Grant of Central Government Pay Scales to the Employees of the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka - reg.
1. Letter dated: 06-10-2004 by the Hon'ble Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court.
2. W.A. No.441ll20l1 Sri Nijaguni V/s the High Court of Karnataka & Ors.
3. CCC No.1241 & 124412016, Nijaguni.M.Karadigudda &Anr., V/s Subhashchandra Kuntia & Ors.
4. SLP (C) No.23220-2322112017, Subhashchandra Kuntia & Ors.V/s Nijaguni.M. Karadigudda & Anr.
The officers and staff of the High Court of Karnataka are inherently
given State Scales of pay. As and when the State pay scales are revised
as per the recommendations of the Expert Bodies, the benefit thereof is
extended to Officers and Officials of High Court on par with State
Government employees.
However, the Hon'ble Chief Justice in his
letter dated: 6-10-2004 read at (1) above had opined that the Pay Scales
of the High Court employees should be raised to the level of Central
Government pay scales annexing therewith his proposal and had sought the
financial conculrence for the same.
The Hon'ble High Court of
Karnataka in its judgement dated: 12-10-2011 passed in W.A. No.441ll20l1
read ar (2) above had directed the Respondent State Government to place
the recommendations of the Hon'ble Chief Justice of Karnataka dated:
06-10-2004 before the Cabinet and to take appropriate decision to
implement the recommendation of the Hon'ble Chief Justice of High Court
of Karnataka dated: 06- 1 0-2004 in the light of the observations made
by the Apex Court in the matter of Union of India V/s S.B.Vohra (AIR
2004 SC 1402).
Sequel to the Order of the Hon'ble High Court of
Karnataka dated: 14-07-2017 passed in CCC No.1241 & 124412016 read
at (3) above the State Government preferred Appeal against the said
Order before the Hon'ble Supreme Court of Iqdia vide SLP (C) No.
23220-232211201,7 read at (4) above. However, the Hon'ble Supreme Court
of India in its order dated: 18-09-2017 dismissed the Appeal preferred
by the State Government and directed the Appellant therein to comply
with the orders of the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka and to report the
compliance within 4 months from the date of order.
In furtherance
thereof and in terms of the judgment dated 12-10-2011 directing
implementation of the recommendations of the Hon'ble Chief Justice of
the Karnataka High Court dated 06-10-2004 in the light of the
observation made by the Hon'ble Apex Court in the matter of Union of
India vs. S.B.Vohra, said judgment mandating the communication by the
Hon'ble Chief Justice to be treated as the "Rule" made by the Hon'ble
Chief Justice of the Court, in terms Article 229(2) of the Constitution
of India, further requiring the approval of the Governor of the State;
steps are required to be taken.
Accordingly, the State Cabinet in
its meeting held on 02-01-2018 has accepted and approved the proposal of
the Hon'ble Chief Justice dated: 06-10-2004 vide its decision in Case
No.868/2017 advising for such approval by the Governor. Subsequently,
the proposal was submitted for the approval of His Excellency the
Governor of Karnataka as required under Article 229(2) of the
Constitution of India. His Excellency the Governor of Karnataka was
pleased to approve the proposed Rule.
In the circumstances and for the reasons stated above the following orders are issued.
are pleased to accord financial concurence on the approval of the
Governor under Article 229(2) of the Constitution of India to the
proposed Rule of the Hon'ble Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court
as sought in letter dated: 06-10-2004 to extend the Central Government
Pay Scales to the Employees of the High Court of Karnataka.
2. Law Department
shall constitute a Joint Consultative Committee in consultation with
the High Court of Karnataka with the following terms and conditions.
i) The Joint Consultative Committee shall consists of Members from the High Court of Karnataka and State Government.
ii) The Committee shall work out a suitable fitment table by
determining the equivalence of posts between different category of posts
in the High Court of Karnataka and in the Central Government.
iii) The Committee shall suggest a suitable Pay Rules.
3. The decision taken pursuant to the recommendations of the Committee shall be intimated to the State Government.
By Order and in the name of the
Governor of Karnataka,
Deputy Secretary to Government
Finance Department (Services-2)
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