Monday, September 19, 2016

Air Travel: Accounting and Payment by PAO

Air Travel Accounting and Payment by PAO

Government of India
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Delhi cantt  110066
(Defence Travel System, E Ticketing Project)
Phone No.: 011- 26108268/26163404 /Fax No.: 011 26163403

No. Mech/EDP/861/E-T /Air

Dated: 15/09/2016

Subject: Air Travel Accounting and Payment by PAO

Reference: HQrs Office letter no. Mech/EDP/861/E-Ticketing/Phase-III dated-21-12-2015.

It is intimated that under the e-Ticketing system- wherein Rail Tickets are being booked in lieu of warrants, an Air travel module has also been launched in collaboration with Balmer Lawrie to cover all types of moves like Temporary Duty, Permanent Transfer, LTC All India and LTC Home Town. Air tickets are being booked through DTS since 11 September 2015 by various units across Services under different PAOs. The payment procedure as agreed between CGDA and Balmer & Lawrie is post payment.

2. All PCsDA/CsDA/PCA {Fys) along with this HQrs office has been issued two set of tokens/login-id for this purpose.

(a) One set of Token /Login-Id for DAD Employee:  For booking of Air Tickets i.e. Master Booker Tokens and Competent Authority Approval Tokens for booking of Air Tickets for entitled DAD officers (already issued during training in the Jan, 2016).

(b) PAO tokens for generating and downloading of system generated booking details /Bills and invoices of air tickets booked for DAD entitled officers for payment. Such Tokens (Issued recently) cannot be used for booking of Air Tickets.

3. Process of Booking of Air Tickets: As mentioned in para 2(a) above, one set of Token/Login Id has already been issued for DAD Employee for profile creation of all officer/staffs entitled to travel by Air and booking of Air Tickets.

Air Tickets. Initially, profiles of all the officers/staffs working under jurisdiction of each PCsDA/CsDA and PCA(Fys) need to be created for booking of Air Tickets. The creation of profile is a onetime process and need not be done again. When an officer/staffs will be transferred from one PCsDA/CsDA to another, in such case his profile need to be “Transferred out” by the old office and accordingly his new office will perform the activity of “Transfer in” of such officers/staffs. All such activities like profile creation, editing of profile, Air Travel Booking request and cancellation request are performed by master booker /Booker token. At the same time, Approval/Approving token is used for approval of all such request as forwarded by the master booker token through DTS system. Accordingly, once travel request is approved by Competent Authority/Approving Authority, Master Booker/Booker Token can book the Air Ticket as per Travel Regulation and Movement Sanction.

4. Process of Payment of Air Tickets to Balmer Lawrie & Co.:  As mentioned above, the booking of Air Tickets has been launched in collaboration with Balmer Lawrie, the payment procedure as agreed between CGDA and Balmer & Lawrie is post payment. Following steps are involved in processing of payment of Air Tickets to Balmer Lawrie & Co.

(a) Online Accounting and Payment Module for Air Travel:  As mentioned in para 2(b) above, Air Ticket booking details and voucher for Air Ticket booked during a particular period can be generated by logging in to the PAO Module for further processing of payment to Balmer & Lawrie Co.

(b) Preparation of Punching Medium:  After generation of the voucher by logging-in to the PAO Module, PCsDA/CsDA will prepare Punching Medium to compile under respective code head as per classification hand book.

(c) Payment Through NEFT:  After preparation of Punching Medium and Daily Payment Sheet, PCsDA/CsDA will make payment of the due amount through NEFT or through any other process is being followed in their offices.

(d) Voucher Settlement:  After payment PCsDA/CsDA will log-in to the PAO Module and will mark against each invoices as payment done.

(e) Voucher Acknowledgement:  All payment will be acknowledged by Balmer & Lawrie through System and PCsDA /CsDA will be able to download Receipt voucher of payment from the system.

4. Claim Submission:  As the Air Ticket booked through system is given to the officer is as good as advance to the officer/staff serving in the PCsDA/CsDA offices, traveler will submit his final claim within one month after completion of the journey along with original boarding pass and a copy of the Air Ticket booked through DTS

5. In this regard it is intimated that PCsDA/CsDA who are not having PKI tokens (One set of Booking Token with two tokens (One for Master Booker/Booker Token and another for Approval Token)) for booking of Air Tickets through DTS and one PKI token (PAO Token) for generation of voucher and processing payment are requested to intimate to this HQrs office for issuing of the same. PCsDA/CsDA/PCA(Fys) offices in possession of one set of PKI token (One for Master Booker/Booker token, another for Approval token) are requested to start booking of Air Tickets through DTS immediately.

Jt. CGDA (IT&S) has seen.

Deepak Kumar
Source :

New Pension System - Features released recently for NPS Subscribers

New Pension System - Features released recently for NPS Subscribers

New Pension System (NPS) and its-implementation
RBA No. :54/2016
New Delhi, dated: . 16.08.2016
General Managers, FA&CAOS and CPOs,
All Indian Railways. and PUs

Sub: New Pension System (NPS) and its-implementation.

Please find enclosed PFRDA’S letter no. PFRDA/19/CG/1/39 dated 01.08.2016 on the above subject. In this regard, the “following has been desired:

i. Distribution of comprehensive brochure prepared by PFRDA for government Sector subscribers.
ii. Updation of contact details of all the underlying offices in the records of CRA for better communication flow.
iii Setting up of dedicated NPS Cell
iv. Displaying related information on the website of in the Ministry and incorporating the same link in the ‘Employee’s corner’.

As regards (iv.) above, all, the important instructions issued by Accounts Dte are available on the Indian Railway’s website as under:

About Indian Railways

Railway Board Directorates


Instructions on NPS

Kindly ensure circulation of these instructions so that the subscribers and nodal. offices are aware of initiatives taken for their benefit.

DA: As above
(Amitesh Kumar Sinha)
Director Finance/CCA
Railway Board

b-14/A, First Floor, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan,
Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016
R.V. Verma
01st August, 2016
Subject: National Pension System (NPS) and its implementation.

I am writing in the context of the National Pension System (NPS) and its implementation in the Central Government sector - Ministries & departments including the Central Autonomous Bodies under their jurisdiction. I would like to highlight the important measures taken by PFRDA in strengthening the systems, in the interest of the ultimate beneficiary- the subscriber and other stakeholders.

2. After the passage of PFRDA Act, 2013, various regulations have been framed by PFRDA under the ambit of the Act. The basic purpose of framing regulations is to ensure protection of subscriber interest. Prominent ones among the regulations are PFRDA (Redressal of Subscriber Grievance) Regulations, 2015 and PFRDA (Exits Withdrawals under the NPS) Regulations, 2015. You will appreciate that PFRDA (Redressal of Subscriber Grievance) Regulations, 2015, had laid down clear guidelines with respect to redressal of subscriber grievances. Further, Exit Regulations of PFRDA have specified the provisions and process relating to exit and withdrawal in detail.

3. It has been PFRDA’S endeavour to take various initiatives from time to time in order to simplify and improve the operational issues in National Pension System (NPS) for ease of transaction for subscribers. Towards this end, we have introduced a number of new functionalities under NPS architecture such as simplification of account opening, withdrawal, grievance management etc. In this regard, recently many new functionalities have been released by the Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) to ease operations for the benefit of subscribers and nodal offices. The details of the functionalities released recently for the nodal offices under Govt. Sector are enclosed as Annexure A.

4. As our main focus is on the subscriber, around whom the entire system revolves, we have also provided several facilities to them for easing the process and making them more user friendly. The following are the important initiatives taken in this direction:
(i) SMS and email alerts,
(ii) Centralized Grievance Management System (CGMS) with a pre-determined turnaround time for resolution of grievances related to different services.
(iii) Call Centre facility.
(iv) Periodic consolidated SoT (Statement of Transactions)
(v) Web based access to all subscribers to view SoTs and facility to modify certain data like mobile number & email id on their own.
(vi) Subscriber awareness programs at various locations and centers.
In addition to the above, several new functionalities have also been introduced in the CRA system for the benefit of the subscribers. The details of the same are enclosed as Annexure B.

5. We would very much appreciate if the Central Government ministries departments may undertake the following measures to enhance the effectiveness of the system:
(a) Distribution of comprehensive brochure prepared by PFRDA for government sector subscribers (copy enclosed).
(b) Updation of contact details of all the underlying offices in the records of CRA for better communication flow.
(c) Setting up of a dedicated NPS Cell
(d).Displaying NPS related information on the website of your Ministry and incorporating the same in link like ‘ Employee’s corner’.
6. We feel that there is urgent need to disseminate more information among the dealing officials -Pay & Accounts Offices(PAOs) Drawing & Disbursing officers (DDOs) of the CG Ministries & Departments for resolving the concerns and covering the gaps. We have recently engaged Crux Management Services Pvt. Ltd. as a training agency for imparting training to the nodal officers of CG Ministries/ Departments. We request you to nominate maximum number of DDOs from your Ministry to the training programmes which PFRDA is coordinating. Besides, workshops may be organized by CG Ministries & Department for their respective nodal offices also in order to increase

subscriber awareness and for imparting operational knowledge to PrAOs/PAOs/DDOs, wherein PF RDA and CRA officials may also participate.

We are confident that the implementation of NPS and streamlining .of the process is receiving your due attention. You may like to convene regular meetings to review the implementation of NPS and the new fun’ctionalities which wrll go a long way in ensuring smooth implementation of NPS. PFRDA will be glad to provide all necessary support and cooperation. Should your office need further clarifications, they are welcome to contact Sh. Ashish Kumar, General Manager at ashish.kumar@pfrda
With Regards,
Yours sincerely
Mr. S. Mookerjee,
Financial Commissioner
Ministry of Railways,
Room No.232, Rail Bhavan,
New Delhi - 110001.
Encl.: A/a
Annexure A

Functionality for nodal offices on Tier-II
operations and voluntary contribution processing under Tier-I

The Govt. Sector Nodal Offices have now been provided with utility for activating the Tier II account and its operation for all Government employees. The Government subscribers (mandatorily covered under NPS) can also approach their “associated Nodal Office for making additional investment (Voluntary Contributions) in their PRAN - Tier I account in order to claim tax benefits.
Upload of unequal contribution for Govt.
In, case of Govt. sector employees, the Nodal Office is required to prepare and upload the contribution file wherein the Employee and Employer Contribution are equal for each subscriber. This functionality will now allow the Nodal Offices to prepare and upload contribution files where Employer and Employee contribution amount are not. same due to various exceptional reasons.
Insertion of QR Code facility on backside of PRAN
For new PRAN cards, a Quick Response (QR) code will be inserted, which when scanned on a smart phone will enable easy access to CRA website for any information on NPS.
Grievance resolution by monitoring office in CRA
In case of Govt. Sector Nodal offices, only the PAOs/DTOs can provide resolution remarks for the grievances raised against them by ‘ their associated subscribers in Central Grievance Management System (CG-MS) module. However, the mapped Pr.AOs/DTAs can only monitor the status of the grievances (using ‘Token No’) raised against underlying PAOs/DTOs. Now, with the new facility made available in the CRA system, the Pr.AOs/DTAs can verify whether the PAO/DTO has resolved the grievance.
Pop-Up window for resolution of pending grievance
in CRA system
To aid the Nodal Offices, a pop-up alert is displayed on the home page immediately after the User logs in to CRA website ( The pop-up displays the count of grievances pending (if any) for more than 30 days. The User has two options i.e., either to resolve the grievances immediately by selecting the option ‘Resolve Now’ (which will guide the user to ‘grievance resolution’ screen) or to select ‘Resolve Later’ to continue with regular operations and provide resolutions to the grievances later, The pop-up window is a reminder to all the Nodal Offices which have any grievance pending for resolution beyond 30 days in Central
Grievance Management system (CGMS) module.
Functionality for capturing bank details and contact details of the nodal offices  ‘A facility has been provided to Nodal Offices of Central Government to enter the contact details of their Nodal Officer (along with details of alternate Nodal Officer) and the Bank account details of respective Nodal Office in CRA system. This will help Trustee Bank and CRA to identify the nodal offices for better coordination.
Login facility for, DDOs in CRA system
The DDOs can login the CRA system using User ID & I-PIN (password). The DDOs can generate their l-PIN by capturing a request through instant reset option in the CRA system ( and getting it authorized by their associated Nodal Office (PAOs/DTOs). This facility has been granted to the DDOs to enable them to view various reports, which is quite helpful in day to day functioning.
Annexure B
Features released recently for NPS Subscribers

1. Mobile App
Mobile App for NPS’ is nowavailable to the Subscriber’s in ’Google Play Store’ as NPS by NSDL e-Gov’ for installation and use. The following features are available to the Subscribers in Mobile App:
a) Transaction Statement: Using this feature, Subscriber will be able to raise the request for Transaction Statement for a. particular financial year. The statement will be sent to the Subscriber’s registered mail ID at end of the day.
b) Account details view: Subscriber can view his / her NPS account details.
c) Statement of Holding view: Details of scheme Wise units alongwith latest NAV and the total value of the schemes (as on date) is available.
d) View of last 5 contributions: Details of the last five contributions credited will be available i.e.,‘ credit date, tier type, amount and. contribution remarks.
e) Change in contact details (Telephone/ Mobile no./ email ID): At present, Subscriber can change his/ her contact details in CRA system using login credential. The same feature has been extended in Mobile App.
f) Change password/ Security Question: Subscriber can add / modify his her password and set security question (for password reset) through Mobile App. Subscriber will also be able to reset his/ her password by answering secret questions.
g) Notifications: Notifications, if any, from CRA will be available to the Subscriber. Short messages will be displayed here.

2. Change of address using Aadhaar authentication
The Subscribers can now update/modify their address on their own using Aadhaar based authentication. After logging in CRA, Subscriber will use the menu Update Address”. After clicking on the menu ”Update Address”, Subscriber will prevode the Aadhaar No and “click on the ’submit’ button. ‘On clicking on submit button, ‘ an OTP will be sent to Subscriber’s mobile. Once the Subscriber authenticates by submitting the OTP, address details from Aadhaar system will be fetched and updated in the CRA system. In this process, Subscriber will be able to update permanent as well as correspondence address. At present, this feature has been made available to All Citizens of India and Corporate sector. It will be extended to Government Subscriber Shortly.

3. Scheme Preference change facility
The NPS Subscribers associated to All Citizens of India (UoS), Corporate sector and Government sector (for Tier‘SII-only) can now change their Scheme Preference after logging in. An OTP will be sent to the Subscriber (on their registered mobile number) once Subscriber topts to change his / her Scheme Preference. After authentication is done with OTP, the Subscriber can change their PFM, Asset Class, Allocation ratio, Scheme Options.

4. Tier II activation through eNPS
Any subscriber having Tier I account in NPS can now activate Tier II account online through eNPS. To initiate the Tier‘II activation, Subscriber has to enter his/her PRAN, DOB and PAN. An OTP will be generated and will be sent to the registered mobile number. Subscriber has to enter the OTP and proceed for Tier II activation under

5. KYC re-verification using Aadhaar authentication
A Subscriber whose Bank has not confirmed (rejected) his / her KYC verification request can now update the address details and confirm KYC using Aadhaar based authentication. The Subscriber need to simply go to eNPS site, click on Update details and proceed.

6. Facility to contribute Online
Subscribers are contributing through online mode using eNPS portal of. NPS Trust. Now, a facility has been made available to contribute online by Subscribers using IPIN credentials in CRA system. Subscriber can login into the CRA system and click to ”Contribution” menu. On submission, the Subscriber will be redirected to eNPS contribution page from Where he / she can contribute as per existing process of eNPS.

7. Withdrawal from Tier II account
At present, for Withdrawal from Tier II account, the NPS subscribers are required to visit the branch of the’ Point of Presence (POPS) or Nodal Office which is mapped to him / her. Now, the NPS Subscribers have a facility to initiate Withdrawal request from Tier II account using their login credentials and OTP authentication on registered mobile number.

8. Online IPIN generation
The eNPS Subscribers can now access the CRA system immediately after registering without waiting for physical I-PIN to be despatched. Facility is now available where the Subscriber will generate I-PIN instantly and access his/her NPS account.

Minimum Pay & Multiple factor after 7th CPC Memorandum submitted by IRTSA

Minimum Pay & Multiple factor after 7th CPC - Memorandum submitted by IRTSA

(Estd. 1965, Regd. No.1329, Website

Central President, IRTSA
#4, Sixth Street, TVS Nagar, Padi,
Mob: 09443140817

Harchandan Singh
General Secretary, IRTSA,
C.Haq.32, Phase 6, Mohali,
Chandigarh -160055,
(Ph:0172-2228306, 9316131598)

No:IRTSA/CHQ/Memo CPC MF/2016-16
Date: 14-9-2016

Additional Secretary (Expenditure),
Government Of India
North Block
New Delhi - 110 001

For kind consideration of the Committee of Secretaries - On Minimum Pay & Fitment Facotr of 7th CPC
Subject: Minimum Pay & Multiple factor after 7th CPC
Reference: i) Para 10.1.67 Of Report of 7th Pay Commission

ii) Para 3 & 4 of Resolution No.1-2/2016-IC dated 25-07-2016 of Govt of India on 7th CPC Report

We have to make the following submissions for the kind consideration of the Committee for regarding Minimum Pay and Fitment/Multiplication Factor:


a) The Minimum Pay Fixed at Rs.18000 by the 7th CPC is very much unjust and meager and ignores the accepted norms in this regard.

b) The Minimum wage of Rs.18000 proposed by 7th Pay Commission is based on Dr Aykroyed formula for Minimum Need Based Wage which was adopted by 15th Indian Labour Conference held in 1957. This needed to be updated as per present day requirements. As per law of natural justice and as per directions of the Supreme Court of India issued as long back as in 1991 in the case of Reputekos Brett & Co. Vs Workers & others.

c) Prescribed provision of 25% to cover education, recreation, festivals & medical expenses has been reduced to 15% by 7th CPC. Similarly provision for housing has been reduced from prescribed 7.5% to 3% which are totally inadequate, unjust and unrealistic.

d) In para 4.2.8, Step-1, 7th CPC indicated that a family is comprising of three consumption units, as per norms set by 15th Indian Labour Conference (ILC) in 1957.

e) Computing husband as one unit, wife as 0.8 unit and two children each below the age of 14 as 0.6 unit is very much inadequate and 15th ILC had not considered maintenance of aged parents.

f) Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 make it a legal obligation for children and heirs to provide maintenance to senior citizens and parents, by monthly allowance.

g) It is therefore, necessary that while calculating cost for maintenance household the aged parents should also be considered as 2 Units besdes the husband, wife, two Children as consumption units per family and the same should be taken at least as four (if not five) instead of three.

h) Dr. W. Aykroyd formula on food & other requirements and associated requirements specified by 15th ILC shall be applied for 4 consumptio units per family.

i) Minimum Pay works out to be Rs.24,000 (instead of Rs.18000 recommended by the 7th CPC) and the multiple factor 3.43 (instead of 2.57 recommended by the 7th CPC)

j) Table-1 of 7th CPC for calculation of minimum pay needs to be redrawn as under by keeping 4 consumption unit per family:



a) 40% fixation benefit was given over 4th CPC scale to 5th CPC scale in general to all the scales.

b) 40% of maximum of 5th CPC scale was given over 5th CPC scale as fixation benefit in general in 6th CPC scales.

c) But, only 14.29% (i.e even less than 15%) of basic pay has been given as fixation benefit is after the 7th CPC over 6th CPC pay, which is grievously inadequate.

d) Table-2 given below gives the comparison on fixation benefit given after 6th CPC & after 7th CPC.


e) The Multiple Factor of 2.57 proposed by the Pay Commission for Pay Fixation is totally unjust, inadequate and arbitrary especially keeping in view the high inflation (in real terms and wage rise in the organized sector including the PSUs after two revisions in PSUs since the Sixth CPC. The Fixation Benefit needs to be at least 40% - as after the last two Pay Commissions and the Common Multiple Factor may please be fixed at least (Pay+DA) + 40% of Pay + DA, ie. 3.15 times of 6th CPC basic pay.

Table -3 showing calculation of new pay which will be equal to Pay + Pay fixation benefit equal to 40% of 6th CPC Pay + DA


k) Minimum Pay works out to be Rs.22,100 (instead of Rs.18000 recommended by the 7th CPC) and the multiple factor 3.15 (instead of 2.57 recommended by the 7th CPC)


a) Merger of DA with Pay & Pension was always done every time the DA crossed 50%, except after the Sixth Pay Commission and that norm justifiably needs to be restored.

b) Minimum Pay as on 1-1-2016 would be Rs.19,687 if DA was merged with Pay when the DA crossed 50% (from 1-1-2011) and when it crossed 100% even without any relief or fixation benefit of 7th CPC and the Minimum Pay would bebRs. 22,483 or say 22,500 with 14.29% of total emoluments Fixation benefit given by the 7th CPC (which itself was the lowest ever after any CPC) - as per detailed calculations submitted below:

4. a) Minimum Pay after DA Merger at 50% & 100% and with 14.29% rise.

7000×1.5 = 10500 x 1.5 = 15750×1.25 = Rs.19687×1.1429 = 22500.272 or say Rs.22000

b) Fitment Factor after DA Merger at 50% & 100% and with 14.29% rise

= 22500 / 7000 = 3.21 times of BP

c) Even if the Merger of DA was done only once after it crossed 50% (on 1-1-2011), Minimum Pay as on 1-1-2016 would have been Rs.18375 (without any relief or fixation benefit of CPC) and Rs.20984 or say Rs.21000 with 14.2% Fixation benefit given by the 7th CPC as per details below:

d) Minimum Pay after DA Merger at 50% & 100% and 14.2% rise:

= 7000 x 1.5 = 10500 x 1.75 = 18375 x 1.1429 = Rs.21000.7875 or say Rs.21000.

e) Fitment Factor after DA Merger at 50% and 14.2% rise

21000 / 7000 = 3 times of BP

f) All the foregoing calculations of Minimum Pay and Fitment Factor are linked to only 14.2% rise of wages as inherent in the recommendations of 7th CPC - which is the lowest ever rise after a Pay Commission in recent years.

g) The minimum Pay may please be fixed as Rs.22500 and the multiple factor for revision of Pay and Pension may please be fixed as 3.21.

4. It is, therefore, requested that, in view of above submissions:

a) Minimum Pay may please be fixed as Rs.24,000 and the multiple factor 3.43, by modifying Dr. W.Aykroyed Formula & 15th ILC norms by duly taking into account Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007. (or)

b) Minimum Pay be fixed as Rs.22,100 and the multiple factor 3.15 by giving 40% fixation benefit for the 6th CPC Pay & DA. (or)

c) Minimum Pay may please be fixed as Rs.22500 and the multiple factor for revision of Pay and Pension may please be fixed as 3.21, by merging the DA with Pay whenever it crossed 50% with fixation benefit of 14.2% equitant to the rise recommended by 7th CPC.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully,
Harchandan Singh
General Secretary, IRTSA

Source: IRTSA

Implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC Fitment Factor and Pay Fixation for Running Staff

Implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC Fitment Factor and Pay Fixation for Running Staff


New Delhi, dated 14.9.2016.

The General Secretary,
4,State Entry Road,
New Delhi 110055.

The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi 110055.

Sub : Implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC Fitment Factor and Pay Fixation for Running Staff.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and to the letter dt. 05.08.2016 of GS/AIRF and letters dt. 04.08.2016 & 23.08.2016 of GS/NFIR.

2. In this connection, it is stated that unlike during the Sixth CPC where there were separate fitment tables for pay fixation, in the Seventh CPC only a single multiplication factor of 2.57 and a single Pay Matrix table has been recommended and accepted. Paragraph 2 of the Resolution dt. 25.07.2016 refers. Therefore, no other multiplication factor or Pay Matrix/ Fitment table can be used for pay fixation for any category of staff.

3. Further, as brought out in para 12 of the Resolution dt. 25.07.2016 pay fixation of running staff (who draw Running Allowance) has been clubbed with fixation pay of Doctors (who draw NPA). The methodology and illustration for computing revised basic pay in the case of Doctors have been clearly brought out in para 7 (B) (ii) of the Notification dt. 25.07.2016 of Ministry of Finance. It may be observed that the rate of increase. in the illustration in the case of Doctors is also not exactly 14.29%. in fact, para 12 of the Resolution mentioned that actual raise in pay at the time of initial fixation is to be ensured at about 14.29%. The figure therefore is not an absolute percentage of raise which has to be ensured, A similar methodology of pay fixation for running staff (keeping the basic multiplication factor at 2.57) has been applied in consultation with and approval of Ministry of Finance.

4. lt may also be seen that while fixing the pay after revision in the appropriate cell of the applicable level in the Pay Matrix the actual increase in pay works out practically to around three times the pre-revised basic pay of the running staff.

5. Therefore, pay revision for Running Staff has been done in terms of approved formulation and no separate fitment table can be issued in this connection, as brought out above.

Yours faithfully,
For Secretary / Railway Board
Source: NFIR

Ad-hoc bonus for 30 days to the Group C & D RPF/RPSF personnel for the financial year 2014-2015

Ad-hoc bonus for 30 days to the Group C & D RPF/RPSF personnel for the financial year 2014-2015

RBE No. 108/2016
New Delhi, dated 15.09.2016
No.E(P &A )11-2015/Bonus 1
The General Managers/CAOs (R),
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.

Sub.: Grant of ad-hoc bonus for 30 days to the Group 'C' & 'D' RPF/RPSF personnel for the financial year 2014- 2015.

Ad-hoc bonus for 30 days without any ceiling on wages for eligibility to all eligible Group 'C' & 'D' RPF/RPSF personnel for the financial year 2014-15 was sanctioned vide Board's letter of even no. dt. 02.11.2015 with the wage calculation ceiling of Rs. 3500 p.m

2. The President has now decided that the calculation ceiling of monthly emoluments for the purpose of payment of ad-hoc bonus shall be revised to Rs. 7000/- w.e.f. 01.04.2014 i.e. for the accounting year 2014-15. Therefore, payment of ad-hoc bonus for the financial year 2014-15 to all eligible Group 'C' & 'D' RPF/RPSF personnel would be based on the wage calculation ceiling of’ Rs. 7000  per month.

3. Accordingly, ad-hoc bonus to eligible Group 'C' & 'D' RPF/RPSF personnel for the financial year 2014-15 may be re-worked and the difference may be paid on priority in the same mode as payment of salary. All the other terms and conditions under which the payment was made shall remain unchanged.

4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways
(S.Balachandra Iyer)
Director/Pay Commission,
Railway Board.

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