Friday, October 5, 2018

CPSEs: Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates

CPSEs: Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates
No.W-02/0039/2017-DPE (WC)-GL-XXIII/8
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block 14. CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-I10003
Dated: 3rd October, 2018

Subject:- Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 - Payment of IDA at revised rates-regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Para 7 and Annexure-III (B) of DPE's OM dated 03.08.2017 wherein the rates of DA payable to the Board level and below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs have been indicated. The next instalment for revision of rates of DA is due from 01.10.2018. Accordingly. the rate of DA payable to the executives and non-unionized supervisors of CPSEs is as follows:
(a) Date from which payable: 01.10.2018
(b) Average AICPI (2001=100) for the quarter June, 2018 - Aug 2018
June, 2018 - 291
July, 2018 - 301
Aug, 2018 - 301
Average of the quarter . 297.66
(c) Link Point: 277.33 (as on 01.01.2017)
(d) Increase over link point: 20.33 (297.66 minus 277.33)
(e) DA Rate w.e.f. 01.10.2018: 7.3% [(20.33/277.33) x 100]

2. The above rate of DA i.e. 7.3% would be applicable in the case of IDA employees who have been allowed revised pay scales (2017) as per DPE O.Ms. dated 03.08.2017, 04.08.2017 & 07.09.2017.

3. All administrative Ministries/ Departments of the Government at India are requested to bring the foregoings to the notice at of the CPSEs under their administrative control for necessary action at their end.
(Samsul Haque)
Under Secretary

SBI CPPCs for Central Government Pensioners

SBI CPPCs for CG Pensioners

State Bank is paying pensions to more than 36 lac pensioners. There are 14 dedicated Centralised Pension Processing Cells (CPPCs)

To get pension from State Bank of India, the retiring employee has to start the process at least 6 months prior to retirement. In the process the employee has to open account with any branch of State Bank of India, if required with spouse (which is permitted now) and has to provide the account number to the Department from which he/she retires.
He/she has to fill up the account details in the pension papers. While opening account the retiree has to give his/her PAN number, mobile number and email_id (if available).PAN No. will enable correct accounting of the Pensioner's TDS.
On receiving the PPO the prospective pensioner has to approach the branch where from the pension is to be availed. He/she has to submit undertaking and Life Certificate. On receiving the required documents from the prospective pensioner, the documents will be sent to concern CPPC for further processing at their end.
After completion of data entry at CPPC, pension shall be credited to the identified account within a period of 3-4 days.
In November month every year the pensioner is required to submit his/ her life certificate to enable the Bank to pay pension continuously.
Extended benefits to pensioners by State Bank of India
  • Pension slip from the pension paying branch.
  • Sms alert on mobile phone with pension payment details.
  • Annual statement of pension.
  • Facility to submit life certificate at any branch of State Bank of India.
  • Quick grievance redressal system.
  • Acceptance of form 15(G)/15(H) at Branch.
  • Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) for details please click here.
  • Call centre for information Toll free No.1800 112211, 1800 425 3800

Monthly Pension Slip for CG Pensioners

Monthly Pension Slip for CG Pensioners

Pension Slip FAQ

1. What is pension slip?
A pension slip contains details of pension payment credited to a savings or current account held by a pensioner.

2. How can I generate a pension slip?
You need an Internet banking user name and password. The savings or current account which serves as the pension account must be mapped to the username. After you login to Internet banking you can generate a pension slip for any month in the previous or current year.

3. Can I generate a pension slip for multiple months?
No. Since Pension Payment is made on a monthly basis, you can generate the slip for any month starting October 2006 up to any past month in the current year.

4. Can I generate the pension slip for future months?
No. You can only generate the pension for months for which you have received a pension payment from the government.

5. Can I print a pension slip generated online?
Yes. You can print the pension slip details, whenever you require the payment details.

6. How long does it take to generate the pension slip?
You can instantaneously generate the pension slip for any past month in the current year or previous year.

7. How do I navigate to the Pension Slip tab?
Kindly log in to Select the "Enquiries" tab on the primary navigation bar. You would be displayed “Pension Slip” link on the left hand navigation column.

Regularisation of allotment on re-transfer to the last place of posting

Regularisation of allotment on re-transfer to the last place of posting

Government of India
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Directorate of Estates
Policy-II Section
Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi-110108
Date 25.9.2018
Office Memorandum

Subject:- Regularisation of allotment on re-transfer to the last place of posting.

It has come to the notice of this Directorate that some allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) have retained their accommodation at their last place of posting in contravention of the extant guidelines and instructions on the subject. In this regard, reference is invited to the Rule 54 of Central Government General Pool Residential Accommodation Rules, 2017(CGGPRA Rules, 2017) and it is reiterated that the allottees who have retained General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) at their last place of posting due to their transfer/ posting at non-family stations in violation of the provision of the CGGPRA Rules, 2017 or the extant guidelines, shall not be considered for regularisation of GPRA at their last place of posting.

2. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Deputy Director of Estates(Policy)

DoPT: 3rd Cadre Review of Central Secretariat Stenographer's Service (CSSS)

DoPT: 3rd Cadre Review of Central Secretariat Stenographer's Service (CSSS)

No. 15/1 /2014·Cs·II(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(CS.11 Division)
3,d Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated 5th October 2018.

Subject: 3rd Cadre Review of Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service (CSSS) - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even number dated 12.09.2017 on the subject mentioned above and to say that based on the recommendations of 3rd Cadre Restructuring Committee for Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) and decisions taken thereon, the Government has approved creation/ reduction of posts in various grades of CSSS as follows:-
i. Creation of additional 247 posts of sr. PPS/PSO;
ii. Creation of additional 549 posts of Principal Private Secretary (PPS);
iii. No change in the strength of Private Secretary (PS);
iv. Reduction of 1000 posts of Personal Assistant;
v. Creation of additional 204 posts of Stenographer Grade' D';
vi. Downgrading the vacancies arising out of retirement, death or VRs of incumbents promoted to the newly created additional posts in the grade of sr; PPS/PsO, PP? to Stenographer Grade 'D', on yearly basis to offset the additional expenditure during the next four years from the date of implementation. Additionally, some balance vacant posts in the grade of PS (after promoting the eligible PAs of subsequent sLs) arising during the next three to four years have also been decided to be downgraded to the Stenographers Grade 'D' level to achieve the target of nil financial implication at the earliest.
vii. With regard to downgrading the vacancies arising out of retirement, death or VRs of incumbents promoted to the newly created additional posts in the Grade of sr. PPs/PSO, PPs to Stenographer Grade 'D', the Order for revised strength in various Grades in participating Ministries/Departments of CSSS due to downgrading will be issued annually by the CS.II division.
2. As a follow-up action, proposals were invited from all cadre units in CSSS for allocation of these newly created posts and the proposals were examined by a Committee of Joint Secretaries of Department of Expenditure and Department of Personnel and Training. 3. Approval of competent authority is, hereby, accorded to the revised allocation of posts to vario
us cadre units in CSSS in the grades of Sr.PPS/PPS/PS/PA and Steno grade 'D', as per statement annexed.

4. The newly created posts stand allocated 1 posts for the grade of PA stand reduced among cadre units with immediate effect. The operationalisation of the newly created posts will have effect from 01.07.2017 i.e. the vacancies arising out of creation of posts will be included in the Select List Year -2017 except for Steno Grade 'D' (Direct Recruitment Posts) for which the posts would be operational for the Direct Recruitment examination to be conducted by Staff Selection Commission for the Select List Year 2018 i.e. w.e.f 01.07.2018. The posts would be filled up as per CSSS Rules, 2010 and Regulations framed here under.

5. The Cadre Units are requested to further distribute the allocated posts amongst their sub-cadres, wherever applicable, keeping in view the revised entitlements as communicated vide this Department's OM of even no dated 12.09.2017, functional justification, newly encadred posts for a particular cadre unit/sub-cadre unit in CSSS and newly created posts and allocation thereof under 3rd cadre review of CSS as communicated vide this Department's OM No.19/1/2018-CS.I(P) dated 13/14.09.2018.

6. Necessary amendment in the Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service(CSSS) Rules 2010 would be made separately.

Encl: As above.

All Cadre units participating in CSSS

(Joint Secretary in-charge of Administration)
(Chirabrat Sarkar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Telefax: 24623157

Download Order
Source: DoPT

Option for Fixation of Pay on MACPS - Finmin Orders dt.18.6.2018

Option for Fixation of Pay on MACPS - Finmin Orders dt.18.6.2018

"Grant of Grade Pay of Rs.5400 (PB-2) i.e. level-9 of Pay Matrix, incase of Assistant Accounts Officer of IAA&D"

Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Postal Accounts Wing - Dak Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 001
Dated: 3.10.2018
All General Manager(Finance)
All Director of Accounts(Postal)

Sub: Implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC - Para 11-12-140 - Grant of Grade Pay of Rs.5400 (PB-2) i.e. level-9 of Pay Matrix, incase of Assistant Accounts Officer of IAA&D, Indian Civil Accounts Organisation and P&T Accounts.

I am directed to refer on the aforesaid subject and to enclose herewith a copy of Ministy of Finance, Department of Expenditure, OM No.25-2/2017-IC/E.III(A) dated 18.6.2018 for information and further necessary action.

This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts).
Yours Faithfully,
Assistant Director General (PA-Admin)

Finance Ministry issued orders on 18th June 2018

Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC - Para 11.12.140 - Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 5400(PB-2) i.e. Level 9 of Pay Matrix in case of Assistant Accounts Officer of IA&AD, Indian Civil Accounts Organisation and P&T Accounts

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 18th June 2018

Subject: Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC - Para 11.12.140 - Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 5400(PB-2) i.e. Level 9 of Pay Matrix in case of Assistant Accounts Officer of IA&AD, Indian Civil Accounts Organisation and P&T Accounts.

In pursuance of the recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission as contained in Para 11.12.140 of the Report, read with this Ministry’s Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 25th July 2016, the undersigned is directed to say that the pay scales of the post of Assistant Accounts Officer in Indian Audit & Account Department, Indian Civil Accounts Organization and P&T Accounts shall be as under in the pay structure of 7th Central Pay Commission w.e.f 01/01/2016.

Sl. No.Name of PostPay scale in the 6th CPC Pay StructureRevised Pay scale under 7th CPC Pay Structure
1Assistant Accounts OfficerPay Band 2 + Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-Level 8 of Pay Matrix and Level 9 on completion of 4 years in Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/- (PB2)/ Level 8. Level 8 and Level 9 of Pay Matrix shall be as contained in the aforesaid Resolution dated 25/7/2016
2. Necessary amendment to CCS(RP) Rules 2016 shall be issued in due course.
(Ashok Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Availability of option for fixation of pay on MACPS from the date of next increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of fixation of pay from DNI, if opted for, in context of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016

Availability of option for fixation of pay on MACPS from the date of next increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of fixation of pay from DNI, if opted for, in context of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016

No. IV/MACPS/09/Part 11
Dated: 03/10/2018
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Availability of option for fixation of pay on MACPS from the date of next increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of fixation of pay from DNI, if opted for, in context of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016-reg.

Ref: DoP&T O.M. No.35034/1/2017-Estt D dated 20/09/2018 to all Ministries/Departments etc.
A copy of O.M. No. 35034/1/2017-Estt D dated 20/09/2018 issued by the DoP&T on the subject is enclosed. In the said O.M., the DoP&T has stated that their earlier O.Ms dated 27/07/2017 and 28/08/2018 clarifying availability of option for fixation of pay and the date of next increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of fixation of pay from DNI, if opted for, in the context of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016, are applicable in the case of MACP also.

NFIR, therefore, requests Railway Board to issue corresponding instructions in favour of Railway employees duly endorsing copy to the Federation.

DA/As above
Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Alert Notice for General Public from PFRDA

Alert Notice for General Public from PFRDA


"This is to inform general public that PFRDA is a Regulatory Body and does not ever call for any sum for release of funds to any individual from their Permanent Retirement Account (PRAN) maintained with the Centre Record Keeping Agency.

It is also informed that PFRDA has appointed entities such as Point of Presence, Aggregators etc. which are banks and non-banking financial companies which are authorized to interact with subscribers for a prescribed fee which is much less than what is being asked for by the fraudsters.


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