7th CPC revised pension pre-2016 retired Medical Officers of Army Medical Corps/Army Dental Corps/Remount & Veterinary Corps
7th CPC revised pension pre-2016
7th CPC revised pension pre-2016 retired Medical Officers of Armed forces
To The Chief of the Army Staff The Chief of the Naval Staff The Chief of the Air Staff
Sub: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations
of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Revision of pension of pre-2016
retired Medical Officers of Army Medical Corps/ Army Dental Corps/
Remount & Veterinary Corps-reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No.
17(01)/2017/ (02)/D(Pension/ Policy) dated 5 September 2017. In
accordance with Para-4 of this letter, the revised pension/ family
pension of all Armed Forces Personnel who retired/ died prior to
01.01.2016, shall be revised by notionally fixing their pay in the pay
matrix recommended by the 7t CPC in the level corresponding to the pay
in the pay scale/pay band and grade pay at which they retired/ died.
This will be done by notional pay fixation under each intervening Pay
Commissions based on the formula for revision of pay. The revised rates
of Military Service Pay, Non-Practice Allowance, where applicable, and
‘X’ Group. Pay & Classification Allowance for JCO/ORs, if applicable
notified in terms of 7th CPC orders, shall also be added to the amount
of pay notionally arrived at under the 7th CPC pay matrix and shall be
termed as notional reckonable emoluments as of 01.01.2016 while fixing
pay on notional basis. It was further decided at para-6 of the letter
that higher of the two formulations ice. the pension/ family pension
already revised in accordance with this Ministry’s letter No. 17 (01)/
2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 29.10.2016 or the revised pension/family pension
as worked out in accordance with Para-5 of the MoD letter dated
05.09.2017 referred above, shall be granted to pre-01.01.2016 ‘Armed
Forces pensioners as revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016.
2. Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare vide their OM No.
38/37/16-P&PW(A){iii) dated 11th September 2017 have decided that
NPA at the rate as applicable as of 01.01.2016 shall be added to
notional pay as of 01.01.2016 to arrive at pension/ family pension of
retired medical officers w.e.f. 01.01.2016 and the pension/
family pension of retired medical officers shall be further revised
w.e.f, 01.07.2017 by adding NPA @ 20% to the notional pay as on
01.01.2016, instead of NPA admissible as on 01.01.2016 subject to the
condition that the notional pay as on 01.01.2016 plus NPA does not
exceed the average of basic pay of the revised scale applicable to the
Apex Level and the level of Cabinet Secretary.
3. The matter regarding revision of all kinds of pension/ family
pension of medical officers of Armed Forces who have retired/ died prior
to 01.01.2016 has been examined by the Govt. and it has been decided
that NPA at the rate as applicable as of 01.01.2016 shall be added to
notional pay worked out in terms of Para-4 of the MoD letter No.
17(01)/2017/(02)/D (Pension/ Policy) dated 5th September 2017 to arrive
at notional reckonable emoluments as on 01.01.2016 for calculation of
pension/ family pension of pre-01.01.2016 retired/ died Medical Officers
of Armed Forces, w.e.f. 01.01.2016. All kinds of pension/ family
pension of pre-01.01.2016 retired/ died medical officers of Armed Forces
Pensioners/ family pensioners shall be further revised w.e.f.
01.07.2017 by adding NPA @ 20% of notional pay in VIIth CPC scale to the
notional pay as on 01.01.2016, instead of NPA admissible as on
01.01.2016 (which was 25% of pre-revised scale).
4. The fixation of pension/ family pension of retired Medical
officers of Armed Forces in the above manner, shall be further subject
to the condition that emoluments (ie. Basic Pay + MSP + NPA) to be
reckoned for pension do not exceed Rs. 2,37,500/- (Rupees two lakh
thirty seven thousand five hundred only). Amount of Gratuity and CVP
which has already been notified, shall remain unchanged.
Sub: Special cash package equivalent in lieu of Leave Travel
Concession fare for central government employees during the Block
In this context, it is intimated that the following points may please
be adhered to while submitting the LTC special cash package claims:
1. If an individual is opting for both LTC cash package and leave
encashment then a single claim may be prepared: and submitted to this
section for audit and payment.
2. The claim may be submitted within the stipulated time frame. As
per instant order, claims Shall be settled on or before 31st March 2021.
3. Specimen signatures of countersigning authorities may be sent to this office at the earliest.
4. A certificate of family members details for which the special cash
package equivalent in lieu of LTC fare has been claimed may be enclosed
with the claim(As per format attached).
5. Proof of payment made by digital mode may please be enclosed along with the claim.
6. Claim may please be prepared as per the example given in Annexure A of MOF OM dt 12.10.2020.
7th CPC Revised Pay – Protection of pay in cases of deputation under CSS in terms of Rule 12 of CCS Rules, 2016
7th CPC Revised Pay
7th CPC Revised Pay
F.No. 2/ 12/ 2016-Estt.(Pay-II) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi Dated: 21st January, 2021
Subject: Protection of pay in cases of deputation under
Central Staffing Scheme in terms of Rule 12 of Central Civil Services
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 (7th CPC) – Regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has been
receiving queries from various Ministries/ Departments regarding method
of pay protection in terms of Rule 12 of Central Civil Services (Revised
Pay) Rules, 2016 which is as under :
’12. Pay protection to officers on Central deputation under Central
Staffing Scheme – If the pay of the officers posted on deputation to the
Central Government under Central Staffing Scheme, after fixation in the
revised pay structure either under these rules or as per the
instructions regulating such fixation of pay on the post to which they
are appointed on deputation, happens to be lower than the pay these
officers would have been entitled to, had they been in their parent
cadre and would have drawn that pay but for the Central deputation, such
difference in the pay shall be protected in the form of Personal Pay
with effect from the date of notification of these rules.’
Rule 12 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 was
subsequently amended vide Department of Expenditure Notification No.1-2/
2016-IC dated 15th June 2017 which inter-alia provides that the
aforesaid provision would take effect from 01.01.2016.
Pay protection of officers on deputation under Central
Staffing Scheme after implementation of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016
has been considered in consultation with the Department of Expenditure
and is elaborated in subsequent paras.
Pay Protection of
officers who were already on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
on 01.01.2016 or who join deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on or
after 01.01.2016
(a) Pay of such officers, as on 01.01.2016 [or a subsequent date from
which they have opted to switch over to the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules,
2016] will be fixed in the Level of the post held by them on deputation
under Central Staffing Scheme on the basis of the pay fixed in their
parent cadre. The cell corresponding to the basic pay fixed in the
parent cadre will be located in the Level in the Pay Matrix of the post
in which the officer is serving on deputation under the Central Staffing
Scheme and pay shall be fixed at the same stage/ equivalent cell. If no
such cell is available in the applicable Level of the ex-cadre post,
the pay shall be fixed at the immediate lower cell in that Level of the
ex-cadre post and the difference in pay will be granted as Personal Pay.
Illustration : If an officer holding the post in
Level 15 in parent cadre and drawing pay of Rs. 2,05,100/ – goes on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme in Level 14 on 04.05.2017, his
pay will be fixed as under:
Existing Level in the parent cadre
Level 15
Existing pay in Level 15 as on 04.05.2017 in the parent cadre
Rs. 2,05, 100/- (cell 5 of Level 15)
Pay fixed in Level 14 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1,99,600/- (cell 12 of Level 14) plus (Rs.5500/ Personal pay)
On DNI in parent cadre: Pay in Level 15 in the Parent Cadre
Rs. 2,11,300/- (cell 6 of Level 15)
On DNI in parent cadre: Pay on Central Deputation in Level 14
Rs. 2,05,600/ – (cell 13 of Level 14) plus (Rs. 5700/ – Personal pay)
7th CPC Revised Pay
(b) However, if an officer currently drawing pay up to Level 13 is
appointed on deputation to a post in the equivalent or lower level on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme OR during the continuance of
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme gets an up-gradation in his
parent cadre to a Level higher than pay Level of deputation post up to
Level 13 of the Pay Matrix, his pay will be fixed at the same cell and
Level in which he is placed in the parent cadre. He will also be
eligible to draw the CDTA on the pay of Level of the post in parent
cadre at the prevailing rates. For the active period of a deputation
from 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2017, CDTA will be admissible at the pre-revised
rates in the pre-revised pay structure, i.e. as if the pay had not been
revised w.e.f. 1.1.2016. Provisions of this Department’s OM No.2/
10/2017-Estt(Pay-II) dated 24th April 2018 shall stand amended to this
effect. For the active period of a deputation from 1st July 2017
onwards, CDTA will be admissible as per the guidelines in this
Department’s OM No. 2 / 10/2017- Estt. Pay-II dated 24th April 2018.
Illustration : (i) If an officer holding the post
in Level 13 in parent cadre and drawing pay of Rs. 1,26,800/- goes on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme in Level 13 on 22.02.2017, his
pay will be fixed as under:-
Existing Level in the parent cadre
Level 13
Existing pay in Level 13 as on 22.02.2017 in the parent cadre
Rs. 1,26,800/- (cell 2 of Level 13)
Pay fixed on appointment on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs.1, 26,800/ – (cell 2 of Level 13)
On DNI in the Parent Cadre: Pay fixed on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1,30,600/- (cell 3 o
7th CPC Revised Pay
(ii) If an officer holding the post in Level 13 in parent cadre and
drawing pay of Rs. 1,26,800/- goes on deputation under Central Staffing
Scheme in Level 12 on 22.02.2017, his pay will be fixed as under :-
Existing Level in the parent cadre
Level 13
Existing pay in cell 2 of Level 13 as on 22.02.2017 in the parent cadre
Rs. 1,26,800/ – (cell2 of Level13)
Pay fixed on appointment on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1,26,800/ – (cell2 of Level13)
On DNI in the Parent Cadre: Pay fixed on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1,30,600/- (cell 3 of Level 13)
Protection/ Fixation of pay of officers who
were on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on 01.01.2016 or who
joined deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on or after 01.01.2016
and got Proforma promotion in parent cadre:-
(a) In case the officer was on deputation under CSS on 01.01.2016 or
joined thereafter and his junior is promoted to a higher post in his
parent cadre on or after 01.01.2016 but was not granted proforma
promotion under the ‘Next Below Rule’, there will be no change in the
pay fixation already done as per extant rules.
(b) In case an officer on deputation to a post under Central Staffing
Scheme gets proforma promotion in his cadre to a post-up to Level 13 in
the Pay matrix, his pay in the Level of the post will be fixed with
reference to the presumptive pay that he would have got had he remained
and promoted in the parent cadre of his service in the manner as
provided in para 3(b).
(c) In case an officer on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
gets promoted in his cadre to a higher post in Level 13A or above in the
Pay matrix, his pay in the Level of the post held on deputation under
Central Staffing Scheme will be fixed with reference to the presumptive
pay of the officer in the parent cadre of his service. The Cell
corresponding to such basic pay fixed in parent cadre will be located in
the Level in the Pay Matrix of the post in which the officer is serving
on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme, and pay shall be fixed at
same stage/equivalent cell and if no such cell is available in the
applicable Level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate lower cell in
that Level of the post and the difference in pay will be granted as
Personal Pay. Illustrations may be seen below: –
Illustration If an officer holding the post in
Level 16 in parent cadre drawing pay of Rs.2,24,400 / -, who is on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme in Level 15 and drawing pay Rs.
2,24,100/ – + Rs.300/ – (Personal pay) gets proforma promotion in Level
17, his pay will be fixed as under:
Pay Level in the pay matrix in parent cadre before joining on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Level 16
Pay level in the Central Staffing Scheme
Level 15
Existing pay as on 01.05.2017 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme in Level 15
Rs. 2,24,100/ – (cell 8 of Level 15) plus (Rs.300/ -Personal pay [Corresponding to pay of Rs.2,24,400 / – of Level 16]
Pay fixed in the higher Level in parent cadre i.e. Level 17 on proforma promotion on 01.05.2017
Rs. 2,25,000 / –
Pay fixed on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme as per Rule 12 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules on 01.05.2017
Rs.2,24, 100/ – (cell 8 of Level 15) plus Rs.900/ – (Personal pay)
On DNI: Pay in the Parent Cadre in Level 17
Rs. 2,25,000/ –
On DNI: Pay in the Level 15 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs.2,24, 100/ – (cell 8 of Level 15) plus Rs.900/ – (Personal pay)
(a) The officer shall get Dearness Allowance on the
admissible from time to time. However, no other allowances this Personal
Pay. said Personal Pay as shall be admissible on this Personal Pay.
(b) The Basic Pay Plus Personal Pay, from time to time, shall not exceed Rs.2,25,000.
Grant of annual increment to officers on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
grant of annual increment to an officer in parent cadre (upto Level
16,) who is on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme, the pay will be
fixed incrementally moving down one cell in the Level of pay in which
the officer is serving on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme.
Accordingly, the Personal Pay, if any, will be re-computed as the
difference in the pay (after increment) that he would have drawn in the
parent cadre and the current pay on deputation under Central Staffing
This O.M. shall take effect from 01.01.2016.
This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Expenditure.
their application to employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts
Department, these orders are issued after consultation with the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India as mandated under Article 148
(5) of the Constitution.
Hindi version will follow.
(Murli Bhavaraju) Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
All Ministries/ Departments of Government of India
Demands of Central Government Employees
NJCA National Joint Council of Action 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110055
No. NJCA/ 2021/ Meet
January 20, 2021
The Cabinet Secretary, Government of India, & Chairman, National Council – JCM Rashtrapati Bhawan New Delhi
Sub: Notice for observing 01/02/2021 (day of presentation of
Dear Sir,
The Staff Side of the NC-JCM has submitted innumerable
representations to your office and also to the office of Secretary DOPT
on the various issues agitating the minds of the Central Government
Employees and Pensioners. You will appreciate that is the Central
Government Employees who kept the Government machinery cunning during
the entire COVID-19 LockDown period. Many Central Government Employees
because of their exposure to the risk of COVID-19 virus while performing
their duty succumbed & death. Their families are suffering since
Government has not paid any compensation to them after losing the sole
breadwinner. Even the DA / DR being paid to them to compensate for the
price rise has been frozen for 18 months without any reason. In this
situation the NJCA has decided to observe 1/2/2021 (day of presentation
by holding demonstration throughout of the county in front of the all
the Central Government Establishments / Units / Branches in support of
the following major and outstanding demands :
Demands Of Central Government Employees
1. Withdraw the decision to corporatize Railway Production Units, 41
Ordnance Factories, GOCO Model in Army Base Workshops and stop
Privatization and Outsourcing of permanent and perennial jobs
2. Immediate release of three installments of DA / DR due to the
Central Government Employees and Pensioners from 1/1/2020, 1/7/2020 and
3. Implementation of the assurances given by the Group of Ministers on 7th CPC demands including minimum pay end fitment factor etc.
4. Settle all the 7 CPC Anomalies pointed out by the Staff Side of NC
– JCM including the extension of one more option to switch over to 7
CPC, restoration of certain allowances and advances, and grant of two
increments while on promotion/ MACP, etc.
5. Withdrawal of NPS and restoration of the Guaranteed defined Pension under CCS (Pension) Rules 1973.
6. Withdrawal of FR 56(j) which is being misused as a measure of punishment.
7. Issue Government Orders on all the demands agreed in the meeting
of the Standing Committee of NC JCM and in the 47th Meeting of the
8. Settle the demands of the Staff Side with regard to regularization of the absence of the employees during COVID-I9 pandemic and Lockdown Period due to non-availability of Public Transport and home quarantine etc.
9. Payment of compensation to the Central Government employees who died due to COVID-19 Virus infection.
10. Ensure 100% Compassionate Appointment to the wards of the
deceased Central Government Employees and those who are medically
invalidated from service.
11. Implement the following Supreme Court Judgments for the similarly placed employees:- (iii) Grant of Notional Increment to these employees who retired/ retiring on. 31st January / 30th of June. (iv) Implementation of MACP Scheme w.e.f. 1/1/2006
12. Payment of Night Duty Allowance to the employees detailed on Nightshift duty without any basic pay ceiling limit
13. Reimbursement of the Actual Amount charged by the CGHS empanelled Hospitals for the treatment of COVID-19 infection
Sir, we are confident that you will intervene in the matter being the
Chairman of NC-JCM andl take steps to settle all these outstanding
No.25/7/2019 -CS.II (B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 Dated: 21st January, 2021
Subject: Clarification regarding fixation of pay at the time
of regular promotion/grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are
already granted the benefits under MACP Scheme – regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even
number dated 27.08.2019 and reminder dated 16.09.2020 (copies enclosed)
on the subject mentioned above, vide which the cadre units of CSCS were
requested to forward the data regarding fixation of pay at the time of
regular promotion/ grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are already
granted the benefit under MACP Scheme as per the format given in Annexure-I of the said OM.
The cadre units of CSCS annexed at Annexure-I are once
again requested to expedite sending the requisite information within a
fortnight. In case of nil information, the same may also be intimated to
this Department.
(Vasanthi V. Babu) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Dir/DS(Admn.) of CSCS Cadre (As per Annexure-I)
No.28/7/2019 -GS.II (B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 Dated: 16 September, 2020
Subject: Clarification regarding fixation of pay at the time
of regular promotion/grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are
already granted the benefits under MACP Scheme – regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer fo this Department’s OM of even
number dated 27.08.2019 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above
vide which all the cadre units of CSCS were requested to forward the
data regarding fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion/ grant
of NFSG in respect of officials who are already granted the benefit
under MACP Scheme as per the format given in Annexure-I of the said OM.
The cadre units of CSCS at Annexure-I have still not
furnished the information. It is, therefore, requested that these cadre
units of CSCS may please expedite sending the requisite information
within a fortnight.
(Bhagirath Jha) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
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