Ministry of Railways has issued a Circular rejecting NFIR’s request from exempting staff who are on the verge of retirement.
Ministry of Railways has issued a Circular regarding successful completion of promotional training should be mandatory before being promoted to a particular post.
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.
Sub: Successful completion of Promotional training – reiteration of instructions.
Reference Board’s letter No.E(MPP)99 /19 /l /5.3 dated 25.2.2002 (RBE No.25/2002) conveying Board’s decision that successful completion of promotional training should be mandatory before being promoted to a particular post.
The subject matter was discussed during PNM meeting with NFIR. During the interaction, it was pointed out that those staff, who are on the verge of retirement should be exempted from attending the promotional training.
Federation’s demand has been examined in detail in consultation with various training centres and it has been decided that instructions issued vide Board’s letter dated 25.2.2002 referred above be followed strictly. No exemptions are permissible.
No exemption from Training for employee in the verge of retirement
Railway Employees at the verge of retirement should NOT be exempted from attending the promotional training – Railway Board
Ministry of Railways has issued a Circular regarding successful completion of promotional training should be mandatory before being promoted to a particular post.
New Delhi, dated 26.l l.2015
The General Manager,All Indian Railways &
Production Units.
Sub: Successful completion of Promotional training – reiteration of instructions.
Reference Board’s letter No.E(MPP)99 /19 /l /5.3 dated 25.2.2002 (RBE No.25/2002) conveying Board’s decision that successful completion of promotional training should be mandatory before being promoted to a particular post.
The subject matter was discussed during PNM meeting with NFIR. During the interaction, it was pointed out that those staff, who are on the verge of retirement should be exempted from attending the promotional training.
Federation’s demand has been examined in detail in consultation with various training centres and it has been decided that instructions issued vide Board’s letter dated 25.2.2002 referred above be followed strictly. No exemptions are permissible.
(Anuradha Singh)
Director (MPP)
Railway Board
Download Railway Board Circular No.E(MPP)2015/3/28 dated 26.11.2015Director (MPP)
Railway Board