Wednesday, March 13, 2019

DoPT: Master Circular on Probation/Confirmation in Central Services

DoPT: Master Circular on Probation/ Confirmation in Central Services


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 11th March, 2019

Subject: Master Circular on Probation/ Confirmation in Central Services- reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M.No.28020/1/2010-Estt.(C) dated 21.07.2014 wherin consolidated instructions on Probation/Confirmation were Issued.
It has been decided to further consolidate/ modify the instructions/ guidelines in relation to probation and confirmation as a Master Circular to provide clarity and ease of reference. The Master Circular issued vide O.M. dated 21.07.2014 has been suitably updated as on date and the same is enclosed. The list of O.M.s which have been referred for consolidation of instructions for this Master Circular is at Appendix.
Umesh Kumar Bhatia)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India



  1. A person is appointed on probation in order to assess his suitability for absorption in the service to which he has been appointed. Probation should not, therefore, be treated as a mere formality No formal declaration shall be necessary in respect of appointment on probation. The appointing authority may declare successful completion or extend the period of probation or terminate the services of a temporary employee on probation, on the basis of evaluation or performance.
  2. Probation is prescribed when there is direct recruitment, promotion from One Group to another or for officers re-employed before the age of superannuation. The probation shall stand successfully completed upon issue of orders in writing. It is, however, not desirable that a Government servant should be kept on probation for long periods.
  3. Instead Of treating probation as a formality, the existing powers to discharge probationers should be systematically and vigorously used so that the necessity of dispensing with the services of employees at later stages may arise only rarely.
  4. Concentration of attention on the probationer’s ability to pass the probationary or the departmental examination, if applicabh2, should be an essential part of the qualification for confirmation but there should be a very careful assessment of the outlook, character and aptitude for the kind of work that has to be done in the service before a probationer is confirmed.
  5. A probationer be given an opportunity to Work under more than one officer during this period and reports of his work may be obtained from each one of those officers. The probation reports for the whole period may then be considered by a Board of senior officers for determining whether the probationer concerned is fit to be confirmed in service- For this purpose, separate forms of report should be used, which are distinct. from the usual Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) forms. The probation period reports, unlike APAR, are written to help the supervising officer to concentrate on the special needs Of probation end to decide whether the work and conduct of the officer during the period of probation or the extended period of probation are satisfactory enough to warrant his further retention in service or post- The probation period reports thus do not serve the purpose for which the APARs are written and vice versa. Therefore, m the case of all probationers or officers on probation, separate probation period reports should be written in addition to the usual APARS for the period of probation.
  6. Save for exceptional reasons, probation should not be extended for more than a year and in no circumstance an employee should be kept on probation for more than double the normal period.
  7. A probationer, who is not making satisfactory progress, should be informed of his shortcomings before the expiry of the original probationary period so that he can make special efforts at self-improvement. This can be done by giving a written warning to the effect that his genera] performance has not been such as to justify his confirmation and that, unless he shows substantial improvement within a specified period, the question of discharging him would have to be considered. Even though this is not required by the rules, discharge from the service being a severe, final and irrevocable step, the probationer should be given an opportunity before taking the drastic step of discharge.
  8. During the period of probation, or any extension thereof, candidates may be required by the Government to undergo such courses of training and instructions and to pass examinations, and tests (including examination in Hindi) as the Government may deem fit, as a condition for the satisfactory completion of probation.


9. In all cases of direct recruitment there should be a mandatory induction training of at least two weeks duration. Successful completion of the training may be made a pre-requisite, for completion of probation. The syllabus for the training may be prescribed by the Cadre authorities in consultation with the Training Division of DOPT. The recruitment rules for all posts, wherever such a provision does not already exist, may be amended to provide for such mandatory training. Till such time as the Recruitment Rules are amended, a clause on the above lines may be included in the offer of appointment.


10. The period of probation is prescribed for Government on the following lines:
S.No.Method of appointment Period of Probation
1.Promotion from one grade to another but within the same group of posts e.g from Group 'C' to Group 'C'No Probation
2.Promotion from one Group to another e.g. Group 'B' to Group 'A 'The Period of Probation prescribed for the direct recruitment to the higher post. If no period is prescribed then it should be 2 years.
3.(i) For direct recruitment to posts except clause (ii) below(ii) For direct recruitment to posts carrying a Grade Pay of Rs. 7600 or above or to the posts to which the maximum age limit is 35 years or above and where no training is involved Note: Training includes 'on the job' or 'Institution training'2 years 1 year
4.Officers re-employed before the age of superannuation2 Years
5.Appointment on contract basis, tenure basis, re -employment after superannuation and absorptionNo Probation.

If a Government servant is appointed to another post by direct recruitment either in the same department or a different department, it may be necessary to consider him for confirmation in the new post in which he has been appointed by direct recruitment irrespective of the fact that the officer was holding the earlier post on a substantive basis. Further confirmation in the new entry grade becomes necessary because the new post may not be in the same line or discipline as the old post in which he has been confirmed and the fact that he was considered suitable for continuance in the old post (which was the basis for his confirmation in that post) would not automatically make him suitable for continuance or confirmation in the new post, , the job requirements of which may be quire different from those of the old post.


(i) Persons who are inducted into a new service through promotion shall also be placed on probation. There shall be no probation on promotion from one grade to another but within the same group of posts, except when the promotion Involves a change in the Group of posts in the same service, e.g., promotion from Group 'B' 10 Group ‘N in which case the probation would be for the prescribed period.

(ii) Consequent upon the decision of delinking confirmation from the availability of permanent posts it was also decided that if the recruitment rules do not prescribe any probation, an officer appointed/promoted on regular basis (after following the prescribed DPC procedure, etc.) have all the benefits that a person confirmed in that grade would have.


11. A probationer shall be entitled to leave under the provisions of the Rule 33 of the CCS (Leave} Rules, 1972. If, for any reason, it is proposed to terminate the services of a probationer, any leave which be granted to him shall not extend;
  • beyond the date on which the probationary period as already sanctioned or extended, expires, or
  • beyond any earlier date on which his services are terminated by the orders of an authority competent to appoint him.
12. A person appointed to a post on probation shall be entitled to leave under these rules as a temporary or a permanent Government servant according as his appointment is against a temporary or a permanent post; Provided that where such person already holds a lien on a permanent post before such appointment, he shall be entitled to leave under these rules as a permanent Government servant.

13. As far as the matter of Child Care Leave to probationers is concerned, CCL should not ordinarily be granted during the probation period except in case of certain extreme situations where the leave sanctioning authority is fully satisfied regarding the need of Child Care Leave to the probationer. It may also be ensured that the period for which this leave is sanctioned during probation is minimal. Further the other provisions contained in Rule 43-C of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 will also apply.

14. Joining Time is granted to Government servants on transfer in public interest. The period of joining time availed by a probationer on return from leave should be counted towards the prescribed period of probation if but for the leave, he would have continued to officiate in the post to which he was appointed.


15. If during the period of probation, a probationer has not undergone the requisite training course or passed the requisite departmental examinations prescribed (proficiency in Hindi, etc.), if any, the period of probation may be extended by such period or periods as may be necessary, subject to the condition that the total period of probation does not exceed double the prescribed period oi probation.

16. If the Appointing Authority thinks it fit, they may extend the period of probation of a Government servant by a specified period but the total period of probation should not exceed double the normal period. In such cases, periodic reviews should be done and extension should not be done for a long period at a time.

17. Where a probationer who has completed the period of probation to the satisfaction of the Central Government is required 10 be confirmed, he shall be confirmed in the Service/ Post at the end of his period Of probation, having completed the probation satisfactorily.
18. Some employees are not a to complete the probation on account of availing leave for long duration during probation period. In such cases if an employee doc not complete 75% of the total duration prescribed for probation on account or availing any kind of leave as permissible to a probationer under the Rules, his/ her probation period may be extended by the length of the leave availed, but not exceeding double the prescribed period oi probation.


19. The decision whether an employee should be confirmed or his probation be extended should be taken soon after the expiry of the initial probationary period that is within six to eight weeks, and communicated in writing to the employee together with reasons, in case of extension. A probationer who is not making satisfactory progress or who shows himself to be inadequate for the service in any way should be informed of his shortcomings well before the expiry of the original probationary period so that he can make special efforts at self-improvement.

20. On the expiry or the period of probation, steps should be taken to obtain the assessment reports on the probationer so as to:
  • Confirm the probationer/ issue Orders regarding satisfactory termination of probation, as the case may be, if the probation has been completed to the satisfaction of the competent authority; or
  • Extend the period of probation or discharge the probationer or terminate the services of the probationer as the case may be, in accordance with the relevant rules and orders, if the probationer has not completed the period of probation satisfactorily.
21. In order to ensure that delays do not occur In confirmation, timely action must be initiated in advance so that the time limit is adhered to.

22. If it appears to the Appointing Authority. at any time, during or at the end of the period of probation that a Government servant has not made sufficient use of his opportunities or is not making satisfactory progress, the Appointing Authority may revert him to the post held substantively by him Immediately preceding his appointment, provided he holds a lien thereon or in other cases may discharge or terminate him from service.

23. A Probationer reverted or discharged from service during or at the end of the period of probation shall not be entitled to any compensation.


24. Confirmation is de- linked from the availability of permanent vacancy in the grade. In other words, an officer who has successfully completed the probation, as prescribed under relevant rules, may be considered for confirmation. Consequent upon the above decision of delinking confirmation from the availability of permanent posts, it emerges that confirmation will be done only once in the service oi an officer which be in the entry grade post/service/cadre provided further confirmation shall be necessary when there is fresh entry subsequently in any other post/service/cadre by way of direct recruitment or otherwise. A specific order of confirmation should be issued when the case is cleared from all angles.

25. If, during the. period of probation or any extension thereof, as the case may be, the Government is of the opinion that an officer is not fit for permanent appointment, the Government may either discharge or revert the officer to the post held by him prior to his appointment in the service, as the case may be.

26. Where probation on promotion is prescribed, the appointing authority will on completion of the prescribed period of probation assess the work and conduct or the officer himself and in case the conclusion is that the officer is fit hold the higher grade, he will pass an order declaring that the person concerned has successfully completed the probation. If the appointing authority considers that the work of the officer has not been satisfactory or needs to be watched (or some more time he may revert him to the post/ service/cadre from which he was promoted, or extend the period of probation, as the case may be. There should be no hesitation to revert a person to the post or grade from which he was promoted if the work of the officer during probation has not been satisfactory.

27. The date from which confirmation should be given effect is the date following the date of satisfactory completion of the prescribed period of probation or the extended period of probation, as the Case may be. The decision to confirm the probationer or to extend the period of probation es the case may be should be communicated to the probationer normally within 6 to 8 weeks, Probation should not be extended for more than a year and, in no circumstance, an employee should be kept on probation for more than double the normal prescribed period of probation. The officer will be deemed to have successfully completed the probation period if no order confirming, discharging or reverting the officer is issued within eight weeks after expiry of double the normal period of prescribed probation,

28. A Government servant appointed by transfer would duly have been confirmed in the earlier post. In such a case further confirmation in the new post would not be necessary and he could be treated as permanent in the new post. However, where a Government servant who has not already been confirmed in the old post is appointed by transfer, it would be necessary to confirm him in the new post. in such cases, he may be considered for confirmation after watching him for two years. During that period of two years, the officer would earn two reports in the new grade and the DPC may consider his case for Confirmation On the basis of these APARS.

Source: DoPT

GDS: Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to Gramin Dak Sevaks posts

GDS: Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to Gramin Dak Sevaks posts

No. 17-02/2018-GDS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 08.03.2019
All Chief Postmasters General/Postmasters General

Subject: Revised eligibility criteria for engagement to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) posts.
The eligibility criteria/conditions for engagement to GDS posts were last reviewed and notified by the Department vide letter No.17-39/6/2012-GDS dated 14.01.2015. The matter has been examined. The competent authority has now decided to revise the same as per details below:-

I. Age Limit
The minimum and maximum age for the purpose of engagement to GDS posts shall be 18 and 40 years respectively as on the date of notification of the vacancy. Permissible relaxation in upper age limit for different categories are as under:-

Sl.No.CategoryPermissible age relaxation
1.Schedule Cast/Scheduled Tribe
5 years
2.Other Backward Classes
3 years
3.Economically Weaker Sections
No relaxation*
4.Persons with Disabilities (PwD)10 years*
5.Persons with Disabilities (PwD) + OBC13 years*
6.Persons with Disabilities (PwD) + SC/ST15 years*

Note: 1 * There will be no relaxation in upper age limit to EWS candidates. However, the persons belonging to EWSs who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs shall get 10% reservation in engagement to Gramin Dak Sevaks posts in the Department of Posts as prescribed in Directorate letter No 17-09/2019 dated 26.02.2019 .

Note: 2 *All recruiting authorities shall maintain the above age relaxation for persons with disability for all categories of GDS posts as is applicable in regular appointment in Group 'C' cadre. This relaxation however is not applicable for persons with benchmark of disability "Blind", as in place of blind, candidate with Low Vision have been identified as prescribed in Directorate letter No. 17-8/2017-GDS dated 26.02.2019 . Relaxation in upper age limit is subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date shall not exceed 56 years.

II. Educational Qualification
(i) Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 10th standard with passing marks in Mathematics and English (having been studied as compulsory or elective subjects) conducted by any recognized Board of School Education of the Government of India/State Governments/ Union Territories in India shall be a mandatory educational qualification for all approved categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (i.e. BPM,ABPM & Dak Sevak ) referred to in Directorate Order No 17-3112016-GDS dated 25.06.2018.

(ii) Compulsory knowledge of Local Language
The candidate should have studied the local language at least up to 10th standard [as compulsory or elective subjects] as declared by the State Government or as per constitutional provisions relating to the 8th schedule of Constitution of India. The details of local language for each state/Union Territories is as given below:-

Sl.No.Name of CircleName of State / Union Territory covered  under Postal CircleLocal language as for the Postal Circle
1Andhra PradeshAndhra Pradesh1. Telugu
2. Urdu
2AssamAssam1. Assamese
2. Bengali
3. Bodo
3BiharBihar1. Hindi
2. Urdu
The Government of NCT of Delhi
Delhi1. Hindi
2. Punjabi
3. Urdu
Dadra Nagar HaveliTo be decided later
Daman and DiuGujarati
2. Punjabi
8Himachal PradeshHimachal PradeshHindi
9J & K CircleJ & KUrdu
10JharkhandJharkhand1. Hindi,
2. Urdu,
3. Santhali,
4. Bangla,
5. Odia,
6. Maithili
13Madhya PradeshMadhya PradeshHindi
Goal. Konkani
15North EastArunachal Pradesh(To be decided later)
17Punjab Chandiirnrh (Chandigarh)PunjabPunjabi
PuducherryTamil for Puducherry Malayalam for Mahe Telugu for Yanam
21Uttar PradeshUttar PradeshI.Hindi
23West BengalWest Bengal1. Bengali,
2. Nepali,
3. Urdu,
4. Hindi,
5. Santhali,
6. Odia,
7. Punjabi
Andaman and Nicobar Islands)Hindi

(iii) Basic Computer Training
The candidates for all approved categories of GDS referred to in (i) above will be required to furnish Basic Computer Training Course Certificate of at least 60 days duration, from any Computer Training Institute run by Central Government/State Government I Universities I Boards /Private Institutions Organizations. This requirement of basic computer knowledge certificate shall be relaxable in cases where a candidate has studied computer as a subject in Matriculation or class XII or any other higher educational level and in such cases, a separate certificate will not be insisted upon .

III. Residence
The condition of residence shall apply as stipulated in Rule 3-A (vii) of GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011. The candidates must provide accommodation for Branch post office after selection but before engagement . The accommodation should meet the following prescribed standards :-
(i) The building may be owned by a Gram Panchayat or Central government or by State government such as school or offices or BPM's own house or a proper rented accommodation in a busy place of the village .

(ii) Location - The GDS Branch Post Office should be located in the main, busy part of the village .

(iii) Size - The minimum size of GDS Branch Post Office should not be less than 100 sq. feet preferably in 10'X10' dimensions and in ground floor.

(iv) Approach - The GDS Branch Post Office should have direct access/approach from village road and should be located in front portion of the building in which it is housed. The GDS Branch Post Office should not be housed in verandah, courtyards, kitchen, space under the stairs, bedroom, damaged rooms, makeshift accommodations , isolated buildings outside the village etc. which are difficult to access/approach by the customers.

(v) Structure - The accommodation should preferably be a brick and mortar structure to ensure safety and security. The room should be properly ventilated and lighted and should be properly maintained and neatly white washed.

(vi) Power supply - The post office room should have electrical power connection for charging of handheld devices and for fan, electricity bulb etc. It should have suitable place to install solar panels.

(vii) The accommodation for the GDS Branch Post Office should be exclusively available for Post Office use. It may work from a village shop but Post office working from shop should have an exclusive space to keep the registers, micro ATM or hand-held device and other items apart from space for prominently exhibiting the signage etc. giving due importance to Post Office.

(viii) At present DARPAN devices are using are of the four Network Service Providers (NSPs) viz, Airtel, Vodafone, Idea & BSNL for ensuring connectivity to Branch Post Offices. While providing accommodation for GDS BO, it should be ensured that, Network is available for any one of these NSPs.

Further, it is clarified that the candidate who provide the above prescribed standards of accommodation after selection but before engagement and if he is engaged as GDS BPM will be entitled for the drawal of Composite allowance @ Rs.500/-per month as prescribed in Directorate OM. No 17-31/2016-GDS dated 25.06.2018 & No 17-31/2016-GDS (pt) dated 28.09.2018. Further, if the candidate selected and engaged as GDS BPM provides accommodation for Post Office in a rent free government accommodation and staying in the Post village will be entitled for the Composite allowance Rs.250/- equal to that of BPMs who provide non-standard accommodation (those who are not fulfilling above standard are treated as non-standard accommodations) , as prescribed in Directorate OM. No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated 25.06 .2018 & No 17-31/2016-GDS (pt) dated 28.09.2018.

IV. Knowledge of Cycling
Knowledge of Cycling is a pre-requisite condition for all GDS posts. In case of a candidate having knowledge of riding a scooter or motor cycle, that may be considered as knowledge of cycling. The candidate has to submit a declaration to this effect.

V. Adequate means of Livelihood
The condition of adequate means of livelihood shall apply as stipulated in Rule 3- A (iii) of GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011. However, this condition shall not be a pre-requisite for candidates for the purpose of applying to the GDS post or selection there to and the selected candidate shall be required to comply with this prescribed condition within 30 days after selection but before engagement . The GDS will also have to ensure that he is having adequate additional means of livelihood during the period of engagement till his discharge.

VI. Furnishing of Security
On engagement as GDS, the person so engaged shall be required to furnish security in such manner as may be prescribed from time to time. The existing security amount in case of GDS Branch Postmaster and other approved categories of GDS i.e. ABPM & Dak Sevak is Rs.25,000/- & Rs.10,000/- respectively the same to be furnished in form of FIDELITY BOND for a period of five years and same to be renewed every five years during the period of engagement.

VII. Fulfillment of other terms and conditions
Terms and conditions of engagement to GDS posts shall apply as stipulated in the relevant rules of GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules, 2011modified from time to time by the Department of Posts.

VIII. Adequate representation of SC/ST/OBC, Persons with Disability, Ex­ Serviceman & Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs).
The instructions issued by the Department vide no.19-11/97-ED & TRG dated 27.11.1997, No. 17-08/2017-GDS dated 26.02.2019 and No. 17-09/2019 dated 26.02.2019 providing for adequate representation of SC/ST/OBC communities, Persons with Disability and Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) respectively will continue to apply.

(i) The permissible disability for persons with Disability will be as given below :-
Sl. No Name of the Posts Categories of disability suitable for the post
1BPM/ ABPM/ Dak Sevaks a) Low vision (LV), b) D(Deaf), HH (Hard of hearing) , c) One Arm (OA), One leg (OL), Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism , Acid Attack Victim, d) Specific learning disability. Multiple disabilities from amongst disabilities mentioned at (a) to (d) above except Deaf and Blindness

(ii) The reservation to EWSs will be as given below:-
The persons belonging to EWSs who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs shall get 10% reservation in engagement of GDS posts.

IX. Production of SC/ST/OBC/Disability/ Economically Weaker Sections Certificate :
Production of SC/ST/OBC/Disability/EWSs certificate in the prescribed format would be compulsory in case of such candidates.

X. Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA)
The following Minimum TRCA shall be payable to the deferent categories of GDS posts as mentioned in Directorate Order No 17-31120 16-GDS dated 25.06.20 18 :-
SI.No.·CategoryMinimum TRCA for 4 Hours/level 1Minimum TRCA for 5 Hours/level 2
2ABPM/Dak SevaksRs.10000/-Rs.12000/-

XI. Method of Engagement:
Method of engagement will continue to be as online engagement process for engagement of all categories of GDS as notified vide Directorate Letter No 17-2312016-GDS dated 01.08.2016.

(i) Exemption of fee for applying on GDS Posts
Male applicants belonging to the category UR/OBC/EWS have to pay a fee of Rs. 100/-(Rupees one hundred only) for each set of five options. Payment of fee is exempted for all female candidates, all SC/ST candidates and all PwD candidates.

(ii) Option for applying on GDS Posts
A candidate can apply for a maximum of twenty posts all over India per cycle of online engagement. This inter alia means that a prospective candidate can apply for twenty posts on a single application spread across one Circle or several Circles. This cap of twenty posts is inclusive of vacancies arising in candidate's home Circle. Home Circle means belonging or native I domicile state of a prospective candidate in which she/He is permanently residing and that Postal Circle is providing opportunity. Hence, candidates should exercise due care while utilizing the twenty choices available to her/Hm in each Cycle. However, only one post will be offered for each Circle if she/He has applied for one or more posts in each Circle.

Example: - If a candidate opts for five posts with preference post l, post2, post3, post4, post 5 etc. and selected as meritorious in more than one post, the post in the order of preference will be offered and the candidature for all the remaining posts will be forfeited.

XII. Job Profile

The Job Profile of Branch Post Master will include managing affairs of GDS Branch Post Office, India Posts Payments Bank (IPPB) and ensuring uninterrupted counter operation during the prescribed working hours using the handheld device/Smartphone supplied by the Department. The overall management of postal facilities, maintenance of records, upkeep of handheld device, ensuring online transactions, and marketing of Postal, India Post Payments Bank services and procurement of business in the villages or Gram Panchayats within the jurisdiction of the Branch Post Office should rest on the shoulders of Branch Postmasters. However, the work performed for IPPB will not be included in calculation of TRCA. since the same is being done on incentive basis. Branch Postmaster will be the team leader of the GDS Post Office and overall responsibility of smooth and timely functioning of Post Office including mail conveyance and mail delivery. He/she might be assisted by Assistant Branch Post Master of the same GDS Post Office. BPM will be required to do combined duties of ABPMs as and when ordered . He will also be required to do marketing, organizing melas, business procurement and any other work assigned by IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs/SRM/SSRM etc. In some of the Branch Post Offices, the BPM has to do all the work of BPM/ABPM.

The Job Profile of Assistant Branch Post Master will include all functions of sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and Delivery of mail at doorstep deposits/payments/other transactions under IPPB, assisting Branch Postmasters in counter duties using the handheld device/Smart phone supplied by the Department. However, the work performed for IPPB will not be included in calculation of TRCA. since the same is being done on incentive basis. He will also be required to do marketing, organizing melas, business procurement and any other work assigned by the Branch Postmaster or IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs/SRM/SSRM etc. ABPMs will also be required to do Combined Duty of BPMs as and when ordered.

The Job Profile of Dak Sevaks will include all functions of viz sale of stamps and stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail and any other duties assigned by Postmaster/Sub Postmaster including IPPB work in the Departmental Post Offices/RMS. However, the work performed for IPPB will not be included in calculation of TRCA. since the same is being done on incentive basis. He may also have to assist Post Masters/Sub Postmasters in managing the smooth functioning of Departmental Post Offices and do marketing, business procurement or any other work assigned by the Post Master or IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs/SRM/SSRM etc.

2. The revised eligibility conditions and criteria of selection will come into effect for the vacancies to be notified on or after the date of issue of this notification. The engagement process initiated before this date shall be finalized as per the existing instructions.

3. Necessary amendments in the GDS (Conduct & Engagement), Rules 2011 are being issued separately.

4. Hindi version will follow.
(SB Vyavahare)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Tele No. 011-23096629

Dearness Allowance grant to railway employees - Revised rates effective from 1 January 2019

Dearness Allowance grant to railway employees - Revised rates effective from 1 January 2019

Grand of DA Rates (9% to 12%) effective from Jan 2019- Railways

Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No.- 131
File No. PC-VII/2016/I/7/2/1
RBE No : 37/2019
New Delhi, dated: 06.03.2019
The General Manager/CAOs(R),
All India Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Grant of Dearness Allowance to Railway employees - Revised Rates effective from 01.01.2019.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's letter RBE No. 132/2018 dated 10.09.2018 (F. No. PC-VII/2016/1/7/2/1) on the subject mentioned above and to say that the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Allowance payable to Railway employees shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 9% to 12% of the basic pay with effect from 1st January, 2019.
  1. The term 'basic pay' in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed Level in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC recommendations accepted by the Government, but does not include any other type of pay like special pay, etc.
  2. The Dearness Allowance will continue to be distinct element of remuneration and will not be treated as pay within the ambit of Rule 1303 (FR 9(21)), Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume -II (Sixth Edition - 1987) - Second Reprint 2005.
  3. The payment on account of Dearness Allowance involving fractions of 50 paise and above may be rounded to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 paise may be ignored.
  4. The payment of arrears of Dearness Allowance (from January to March) shall not be made before the date of disbursement of salary of March, 2019.
  5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission-VII
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways

Income tax exemption for gratuity increased from Rs.10 lakhs to 20 lakhs w.e.f. 29.3.2018

IT Exemption on Gratuity - 20 lakhs w.e.f. 29.3.2018

Income tax exemption for gratuity increased from Rs.10 lakhs to 20 lakhs w.e.f. 29.3.2018

Ministry of Finance has enhanced the income tax exemption for gratuity under section 10 (10) (iii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to Rs. 20 lakhs. Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Labour and Employment has expressed hope that this would benefit those employees of PSUs and other employees not covered by Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and has thanked the Finance Minister for enhancing the exemption limit.

The ceiling of Gratuity amount under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 has been raised from time to time keeping in view over-all economic condition and employers capacity to pay and the salaries of the employees, which have been increased in private sector and in PSUs.

The latest such enhancement of ceiling of gratuity was made vide Government of India Notification dated 29.03.2018 under which the gratuity amount ceiling has been increased from Rs.10 lakhs to 20 lakhs w.e.f. 29.3.2018.


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