7th CPC recommendations with regard to upgradation of Grade Pay and merger of commercial categories
No. II/2/Part VIII
Zonal Unions of NFIR
Dear Brother,
(ii) NFIR's Message No. II/2/Part VIII dated 02/12/2017 to the Zonal Unions.
Source : NFIR
No. II/2/Part VIII
Dated: 03/12/2017
The General Secretaries ofZonal Unions of NFIR
Dear Brother,
Sub: 7th CPC recommendations with regard to upgradation of Grade Pay and merger of commercial categories-reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board's letter No. 2016/E(LR)I/NM 1-14 dated 27/11/2017.(ii) NFIR's Message No. II/2/Part VIII dated 02/12/2017 to the Zonal Unions.
Please refer NFIR’s message No. II/2/Part VIII dated 02/12/2017 (copy enclosed) on the above subject.
For the appreciation of Zonal Unions, copies of the following are also enclosed.
(a) Record Note of discussions
held on 12th July 2017 at 15/- Hrs in the chamber of AM (Staff) with
both the Federations.
(b) GS/NFIR’s reply to Railway Board on record note of discussions vide No. II/2/Part VII dated 24/07/2017.
According to the record note of
discussions dated 12th July, 2017, the existing staff working in the
cadres of ECRCs and Commercial Clerks/Inspectors may be merged with the
option to interchange them. This indicates that those opt for
interchange will be posted according to their option. Yesterday, CRMS
contacted the undersigned on phone and I clarified on the doubt.
The above is for information of affiliates.
Encl: As above
Yours fraternally,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Media Centre/NFIR.
No. II/2/Part VII
Dated: 24/07/2017
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Record Note of Discussions held on
12th July 2017 at 15:00 hrs in the Chamber of AM (Staff) with both the
Federations viz., AIRF and NFIR on the issue of:
(a) Change in staffing pattern of ASMs (G.P. Rs. 4200) in view of 7th CPC recommendations, and
(b) Change in’ staffing Pattern of TC,
CC & ECRC consequent to abolition/upgradation and merger of
categories in view of 7th CPC recommendations.
Ref: Railway Board's letter No. E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12 dated 20/07/2017.
With reference to the record note of
discussions, it is suggested that under the heading "NFIR" the name of
the General Secretary be printed correctly.
Vide Para 4 of the enclosure to Board's
letter No. E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12 dated 20/07/2017, the Board sought
suggestions on both the issues - (a) & (b) above.
Accordingly, the Federation gives its suggestions as below:-
Station Masters' category:
The DR quota should be limited to 50%,
considering the fact that LDCE being held applying norms prescribed for
DR Quota through which cream among the qualified candidates also would
become Station Masters’ (GP 4200/Pay Level 6).
The Promotion quota shall be 35% to be
filled by those staff mentioned in the Board's proposal upto the age of
50 years. Those in GP 1800/Pay Level 1 also be made eligible for
Promotion quota, however, panel needs to be drawn in the order of
seniority among the qualified staff (not to be treated as General
The Federation confirms the contents of
Para 3(a) (b) (c) & (d) while maintaining its stand that the Ticket
Checking category should as a whole, remain as separate category.
With regard to Para 3, there are
precedents wherein the recommendations of previous Pay Commissions
accepted by the Government have not been adopted by the Railway Ministry
on the ground that Railways working is different. Example:- when the
Government had accepted 5th CPC recommendation for classifying the posts
in Pay Scale maximum of which was 9000 or above as "Group B", the
Railway Ministry had taken a view that the said decision was not
implementable and accordingly not adopted.
Record Note of Discussions held on 12th
july 2o17 at 15:00 hrs.. in the Chamber of AM(Staff) with both the
Federations, viz., AIRF and NFIR on the issue of :
(a) Change in staffing pattern of ASMs (C.P.Rs: 4200) in view of 7th CPC recommendations, and;
(b) Change in staffing Pattern of TC, CC & ECRC consequent to abolition/upgradation and merger of categories in view of 7th CPC recommendations.The following officers and representatives of Federations (AIRF & NFIR) attended the meeting-:

2.Points emerged/observations made on
the issue of Change in staffing Points emerged/observations made on the
issue of Change in staffing pattern of ASMs (G.P.Rs.42oo) in view of 7th
CPC recommendations :
(a) Federations suggested that DR Quota for Station Master should be 50% with the provision that 50% of DR vacancies can be earmarked for GDCE. Federations were advised of the merit of existing 60% DR quota and its applicability.(b) Federations suggested that LDCE quota should be 15%.(c) Federations suggested that General Selection Quota should be 35%;(d) A decision has to be taken whether erstwhile G.P. Rs. 1800 should be included as eligible for LDCE and General Selection for the post of SMs or not.
(e) There was also a demand that age
limit should be 50 years for all irrespective of whether candidates were
General, SC/ST or OBC. The existing IREM provision contained in para
122 and implication of amending the same was advised to Federations.
3. Points emerged/observations made on
the issue of Change in staffing Pattern of TC, CC & ECRC consequent
to abolition/upgradation and merger of categories in view of 7th CPC
recommendations; however the point needs attention as to whether we are
competent to change the recommendations of 7th CPC suo-motu;
(a) The existing staff working in the cadres ECRCs and commercial Clerks/inspector may be merged with the option to inter-change them;(b) Ticket Checking category as a whole should continue as separate category for the present.(c) The merger of TC, ECRC and CC may be only for future recruits from prospective effect for which modalities be discussed;(d) 10 +2 qualification proposed for TC and CC should not be insisted for existing staff, who do not have this qualification.
4. Both the Federations will revert back with their suggestions on both the issues.