Thursday, November 10, 2016

Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 1.7.-2016 to employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay scale/grade pay as per 6th Central Pay Commission Dearness Allowance calculator for DA from January 2017

7% of 6th CPC Dearness Allowance Increased from 1.7.2016 – Finmin Order

"who continue to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay band/grade pay as per 6th CPC recommendations, shall be enhanced from the existing 125% to 132% w.e.f. 01.07.2016"

Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 1.7.2016 to employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the re-revised pay scale/grade pay as per 6th Central Pay Commission

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, dated the 9th November, 2016.


Subject: Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 1.7.-2016 to employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay scale/grade pay as per 6th Central Pay Commission Dearness Allowance calculator for DA from January 2017

Consequent upon acceptance of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission by the Government, this Department vide O.M.No. 1/2/2016-E.II(B) dated 4th November, 2016 had. issued orders on rate of Dearness Allowance (DA) payable to Central Government employees based on the revised pay structure that came into effect from 01.01.2016.

2. The above rate, however, is not applicable to- those Central Government employees who had exercised an option to continue in the pre-revised scales of pay based on 6th CPC's recommendations or to those whose pay and allowances had not been revised, for different reasons.

3. Further, as the recommendations of 7th CPC have not been made applicable to the employees of Central Autonomous Bodies as of now, they continue to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay band/grade pay as per 6th CPC recommendations. Therefore, the above rate of DA is also not applicable to these employees also.

4. The rate of DA w.e.f.01.01.2016 for Central Government employees and employees of Central Autonomous Bodies in pre-revised scale of pay, were issued by Department of Expenditure vide O.M.No. 1/1/2016-E.II(B) dated 7th April, 2016.

5. Accordingly, the rate of DA admissible to employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies who continue to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay band/grade pay as per 6th CPC recommendations, shall be enhanced from the existing 125% to 132% w.e.f. 01.07.2016.

6. The contents of this Office Memorandum may also be brought to the notice of the Organisations under the administrative control of the Ministries/Departments which have adopted the Central Government scales of pay.
(Nirmala Dev)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Click to view the  order

Timely and advance action in convening of Departmental Promotion Committee meeting in terms of Model Calendar

Timely and advance action in convening of Departmental Promotion Committee meeting in terms of Model Calendar


NO. 22011/1/2011-Estt(D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi - 110001
Dated- October 27, 2016

Subject: Timely and advance action in convening of Departmental Promotion Committee meeting in terms of Model Calendar - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to state that with a view to having the approved select panels for promotion ready in advance in a time-bound manner, this Department has issued a Model Calendar for DPCs vide OM No. 22011/9/98-Estt. (D) dated 8 th September, 1998 as modified vide OM No. 22011/4/2013-Estt.(D) dated 28.01.2015. An indicative pattern has been provided in the Model Calendar for various events involved in the pre/ post DPC related actions. All the Ministries/Departments have been impressed upon from time to time by this Department to adhere to the prescribed time-line so as to ensure that the panel is ready in time and is utilised as and when the vacancies arise during the course of the vacancy year.

2. It has been brought to the notice that many promotion posts are lying vacant due to abnormal delay in convening DPCs. The objective of timely promotions of employees in various Ministries/Departments can be achieved only by holding DPC meetings.

3. In view of above, all Ministries/Departments are again advised to ensure strict compliance of instructions in order to achieve the desired objectives of timely convening of DPCs/preparation of approved select panels within the prescribed time frame.
(Raj esh Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele. No. 23040340
DoPT Circular 2016

Filling up of posts of Senior Private Secretary in the Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax, Settlement Commission, Additional Bench, Chennai on deputation basis

Filling up of posts of Senior Private Secretary in the Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax, Settlement Commission, Additional Bench, Chennai on deputation basis

Government of India
Ministry of Personnet Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
New Delhi - 110 003.
Dated the 8th November, 2016

Subject: Filling up the posts of Senior Private Secretary in the Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax, Settlement Commission, Additional Bench, Chennai on deputation basis.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Revenue's Circular No.II/16/1/2015-SC dated 26.10.2016 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above, for the information of all CSSS officers of this Department. All eligible and willing officers may, accordingly, apply through proper channel, in time so as to complete the process of routing the applications to Customs & Central Excise, Settlement Commission, Additional Bench; Chennai.

2. It may be noted that Cadre Clearance from CS.II Division will be required in case of Principal Private Secretary and above level officers of CSSS applying for deputation.
Encl: As above
(Umesh Kumar Bhatia)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 24623157
All Ministries/Departments (through website of DoP&T)
Dated: 26.10.2016

Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Private Secretary in the Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax, Settlement Commission, Additional Bench, Chennai on deputation basis:

Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800+4800
Number of Posts: 3
Eligibility Criteria

Central Government employees:-
a) holding analogous post on regular basis; or
b) with three years regular service as Private Secretary in the posts carrying the pay scale of Rs.6500-200 - 10,500/- (pre-revised); or
c) with seven years combined service in the pay scale of Rs.500-9000 (pre revised) or Rs. 6500-10500 (pre-revised) or equivalent in the parent cadre/Department in the Stenographer cadre.
The period of deputation shall be initially for one year extendable up to three years. The pay of the officers/officials selected will be regulated in accordance with DOPT instructions. The maximum age limit for appointment shall not exceed 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.

The application in the prescribed Proforma (Annexure-I) from eligible officers/officials who can be spared in the event of their selection may be forwarded directly to the Additional Commissioner at the address mentioned below within 30 days from the date of issue Advt. along with (a) up-to-date CR dossiers of the candidate concerned of photocopies of annual confidential reports for the last five years; (b) vigilance clearance report clearly 'indicating that no disciplinary or criminal proceedings vigilance clearance report clearly indicating that no disciplinary or criminal proceedings are either pending or contemplated against the official concerned; (c) statement showing the minor/major penalties imposed, if any, and (d) integrity certificate.

Incomplete applications or applications not received through proper channel or applications received after the specified date shall not be entertained and would be straight-way rejected.
Applicants should address their applications to the "Additional Commissioner" and the same sent to the undermentioned address.
Additional Bench, Chennai
Customs & Central Excise, Settlement Commisison, Additional Bench,
2nd Floor, Narmada Block, Customs House,
33 Rajaji Salai, Chennai- 600001.
Assistant Commissioner
Get Full circular

Recommendations of the committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance inquires (Hota Committee)

Recommendations of the committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance inquires (Hota Committee)


D.O.No. 372/03/2007-AVD.III(Vol.10)
Dated the 1st November, 2016
Dear Sir,
Please refer to this Department's 0.M. No. of even No. dated 4th December, 2012 wherein the Committee of Secretaries (CoS), Inter-alia has recommended, for compilation of the action taken by Ministry/Department in compliance with the 0Ms/Circulars issued in respect of the recommendations as indicated in the aforesaid OM dated 4.12.2012 (copy enclosed) and to say that despite reminders dated 24.1.2013, 11.08.2014, 08.09.2014, 21.11.2014, 27.3.2015, 2.7.2015, 29.4.2016 and 25.07.2016 no report on action taken in pursuance of DOPT's aforesaid OM dated 04.12.2012 has been received from your Ministry/Department.

2. As the matter has been inordinately delayed, it is requested that action taken on the points pursuant to this Department's OM of even number dated 04.12.2012 may please be furnished to this Department urgently.

Yours sincerely,
(Rakesh Kumar)
Encl: As above

Secretary of Ministries/Departments of the Government of India (as per list attached).

No.372/3/2007-AVD-III (Vol. 10)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block; New Delhi.
4th December, 2012

Subject: Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary & Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

The undersigned is directed to say that a meeting of Committee of Secretaries (CoS) under the chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary was held on 30.10.2012 on the above subject. The CoS , inter-alia, has recommended for compilation of the action taken by Ministries/Departments in compliance with the Olvls/Circulars issued in respect of the recommendations regarding :
  • Compliance to the standard check list while sending cases to UPSC for advice
    (DoP&T's OM No. 39011/12/2010-Estt.(B) dated 14th September, 2010);
  • disposal of all pending cases for sanction of prosecution (DoP&T's OM No. 372/64/2010-AVD-III dated 23rd December, 2010);
  • deciding all cases where disciplinary inquiry has been under contemplation.
    (DoP&T's OM No. 372/55/2010-AVD-III dated 28th December, 2010); and
  • deciding all pending disciplinary inquiries (DoPT's OM No. 372/55/2010-AVD III dated 28th December; 2010)
(A copy of each of the above OMs is enclosed for ready reference)

It is, therefore, requested that action taken on above points in your Ministry/Department pursuant to the aforesaid OMs of DoPT may be sent to this Department within one month from the date of issue of this OM.
Encl: As above
(Amarjit Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Click to view the order

Review of CSSS officers in the Grade of Private Secretary (PS) and Personal Assistant (PA) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

Review of CSSS officers in the Grade of Private Secretary (PS) and Personal Assistant (PA) under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi-110003, 08th November, 2016


Subject: Review of CSSS officers in the Grade of Private Secretary (PS) and Personal Assistant (PA) under FR 56G) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 -reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's D.O. letter No 3/8/2015-CS.I (D) dated 26.02.2016 vide which all the cadre units of CSSS were requested to furnish the inputs in the format annexed therewith with respect to the officers who in the opinion of the Ministry/Department, are covered under extant provisions of FR 56G)/Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rule, 1972. Reminder has also been issued in the matter. However, the inputs sought in respect of PS and P A Grade is still awaited from several Ministries/Departments.

2. It is, therefore, once again, requested to the all defaulting cadre units to furnish the requisite information in respect of PSs and PAs Grade who are due for review under the provisions of FR 560) to this Department immediately.
(Umesh Kumar Bhatia)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Under Secretaries of all the defaulting cadre units of CSSS

DoPT Order

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