On the issue of LDC/UDC 7th Pay Commission reiterated the deceiving
stand of the Government. Despite of realizing the issue as genuine,
Government had not taken a positive decision at their level. The tens of
thousands of LDC & UDC, solely responsible for the smooth running
of many of the subordinate offices, were hoping that 7th Pay Commission
will study the problem faced by them and take a positive decision. Staff
Side JCM having convinced the importance of the issue, had also
recommended merger & upgradation of the Grade Pay of LDC & UDC
to Rs. 2800. But here we see that 7th Pay Commission has not taken any
decision on the issue except giving some confusing and misleading
statements to vindicate the stand taken by the Government as true.
Extracts of some of their views on LDC UDC issue spread over various
chapters of the reports is given below:
Higher GP 2400 to LDC and consequent upgradation of pay for other civilian posts in the Ministerial hierarchy.
11.22.100 The Academy has urged that LDC should be placed in higher
GP 2400 as against the existing GP 1900 at par with grade pay of Data
Entry Operator (DEO), on the grounds that both LDC and DEO enter service
on the basis of same educational qualification i.e., Class XII and that
the functions of LDC are more complex than that of a DEO. This issue
has been dealt in Chapter 7.7. Recommendations made there would apply in
this case also.
11.52.32 They have demanded upgradation in pay of certain category of
non-industrial posts viz., LDC, UDC, Accountant, Junior Head Clerk,
Head Clerk, Office Superintendent and Assistant Manager (Admin).
Analysis and Recommendations
11.52.33 The Commission has not received the views of the
ministry/department on the issue. However, posts like LDC, UDC,
Accountant are common to a number of ministries/ departments.
Recommendations regarding their pay are contained in Chapter 7.7 and
Chapter 11.35. The Commission does not find any justification for
increase in pay scale of the other cadres.
But in Chapter 7.7 no direct recommendation except to decline the
demand of LBSNAA to increase the promotional quota of MTS to LDC, is
visible. The extract of Para 7.7.37 is give below:
Analysis and Recommendations
7.7.37 Looking at the qualification requirements and their job profile,
the Commission does not recommend any changes in the pay structure or
the promotional prospects of the MTS. Regarding MTS in Delhi Police, the
Commission is of the view that since MTS is a common category, any
special dispensation to MTS in Delhi Police is not justified. In so far
as the MTS of LBSNAA are concerned, the Commission notes as per the
recruitment rules for LDC, presently only 5 percent of MTS can get
promoted to LDC through limited departmental examination. However, since
the government has stopped direct recruitment for the clerical cadre
and gradually phasing out the existing incumbents, their demand cannot
be accepted.
11.35.27 There are demands that 50 percent posts of LDCs be earmarked
for filing up by promotion/departmental examination by MTS. It has been
argued that the educational qualification for the post of MTS is Class X
and they are recruited through SSC for performing the work of Peon,
Mali, Cobbler, and Sweeper etc. Since most of the MTS join the post with
higher qualification of Higher Secondary and Graduation, there is high
rate of attrition in the MTS cadre.
Analysis and Recommendations
11.35.28 As per the recruitment rules for LDC, presently 5 percent of
MTS can get promoted to LDC through limited departmental examination.
Since government has already stopped direct recruitment for the clerical
cadre and gradually phasing out the existing incumbents, this demand
cannot be accepted. Moreover enhancement of promotional quota is an
administrative matter to be considered by the relevant administrative ministry.
Between the lines it can be read that the Government prevented the
7th Pay Commission to not consider the LDC/UDC issue positively and
reiterated the wrong statement of the Government that that Government of
India has stopped direct recruitment of LDC through Staff Selection as
its recommendation. But the fact is that Staff Selection Commission is
frequently conducting recruitment for the post of LDC and without the
permission of the Government how they can done at their own. Combined
higher secondary examination for the selection of LDC also has been
conducted recently. If we take the intention of Government of phasing
out the LDC post as true, then where is the alternative recommendation?
Who will do the arduous work done by the young and energetic LDCs in the
subordinate offices? It is to be noted that the normal ratio of LDC and
UDC in subordinate offices is 5:2 and thus LDCs have been allocated
responsible sections and in many smaller offices LDC alone is handling
the work of entire Administration.
On the other hand rejecting Central Secretariat Clerical service
demand of parity with DEO the commission observes “Even though the entry
requirements are similar, historically the pay scales of the two posts
have been different. Besides, they comprise two distinct cadres with
different set of roles and responsibilities. Hence, the demand for
parity of pay of LDC with DEOs cannot be acceded to by the
Commission.”(Para 11.35.38).
Our view is that historically these cadres may be different set of
roles but the fact is that functions of LDC are more complex than that
of DEO and same was brought before the commission by various
Associations/Administrative Authorities. Earlier pay Commissions have
fixed Pay Scale to DEO considering their work on computer. But today
LDCs are more expertise in computer than DEO for doing work in computer,
but the demand of parity with DEO is rejected. Extract of Para 11.35.38
is given below:
Central Secretariat Clerical Service
11.35.38 The Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) consists of the following grades:
i. Upper Division Clerk (GP 2400)
ii. Lower Division Clerk (GP 1900)
LDC and Data Entry Operator (DEO)
11.35.39 It has been demanded that LDC of CSCS drawing pay in GP 1900 be
placed in GP 2400 at par with the DEOs on the grounds that post VI CPC,
the entry requirements for the two posts is almost similar.
Analysis and Recommendations
11.35.40 Even though the entry requirements are similar, historically
the pay scales of the two posts have been different. Besides, they
comprise two distinct cadres with different set of roles and
responsibilities. Hence, the demand for parity of pay of LDC with DEOs
cannot be acceded to by the Commission.
From the above it is clear that Government is adamant on not granting
pay scale to LDC & UDCs in subordinate offices at par with the
duties assigned to them. Even though the 7th CPC claimed that they have
recommended pay scales on the principle of equal pay for equal work, the
genuine issue of LDC/UDC is ignored. Thus we are forced to represent
against the recommendation to the Government/JCM (Staff Side).
All our
LDC/UDC friends are requested to raise the issue in their respective
Association/Office to force them to represent the issue to the
implementation committee for consideration. Also please join all action
programmes including strike action, called by the JCM (Staff Side), as
published in this web site from time to time, to combat the situation.
TKR Pillai
General Secretary