28/01/2013 intimated that your office has returned the pay fixation proposal of the IEs who have got promotions on 01.01.2006 (Sunday), due to implementation of MoD letter No.11(5)/2009-D (Civ-I) dtd 14-06-2010 issued on cadre restructuring of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishment, with audit remarks that granting of promotion on Sunday/holiday is not in order.

The matter has been examined at this end it is pointed that ibid MoD order dated 14.06.2010 extended financial benefit w.e.f.01.01.2006 i.e. the cut-off date from which the financial benefit for promotion, due to cadre restructuring, on a non-functional manner should be admitted. Hence, in the instant case the financial benefit needs to be given from 01.01.2006 if the individual is on duty on 02.01.2006 and his next increment is to be provided w.e.f.1.7.2006. However, if the incumbent is on regular leave on 02.01.2006, the benefit of promotion cannot be given w.e.f. 1.1.2006 but benefit of promotion may be allowed from the date of actual resumption of duty on or after 3.1.2006. In such cases, next increment cannot be provided to them w.e.f.1.7.2006, if not opted for final fixation from the date of drawl of increment in the lower pay.

Asst. Controller of Accounts (Fys)
Source: INDWF

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