7th Pay Commission Projected Pay Scale
But when we come
across all the recommendations of six pay commissions, we observed an
interesting factor which is common to all the pay commission
recommendations, particularly in the matter of percentage of increase in
the pay. Average 3 times increase in the pay was recommended by each
pay commission and it was accepted by government and implemented.
Source: www.gservants.com
may think that the babus again started to make voice over pay revision
and next pay commission or 7th Pay commission. There is a saying that
“The crying baby gets the milk”. The need makes the man to act.
should try to understand the fact that being a government servant one
can witness a considerable pay hike at least twice or thrice of his/her
entire service period. Because, other than promotion, only the pay
commission recommendation will give them considerable pay hike. But it
takes place once in ten years. Now a days a government employee can
render service 20 or 30 years only due to non availability of employment
opportunity in government service below the age of 25. So there is no
need to be get annoyed by hearing the voice for seventh pay commission
from central government employees. Because constituting next pay
commission is for nothing but to review the salary of the govt. servants
with the current economical condition of the country.
How the pay of a govt. employee had been fixed at the beginning of the Independence India.
now there are six pay commission had been constituted to review and
recommend pay structure of central government employees.
All the six pay commissions have taken many aspects into consideration to prescribe the pay structure for government servants.
In the first pay commission the concept of ‘living wage’ was adopted.
second pay commission it had been reiterated that the pay structure and
working condition to be crafted in a way so as to ensure the effective
functioning of government mechanism.
The third pay commission adopted the concept of ‘need based wage’
Fourth CPC had recommended the government to constitute permanent
machinery to undertake periodical review of pay and allowances of
Central Government employees, but which got never implemented.
Fifth pay commission all federations demanded that the pay scale should
be at par with the public sector. But the pay commission didn’t accept
this and told that the demand for parity with the Public Sector was
however difficult to concede as it felt that the Job content and
condition of service in the government and pulic sector not necessarily
the same. There were essential differences between the two sectors.
Sixth Central Pay Commission, claimed that it had not only tried to
evolve a proper pay package for the Government employees but also to
make recommendations rationalizing the governmental structure with a
view to improve the delivery mechanisms for providing better services to
the common man
What about seventh pay commission?
every pay commission, before recommending a pay structure, it used to
analyze all the aspects including the economic situation of the country,
financial resources of the government, comparison with the public
sector, private sector and state government pay structure etc. So it is
very much clear that Pay Determination is very complicated and sensitive
task. Without any doubt every one accepts that this is very challenging
task too. In order to determine the new pay structure the pay
commission has to go through voluminous data consisting current economic
condition, strength of the work force and working condition etc. In the
meantime, if one tries to suggest or comment about 7thy pay commission
pay scale or about what the seventh pay commission pay scale would be,
it will not get much importance.
it is simple thing, we can say it a mathematical coincidence that we
have in common in all previous pay commission, but we cannot neglect
this. Because it was there, every time it is noticed that the revised
pay was approximately three times higher than its pre revised pay. Apart
from all the factors which has been used to determine the pay revision,
we can use this simple formula ‘common multiplying factor’ to know the
7th pay commission pay scale . If next pay commission prefer to continue
the same running pay band and grade pay system for seventh pay
commission also, the pay structure may be like the following projected
figures given below, using common multiplying factor ‘3’. The Following
is only the projected figure using common multiplying factor ‘3’...
| |||||
Name of Pay Band/ Scale | Corresponding Pay Bands | Corresponding Grade Pay | Entry Grade +band pay |
Projected entry level pay using uniform multiplying factor` 3’
| ||
Band Pay | Grade Pay | Entry Pay | ||||
PB-1 | 5200-20200 | 1800 | 7000 | 15600-60600 | 5400 | 21000 |
PB-1 | 5200-20200 | 1900 | 7730 | 15600-60600 | 5700 | 23190 |
PB-1 | 5200-20200 | 2000 | 8460 | 15600-60600 | 6000 | 25380 |
PB-1 | 5200-20200 | 2400 | 9910 | 15600-60600 | 7200 | 29730 |
PB-1 | 5200-20200 | 2800 | 11360 | 15600-60600 | 8400 | 34080 |
PB-2 | 9300-34800 | 4200 | 13500 | 29900-104400 | 12600 | 40500 |
PB-2 | 9300-34800 | 4600 | 17140 | 29900-104400 | 13800 | 51420 |
PB-2 | 9300-34800 | 4800 | 18150 | 29900-104400 | 14400 | 54450 |
PB-3 | 15600-39100 | 5400 | 21000 | 29900-104400 | 16200 | 63000 |
PB-3 | 15600-39100 | 6600 | 25530 | 46800-117300 | 19800 | 76590 |
PB-3 | 15600-39100 | 7600 | 29500 | 46800-117300 | 22800 | 88500 |
PB-4 | 37400-67000 | 8700 | 46100 | 112200-20100 | 26100 | 138300 |
PB-4 | 37400-67000 | 8900 | 49100 | 112200-20100 | 26700 | 147300 |
PB-4 | 37400-67000 | 10000 | 53000 | 112200-20100 | 30000 | 159000 |
HAG | 67000- (ann increment @ 3%) -79000 | Nil | 201000 | |||
HAG+ Scale | 75500- (ann increment @ 3%) -80000 | Nil | 226500 | |||
Apex Scale | 80000 (Fixed) | Nil | 240000 | |||
Cab. Sec. | 90000 (Fixed) | Nil | 270000 |
Source: www.gservants.com
There is no need for the pay bands as entry pay determines the pay. The minimum : maximum ratio should be 1 : 10 as the minimum educational qualification in govt service has been fixed as X Std without changing the maximum qualification.
The fine tuning or tinkering work with the numbers as I have seen in 1998 and 2008 shows, as such there is no multiplication involved. Actually the DA is put on Basic and New pay is arrived. They have given service weightage in 1998, which was in the form of Grade Pay during 2008. In real terms as a person becomes senior the difference in old pay and new pay is likely to be +10 to 15% only. for some it goes even in zero or negative. I.e. to say new pay is less than the old pay.
These are the curses of Government service. Any person who is seeing the pay commission in their service for the first time, there will be substantial hike.
Why the factor of 3 has been considered, why not 4 or 5 factor
there is no recognition or reward or monetary benefit for those who have higher qualification like graduation and post graduation. those who are having ITI qualification and Engg degree qualification both are equal.
The entry pay for PB-2 with grade pay of Rs. 4200 is Rs. 13,500 (9300 + 4200) as per the 6th CPC. However in the projected 7 CPC the entry level of PB-2 with grade pay of 12,600 is 40,500 which I feel is wrong as the minimum entry pay should be Pay + GP ie. 29900 + 12600 = Rs. 42,500/-. Kindly look in to the matter.
सभी पे कमिसन में लोअर क्लास ही मारा जाता है ,1900 ,2000 हजार के ग्रेड पे वालो को सबसे ज्यादा नुकसान है l
Sub Maj Adhir Biswas (Retd in 1993)
in the last grant of increment of pensionary benefits to pre-2006 ex-servicemen (pensioners), JCOs (Nb Sub, Sub and Sub Maj) were ignored whereas persons junior and senior to JCO category were granted enhanced benefits. I presume that this category would be taken care of in the 7th pay commission and if they are still placed in PB-2, their basic pension should be @ a higher scale.
Very attractive proposed pay scales for higher ups. Please take care of Class IV, III also. They will be more sufferers like previous pay commissions. Rates of overtime should also be revised. It has not been revised in 6th Pay Commission. Rate of annual increment should not be less than 10%. LTC, Transport allowance and HRA should also be given to hapless pensioners. They are backbone of the society and given entire life for the government and also incurring expenditure on transport and rent of the house. Even Central Government employees Unions/Federations are doing nothing for pensioners. It is the government which is giving paltry benefits to the pensioners. We have got no hope from our unions,
The DA already crossed 100% now and another say a minimum of 50% to be expected by Jan 2016. When 100% DA get merged, the Pay goes double and the 50% DA makes it 3 times.The interim relief if granted and the fitment benefit (40% on Pay in the 5th CPC), the new pay is bound to go beyond 3.5 times this time because of the higher amount of DA due to intolerable increase in market prices.Therefore the minimum multiplication factor for new pay in the 7th CPC cannot go less than 3.5 However, though the pay goes 3.5 times the actual benefits will be 0.5 times plus any change in the allowances.
Check these previous pay commissions
2nd CPC 2.5 times (increase in pay)
3rd CPC 2.6 times
4th CPC 3.2 times
5th CPC 3.4 times
6th CPC 2.5 times
don't expect more than this
kindly check about the pay 9300-4200 & 9300-4600, & as per you check the entry pay difference between them one is 40500 & other one is 51420 ? totally wrong mathematical calculation
in 7th pay commission, paramilitary forces should no compare with civilian because their duties difference is day and night.
In Malayalam language there is a saying " munpe gamikkum thadha gou thante pinpe gamikkum bahu gokkal ellam". Means 'the cow that goes at the head (in lead) will be followed by all other cows". The past CPCs have used a multiplication of three as the factor for fixing the new pay, forgetting that the basic pay + DA and other benefits (including DP or interim reliefs already in effect as recommended by the CPC) have reached or works out to almost three times of emoluments which existed when the CPC was ordered. The CPC did nothing special. Each CPC used the multiplication factor of 'THREE" and employees found that their Basic pay is risen and so will be benefited in the future when DA and other per centage benefits increase accordingly. They were damn happy not knowing that actually they are entitled for more higher pay structure.
The recommendations of the present CPC to come into effect from 01-01-2016 and is for the employees and pensioners thereafter though some employees of today may benefited. But it is mainly for the future, ie, from 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2025, during this period what changes are going to happen in the living standard , living needs, the working conditions, the expected out put of the work force,the economic/financial situations of the country, the strenuousity of the employees task and many other co related factors need to be analyzed for the growing generations. That is more important than the multiplication factor or what the previous CPCs have recommended. May the raise sometimes go beyond FIVE times if someone keep an eye on the growing neighbor countries.
President Obama has raised the minimum wage to $10.10 from $7.25 in the worst situation of economy in USA. India and other countries cannot ignore or remain deaf and eyes shut on these increase. USA want qualified professionals from abroad. If India or neighboring countries do not appropriately raise pay to their employees they will quit their job and leave country and go to USA. An important FACT the CPC has to consider even if not included in the Terms of reference. The flow of professionals (technical,medical,,engineering, computer skill, business and others) will have an adverse effct of the growth of the nation.
We are on the run to grow, unsatisfactory return from the job, lack of opportunities, strained opportunity to build life at par, live in stratification some of these are the back draw the generation face everyday. The CPC has to look into these aspects while recommending new pay structure, not merely follow the cow moved before in the past.
Higher qualification must be appreciated in each and every govt department.
This projected pay strcture is more but it is expected that 2 times or 2.5 times increase is suitable. 3 times increease is impossible or not possible because revenue lose is main factor and to intimate that grade pay hike and pay band would be increase 2 or 2.5 times and final result will come after laying report of 7th CPC.
I am a B.Tech graduate and has joined the Govt. job due to present salary structure and hope od forthcoming 7th CPC but sadly the proposal of 7th CPC is not gud enough. For example.. my present gross salary is 25k and upto 2016 it will be around 30-31K. But the proposed salary in 7th CPC is 34K. And yes at that time, the DA will start from zero itself and income tax will be increased for the salary. So in real there is a mere 4 thousand increase overall....??? I think Govt. should increase the increament from 3% to 10 % in a year and then there will be no need of such CPCs. Otherwise, the CPC will end up givivng a gud basic but there will be no increase in salary with increase in time... think about it... 3% is just nothing....... I wish Govt. should introduce performance based increment.
If it so they are the biggest foolish to constitue 7 pay commission
G Connect should also care foe Pre 2006 retirees and make a chart for them so that they can calculate their pension. It appears that the start pay plus GP devided by2 is pension. Is it so?
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