Performance Appraisal Report draft circular of Central Civil Services Rules, 2019
DoPT Orders 2019
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 27th September 2019
Subject: Circulation of draft Central Civil Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2019 - seeking comments of Ministries/Department.
The undersigned is directed to say that Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) of Government servants holding Group 'A', Group 'B' and Group 'C' posts of Central Civil Services are at present being governed by instructions/guidelines issued by this Department from time to time.
2. With a view to consolidate the instructions, draft Central Civil Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2019 have been prepared and enclosed. Comments/ suggestions/ modifications on the draft Rules, if any, may be furnished to the undersigned within two weeks from the date of issue of the O.M. at the e-mail address
(Jayashree Chellamani)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 23040468
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel and Training
In exercise of the powers conferred under Article 309 and clause (5) of Article 148 of the Constitution of India and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President of India hereby makes the following rules, namely: -
1. Short title and commencement - (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2019, in short CCS (PAR) Rules, 2019.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Application:-
(1) These rules shall be applicable to all Government servants holding Group 'A', Group'B' and Group 'C' posts of Central Civil Services in Ministries/Departments (including attached and subordinate offices), civilian Government servants in the Defence Services and to officers appointed against a civil post on contract basis, but shall not apply to:
(a) any railway servant,
(b) any officer of the All India Services,
(c) any person in casual employment,
(d) any person for whom special provision is made, in respect of all or any matters covered by these rules, by or under any law for the time being in force or by or under any agreement entered into.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the President may by an order exclude any group of Government servants from the operation of all or any of these rules.
(3) In the case of a Government servant temporarily transferred to a service or post to which these rules do not apply, these rules shall continue to apply.
(4) If any doubt arises as to whether these rules or any of them apply to any person it shall be referred to the President or such other authority as may be specified by the President by general or special order and the President or such other authority shall decide the same.
3. Definitions. - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;-
(a) "Accepting Authority" means the authority which supervises the performance of the reviewing authority as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the Government;
(b) "Annual Confidential Report (ACR)" means Performance Appraisal Report recorded prior to the reporting year 2008-09.
(c) "Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA)", in relation to a service has the same meaning as in the rules regulating that Service;
(d) "Central Civil Services" means all Central Civil Services including General Central Services but excluding All India Services;
(e) "Competent Authority" means authority referred to in Rule 14(7)(a) and Rule 14(8)(a) of these Rules to decide the representation of officers reported upon against PAR disclosed to him/her;
(f) "Custodian" means the Unit/Section responsible for generation, disclosure and overall maintenance of PAR/Dossier.
(g) "Dossier" means the compilation of the PARs and ACRs written on an officer of the Service, referred to in rule 4, and includes such other documents as may be specified by the Central Government, by general or special order, in this behalf;
(h) "Empanelment" means the process of assessing the suitability for appointment at the level of Joint Secretary and above as well as equivalent posts in the Government of India;
(i) "Government" means,
(i) in case of a Government servant on deputation to a State Government or who is deputed for service in any company, association or body of individuals whether incorporated or not, which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government of a State, or in a local authority set up by an Act of the Legislature of a State, the Government of that State;
(ii) in any other case, the Central Government.
(j) "Government servant" means any person appointed by Government to any civil service or post in connection with the affairs of the Union and includes a civilian in a Defence Service; Explanation- A Government servant whose services are placed at the disposal of a company, corporation, organisation or a local authority by the Government shall, for the purpose of these rules, be deemed to be a Government servant serving under the Government notwithstanding that his salary is drawn from sources other than the Consolidated Fund of India;
(k) "Officer Reported Upon" means officer of Central Civil Services whose performance is assessed through PAR;
(l) "Performance Appraisal Report" means the PAR for the financial year (April to March or a part thereof) and referred to in the rules;
(m) "Report" means PAR;
(n) "Reporting Authority" means such authority supervising the performance of the Officer Reported Upon, as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the Government Provided that where the Officer Reported Upon is a Group 'C' officer, the Reporting Officer shall be an officer holding a post not below Level-6 in Pay Matrix in ih Central Pay Commission.
(o) "Reviewing Authority" means such authority supervising the performance of the reporting authority, as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the Government;
(p) "Schedule" means the Schedules annexed to these rules;
(q) "State" means a State specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution and includes a Union Territory;
(r) "State Government" means the Government of the State where the officer reported upon is working in connection with affairs of the State.
4. Maintenance and custody of PAR.-(1) A comprehensive dossier shall be maintained for each Government servant by the Central Government in the manner specified under these rules and the dossier shall consist of the documents specified in Schedule- 1.
(2) Time schedule for recording and maintaining of PAR shall be as provided in Schedule-2 Appendix-II and as may be specified by the Government from time to time. Provided that if a report for a financial year is not recorded by 31 st December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks may be recorded thereafter and the officer may be assessed on the basis of the overall record and self-appraisal for the year, if he has submitted his self-appraisal within the scheduled time.
(3) (a) The Dossier of a Government servant shall be retained for a period of two years from the date of superannuation, retirement, resignation or death. After a period of retention of the dossier for two years but before weeding out, if a specific written request is received from the concerned retired officer, a copy of the dossier may be provided to him. Such Dossier before being weeded out shall be retained in electronic form such as PDF format etc.
(b) Pending finalisation of disciplinary proceedings at the time of superannuation or retirement or resignation, the period of two years shall count from the date of issue of final orders in the disciplinary proceedings;
(c) Where at the time of superannuation or retirement or resignation, a case is pending in Central Administrative Tribunal or any Court of Law, the period of two years shall count from the date of final decision in the case or two years from the lapse of time for filing of appeal or two years from the date of final decision on the appeal filed, if any;
5. Form of the PAR-
(1) Every CCA shall, if not already done, migrate to electronic generation and recording of PAR in electronic form immediately after notification of these Rules.
Provided that in exceptional case, prior approval of the Department of Personnel & Training may be obtained for manual generation and recording/reviewing/acceptance of PAR.
(2) The PAR shall be generated and recorded by the officer reported upon electronically in such form as specified in Appendix-I-A, 1-8 and I-C of Schedule Provided that the Central Government may make such additions in the form or modify the cut-off dates so specified, as may be considered necessary.
(3) In case of Government servants on deputation, the format of the parent cadre shall prevail for recording of PAR.
(4) The comments of the reporting, reviewing and accepting authority, in case he is a Government servant, shall be recorded electronically, as per guidelines issued from time to time for filling the report.
(5) The political executives may record their comments manually and the PAR so recorded shall be uploaded electronically as per time frame specified in Appendix-II of Schedule 2.
(6) Accepting Authority is to be an additional level in the channel of recording of PAR in respect of Group 'A' posts (DS/ Director or equivalent level and above).
(7) The PAR shall be written for such Government servants who may be on study leave or training in such form as is specified in the Appendix-III / Appendix-IV of Schedule 2.
6. Reporting of PAR.-
(1) The PAR shall be generated by Custodian and written by the officer reported upon electronically.
(2) The reporting authority shall record his remarks on the report, within the timeframe specified in the Appendix-II of Schedule 2. Provided that a report may not be written in such cases as may be specified by the Central Government, by general or special order;
(3) Where more than one report is written for an officer reported upon during the course of a financial year, each such report shall indicate the period to which it pertains: Provided that only one report shall be written on a Government servant for a particular period during the course of the financial year and there shall be a single reporting, reviewing and accepting authority at each level of appraisal which shall be specified, in the channel for writing PAR, by the Government.Provided further that if more than one person of the same superior level supervises the performance of the Government servant, the administrative Ministry/ Department shall identify the reporting officer / reviewing officer / accepting authority, as the case may be, who has/have supervised substantial work of the officer reported upon, during the period of report, well in advance of the relevant appraisal year.
Provided, further, that if the officer reported upon occupies more than one post, the Government shall identify the post (substantive or additional charge) to report, review and accept, well in advance of the relevant assessment year.
(4) Where the reporting authority has not supervised the performance of a Government servant for a minimum period of three months, but the reviewing authority has supervised the performance of Government servant for a minimum period of three months during the period for which report is to be written, the reviewing authority shall write the report of any such officer for any such period.
(5) Where, both the reporting authority and the reviewing authority have not supervised the performance of the Government servant for a minimum period of three months and the accepting authority, if any, has supervised the performance for a minimum period of three months, the accepting authority shall write the report of such officer for such period.
(6) Where the officer reported upon has not worked under a Reporting Officer, a Reviewing Officer and an Accepting Authority, for a minimum period of three months, he shall mandatorily submit a self-appraisal and thereafter the Custodian shall place 'No Report Certificate (NRC)' in the dossier for such period;
(7) Where the officer reported upon has been sanctioned leave (all kinds of leave as are admissible under rules governing leave) for a period of more than 15 days at a stretch, the period of leave so sanctioned shall be deducted from the total period spent on the post, for the purpose of computing the minimum period of three months required for recording, reviewing and acceptance of Report.
(8) A PAR shall also be written when either the officer reported upon or the reporting authority, who is a government servant, relinquishes charge of the post on transfer/deputation etc., and, in such a case, the report shall be written within the time frame as specified in Appendix-II of Schedule 2 of the Rules for completion of PAR.
7. Review of the PAR-
(1) The reviewing authority shall record his remarks on the report, within the timeframe specified in the Appendix-II of Schedule 2.
(2) Where the report is written by the reviewing authority under sub-rule (4) of rule 6, or where the reviewing authority has not supervised the work for a minimum period of three months, and the Accepting authority, if any, has supervised the performance of the Government servant for a minimum period of three months during the period for which the report is written, the accepting authority shall review the report of any such officer for such period within the time frame specified in the Appendix-II of Schedule-2.
(3) It shall not be competent for the reviewing authority, or the accepting authority, to review any such report unless the performance of the Government servant has been supervised by such authority for a minimum period of three months during the period for which the report has been written.
Provided further that where for a reporting period more than one officer has supervised the work as reviewing authority, the Reviewing Authority, who has last supervised the work of the officer reported upon for a minimum period of three months during the relevant period of the report may review the entire report but the assessment may be limited to the work for the period he has supervised.
(4) Where the officer reported upon has not worked under a Reviewing Authority, if any, for a minimum period of three months and there is no provision of accepting the report by an accepting authority, a 'No Review Certificate" (NRC) stating that the work of the officer reported upon has not been supervised by any officer in the capacity of a Reviewing Officer during the period, may be placed in the Dossier;
8. Acceptance of the PAR -
(1) The accepting authority, if any, shall within the timeframe specified in Appendix-II of Schedule 2, record his remarks on the PAR and may accept it, with such modifications as may be considered necessary, and countersign the report:Provided that where the accepting authority has not seen the performance of the Government servant for a minimum period of three months during the period for which the report has been written, it shall not be necessary for the accepting authority to accept any such report and an entry to this effect in the form of a 'No Acceptance Certificate' shall be made in the PAR.
Provided further that where for a reporting period more than one officer has supervised the work as accepting authority, the Accepting Authority, who has last supervised the work of the officer reported upon for a minimum period of three months during the relevant period of the report may accept the entire report but the assessment may be limited to the work for the period he has supervised.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 6 or rule 7, where the accepting authority writes or reviews the PAR of a Government servant, it shall not be necessary to review or accept any such report.
9. Restriction on reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities in certain cases:
Not with standing anything contained in rules 6, 7 and 8, it shall not be competent for the reporting authority, the reviewing authority or the accepting authority to write a report -
(a) Where the reporting authority is a Government servant, who has retired, superannuated or resigned the post, after one month of such retirement, superannuation or resignation;
(b) In other cases, after one month of the date on which he demits office.
Explanation. - F or the purpose of this rule-
(a) "a Minister" shall not be deemed as having demitted the office if he continues to be a Minister in the Council of Ministers with a different portfolio or in the Council of Ministers immediately reconstituted after the previous Council of Ministers of which he was a Minister with the same or a different portfolio, provided the Prime Minister continues in office.
(b) "a Minister" shall be deemed to have demitted the office where pursuant to fresh elections, a new Council of Ministers has been reconstituted, even if the Minister who was in the earlier Council of Ministers, finds a place in the new Council of Ministers with the same or different portfolio.
10. Recording of entries within prescribed time limits:- Where the officer reported upon fails to submit his self-appraisal within the prescribed time, the reporting authority shall record remarks without self-appraisal. A certificate to the effect that self-appraisal was not submitted by the officer reported upon within the prescribed time, shall be placed along with the report by the Custodian. In case the remarks are not recorded by the Reporting Authority within the stipulated time, he shall forfeit his right to enter any remark in the Report. Similarly, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority shall also forfeit their right to record any remark in the Report beyond the prescribed time-limit.
Provided if the officer reported upon has submitted the self-appraisal within prescribed time, the report containing the self-appraisal, together with a certificate to the effect that the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting authority, as the case may be, has/have not recorded the remarks within the prescribed time limit shall be placed in the dossier and the officer may be assessed on the basis of the overall record and self-appraisal for the year, if he has submitted self-appraisal on time.
11. Recording of entries relating to integrity of the officer reported upon: - The reporting, reviewing and accepting authority while recording the entries regarding integrity of officer reported upon shall keep in view the guidelines for filling up integrity column, issued from time to time.
12. Treating the PAR as non-est.-The PAR not recorded in terms of the provisions of these Rules and instructions issued there under shall be treated as non-est.
13. Communication of the PAR to the Central Government. - The report shall be obtained by the CCA if the Government servant is serving in connection with the affairs of the State or local body or autonomous body or public sector enterprise on deputation, shortterm contract or any other kind of attachment:
Provided that if the PAR is written in a language other than Hindi or English, it shall be accompanied by an authentic certified translation in Hindi or English.
14. Disclosure of PAR to the officer reported upon and procedure for representation -
(1) After finalization, the full report including the overall grading and appraisal of integrity shall be disclosed electronically to the officer reported upon by the Custodian within the time limit prescribed in Appendix-II of Schedule 2, to enable him to submit his representation, if any.
Provided that where a Government servant has only one supervisory level above him, as in the case of personal staff attached to officers, such disclosure shall be made after the reporting authority has recorded his remarks, within the time limit prescribed in Appendix-II of Schedule 2.
(2) The officer reported upon, on disclosure of the report, shall have the opportunity to give representation, if any, to the competent authority through the Custodian, within fifteen days of the receipt of the Report.
Provided further that no representation shall be accepted from the officer reported upon if such representation is not within the stipulated time of fifteen days, except where the officer reported upon is rendered immobilized on medical grounds.
(3) The representation, if any, shall be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the Report leading to the appraisal of the officer in terms of attributes, work output and competency and grading.
(4) The competent authority to decide the representation received in terms of sub-rule (1) & (2) above, relating to overall grading or entry/entries in the PAR, shall within fifteen days of the receipt of the representation, forward or cause to be forwarded the same, to the Accepting, Reviewing and Reporting authorities and call for their comments on the representation.
(5) The reporting authority shall, within fifteen days of receipt of the representation, forward the representation, along with his comments to the reviewing authority. The Reviewing authority shall forward the representation along with views of the reporting authority and his comments to the accepting authority within fifteen days of receipt of the views of the reporting authority. The accepting authority shall forward the representation along with the comments of the reporting and reviewing authority and his comments to the competent authority, within 15 days of the receipt of the comments of the reviewing authority.
(6) The competent authority shall, after obtaining the comments of the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting authority within the time limit mentioned in Appendix-II of Schedule 2, including from those who have retired or demitted/ relinquished office as the case may be, finalise his decision within a period of 30 days as under:-
In the case of representation against overall grading, the said authority may upgrade or downgrade or make no change in the grading already given and while doing so, shall record sufficient reasons for doing the same.
In the case of representation against entries/remarks, the said authority shall after examination, expunge, modify or retain the entries/remarks, without altering the overall grading. The authority, while expunging or modifying or retaining the adverse remarks, shall give reasoned order for doing so, failing which the order shall be treated as invalid and the report shall be treated as non-est.
In cases involving representation against both overall grading and entries, the said authority shall clearly bring out the reasons for any upgradation, downgradation or retention of overall grading and also expunction or modification or retention of entries/ remarks and shall give a reasoned order for doing so, failing which the order shall be treated as invalid and the report shall be treated as non-est;
The decision of the said authority shall be communicated to the officer reported upon by the Custodian in the form of reasoned order, within a period of 15 days of the decision.
(7) Authority competent to decide representations where competent authority is below Minister:
The competent authority to decide the representation will be one level higher than the Accepting Authority. Where there is no Accepting Authority, it shall be one level higher than the Reviewing Authority. Provided that where there are no Reviewing/Accepting authorities, the authority to decide the representation shall be one level higher than the Reporting Authority. The competent authority shall forward the representation to the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority, as the case may be, and call for their comments. The comments of the reporting/reviewing/accepting authority (as the case may be) are required to be sought even if they have superannuated/retired/resigned or demitted office. In case the comments of reporting / reviewing /accepting authority are not received within the time limit mentioned in Appendix-II of Schedule 2, it shall be presumed that reporting /reviewing /accepting authority has no comments to offer.
The competent authority shall consider the representation of the officer reported upon, the comments of the reporting authority, reviewing authority and the accepting authority and shall finalise the decision within a period of 30 days.
The decision shall be communicated in the form of reasoned order to the officer reported upon by the Custodian within a period of 15 days of the decision.
(8) Authority competent to decide representations -where competent authority is 'Minister'
(a) where the reporting or reviewing or accepting authority, is a Minister, the competent authority to decide the representation against any entry/remark as well as the overall grading in the report will be the current Minister. Before deciding the representation, comments of the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority shall be obtained, by the Custodian. The comments of the reporting/reviewing/accepting authority (as the case may be) are required to be sought even if they have superannuated/retired/resigned or demitted office. In case the comments of reporting / reviewing /accepting authority are not received within the time limit mentioned in Appendix-II of Schedule 2, it shall be presumed that reporting/reviewing/accepting authority has no comments to offer.
b) The competent authority shall consider the representation of the officer reported upon, the comments of the reporting authority, reviewing authority and the accepting authority, if any, and may decide to expunge, modify or retain the remarks and upgrade, downgrade or retain the overall grading. The competent authority shall finalise the decision within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of the representation.
(c) The decision shall be communicated to the officer reported upon through a reasoned order,by Custodian, within a period of 15 days of the decision.
15. Memorial
If the officer reported upon is not satisfied with the decision on his representation, he may submit a Memorial to the President within a period of ninety days of the receipt of the decision:
(i) Where the representation has been decided by an authority below Minister-in-charge of the Ministry/Department where the officer reported upon worked during the period of report - Memorial shall be decided by Minister-in-Charge;
(ii) Where the representation has been decided by Minister-in-Charge, the memorial shall be decided by the Minister-in-Charge on the recommendation of a Committee. The Committee shall be constituted by the Secretary of the Cadre Controlling Authority to which the officer belongs, and any two other Secretaries who may be nominated by the Minister in charge. The Secretary of the Cadre Controlling Authority to which the officer belongs shall be the Convenor Member of the Committee.
16. Recording of report in case of suspension
Report shall not be recorded for the period an officer is under suspension.
17. Applicability of rules and orders- Matters in respect of which no express provision has been made in these rules shall be determined by rules and orders issued by the Government from time to time.
18. Savings clause: Save as otherwise provided, the provisions of these rules shall not affect prejudicially anything done or omitted to be done in terms of various instructions issued from time to time prior to the notification of these rules. Provided that in respect of matters not covered by these rules, the instructions and orders issued by the Department of Personnel & Training prior to notification of the rules, shall stand.
19. General. -
The Central Government may issue instructions, not inconsistent with the provisions of these rules, or as it may consider necessary, with regard to the writing of the PARs, the maintenance of dossier and the effect of the PARs on the conditions of service of a Government servant.
Vacancy for officers in UPSC in Level 7 of the pay Matrix on Promotion / Deputation under Central Government, Deputation / Reemployment (For Armed Forces personnel)
F.No.21 /07/2019-CS-I(P)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances pension
Department of Personnel &'I'raining
(C.S.l Division)
2nd Floor, 'A' wing,
Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated 30 September, 2019
Subject:- Filling up one (01) post of Deputy chief Reception and protocol officer ( General Central service, Group B Gazetted, Non Ministerial ) in the office of UPSC in Lever 7 of the pay Matrix on Promotion/ Deputation under Central Government, Deputation / Reemployment ( For Armed Forces personnel ) basis-reg
The undersigned is directed to circulate Vacancy circular No.A- 35021/06/2019-Admn-ll dated 23/09/2019 (along-with enclosures) received from Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) inviting application to fill up one (01) post of Deputy Chief Reception Officer and Protocol Officer (General Central Service, Group B, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial) in the office of UPSC in Level 7 of the Pay Matrix on promotion/Deputation ( For officers under central Government ) Deputation/Reemployment (For Armed Forces Personnel) basis.
In case of any further clarification, applicants are requested to contact the concerned Ministries / Departments.
Reduction of one day Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to the employees of OFB & DGQA
Shiva Gopal Mishra
National Council (Staff side)
Joint consultative Machinery
For central government employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110 001
September 26, 2019
The additional Secretary (Pers)
Government Of India
Ministry Of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Respected Madam
Sub: Reduction of one day Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to the employees of OFB & DGQA under Department of Defence Production against the Cabinet decision and Government Orders.
The above demand was discussed as Item No.14 of the Standing Committee meeting of the National Council (JCM) held on 7-3-2019. The extract from the minutes of the above meeting is given below for your kind ready reference.
‘Staff Side stated that inspite of the Govt, orders issued on the basis of Cabinet approval, the employees of Department of Defence Production, are eligible for 41 days Productivity Linked Bonus(PLB). However despite the recommendations by the Hon’ble Defence Minister the Department of Expenditure is reducing one day PLB for the past 11 years, and is approving only 40 days PLB. Similarly in case of EME also such reduction is taking place every year.
JS (Pers), Dept. of Expenditure stated that the issue is under consideration and in consultation with Dept. of Defence Production/MoD. The staff side requested for an early decision in the matter.
Inspite of a period of more than 5 months after the meeting of the Standing committee of National council (JCM) Department of Expenditure have not yet issued any instructions to Department of Defence Production. Since this is an outstanding demand it is requested that necessary instructions may be issued the DDP for payment of the one day PLB amount reduced from the actual PLB due to the Defence civilian employees of OFB, DGQA and DGAQA at the earliest. A copy of your instruction may please be endorsed to this office.
Grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) who have vacated Government Quarters.
Shiva Gopal Mishra
National Council (Staff side)
Joint consultative Machinery
For central government employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110 001
September 26, 2019
The Additional Secretary (Pers)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block
New Delhi
Respected Madam,
Sub: Grand of House Rent Allowance to the employees who have vacated Government Quarters.
The above demand was discussed as Item No.16 of the standing committee meeting of the National council (JCM) held on 7-3-2019. The extract from the minutes of the above meeting is given below for your kind ready reference.
Staff Side said that they are grateful for the Govt. order dated 5-3-2019 issued by the Dept. of Expenditure on the subject matter. However there is a difficulty in implementing this order, in the Min, of Railways & Defence, as these Ministries have their own residential colonies and it is also mentioned in the ibid order that ‘ wherever feasible’ . This provision may have to be deleted, so that the employees who have vacate the quarters due to less facilities etc., are able to avail HBA from various sources etc. and are entitled for HRA.
Joint Secretary (Pers) agreed to consider the proposal of the staff side
The Department of Expenditure have not yet issued the above mentioned amendment in the Department of Expenditure order dated 5-3-2019
As agreed in the meeting it is requested that an amendment of the above Government Orders may please be issued by deleting the provision “ Wherever feasible” . A copy of the amendment orders may please be endorsed to this office.
NPS covered pensioners allowed to use CGHS facilities without any bar of minimum qualification service
CGHS facilities to NPS covered Pensioners
National Council (Staff Side)
The Secretary,
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi-110011
Dated: September 26, 2019
Dear Sir,
Sub: CGHS facilities to NPS covered Pensioners - Req.
Ref.: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India’s G.O.No.S.11011/ 10/2012- CGHS(P)/ EHS dated 28.03.2017
Your kind attention is invited towards the above referred to O.M. dated 28th March, 2017, wherein a condition of Minimum Qualifying Service of 10 years has been laid down for availing CGHS facilities for NPS covered pensioners.
In this connection, it would not be out of context to mention that, a substantial number of Gramin Dak Sewaks became regular employees of the Postal Department, crossing age of 50 years. All these CDSs, on having been regularised as Postal Employees after 50 years of age, are thus deprived of CGHS facilities on account of above-mentioned condition of minimum 10 years Qualifying Service, as such, the said condition is uncalled for an irrational.
It is, therefore, requested that, the matter may please be looked into in the foregoing, and the same be dispensed with, so that, any regular Government Employee on superannuation, may be NPS covered pensioners, should be allowed to avail CGHS facilities without any bar of Minimum Qualifying Service in the larger interest of justice.
Expected DA Hike will announce today for central government employees and pensioners
Expected DA July 2019
As per 7th CPC recommendation, DA is expected to be 5% which is pending since July 2019. There is a chance to get announcement with in one or two days if so, employees would get arrears of three month or else it will be in next month probably. The much speculated 5% hike in DA may now come through as early possible.
As Festival season is so closer, but the government delaying the announcement of DA hike. we may expect at anytime as soon as possible and employees look forward the festival bonus from the government
Also check: 5% DA increase from July 2019 confirmed for Central Government Employees. 12% becomes 17% due to high inflation
Dearness Allowance(DA) is depending on the cost of living adjustment allowance paid to government employees and pensioners.
DA is important not only for the central government employees but for the state Government employees also. Normally it will be announced during September and released on October. Now Employees want to know the clarity about DA hike. The hike will benefit about 48.41 lakh central government employees and 62.03 lakh pensioners.
All Central Government employees and Pensioners including Defence and Railways expecting the announcement of additional Dearness allowance due from July 2019.
DA and DR from July 2019: 5% + 12% = 17%
In regular practice, DA announcement will be in the month of March and September. The 2nd installment of additional DA from July 2019 may be declared soon!
Cabinet approval on DA
All pre procedures are completed from the department side and finally Cabinet Cabinet will decide on the agenda item of hike in Dearness Allowance for Central Government employees and pensioners due from July 2019.
Usually, DA hike will be declared after Cabinet Committee approval in the first or second week of March and September. After approval of Cabinet Committee, Finance Ministry will issue formal orders for payment of Dearness allowance to all eligible employees with arrears for two months.
Hence, this is last week of September and Centre is likely to declare 5% DA hike today!
Calculation of Additional DA
According to the AICPIN (Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers Base Year 2001=100) from January to July 2019 published by Labour Bureau, calculation of additional Dearness Allowance will be as follows…
The allowances to all the staff was paid from 1st of July 2016 but the KMA and other related allowances to running staff have not been decided. Such delay is a cause of Railwaymen blaming the Federation and gives room for staff agitations. This type of situation cannot do well to the institution. The Railway Board should seriously think and resolve the issues quickly.
Railway Board constituted a Task Force Safety Committee consisting of five very senior officers (General Managers), the Committee gave recommendations on 10th January 2017 wherein it has been mentioned that the running staff who join duty after leave at 0:00 hours and worked train immediately after resumption, commit accidents. Therefore, the Committee recommended that the running staff should not be booked to work train before 8 ‘o’ clock in the morning when they resume duty after availing leave. Unfortunately recommendations of the Committee are not being followed and the running staffs are booked invariably to work first train after 0:00 hours on resumption from leave. He urged the Member Staff to see that suitable instructions are issued to the Zonal Railways to follow the recommendations of the Committee to avoid situations which may cause accidents.
The Railway Board issued orders in the year 2004, as a result of decision arrived at, in the DC/JCM meeting, but unfortunately this decision has been changed unilaterally in the year 2007 by the Board. This change has created adverse situation like denial in granting appointment on compassionate grounds. He urged the MS that the order of 2004 be restored without delay.
Time and again the Railway Board had issued detailed guidelines, not to retain money from settlement dues of railway employees on superannuation, but unfortunately these orders are being violated by withholding heavy amounts from settlement despite the fact that employees are not in occupation of Railway quarter and equally no disciplinary action pending against them.
Retired Railway employees have been re-engaged against vacancies, but they are not paid Night Duty Allowance though they perform night duty. OT Allowance is also not paid to these re-engaged staff when they work over hours of duty at out stations. He empathetically stated that injustice is being caused to the retired Railway employees who are re-engaged as all such rules are equally applicable to them when they have been re-engaged to Railway service.
The PPOs of running staff are not being revised because concordance tables have not been provided although orders have been issued to revise their pension pay orders by sighting illustrations, but it is not working as the staff have developed habit of working with the assistance of concordance table, as such concordance tables be prepared and issued.
Regarding filling up of vacancies, he expressed satisfaction on the information given by Member Staff that by the end of May 2019, a panel of 62,960 selected candidates of Pay Matrix Level-I and similarly panels of ALPs and SMs will also be made available. He stated that occurrence of 3% vacancies of total cadre is through natural attrition, therefore the sequence of formation of panels should be planned and followed in a methodical manner as a regular course.
Case of payment of honorarium to cashiers and other accounts staff of NWR for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010, is pending in the Railway Board for sanction. The inordinate delay in payment is a matter of concern for everyone. He requested Member Staff for early communication of sanction to the NWR for which NFIR has also made reference. Get More Indian railway news for railway employee
The condition of railway quarters continues to remain deplorable as there is no maintenance. Our position becomes very embarrassing when staff complain about differential treatment as there is zero maintenance of staff quarters while on the other hand the quarters of officers are well maintained. He requested that immediate action be taken in the matter to mitigate the staff complaints.
Highlights of PNM Meeting between Railway Board and NFIR held on 25th & 26th April, 2019
Minutes of PNM meeting of Railway Board with NFIR held on 25th and 26th April, 2019.
Dr. M. Raghavaiah, General Secretary /NFIR
General Secretary/ NFIR at the outset thanked Member Staff and Chairman of the PNM meeting for highlighting the significant performance of Railways during the year 2018-19, surpassing the previous targets. General Secretary also thanked the Member Staff for conveying the important decisions towards staff welfare including that of orders issued, granting 10 : 20 : 20 : 50 ratio to the Track Maintainer category in GP 2800, 2400, 1900 and 1800 respectively with effect from 08/03/2019.
While assuring Federation’s support for improving the efficiency levels further, the NFIR General Secretary placed the following points for taking necessary action.
I. The PNM meeting now being held after lapse of 111⁄2 months although Agenda was sent on 26/06/2018. Many issues continued to remain unsettled. Activating the PNM Machinery is very much essential for holding formal meetings frequently for sorting out the issues.
II. Railway employees are heavily overburdened due to non-filling of vacancies, for long period. With the recent decision of the Board to fill all vacancies, Federation hopes that the staff hardships may be mitigated to some extant.
III. Railway employees are extremely disappointed over:-
Government’s failure to fulfill its assurance through Group of Ministers on revision of minimum wage, fitment formula and abolition of NPS.
NFIR’s meeting with Hon’ble MR on 04/04/2018 and subsequently – latest being 23rd January, 2019 with regard to Federation’s repeated pleas for exempting Railways from NPS as already agreed to, by two successive Railway Ministers in view of complex and unique working of Railways and hard working conditions of Railway Staff akin to defence forces personnel (over 85% work in remote places, Jungle areas where no basic requirements of life exist). Although Hon’ble MR has assured to take action to pursue at Government level, it is observed that there has been no progress. Railway employees are extremely agitated as they do not get covered under Liberalized Pension Scheme. Over 7 lakh Railway employees joined on and after 01/01/2004, are extremely disappointed as they cannot hope for guaranteed pension of 50% of last pay drawn at the time of retirement. General Secretary specially requested the Member (Staff) to take initiative on this important issue.
IV. Aggressive decisions towards closure of establishments, outsourcing regular activities, contractorisation without prior consultations, surrender of posts are indiscriminately, contractorising the activities resulting staff dislocation and loss of seniority and career growth have been contributing for staff unrest. These are required to be addressed and instructions be re-iterated for ensuring prior consultations on all such matters in the interest of healthy industrial relations.
No prior consultations are held and arbitrary decisions resorted to.
Departmental Anomaly Committee (DAC) was constituted by the Railway Board vide letter No.PC-VII/2016/DAC/1 dated 05/10/2016. NFIR had placed issues before the DAC vide Federation’s letters No.IV/DAC/7CPC/2016 dated 09/06/2017 and dated 16/08/2017. Second meeting of DAC was held on 04/01/2018, but with “ZERO RESULT” as Official Side maintained that the issues dealt did not come under the definition of ‘Anomaly’ (Loco Running Staff, Guards, Technical Supervisors, Pharmacists, Radiographer, ECG Technicians, Physiotherapist, Health & Malaria Inspector etc.).
Railway Ministry has not initiated action on the positive recommendations of 7th CPC to give benefit to certain categories though a period of over 2 years 9 months passed. GS/ NFIR specifically mentioned NFIR’s letter No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC(Imp)/2016/RB dated 22/09/2016 and 15/11/2016.
GS/ NFIR reminded that the proposals sent by the Railway Ministry vide No.PC-VII/ 2015 /R-U/9 dated 08/02/2017 to the MoF/ DoP&T relating to revision of pay structure of Senior Supervisors in Group `C’ of all Departments (other than Accounts Department) for upgrading 75% supervisory posts from Level-7 (erstwhile GP 4600) to Level-8 (GP 4800) and revision of Pay Levels of Group‘B’ Officers of all Departments (other than Accounts Department) to Level-9 have been pending for more than 1 1/2 years. He requested prompt follow up action for obtaining clearance.
Shri Raghavaiah further stated that the Railway Ministry’s proposal for revision of KMA rates for Running staff w.e.f. 01/07/2017 has not been concurred yet by MoF. Similarly the Running staff are not being paid Leave salary on 7th Pay scales on Northern and West Central Railways due to IPAS problems. These issues should be settled without further delay.
VI. Implementation of commitments dated 07/02/2014.
LPs Mail/Exp – placement in GP 4600/- pending.
Stepping up of pay of LIs inducted prior to 01/01/2006 – pending.
Merger of Technicians-II with Tech-I – pending.
VII. Other important issues:-
VII CPC report – Para 9.2.37. – Hospital Leave, Special disability leave and sick leave subsumed in a new leave named “Work Related Illness and Injury Leave (WRIIL):- Orders yet to be issued.
RELHS-97 – Railway Board’s letter dated 31/05/2012 allowed post March 2009 retirees/dependents to join as members within one year period. Some retired staff living in remote places were unaware of opportunity, consequently not availed the provision. Railway Board may now provide opportunity for those retired staff/dependents between March, 2009 and May, 2012) to join RELHS. (Board’s letter No.2011/H/28/1/RELHS/Court Cases dated 31/05/2012).
Extension of Scheme for contract employment of para-medical personnel against vacancies beyond 30/06/2019 is needed as RRB empanelled candidate may not be available by that date, while retired personnel may not join lower level posts. On one Zone there are 2 regular Dialysis Technicians, while contract Dialysis Technicians are working. Similarly, 25 contract Nursing Superintendents in a Central Hospital who may face termination on 30/06/2019 and if posts go unmanned, health care suffers badly.
Extension of MACPS to Railway School/College Teachers – All Teaching Staff of HRD Ministry, Delhi National Capital Region, Defence Ministry run schools are covered under MACPS. Action be taken for bringing Railway Teachers under MACPS with retrospective effect.
Minimum educational qualification for Pharmacists in Railways – Government’s Notification/Ministry of Health & Family Welfare not implemented. Action be taken for revising the entry qualification.
Harmonization of the cadre structure of Medical Laboratory Staff with those in Central Government Hospitals – Case pending despite elaborate proposal sent by NFIR.
Employees visit Hospitals for eye vision test. After dilation of eyes, it will take hours for them to be able to see. If roll on sun glasses are provided, the present problem can be got solved. Instructions may be issued to stock “roll on sun glasses” in hospitals for use of those undergo eye vision test.
On S.E.C. Railway – Raipur Division:- Compassionate appointment requests for wards of medically decategorised and voluntarily retired employees are rejected despite Board’s orders. Instructions may be issued to respect Board’s orders and consider rejected cases.
Pending MACPS issues – Separate meeting at MS/FC level needed as already committed to the Federation.
100% objective type question paper – Negative marks stipulation be removed.
Railway Board’s norms for creation of posts ESMs, JE, SSE (Signal) etc., not implemented. Action be taken for implementation of Norms without further loss of time.
Lateral induction of Track Maintainers:- Board’s instructions are not being complied with, on Zonal Railways resulting disappointment among Track Maintainers. Board should issue instructions again to GMs.
No Dues Certificates : The General Secretary, NFIR stated that responding to the instructions issued by the Railway Board vide letter dated 30th July, 2018, Federation requested to issue clear instructions to the GMs of Zonal Railways and Metro Railway, Kolkata not to levy penal/interest charges where dues have been cleared by our affiliated Unions. He requested the Railway Board (MS) to kindly refer NFIR’s letters dated 18/08/2018 & 22/09/2018 and see that this issue is resolved. He also requested the Railway Board to connect Federation’s letters dated 08/10/2018 and 11/12/2018 relating to the specific case of South Eastern Railway and sort out problem.
Retention of Railway residential accommodation by the Office Bearers of recognized Unions on their superannuation : GS/NFIR invited kind attention of Board (MS) to the instructions issued vide Board’s letter dated 06/04/2018 to various Zonal Railways asking Zonal Railways to get vacated the Railway residential accommodation allotted to the Office Bearers of recognized Unions after their superannuation. He stated that NFIR has sent series of letters dated 11/05/2018, 21/05/2018, 04/06/2018, 23/07/2018, 03/08/2018, 07/08/2018, 21/08/2018 and 11/09/2018, but unfortunately clear instructions to Zonal Railways are yet to be issued. He further said that the accommodation allotted to the Office-Bearers of the Union by the competent authority should be allowed.
Appendix II A qualified Accounts Clerks as JAA against D/R quota upto 331⁄3% vacancies: GS/NFIR requested the Railway Board to issue appropriate clarification to the Zones etc., to take 331⁄3% of total DR quota vacancies of JAA into account for granting promotion to Appendix-II A qualified Accounts Clerks so that all the qualified staff will have benefit of promotion. He requested that the modification in the Board’s order is necessary in view of some confusion in calculating vacancies against 331⁄3% quota on a Zonal Railway (South Central Railway) wherein the Seniority Units are 2 or more in the Zone.
Replies to NFIR’s letters : Dr. Raghavaiah expressed disappointment that though the Federation has been writing letters to the Railway Board on various staff grievances there has been no satisfactory response and no replies sent, consequently the references remain pending. He cited NFIR’s letter dated 31/01/2019 wherein list of 33 pending cases and letter dated 13/02/2019 (16 Pending cases) was sent to Railway Board. He urged for speedy resolution of the grievances in favour of staff.
Incorrect revision of pension in case of pre-2016 Railway pensioners: Mr. M. Raghavaiah stated that the revision in pension has not been taking place correctly in favour of retired Railway employees particularly those who retired prior to 2016. He cited the example of a case of retired Technician Gr-I whose pension revision has been done incorrectly. He further stated that the Federation has also sent a communication to the Railway Board vide No.II/35/2018 dated 22/02/2019 together with copy of incorrect PPO. [A copy of Federation’s letter with enclosure was handed over to DG (Personnel) in the meeting].
DNB Trainee Doctors S. Railway and other Zones – Stipend according to 7th CPC not paid at Pay Level-11 despite representations: GS/NFIR brought to the notice of the Member (Staff) that DNB Training Doctors on Southern Railway and also on other Zones are not being paid stipend at 7th CPC Pay Scale despite representations by the staff. Federation understands that instructions have already been issued to pay arrears to the DNB Trainee Doctors on 7th CPC Pay Scale. He urged the Railway Board to take action to remedy the situation in order to settle the justified demand of DNB Trainee Doctors working in Railway Hospitals/Health Units.
While concluding, the NFIR General Secretary expressed confidence that the healthy industrial relations on Railways would continue in the coming days also and the issues raised by the Federation will be redressed with speed and positive mindset.
Important matter of the service period, affecting the Central Government Employees - JCM (Staff Side)
Shiva Gopal Mishra
Ph: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
No.NC/ JCM/2019
Dated: September 25, 2019
All Constituents of the JCM (Staff Side)
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Government’s briefing to the PTI on the age of superannuation of the Central Government Employees
There are serious rumours in the air that the Department of Personnel & Training (Government of India) has mooted a proposal in regard to age of superannuation of the Central Government Employees, laying down condition of either 33 years of Qualifying Service or 60 years of age, whichever is earlier. It is also being claimed by several sources that, this proposal has already been sent to the Finance Ministry for their approval.
In this connection, it is clarified that, this has not to be given any cognizance since it is not possible without prior consultation with the JCM (Staff Side), being an important matter of the service condition, affecting the Central Government Employees.
Payment of 7th CPC HRA @ 8% of the Basic Pay to Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBORs)
"Grant of 7th Pay Commission House Rent Allowance (HRA) @ 8% of the Basic Pay to Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBORs) of CAPFs and Assam Rifles belonging to Nepal and Bhutan and having their families staying at Selected Place of Residence in Nepal and Bhutan"
No.11-27012/35/2017-PF.1 (Pt) (CF No.3456380)
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Home Affairs!Grih Mantralaya
Police-II Division
(PF-I Desk)
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated, the 23rd September, 2019
Sub: Admissibility of House Rent Allowance to Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBORs) of CAPFs and Assam Rifles belonging to Nepal and Bhutan – reg.
The undersigned is directed to say that a proposal for grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) @ 8% of the Basic Pay to Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBORs) of CAPFs and Assam Rifles belonging to Nepal and Bhutan and having their families staying at Selected Place of Residence in Nepal and Bhutan has been examined in this Ministry in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) and has been agreed to.
2. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their ID No.A-270231712017/E.ll B/7 CPC/Pt.111 dated 17.09.2019 and Integrated Finance Division of this Ministry vide Dy. No. 3456380/Fin.ll/2019 dated 30.04.2019.
(i) PPS to HS/ PPS to SS&FA(Home) I PS to JS(P-11)
(ii) PS to Dir (Fin-Pers), Dir (PF)/Dir(Pers.I)/DS(Pers.II)
(iii) Fin-II/PF-II /PF.III/PF. IV/PF.V/PF. VI.
(iv) Guard File
(v) IT Cell for uploading on MHA’s website.
CC to:
Ministry of Finance (DoE), w.r.t. their ID dated 17.09.2019. No.A-27023/7/2017/E.II B/7th CPC/Pt. II dated 17.09.2019.
Revision of pension of Pre‐2006 Pensioners/family pensioners who retired as NCC
No:-GI/C/0183/Vol- II/Tech
O/o the Pr.C.D.A. (Pensions)
Draupadighat Allahabad -211014
Dated: – 25 /09/2019
The Treasury Officer
The PO- Master, Kathua, Srinagar (J&K)
The PO- Master, Campbell Bay (Andman & Nicobar)
The Defence Pension Disbursing Officer
Pay & Accounts Officer
Military & Air Attache, Indian Embassay, Kathmandu, Nepal (through Gorkha Record Officer, Kurnaghat, Gorakhpur)
Director of Accounts, Panji (Goa)
Finance Secretary, Gangtok, PO-I, Thimpu Bhutan
The General Manager (Nodal Officer, PSBs)
All Managers, CPPC of Public Sector Banks.
All Managers, CPPC of Authorized Private Banks.
Revision of pension of Pre‐2006 Pensioners/family pensioners who retired as NCC Whole Time Officers (Male) in rank of lieutenant, Captain, Major & Lt. Col – reg.
Ref:‐ This office circular no. 167, dated 21/06/2017.
(Available on this office website
Attention of all Pension Disbursing Authorities is invited to above cited circular wherein instructions and rates of minimum guaranteed pension/family pension given for revision of pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in r/o Pre 2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners who retired as NCC Whole Time Officers(Male) in rank of Lieutenant, Captain, Major & Lt. Colonel.
(2) It has now been decided by the Government of India, Ministry of Defence vide letter no.8/23/2018‐D(GS‐VI) dated 19th September 2019 that “Notional fixation of pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in respect of NCC WTOs be done at par with regular army officer of equivalent rank as recommended by DGNCC. However, the approval is a one‐time measure for only these veterans and shall not have repercussion on the NCC Whole Time Lady Officer (WTLOs) who are civilian.”
(3) In view of above Government order, attention of all Pension Disbursing Authorities is
again invited that in case of pre‐2006 pensioners who retired as NCC Whole Time Officers in rank of lieutenant, Captain, Major & Lt. Col, their revised pension/family pension as on 01.01.2006 would not be less than as tabulated below (at par of regular army officer issued under this office circular no. 568 dated 13.10.2016):‐
(4) In case the consolidated pension/family pension calculated as per Para 4.1 of OM No.38/37/08‐P&PW (A) dated 01‐09‐2008 is higher than the pension/family pension tabulated above, the same ( higher consolidated pension/family pension) will continue to be treated as basic pension/family pension.
(5) All other conditions as given in OM No. 38/37/08‐P&PW (A) dated 1.9.2008, as amended from time to time shall remain unchanged.
(6) All pension disbursing authorities are therefore, requested to revise the pension/family pension in affected cases in terms of ibid circular. Payment/Recovery made w.e.f. 01.01.2006 will be adjusted and/ or returned as the case may be, against the arrears now being paid. These cases may be reflected in the monthly account sent to this office as ‘change item’.
(7) Where the PDAs are in doubt in regulating the payment of revised pension/family pension under these orders, the cases with full details of pensioner/family pensioners and PPO No: etc may be referred to Shri K.K.Pant ; SAO(Audit Section); Telephone no. 0532‐ 2420146; email i.d; of this office for advice and further action.
NOC mandatory for Inter-Railway transfers requests to relieve the official
Forwarding of one-way own request transfer applications to other Divisions/Railways
R.B.E. No.153/2019
New Delhi, dated 20.09.2019
The General Manager(P)s,
All Zonal Railways and Production Units.
(As per Standard list)
Sub : Forwarding of one-way own request transfer applications to other Divisions/Railways.
It has come to the notice of Board that a large number of inter-Railway/inter-Division one-way transfer requests are being forwarded by some of the Zonal Railways for NOCs without assessing the feasibility of relieving such staff on receipt of NOC.
This causes unnecessary building up of expectations regarding their imminent sparing among such employees puts avoidable pressure on the Railway administration.
2. Considering the above, Railways may ensure that henceforth only such Inter-Railway transfers requests be forwarded where there is reasonable possibility of relief in case of acceptance by the railway to which transfer is sought.
While doing so, various factors like number of staff likely to be inducted in the cadre by way of departmental promotions/Inter-Divisional/Inter-Railway Transfer from other Railways/Divisions and through RRB indents should be kept in view so that once NOC is received, the concerned employee can be relieved early.
Penalties on railway employees for dismissal / elimination or degradation violation of provisions of the Indian Constitution
No. II/5/Part III
Dated: 21/09/2019
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Imposition of penalties of 'Dismissal / Removal or Reduction in rank" on employees in Railways - violation of provisions of the Constitution of India - reg.
Ref: (i) NFIR's PNM Item No. 40/2018
(ii) Railway Board's letter No. E(D&A)2012 RG 6-34 dated 30/09/2015.
(iii) NFIR's letter No. II/5/Part II dated 21/02/2017.
(iv) NFIR's letter No. II/5/Part III dated 19/02/2018 & 30/05/2018.
Railway Board vide Order No. ERB-I/2018/23/51 dated 14/12/2018 has constituted a Committee with following terms of reference:-
"To look into the entire gamut of D&AR procedure for speeding up the cases and simplifying the rules and procedures to make them more transparent, intangible, less cumbersome and time-bound".
In this connection, NFIR invites kind attention of the Railway Board to its PNM Agenda Item No. 40/2018 on the subject. Federation further desires to convey to the Railway Board that the Article 311 of the Constitution of India mandates that no person who is a member of a Civil Service of the Union or an All-India Service or a Civil Service of a State or holds a Civil post under the Union or a State shall be dismissed or removed by an authority subordinate to that authority by which he was appointed.
Federation has already brought to the notice of the Railway Board that the schedule of powers on D&A matters followed by the Railway Board or the Zones or Production Units are not in conformity with the provisions of the said Article of the Constitution. Federation vide its letter dated 21/02/2017, 19/02/2018 and 30th May, 2018 had also brought out specific cases, urging for revamping the SoPs on D&AR matters. A copy of these letters are enclosed with the request that the same may also be brought to the notice of the Committee and to take into consideration the Federation's PNM Agenda Item. Federation has also come to know that the tenure of the Committee has since been extended upto 01/11/2019 in terms of Board's Order dated 16/09/2019 for study and making suitable recommendations.
Promotion of Sports in Central Government Women Employees
F.No. 198/1/2019-20-CCSCSB
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel &. Training
(Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board)
Lok Nayak Bhawan
Dated 23rd September, 2019
Subject : – Promotion of Sports in Central Government Women Employees
Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board (CCSCSB) is the Central Agency for promotion of Cultural and Sports activities amongst Central Government employees. CCSCSB ensures larger and effective participation of the Central Government employees in the said activities for physical fitness and recreation. With these objectives in view, the CCSCSB holds Inter- Ministry and All India Civil Services in various sports disciplines.
It has been observed that participation of Women employees is very less in the Inter-Ministry Tournaments especially in team games such as Basketball, Volleyball, Wrestling, Cricket, Football, Hockey, Kabaddi and individual events i.e. Lawn Tenn is, Swimming, and Weightlifting & Power lifting.
In order to increase the participation of Women employees in the above games, CCSCSB is planning to orga nise Women Sports Awareness Programmes in various buildings of Ministries/ Departments located in Delhi.
The Board is also planning to organise Women Sports Meet in Nov/ Dec 2019 at Vinay Marg Sports Complex. The Central Govt. Women employees who are willing to participate can contact the following persons for the games mentioned against each . Also any Ministry/Department keen to organise women sports awareness programme in their building /office can contact the following persons.
All the Welfare Officers are requested to give wide publicity to the Circular amongst their women employees in the Ministries/ Departments and attached/ subordinate offices and help/ intimate the Board to organise women sports awareness programme in their Ministry/ Department.
(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele No. 011-24646961
The Welfare Officers of all Ministries/Department
APAR – Reflection of utilization of Government e-Marketplace (GeM) in Annual Performance Assessment Report
DoPT Orders 2019
F.No.21011/04/2019-Estt. A-II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 24 September, 2019
Subject: Reflection of utilization of Government e-Marketplace (GeM) in Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR).
The undersigned is directed to say that Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal facilitates online procurement of common use goods & services by various Government Ministries/ Departments. Procurement of goods & services through GeM portal has been made mandatory by Government of India under Rule 149 of General Financial Rules, 2017, for goods and services available on GeM. GeM aims to enhance transparency, efficiency and speed in public procurement and to achieve the best value for money.
To ensure that this digital e-Commerce portal for procurement of goods and services is appropriately utilized by all the Ministries/ Departments, it has been decided, with the approval of the competent authority, that a reflection of the work done through GeM by the Officer Reported Upon (ORU) shall be made in the APAR of Group ‘A’, Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ officers belonging to Central Civil Services (other than All India Services).
The ORU, who are handling procurement from GeM portal in their Ministry/ Department/ Organisation, while recording Self-appraisal in APAR form, against the column ‘Targets/ Objectives/ Goals’ shall specify the ‘Total budget allocated for procurement by the Ministry Department /Division/ Section’ (as may be applicable in the case of the ORU) and against the corresponding column ‘Achievements’, the ORU shall indicate
the ‘Total procurement through GeM portal’ made by him/her during the period of report,
specifying the % of procurement through GeM portal,
the procurements made outside GeM and the reasons therefor, and
steps taken for promotion of GeM in the Ministry/ Department/ Division / Section.
The Reporting and Reviewing officers, shall, in general, while recording the numerical grading under Work Output’, ‘Personal Attributes’ and ‘Functional Competency’ in the APARs, shall, wherever applicable, take into account the performance of the ORU for procurement of goods & services through GeM, in accordance with the extant instructions in force during the period of report. Also, the remarks recorded by the ORU in Self-appraisal against Targets and Achievements on procurements made (as mentioned at para 3 above), may specifically be taken into account by the Reporting and Reviewing officers, while according numerical grading for items such as ‘Accomplishment of planned work/work allotted as per subjects allotted’ under Work Output and ‘Knowledge of Rules /Regulations /Procedures in the area of function and ability to apply them correctly’ under Functional Competency. A reflection of the performance of the ORU with reference to procurement through GeM or otherwise may also be recorded by the Reporting Officer in the Pen Picture.
The above provisions would be applicable for APAR from the reporting year 2019-20 onwards. The APAR format may be modified accordingly in the manner indicated in Annexure-I. A sample format of Self-appraisal Section and Reporting Section of APAR is at Annexure-II for reference.
All Ministries/ Departments are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all the offices under them for strict implementation.
Proposed change in the policy of retirement on superannuation of Central Government employees on completion of 33 years service or 60 years of age whichever is earlier - NFIR
Retirement Age 60 years / 33 years service
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Dated: 24/09/2019
No. : 11/35/2019
The Cabinet Secretary,
Rashtrapati Bhawan,
New Delhi- 110004
Dear Sir,
Sub: Proposed change in the policy of retirement on superannuation of Central Government employees on completion of 33 years service or 60 years of age whichever is earlier-reg.
Through several sources, the information is being circulated that the Government has been considering revision of the extant policy on retirement and bringing new rules with stipulation that those Central Government employees who have put in 33 years service or attained the age of 60 years, whichever is earlier, shall retire on superannuation. According to the sources it is learnt that the DoP&T has sent proposal to MOF for consideration for the purpose of bringing new rule from 01/04/2020.
Since the proposal of the DoP&T is likely to affect existing Central Government employees, therefore, consultations are required to be ensured with the JCW/ Staff Side as the service condition of the existing staff may get affected. NFIR, therefore, requests the Cabinet Secretary to kindly see that consultations are made with the JCM/ Staff Side on the said proposal early. According to the JCM Rules, consultations are must on all such vital matters, therefore arbitrary decision should not be taken in the interest to maintain healthy industrial relations.
NFIR hopes that the Cabinet Secretary would kindly consider the above points and issue directions to the authorities concerned to hold meeting with the JCM/ Staff Side early.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General secretary /NFIR &
Leader, JCM/ Staff Side
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Different Types of Leave available to central government staffs and a brief description of each leave.1. Earned Leave2. Half Pay Leave3. Commuted Leave4...
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