AIRF: Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to Railwaymen
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to Railwaymen

Dated: September 7, 2017
The Chairman,Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to Railwaymen
Ref.: Meeting with the AM(Staff), Railway Board held on 04.08.2017

Please refer to our discussion held in
the chamber of AM(Staff), Railway Board, on the above subject matter on
4th August, 2017. All India Railwaymen's Federation(AIRF) has already
explained in detail its viewpoint in respect of calculation formula for
payment of PLB to Railwaymen.
You may recall that, PLB has been an outcome of the bilateral agreement
between Ministry of Railways and Staff Side Federations, which was
arrived at on 22.11.1979. The formula for calculation of PLB, that was
formulated as a result of above-mentioned agreement, is sacrosanct, on
the basis of which payment of PLB is being made to entitled railway
employees every year till last financial year.
AIRF is totally against any deviation in
the well settled formula devised to calculate PLB payable to railway
employees under the said agreement.
It is, therefore, urged that, payment of
PLB for financial year 2016-17 should be made on the basis of
established formula as mentioned above and there should not be any
effort to make any amendment in the same as also number of days,
calculated last year for payment of PLB, should not be reduced, else
this will lead to unwarranted impairment in industrial peace.
Source : AIRF