F. No. 12/ 3/ 2016-JCA-2 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) Establishment (JCA-2) Section
North Block, New Delhi Dated: 15 March, 2021
Subject: General Elections to legislative Assemblies of
Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Puducherry, 2021 and Bye-election in 6-Malappuram PC of Kerala and 39-Kanniyakumari PC of Tamil
Nadu - Grant of Paid holiday to employees on the day of poll- regarding
The undersigned is directed to state that, as informed by the
Election Commission of India, vide their letter No.ECI/ PN/ 16/ 2021,
dated 26/ 02/ 2021, has announced schedule for the General Election in
respect of the Legislative Assemblies of Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West
Bengal, Puducherry and Bye-election in r/ o 6-Malappuram PC of Kerala
and 39-Kanniyakumari PC of Tamil Nadu as under:
Schedule for General Election to the Legislative Assemblies
of Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Puducherry and Bye- election
in 6-Malappuram PC of Kerala and 39-Kanniyakumari PC of Tamil Nadu
announced by the Election Commission of India are as under:
Schedule for General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Assam
S. No.
Legislative Assembly of Assam
Date of Poll
Phase -1 (47 ACs)
Phase -II (39 ACs)
Phase III (40 ACs)
Election Holiday 2021
Schedule for General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Kerala
S. No.
Legislative Assembly of Kerala
Date of Poll
Kerala (140 ACs)
Election Holiday 2021
Schedule for General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Puducherry
S. No.
Legislative Assembly of Puducherry
Date of Poll
Puducherry (30 ACs)
Election Holiday 2021
Schedule for General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Tamil Nadu
S. No.
Legislative Assembly of Tamil Nadu
Date of Poll
Tamil Nadu (234 ACs)
Election Holiday 2021
Schedule for General Election to the Legislative Assembly of West Bengal
S. No.
Legislative Assembly of West Bengal
Date of Poll
Phase -1 (30 ACs)
Phase – II (30 ACs)
Phase – III (31 ACs)
Phase – IV (44 ACs)
Phase – V (45 ACs)
Phase – VI (43 ACs)
Phase – VII (36 ACs)
Phase – VIII (35 ACs)
Election Holidays 2021
Schedule for Bye- election to fill casual vacancy in the Parliamentary Constituency of Kerala and Tamil Nadu
S. No.
Number & Name of Parliamentary Constituency (PC)
Date of Poll
6 – Malappuram (PC)
Tamil Nadu
39 – Kanniyakumari (PC)
2. In this regard, it is stated that the guidelines issued by this
Department, vide OM No. 12/ 14/ 99-JCA, dated 10.10.2001, regarding
closure of Government Offices and grant of paid holiday, may be followed
by all the Central Government Offices and the central industrial
establishments located in the concerned State.
3. The above instructions may please be brought to the notice of all concerned.
4. Hindi version will follow.
sd/- (S.P. Pant) Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Protection of pay in cases of deputation under
Central Staffing Scheme in terms of Rule 7 of Indian Administrative
Service ( Pay) Rules, 2016 (7th CPC) and analogous provisions in IPS (Pay) Rules, and IFS (Pay) Rules
7th CPC IPS Pay Rules 2016
7th CPC IPS Pay Rules
No.20011/ 1/2017-AIS-II Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi Dated: 10th March, 2021
The Chief Secretary, All the States/ Union Territories
Subject: Protection of pay in cases of deputation under
Central Staffing Scheme in terms of Rule 7 of Indian Administrative
Service ( Pay) Rules, 2016 (7th CPC) and analogous provisions in IPS (Pay) Rules, and IFS (Pay) Rules - Regarding.
I am directed to refer to queries received from various
Ministries/Departments regarding method of pay protection in terms of
Rule 7 of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 which is as under:-
”If the pay of the officers posted on deputation to the Central
Government under Central Staffing Scheme, after fixation of their pay in
the revised pay structure, either under these rules or as per the
instructions regulating such fixation of pay on the post to which they
are appointed on deputation, happens to be lower than the pay they would
have been entitled to, had they been in their parent cadre and would
have drawn that pay but for the Central deputation, such difference in
the pay shall be protected in the form of Personal Pay with effect from
the date of notification of Government Resolution in this regard, i.e.
25th July, 2016.
Further, if the member of Service is promoted in the cadre while
on central deputation under Central Staffing Scheme, the difference in
the pay that the officer would have drawn had he been in the parent
cadre and the amount of pay on his deputation to Centre shall be
protected in the form of personal pay with effect from the date of issue
of Government Resolution.”
dated 16th May, 2017, which inter-alia provide that the aforesaid provision would take effect from 01.01.2016.
2. Pay protection of officers on deputation under Central Staffing
Scheme after implementation of IAS (Pay) Rules 2016 has been considered
in consultation with Establishment Division of this Department and
Department of Expenditure and is elaborated in subsequent
3. Pay Protection of IAS officers who were already on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on 01.01.2016 or who joined
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on or after 01.01.2016
(a) Pay of such officers, as on 01.2016 [or a subsequent date from
which they have opted to switch over to the IAS ( Pay) Rules, 2016] will
be fixed in the Level of the post held by them on deputation under
Central Staffing Scheme on the basis of the pay fixed in their parent
cadre. The cell corresponding to the basic pay fixed in the parent cadre
will be located in the Level in the Pay Matrix of the post in which the
officer is serving on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme and pay
shall be fixed at same stage/ equivalent cell. If no such cell is
available in the applicable Level of the deputation post, the pay shall
be fixed at the immediate lower cell in that Level of the deputation
post and the difference in pay will be granted as Personal Pay.
Illustration :
If an officer holding the post in Level 15 in parent cadre and
drawing pay of Rs.2,05,100/- goes on deputation under Central Staffing
Scheme in Level 14 on 04.05.2017, his pay will be fixed as under :-
Existing pay in the parent cadre
Level 15
Existing pay in Level 15 as on 04.05.2017 in the parent cadre
Rs. 2,05,100 / – (cell 5 of Level 15)
Pay fixed in Level 14 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs.1,99,600/- (cell 12 of Level 14) plus (Rs.5500/-Personal pay)
On DNI in parent cadre : Pay in Level 15 in the Parent Cadre
Rs. 2,11,300/- (cell 6 of Level 15)
On DNI in paren t cadre: Pay on Central Deputation in Level 14
Rs. 2,05,600/- (cell 13 of Level 14) plus (Rs. 5700/- Personal pay)
(b) However, if an officer currently drawing pay up to Level 13 is
appointed on deputation to a post in the equivalent or lower level on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme OR during the continuance of
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme gets an upgradation in his
parent cadre to a Level higher than pay Level of deputation post up to
Level 13 of the Pay Matrix, his pay will be fixed at the same cell and
Level in which he is placed in the parent He will also be eligible to
draw the CDTA on the pay of Level of the post in parent cadre at the
prevailing rates. For the active period of deputation from 1.1.2016 to
30.6.2017 , CDTA will be admissible at the pre-revised rates in pre
revised pay structure, i.e. as if the ·pay had not been revised w.e.f.
1.1.2016. Provisions of this Department’s OM No.2 / 10/
2017-Estt(Pay-II) dated 24th April, 2018 shall stand amended to this
effect. For the active period of deputation from 1st July, 2017 onwards,
CDTA will be admissible as per the guidelines in this Department’s OM
No. 2 / 10/2017-Estt(Pay II) dated 24th April, 2018.
Illustration :
(I) If an officer holding the post in Level 13 in parent cadre and
drawing pay of 1,26,800/- goes on deputation under Central Staffing
Scheme in Level 13 on 22.02.2017, his pay will be fixed as under :-
Existing Level in the parent cadre
Level 13
pay in Level 13 as on
Rs. 1,26,800/- (cell 2 of Level 13)
22.02.2017 in the parent cadre
Pay fixed on appointment on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs.1,26,800/- (cell 2 of Level 13)
On DNI in the Parent Cadre: Pay fixed on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1,30,600/- (cell 3 of Level 13)
(ii) If an officer holding the post in Level 13 in parent cadre and
drawing pay of Rs. 1,26,800/- goes on deputation under Central Staffing
Scheme in Level 12 on 22. 02.2017, his pay will be fixed as under :-
Existing pay in the parent cadre
Level 13
Existing pay in cell 2 of Level 13 as on 22.02.2017 in the parent cadre
Rs. 1,26,800/- (cell 2 of Level 13)
Pay fixed in Level 13 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1,26,800/- (cell 2 of Level 13)
On DNI in parent cadre : Pay fixed on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1, 30,600/- (cell 3 of Level 13)
4. Protection/ Fixation of pay of IAS officers who were on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on 01.01 .2016 or who joined
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on or after 01.01.2016 and got
Proforma promotion in parent cadre :-
(a) In case the officer was on deputation under CSS on 01.2016 or
joined thereafter and his junior is promoted to a higher post in his
parent cadre on or after 01.01.2016, but was not granted proforma
promotion under the ‘Next Below Rule’, there will be no change in the
pay fixation already done as per extant rules.
(b) In case an officer on deputation to a post under Central Staffing
Scheme gets proforma promotion in his cadre to a post up to Level 13 in
the Pay matrix, his pay in the Level of the post will be fixed with
reference to the presumptive pay that he would have got had he remained
and promoted in the parent cadre of his service in the manner as
provided in para 3(b) .
(c) In case an officer on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
gets promoted in his cadre to a higher post in Level l 3A or above in
the Pay matrix, his pay in the Level of the post held on deputation
under Central Staffing Scheme will be fixed with reference to the
presumptive pay of the officer in the parent cadre of his The Cell
corresponding to such basic pay fixed in parent cadre will be located in
the Level in the Pay Matrix of the post in which the officer is serving
on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme, and pay shall be fixed at
same stage/ equivalent cell and if no such cell is available in the
applicable Level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate lower cell in
that Level of the post and the difference in pay will be granted as
Personal Pay. Illustrations may be seen below:-
If an officer holding the post in Level 16 in parent cadre drawing
pay of Rs.2,24,400/-, who is on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
in Level 15 and drawing pay Rs. 2,24,100/- + Rs.300/- (Personal pay)
gets proforma promotion in Level 17, his pay will be fixed as under :-
Pay level in the pay matrix in parent cadre before joining on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Level 16
Pay level in the Central Staffing Scheme
Level 15
Existing pay as on 01.05.2017 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme in Level 15
Rs.2,24,100/ – (cell 8 of Level 15) plus (Rs.300/- Personal pay) [Corresponding to pay of Rs.2,24,400 /- of Level 16]
Pay fixed in the higher Level in parent cadre i.e. Level 17 on proforma promotion on 01.05.2017
Rs. 2,25,000 /-
Pay fixed on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme as per Rule 7 of IAS (Pay) Rules on 01.05.2017
Rs.2,24,100/- ( cell 8 of Level 15) plus Rs.900/- ( Personal pay)
On DNI : Pay in the Parent Cadre in Level 17
Rs. 2,25,000 /-
On DNI : Pay in the Level 15 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs.2,24,100/- (cell 8 of Level 15) plus Rs.900/- (Personal pay)
7th CPC IPS Pay Rules 2016
5 (a) The officer shall get Dearness Allowance on the said Personal
Pay as admissible from time to time. However, no other allowance shall
be admissible on this Personal Pay.
(b) The Basic Pay plus Personal Pay, from time to time, shall not exceed Rs. 2,25,000.
6. Grant of annual increment to officers on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
On grant of annual increment to an officer in parent cadre (upto
Level 16) who is on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme, the pay
will be fixed increment.ally moving down one cell in the Level of pay in
which the officer is serving on deputation under Central Staffing
Scheme. Accordingly, the Personal Pay, if any, will be re-computed as
the difference in the pay (after increment) that h e would have drawn in
the parent cadre and the current pay on deputation under Central
Staffing Scheme.
7. The aforementioned instructions are applicable to All
India Service officers (i.e. IAS, IPS, IFS) with effect from
Yours faithfully,
Sandeep Kumar Sinha Under Secretary to Government of India
Two family pension rules | Family pension after death of pensioner | Who are not eligible for family pension | Enhanced family pension rules
7th CPC two family pension
R.B.E. No. 19/2021
No. 2016/F{E)lll/1(1)/8
New Delhi, dated: 09/.03.2021.
The GMs/Principal Financial Advisors, All Zonal Railways/Production Units (etc), (As per mailing list)
Sub:- Revision of limits of two family pensions payable to a child in respect of both tho parents after the 7th CPC - regarding.
A copy of the Department of Pension & Pensioners’
Welfare (DOP&PW)’s O.M. No.1/1 (2)/2020- P&PW{E) Part-I dated
12.02.2021 is enclosed for information and guidance. These instructions
shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. The Central Civil
Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 corresponds to the Railway Services
(Pension) Rules, 1993.
2. The Railway Board’s instructions/Railway Services (Pension) Rules,
1993 corresponding to DOP&PW’s instructions/CCS (Pension) Rules.
1972 referred to in their aforesaid O.M. dated 12.02.2021 are given
SI. No.
DOP&PW’s instructions/ Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972
Payment of DA to Armed Forces Officers and PBORs including NCs (E)- Revised rates effective from 01/01/2017
DA to Armed Forces Officers
FAX/ E-mail/ Speed Post/ Registered Post
Part I Office Order No. AT-01
Dated: 10/03/2021
(All Cs ) A (Fys)
Subject: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Armed Forces officers and
PBORs including NCs (E)- Revised rates effective from 01/01/2017.
A copy of Government of India, MoD letter no.1(2)/2004/D/
(Pay/Services) dated 17.04.2017 regarding payment of Dearness Allowance
w.e.f. 01.01.2017 at enhanced rate alongwith MoD ID No. 30(1)/2020/D
(Pay/Services) dated 03.02.2021 circulated under CGDA
letter bearing No. CGDA/Navy/03/ Miscellaneous/2021/Vol.] dated
24/02/2021 is forwarded herewith for implementation and necessary
action, please. It is also requested to circulate the same to all AOs
under your jurisdiction, please.
Freezing of DA for central government employees News latest update
Freezing of DA
Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief for Central Government Workers
as per the 7th Pay Commission Latest News – 3 Pending DA and DR
Installments to be restored from July 2021.
In a written response to a question in Parliament, Minister of State
for Finance Anurag Thakur stated that the Central Government saved more
than Rs. 37530.08 crore by freezing three installments of Dearness
Allowance and Dearness Relief. He also mentioned that beginning in July
2021, the three additional DA and DR installments would be restored.
Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure
Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1669 To be answered on Tuesday, 9th March, 2021 Phalguna 18, 1942 (Saka)
Freezing of DA
1669: Shri Naranbhai J. Rathwa: Will the Minister of Finance be pleased to state:
a) whether freezing of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government
employees/pensioners till July, 2021 has subjected them to undue
b) if so, the reasons for not restoring DA to Central Government Employees and pensioners before July, 2021; and
c) whether Central Government employees and pensioners are not
entitled to three installments of DA and, if so, whether Government
would also release these installments and, if not, reasons therefor?
Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance (Shri Anurag Thakur)
(a,& b) In view of the crisis arising out of COVID-19 pandemic,
the Government has decided to freeze three installments of Dearness
Allowance and Dearness Relief to Central Government employees and
pensioners due from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 & 01.01.2021. The amount
Rs.37530.08 crores saved on this account will help to tide over the
economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic
(c) As and when the decision to release the future installments of
Dearness Allowance due from 01.07.2021 is taken, the rates of DA as
effective from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020, and 01.01.2021 will be restored
prospectively and will be subsumed in the cumulative revised rates
effective from 01.07.2021.
January 2020, July 2020 DA & January 2021 DA Calculation
The Cabinet Committee already approved to increase 4% additional DA
from January 2020 on the basis of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The
next installment from July 2020 is already decided to increase by 4%
additionally (However, after the approval of the Cabinet Committee only
the percentage of DA will decide!).
And another installment will also be expected to hike by 3% with effect from 1st January 2021. The below expected DA list, which is used in our software tool for your information:
1st January 2020 = Additional DA 4% (17% + 4% = 21%)
1st July 2020 = Additional DA 4% (21% + 3% = 24%)
1st January 2021 = Additional DA 4% (24% + 4% = 28%)
1st July 2021 = Additional DA 4% (Expected) (28% + 4% = 32%)
freezing of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government
employees/pensioners till July, 2021 has subjected them to undue
In view of the crisis
arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government has decided to
freeze three installments of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief to
Central Government employees and pensioners due from 01.01.2020,
01.07.2020 & 01.01.2021. The amount Rs.37530.08 crores saved on this
account will help to tide over the economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic
If so, the reasons for not restoring DA to Central Government Employees and pensioners before July, 2021;
In view of the crisis arising out of the COVID-19
pandemic, the Government has decided to freeze three installments of
Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief to Central Government employees
and pensioners due from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 & 01.01.2021. The
amount Rs.37530.08 crores saved on this account will help to tide over
the economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic
Central Government employees and pensioners are not entitled to three
installments of DA and, if so, whether Government would also release
these installments and, if not, reasons therefor?
and when the decision to release the future installments of Dearness
Allowance due from 01.07.2021 is taken, the rates of DA as effective
from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020, and 01.01.2021 will be restored
prospectively and will be subsumed in the cumulative revised rates
effective from 01.07.2021.
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