Aadhaar based authentication of Life Certificate for pensioners
Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June, 2015 for review of status of
Aadhaar based authentication of Life Certificate for pensioners.
G.I., Dept. of DPPW., O.M.No.1/19/2014-P&PW(E), dated 10.6.2015
Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June, 2015 for review
of status of Aadhaar based authentication of Life Certificate for
The undersigned is directed to forward the minutes of the meeting
held on 3rd June, 2015 under the chairmanship of Secretary (AR&PG
and Pension) to review the status of Aadhaar based authentication of
Life Certificate for pensioners.
(Sujasha Choudhury)
Deputy Secretary
A meeting to review the progress on Aadhaar-based verification of
Life Certificate was chaired by Secretary (Pension) on 3rd June, 2015 in
Committee Room, 5th Floor, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg.
2. List of participants is annexed.
3. Secretary (Pension) complimented the various agencies for their
efforts. He informed that during the last video conference of “Pragati”
on 27th May, 2015, the Hon’ble Prime Minister, while discussing problems
being faced by Defence pensioners had inter alia stressed the need for
using Aadhaar based system solutions. He also stated that e-tracking
of pension matter would be a good step towards preventing delays.
4. Department of Financial Services (DFS) informed that all banks
have started accepting Digital Life Certificates (DLCs). So far 2,06,024
pensioners have submitted DLCs. Of these, 1,47,629 take pension through
banks and 35,135 through Defence Pension Disbursement Offices (DPDOs). A
total of 1,52,587 DLCs have been successfully processed by the system
of which 1,12,286 are through banks and 29,768 through DPDOs.
Secretary, Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY)
expressed concern over the very high rate of rejection by the system, as
the user tended to loose confidence in the process. It was agreed that
for every rejection of the DLC, the system shall indicate the reason for
rejection in the form of a speaking order. It was also hoped that
during November, 2015, up to 50% pensioners ought to avail benefit from
Jeevan Pramaan.
(Action: Deit Y/DFS/Banks)
5. Contact numbers of some of the Common Service Centres (CSCs) being
circulated were reportedly not correct. DeitY informed that 55,000
records have been cleaned. At present 6,000 CSCs are functional for
Jeevan Pramaan. Secretary (DeitY) expressed concern at this. He stated
that CSC SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) should be asked to continuously
update their databank and ensure that correct contact details are
displayed at all points of time. Secretary (Pension) shared the concern.
(Action: DeitY)
6. Secretary, DeitY also stressed that Unique Identification
Authority ofIndia (UIDAI) should facilitate, promote and encourage
wide-spread use of Aadhaar number for delivery of public services.
Aadhaar numbers of individual beneficiaries should be made available
by UIDAI to Government agencies on demand.
(Action: UIDAI)
7. It was agreed that State Bank of India (SBI) and UIDAI will
organise a camp in Manipur as early as possible to facilitate
employees/pensioner in getting enrolled for Aadhaar number and
registering them under Jeevan Pramaan software.
(Action: UIDAI/SBI)
8. It was agreed that DFS shall immediately, preferably in 2 nd week
of June, 2015, call a meeting with % Controller General of Accounts
(CGA) and Banks to sort out the following issues at the earliest
(a) Problem with the PPO numbering systems, which are not uniform. It
had been agreed that Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) will come
up with guidelines to tackle this problem.
(b) For making adequate provisions for self-certification regarding
re-marriage, income and reemployment in the software, instructions are
to be issued by CPAO/CGA.
(c) Determination of proper procedure and putting in place adequate
checks for correlating PPO numbers, bank account number and Aadhaar
number while seeding the systems.
Action: DFS/Banks/DeitY/O/o/CGA/CPAO)
9. It was once again pointed out that there were a number of glaring
discrepancies in Banks’ data, including the number of pensioners above
the age of 100 years and a large number of duplicate records in Banks’
databases. DFS has once again been asked to instruct Banks to get their
data cleansed on priority.
(Action: DFS/Banks)
10. UIDAI informed that Ministry of Railways, Indian Army and Indian
Air Force have been appointed as Registrars for enrolment for Aadhaar
11. Secretary (Pension) informed the meeting of the Prime Minister’s
directive to put in place an e-tracking system to monitor delays in
pension cases. It was agreed that possibilities of the Online Tracking
System for Pension Sanction and Payment (Bhavishya) being adopted by
Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Defence, Department of Posts and
Department of Telecommunications would be explored.
(Action: Railways/Defence/Posts /Telecomm unications)
12. Department of Posts informed that Post Offices (POs) disburse
pension to 3 lakh pensioners of Departments of Posts and
Telecommunications and 2 lakh pensioners of
other ministries/departments. The department informed that by so” June,
2015, all POs will start accepting DLCs.
13. NIC informed that the posters and pamphlets for giving wide
publicity to ‘Jeevan Pramaan’ are ready for display in bank branches,
ATM locations, wellness centres, Railway dispensaries, Defence canteens,
etc. Willing agencies can obtain these posters and pamphlets from NIC.
For this, name, email id and phone number of the officer concerned were
made available: Ms. Nandita Chaudhri, DOG, nandita@nic.in , 24305520.
14. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Authoirty: www.pensionersportal.gov.in