Discontentment amongst the Government Employees against Cabinet Decision on the 7th CPC recommendations – BPMS

REF: BPMS/Cir/17th TC/08
Dated: 13.08.2016
The President/General Secretary
Unions Affiliated to the Federation.
Office Bearers & Executive Committee Members
The President/General Secretary
Unions Affiliated to the Federation.
Office Bearers & Executive Committee Members
Subject: Agitational Programme to be held from 22.08.2016 to 27.08.2016.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is hoped that all of you are well and busy in accelerating trade union activities. As all of you know that the notification and the revised pay rules related to 7th CPC have been promulgated by the Government without any change as it was recommended by 7th CPC. Neither Pay Commission nor the Government paid any heed to our demands and thereby we are constrained to take some agitational steps.
It is hoped that all of you are well and busy in accelerating trade union activities. As all of you know that the notification and the revised pay rules related to 7th CPC have been promulgated by the Government without any change as it was recommended by 7th CPC. Neither Pay Commission nor the Government paid any heed to our demands and thereby we are constrained to take some agitational steps.
In this regard, a mass rally has been
scheduled at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on 29.08.2016 to protest
anti-employee attitude of the Government and to constrain the Government
for paying heed to our genuine demands. It is worth to mention here
that prior to Cabinet Meeting on 7th CPC held on 29 June, 2016; NJCA had
announced an indefinite strike to be commenced from 11 July, 2016. But
it bowed before the pressure exerted by the Government and cancelled the
strike when grief, sorrow and discontentment of the employees were on
its culmination erupted by anti-employee attitude of the Government. The
postponement of the strike by NJCA has jolted the trade union movement
and put a question mark on the worthy of existence of the unions.
There is a need to prepare ourselves and
make aware others with respect to our demands, continuous struggles and
humongous Delhi rally. To fulfill the above purpose a one week start up
programme from 22.08.2016 to 27.08.2016 has been scheduled to protest
anti-employee and antiprogressive attitude of the Government. In the
programme, Gate meetings, Slogan Shouthing, Demonstration at main gate
etc will be conducted as per feasibility. On the last day of the
Programme viz 27.08.2016 a memorandum addressed to Hon’able Prime
Minister has to be submitted
through Hon’able Member of Parliament of your constituency.
Your support for the said programme is solicited.
Brotherly yours
General Secretary
General Secretary
Enclosed: Proforma of Memorandum
Copy to:
1- The General Secretary
BMS, New Delhi
2- The In-charge
BPMS, Lucknow
3- The Secretary General
GENC, Kanpur
Copy to:
1- The General Secretary
BMS, New Delhi
2- The In-charge
BPMS, Lucknow
3- The Secretary General
GENC, Kanpur
The Prime Minister,
Govt of India,
South Block, Raisina Hills
New Delhi – 110 011
The Prime Minister,
Govt of India,
South Block, Raisina Hills
New Delhi – 110 011
Through: Shri …………….
Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Subject : Discontentment amongst the Government Employees against Central Government’s Cabinet Decision on the 7th CPC recommendations.
Hon’ble Sir,
1. The disappointment and discontentment prevailing amongst the Central
Government employees, their families and their colleagues of all the
State Governments, who were waiting eagerly from the Central Government
Cabinet to overturn the some of the excruciating recommendations of 7th
CPC have compelled us to draw your kind attention towards it.
2. The Cabinet’s decision on the
recommendations of 7th CPC has jolted to the faith of employees who
believe in the assurances given in the format & informal meetings
between the Ministers of Union Government and trade union/federations
including affiliated to Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh.
3. It is regretted to submit that the
annoyance of all the lowest rung employees has reached in a manner
wherein they are flaying the Central Government for not taking note of
their hope of enhancing the minimum pay from Rs 18000/- and multiplying
factor from 2.57, rate of interest from 3% to 5% and non-merging any of
the Grade Pay of PB-1 & PB-2. Also neither New Pension Scheme has
been scrapped nor the Government assured for minimum guaranteed pension
for the recruits on or after 01.01.2004 nor the arrears of enhanced
Bonus have yet been paid despite passing of reasonable time in accepting
the amendment to the Bonus Act.
4. It is worth to mention that while
considering the recommendations of 7th CPC, the assurances of the
responsible Union Ministers after lengthy deliberations with the reps of
this Federation have been totally ignored which resultant the awkward
position of the Federation too. It is well known fact that the Union
Government’s decision shall not affect the Central employees only but
shall affect the State employees too since by now and large, the
identical report is to be implemented by them also.
5. Being the only hope from your kind
goodself, we look forward for interfering into the matter in order of
avoiding of becoming the image of anti-workers of the Government both at
the level of Central as well State employees.
With deep regards.
Sincerely yours
General Secretary
General Secretary
Source: BPMS