Sunday, December 16, 2012

List of Office Bearers of AIKVTA - KVS

List of Office Bearers of AIKVTA - KVS

18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeel Singh Marg,
New Delhi 110 602

Date 12-12-2012
The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices

Sub: Circulation of list of office bearers of AIKVTA — regarding.

I am to refer to the subject noted above and to inform you that the National Convention of AIKVTA was held on 08 and 9th December, 2012 at Kendriya Vidyalaya Masjid Moth to elect the office bearers and CEC members of AIKVTA
Accordingly, a list of elected office bearers of AIKVTA as submitted by the General Secretary, AIKVTA is forwarded herewith for your information.
You are requested to circulate the list among the Kendriya Vidyalayas under your jurisdiction.

Yours faithfuilly,
(Dr. E.Prabhakar)
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)

List of Office Bearers Elected in the 19th National Convention of AIKVTA held at KV Masjid Moth, New Delhi on 8th and 9th December, 2012.
PresidentBabu RajKV No.1 Calicut
Sr.Vice President(1)MB Aggarwal No.2 Jaipur
Sr.Vice President(2)Murli KrishnaNo.2 Shri Vijai Nagar
Gen. SecretaryVijeyesh PandeNo.1 Satna
Asstt. Gen. Secy (HQ)Susheel BabuNo.1 Manglore
Vice PresidentNishi AgarwalSikar
Vice PresidentSreenivasanHVF Avadi
Vice PresidentSR TiwariKhamaria Jabalpur
Vice PresidentSK SinghHFC Barauni
Vice PresidentCP SinghNo.1 AFS Gurgaon
Asstt. Gen. SecretaryNarayan LalNo.2 Colaba
Asstt. Gen. SecretaryKD SahooNo.2 Indore
Asstt. Gen. SecretaryKrishnanNo.2 Kozhikoda
Asstt. Gen. SecretarySM SinghKhagaria
Asstt. Gen. SecretaryAnil Kumar SharmaHisar
Asstt. Gen. SecretaryBP SinghGole Market
Secretary OrganisationRK ShrivastavaIVRI Bareilly
Secretary Press & PublicationKR ThakurNo.1 Faridabad
Secretary Public RelationRK SharmaNo.2 Agra
Secretary AcademicsAB DwivediBengdubi
Secretary WelfareMrs.Agnes JoseKochi
TreasurerVV SharmaNo.2 Chakeri Kanpur
Joint TreasurerSK JainNo.3 Delhi Cantt
Auditor 1KR RajurkarNo.1 GCF Jabalpur
Auditor 2Harzab SinghKV Ghaziabad



Direct Recruitment 
6.1  When direct recruitment is to be made for reserved as well as unreserved vacancies on any one occasion, a single advertisement should be issued specifying clearly therein the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs. 
6.2  While notifying the vacancies to the local or the regional employment exchange, a single requisition should be sent to the Employment Exchange for such reserved and unreserved vacancies. The number of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs out of the total vacancies notified should be clearly indicated in the requisition to the employment Exchange. The following certificate should also, be given in the requisition: 
"Certified that the number of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/OBCs/ex-servicemen/ Persons with Disabilities is in accordance with the reservation quota fixed by Government for these categories." 
6.3  If sufficient number of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates are not available or are not sponsored by the Employment Exchange for the reserved vacancies, the appointing authority should also intimate the reserved vacancies to the Director of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Welfare in the State/Union Territory concerned. 

6.4  The vacancies should also be brought to the notice of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled 
Tribe Organizations recognized by this Department for the purpose of notifying to them the vacancies. It may, however, be made clear to such organizations that their function is limited to advising the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates about the recruitment proposed and that it will not be for them to recommend or press the names of any individuals. The candidates should apply to the appointing authority either direct or through the Employment Exchange, as the case may be. 
6.5  Where sufficient number of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC are not available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them in direct recruitment, the vacancies should not be filled by candidates not belonging to these communities. In other words, there is a ban on dereservation of vacancies reserved for SCs, STs and OBCs in direct recruitment. 
6.6  If sufficient number of suitable SC/ST/OBC candidates are not available to fill up vacancies reserved for them in the first attempt of recruitment, a second attempt should be made for recruiting suitable candidates belonging to the concerned category in the same recruitment year or as early as possible before the next recruitment year to fill up these vacancies. If the required number of SC/ST/OBC candidates are not even then available, the vacancies which could not be filled up shall remain unfilled until the next recruitment year. These vacancies will be treated as "backlog vacancies." 
6.7  In the subsequent recruitment year when recruitment is made for the vacancies of that year (called the current vacancies), the backlog vacancies of SCs, STs and OBCs will also be announced for recruitment. While doing so, it may be kept in view that the vacancies of the particular recruitment year i.e. the current vacancies will be treated as one group and backlog vacancies of SCs, STs and OBCs as a separate and distinct group. Of the vacancies in the first group, not more than 50% of the vacancies shall be reserved. Vacancies in the second group i.e. all the backlog vacancies reserved for SCs, STs and OBCs will be filled up by the candidates belonging to category concerned without any restriction whatsoever as they belong to distinct group of backlog vacancies of SCs, STs and OBCs. 
6.8  Vacancies reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs which could not be filled up and are carried forward as backlog vacancies and remain unfilled in the following recruitment year also, will be carried forward as backlog vacancies for subsequent recruitment year(s) as long as these are not filled by candidates of the category for which these are reserved. 
6.9  In posts filled otherwise than through examination, normally six to seven candidates belonging to the community for which the post is reserved may be called for interview for each reserved vacancy, subject to availability of such candidates fulfilling the qualifications prescribed for the post. Where the response from the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class candidates is exceptionally good, the recruiting authority may, having regard to the merits of each case, call as many as 10 to 12 candidates of the respective category for each reserved vacancy for the purpose of interview/selection. 
6.10 In direct recruitment made otherwise than through examination and in direct recruitment made though examination followed by an interview, the interview of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled 
Tribe candidates should be held on a day or sitting of the Selection Committee other than the day or sitting on which general candidates are to be interviewed so that the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates are not judged in comparison with general candidates and the interviewing authority/Board is/are prominently aware of the need for judging the Scheduled Caste /Scheduled Tribe candidates by relaxed standards. 
Promotion by Selection 
6.11  In case of promotion by selection, selection against vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should be made only from among those Scheduled Caste /Scheduled Tribe officers who are within the normal zone of consideration. Where adequate number of SC/ST candidates are not available within the normal field of choice, it may be extended to 5 times the number of vacancies and the SC/ST candidates (and not any other candidates) coming within the extended field of choice should also be considered against the vacancies reserved for them. The following instructions will apply to the filling of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in such promotions: 
(i) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe officers who are within the normal zone of consideration shall be considered for promotion alongwith others and adjudged on the same basis as others and those Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe officers amongst them who are selected on that basis may be included in the general select list. If some of the SC/ST candidates so selected have been selected on their own merit in all respect and are so placed in the select list that their names fall within the number of unreserved vacancies, such candidates shall be adjusted against unreserved vacancies. 
(ii) If number of candidates from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes other than the candidates selected on their own merit who are adjusted against unreserved vacancies is less than the number of vacancies reserved for them, the difference should be made up by selecting candidates of these communities who are in the zone of consideration irrespective of merit but who are considered fit for promotion. 
(iii) If the number of SC/ST candidates found fit for promotion against reserved vacancies is still less than the number of vacancies reserved for them, the difference should be made up by selecting candidates of these communities who are in the extended zone of consideration irrespective of merit but who are considered fit for promotion. 
(iv)  A select list should then be prepared in which the names of all the selected officers, general as well as those belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, are arranged in the order of merit and seniority according to the general principles for promotion to selection posts. However, such of the SC/ST candidates who are in the extended field and get selected should en block be placed in the end by maintaining their inter se position in accordance with their gradation by the DPC. This select list should, thereafter, be followed for making promotions in vacancies as and when they arise during the year. 
Promotion by Non-Selection 
6.12 In case of promotion by non-selection, all Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates covered in the relevant seniority list within the total number of such vacancies against which the promotions are to be made, shall be considered in the order of their general seniority, and if they are not judged unfit, they shall be promoted. If the number of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates found fit within the range of actual vacancies is less than the number of vacancies reserved for them, additional Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates to the extent required shall be located by going down the seniority list, provided they are eligible and found fit for appointment. 
Note 1: In order to ensure proper implementation of reservation of vacancies for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotion, number of vacancies should be assessed as accurately as possible. Purely short term vacancies should not be taken into account for this purpose; nor should any addition be made to cover unforeseen vacancies. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the number of vacancies is not reduced. All clear vacancies arising due to death, retirement, resignation and long term promotion of incumbents from one post/grade to a higher post/ grade should be taken into account while fixing the number of vacancies and the number of reserved vacancies for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. 
Note 2: Since appointment to Selection Grade also constitutes promotion, the appropriate orders relating to reservation/concessions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotions, would apply to the appointment to the Selection Grade also. 
Note 3: While constituting the Departmental Promotion Committee, instructions regarding nomination of SC/ST officers on the DPC, as issued from time to time, should be followed. 
Steps To Be Taken in Case of Non-Availability of SC/ST Candidates for Promotion 
6.13 If sufficient number of SC/ST candidates fit for promotion against reserved vacancies are not available, such vacancies may be dereserved as per prescribed procedure and filled by candidates of other communities. 
6.14 If sufficient number of SC/ST candidates fit for promotion against reserved vacancies are not available and such vacancies can also not be dereserved for reasons like non-availability of candidates of other categories to fill up the posts etc., the vacancies shall not be filled and will remain unfilled and will be treated as "backlog vacancies". 
6.15 In the subsequent recruitment year when recruitment is made for the vacancies of that year (called the current vacancies), the backlog vacancies of SCs and STs will also be filled up, keeping the current vacancies and the backlog vacancies of SCs and STs as two distinct groups. 
Of the current vacancies, not more than 50% of the vacancies shall be reserved. However, all the backlog vacancies reserved for SCs and STs will be filled up by candidates belonging to the concerned category without any restriction whatsoever as they belong to distinct group of backlog vacancies. 
Diversion of Reserved Vacancies from Promotion Quota to Direct Recruitment 
6.16 Where recruitment to a grade is made both by promotion and direct recruitment i.e. where separate quota for promotion and direct recruitment are prescribed in the Recruitment Rules, reserved vacancies falling in the promotion quota which cannot be filled due to non- availability of eligible persons belonging to SC/ST in the feeder cadre may be temporarily diverted to the direct recruitment quota and filled by recruitment of candidates belonging to SC or ST, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions relating to direct recruitment contained in the Recruitment Rules. In the subsequent year(s) when reserved vacancies in the direct recruitment quota become available they may be diverted to the promotion quota to make up for the vacancies diverted earlier and filled from SC/ST candidates in the feeder cadre who might by then become eligible for promotion. This involves relaxation of the Recruitment Rules. The Ministries/Departments may themselves exercise the power of relaxation subject to approval 
of UPSC, wherever necessary. Safeguards against Supersession of SC/ST Candidates 
6.17 In posts filled by promotion (by selection or by non-selection) wherever the orders regarding reservation apply the following procedure should be observed by the appointing authorities, in regard to cases where eligible Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates, though available, are not appointed/selected for the reserved as well as unreserved vacancies: 
(a) In promotions to Group A and within Group A — Such cases should be submitted to the Minister/ Minister of State/Deputy Minister concerned, as the case may be.
(b) In promotion to Group B and within Group B — Such cases should be reported to the Minister/Minister of State/Deputy Minister concerned, as the case may be, within a period of one month of the finalisation of the select list.
(c) In promotion to and in Group C and within Group D — Such cases should be reported to the Head of the Department, if the appointing authority is lower than the level of the Head of the Department, and where the Head of the Department is himself the appointing authority, to the Secretary of the administrative Ministry/Department. 
6.18 In regard to promotions by selection from Group A post to a Group A post which carries an ultimate salary of Rs. 18,300 (pre-revised) or less, cases where the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates available within the number of vacancies for which the select list is drawn are not selected, should be submitted to the Minister / Minister of State / Deputy Minister concerned, as the case may be. 
Implementation of the Findings of DPC Kept in Sealed Cover 
6.19  According to the instruction contained in the Ministry of Home Affairs Office Memorandum No.39/3/59-Estt.(A) dated the 3I st  August, 1960, the findings of the Department Promotion Committee in respect of a person under suspension or against whom vigilance enquiries are pending are kept in sealed cover and a vacancy is kept reserved for him and is filled only on officiating basis till the finalization of the departmental proceedings. If the officer is completely exonerated and the charges levelled against him are proved to be wholly unjustified then he is promoted to the vacancy which had been filled on an officiating basis and which was reserved for him. In such cases, the junior most officer officiating in the grade i.e. the officer occupying the lowest position in the panel is reverted. Where such reversion becomes necessary, the reversions should be made in such a manner that the total number of SC/ST candidates in the cadre appointed by reservation is not reduced below the reservation prescribed for them. 
Source: www.persmin.nic.inAa



Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Shri.Balram Naik submitted as written reply to the questions regarding reservation quota in Lok Sabha on 10th December 2012 as follows...

As per Census, 2001, the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the country`s population is 16.2% and 8.2% respectively.

As per the information provided by the Department of Personnel and Training, the Hon`ble Supreme Court in the matter of Indra Sawhney Vs. Union of India observed that it is not possible to accept the theory of proportionate representation, though the proportion of population of Backward Classes to the total population would certainly be relevant and held that the power conferred by clause (4) of article 16 should be exercised in a fair manner and within reasonable limits so that reservation does not exceed 50%.

Clarification provided on reservation in promotion by the Minister in Lok Sabha.

Clarification provided on reservation in promotion by the Minister in Lok Sabha...
Minister of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Shri.V.Narayanasamy replied to a question in Lok Sabha on 12th December 2012 regarding the subject of reservation in promotion.
In his written reply, reservation is available to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at the rate of 15% and 7.5%, respectively, in all Groups viz. A, B, C (including erstwhile Group D posts) in case of promotion by non-selection method. In case of promotion by selection method, reservation is available in Group B, C and upto the lowest rung of Group A at the same rates. 

As regards senior posts of Secretary, Additional Secretary and Joint Secretary in the Central Ministries/ Departments, these posts are filled on deputation basis under the Central Staffing Scheme except the posts in the Ministry of External Affairs. Reservation does not apply to posts filled on deputation. The officers borrowed from various cadres including the State Cadres, who are empanelled to hold such posts and who give their option for deputation are appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme. Likewise, the posts of Director (not including the posts in Central Secretariat Service) are also filled under the Central Staffing Scheme. 
In case the empanelment does not lead to adequate representation to categories like SC/ST, women, particular State Cadres, North East, etc., the criteria for empanelment would be suitably relaxed to give due representations. For this purpose, adequacy of representation would mean the cumulative representation in four batches, i.e. current batch and immediately preceding 3 batches being less than 2/3rd of all India percentage of empanelment. The number of officers to be selected on this basis shall not exceed about 15% of the number included in the recommended list and these selections would follow the required process albeit with suitably relaxed norms. The relaxation is given in terms of Average Weighted Score obtained by an SC/ST officer in comparison to General Category Officers, if he/she is clear from vigilance angle. 
Instructions exist that in promotions by selection within Group A (Class I) carrying an ultimate salary of Rs.18, 300/- (pre-revised) per month or less, the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe officers, who are senior enough in the zone of consideration for promotion so as to be within the number of vacancies for which the select list has to be drawn, would be included in the list provided they are not considered unfit for promotion.

All Insurance Companies are selling their policies online - IRDA

All Insurance Companies are selling their policies online - IRDA

Online Sale of Insurance Policies

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) has informed that all Insurance Companies functioning in the country are selling their policies online except Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AICIL), Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation (ECGC), L&T General Insurance, Raheja QBE General Insurance, SBI General Insurance and Shriram General Insurance.

IRDA has informed that the likely benefits of purchasing policies online are as under:-

i. Availability of Lower Premium rates due to reduced operational expenses o the company,

ii. Quick and hassle free purchase of the policies,

iii. Policyholder may take an informed decision by liking into the products available online,

iv. Renewal of the policy becomes easier,

v. In case of a claim event, intimation may be given in a faster way than otherwise.

The manner of settlement of claims are as per Terms and Conditions of the Policy issued by the insurance companies.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri Namo Narain Meena in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.




Income Tax Refund

Processing of returns of income, including those with refund claim, is a continuous process. Statutory time limit to process returns of income is with reference to the financial year of their receipt. As per the Income Tax Act, 1961 returns received during the financial year can be processed upto one year from the end of the financial year in which the return is received. Therefore, returns for the accounting periods as F.Ys 2009-10 and 2010-11 if filed during F.Y. 2011-12 can be processed upto 31.03.2013.

Normally, after processing of return, the refund generated is used in due course. The timelines for processing of return of income are complied with as these are contained in the Income Tax Act and statutorily enforceable.

 The data for amount of refunds paid is maintained on all India basis and not region-wise. The all India data for refunds alongwith interest paid is tabulated as under:

(in Rs. crores)
4.2012-13*51908 (upto Oct. 2012) 
*figures are provisional

As the veracity and quantum of refund is determined on processing of the return of income (including matching of tax payment data), there may be variation between the refund allowed and the claim made in the return of income. Thus, data about number as well as amount of refund due to be paid is not maintainable.

Grievances or claims about refunds, if any, received are looked into by the Assessing Officers concerned and appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act is taken.

Various steps taken by the Department to expedite refunds are as under:
i) Promoting e-filing of the returns for speedy processing

ii) Issuance of refunds through Refund Banker

iii) Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) at Bengaluru has been set up to process e-returns.

iv) Through Citizens’ Charter and other press releases issued by the Department, tax payers are requested to carefully mention the relevant particulars in return of income.

v) TDS deductors are required to compulsory e-file their TDS returns on quarterly basis.

vi) Mandatory quoting of deductee PAN in the quarterly statement of TDS filed by the deductors.

vii) Facility of viewing the Tax Credit Statement in Form 26AS is made available to tax payers so that they can verify the TDS details before filing the return of income and take proper steps with the deductor(s) to rectify mistakes, if any.

viii) Online viewing of status of tax payers refund is available for better information dissemination.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri S.S. Palanimanickam in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.



Income Tax Refund

Processing of returns of income, including those with refund claim, is a continuous process. Statutory time limit to process returns of income is with reference to the financial year of their receipt. As per the Income Tax Act, 1961 returns received during the financial year can be processed upto one year from the end of the financial year in which the return is received. Therefore, returns for the accounting periods as F.Ys 2009-10 and 2010-11 if filed during F.Y. 2011-12 can be processed upto 31.03.2013.

Normally, after processing of return, the refund generated is used in due course. The timelines for processing of return of income are complied with as these are contained in the Income Tax Act and statutorily enforceable.

 The data for amount of refunds paid is maintained on all India basis and not region-wise. The all India data for refunds alongwith interest paid is tabulated as under:

(in Rs. crores)
4.2012-13*51908 (upto Oct. 2012) 
*figures are provisional

As the veracity and quantum of refund is determined on processing of the return of income (including matching of tax payment data), there may be variation between the refund allowed and the claim made in the return of income. Thus, data about number as well as amount of refund due to be paid is not maintainable.

Grievances or claims about refunds, if any, received are looked into by the Assessing Officers concerned and appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act is taken.

Various steps taken by the Department to expedite refunds are as under:
i) Promoting e-filing of the returns for speedy processing

ii) Issuance of refunds through Refund Banker

iii) Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) at Bengaluru has been set up to process e-returns.

iv) Through Citizens’ Charter and other press releases issued by the Department, tax payers are requested to carefully mention the relevant particulars in return of income.

v) TDS deductors are required to compulsory e-file their TDS returns on quarterly basis.

vi) Mandatory quoting of deductee PAN in the quarterly statement of TDS filed by the deductors.

vii) Facility of viewing the Tax Credit Statement in Form 26AS is made available to tax payers so that they can verify the TDS details before filing the return of income and take proper steps with the deductor(s) to rectify mistakes, if any.

viii) Online viewing of status of tax payers refund is available for better information dissemination.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri S.S. Palanimanickam in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.



Income Tax Refund

Processing of returns of income, including those with refund claim, is a continuous process. Statutory time limit to process returns of income is with reference to the financial year of their receipt. As per the Income Tax Act, 1961 returns received during the financial year can be processed upto one year from the end of the financial year in which the return is received. Therefore, returns for the accounting periods as F.Ys 2009-10 and 2010-11 if filed during F.Y. 2011-12 can be processed upto 31.03.2013.

Normally, after processing of return, the refund generated is used in due course. The timelines for processing of return of income are complied with as these are contained in the Income Tax Act and statutorily enforceable.

 The data for amount of refunds paid is maintained on all India basis and not region-wise. The all India data for refunds alongwith interest paid is tabulated as under:

(in Rs. crores)
4.2012-13*51908 (upto Oct. 2012) 
*figures are provisional

As the veracity and quantum of refund is determined on processing of the return of income (including matching of tax payment data), there may be variation between the refund allowed and the claim made in the return of income. Thus, data about number as well as amount of refund due to be paid is not maintainable.

Grievances or claims about refunds, if any, received are looked into by the Assessing Officers concerned and appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act is taken.

Various steps taken by the Department to expedite refunds are as under:
i) Promoting e-filing of the returns for speedy processing

ii) Issuance of refunds through Refund Banker

iii) Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) at Bengaluru has been set up to process e-returns.

iv) Through Citizens’ Charter and other press releases issued by the Department, tax payers are requested to carefully mention the relevant particulars in return of income.

v) TDS deductors are required to compulsory e-file their TDS returns on quarterly basis.

vi) Mandatory quoting of deductee PAN in the quarterly statement of TDS filed by the deductors.

vii) Facility of viewing the Tax Credit Statement in Form 26AS is made available to tax payers so that they can verify the TDS details before filing the return of income and take proper steps with the deductor(s) to rectify mistakes, if any.

viii) Online viewing of status of tax payers refund is available for better information dissemination.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri S.S. Palanimanickam in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.



Income Tax Refund

Processing of returns of income, including those with refund claim, is a continuous process. Statutory time limit to process returns of income is with reference to the financial year of their receipt. As per the Income Tax Act, 1961 returns received during the financial year can be processed upto one year from the end of the financial year in which the return is received. Therefore, returns for the accounting periods as F.Ys 2009-10 and 2010-11 if filed during F.Y. 2011-12 can be processed upto 31.03.2013.

Normally, after processing of return, the refund generated is used in due course. The timelines for processing of return of income are complied with as these are contained in the Income Tax Act and statutorily enforceable.

 The data for amount of refunds paid is maintained on all India basis and not region-wise. The all India data for refunds alongwith interest paid is tabulated as under:

(in Rs. crores)
4.2012-13*51908 (upto Oct. 2012) 
*figures are provisional

As the veracity and quantum of refund is determined on processing of the return of income (including matching of tax payment data), there may be variation between the refund allowed and the claim made in the return of income. Thus, data about number as well as amount of refund due to be paid is not maintainable.

Grievances or claims about refunds, if any, received are looked into by the Assessing Officers concerned and appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act is taken.

Various steps taken by the Department to expedite refunds are as under:
i) Promoting e-filing of the returns for speedy processing

ii) Issuance of refunds through Refund Banker

iii) Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) at Bengaluru has been set up to process e-returns.

iv) Through Citizens’ Charter and other press releases issued by the Department, tax payers are requested to carefully mention the relevant particulars in return of income.

v) TDS deductors are required to compulsory e-file their TDS returns on quarterly basis.

vi) Mandatory quoting of deductee PAN in the quarterly statement of TDS filed by the deductors.

vii) Facility of viewing the Tax Credit Statement in Form 26AS is made available to tax payers so that they can verify the TDS details before filing the return of income and take proper steps with the deductor(s) to rectify mistakes, if any.

viii) Online viewing of status of tax payers refund is available for better information dissemination.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri S.S. Palanimanickam in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.



Income Tax Refund

Processing of returns of income, including those with refund claim, is a continuous process. Statutory time limit to process returns of income is with reference to the financial year of their receipt. As per the Income Tax Act, 1961 returns received during the financial year can be processed upto one year from the end of the financial year in which the return is received. Therefore, returns for the accounting periods as F.Ys 2009-10 and 2010-11 if filed during F.Y. 2011-12 can be processed upto 31.03.2013.

Normally, after processing of return, the refund generated is used in due course. The timelines for processing of return of income are complied with as these are contained in the Income Tax Act and statutorily enforceable.

 The data for amount of refunds paid is maintained on all India basis and not region-wise. The all India data for refunds alongwith interest paid is tabulated as under:

(in Rs. crores)
4.2012-13*51908 (upto Oct. 2012) 
*figures are provisional

As the veracity and quantum of refund is determined on processing of the return of income (including matching of tax payment data), there may be variation between the refund allowed and the claim made in the return of income. Thus, data about number as well as amount of refund due to be paid is not maintainable.

Grievances or claims about refunds, if any, received are looked into by the Assessing Officers concerned and appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act is taken.

Various steps taken by the Department to expedite refunds are as under:
i) Promoting e-filing of the returns for speedy processing

ii) Issuance of refunds through Refund Banker

iii) Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) at Bengaluru has been set up to process e-returns.

iv) Through Citizens’ Charter and other press releases issued by the Department, tax payers are requested to carefully mention the relevant particulars in return of income.

v) TDS deductors are required to compulsory e-file their TDS returns on quarterly basis.

vi) Mandatory quoting of deductee PAN in the quarterly statement of TDS filed by the deductors.

vii) Facility of viewing the Tax Credit Statement in Form 26AS is made available to tax payers so that they can verify the TDS details before filing the return of income and take proper steps with the deductor(s) to rectify mistakes, if any.

viii) Online viewing of status of tax payers refund is available for better information dissemination.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri S.S. Palanimanickam in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.



Income Tax Refund

Processing of returns of income, including those with refund claim, is a continuous process. Statutory time limit to process returns of income is with reference to the financial year of their receipt. As per the Income Tax Act, 1961 returns received during the financial year can be processed upto one year from the end of the financial year in which the return is received. Therefore, returns for the accounting periods as F.Ys 2009-10 and 2010-11 if filed during F.Y. 2011-12 can be processed upto 31.03.2013.

Normally, after processing of return, the refund generated is used in due course. The timelines for processing of return of income are complied with as these are contained in the Income Tax Act and statutorily enforceable.

 The data for amount of refunds paid is maintained on all India basis and not region-wise. The all India data for refunds alongwith interest paid is tabulated as under:

(in Rs. crores)
4.2012-13*51908 (upto Oct. 2012) 
*figures are provisional

As the veracity and quantum of refund is determined on processing of the return of income (including matching of tax payment data), there may be variation between the refund allowed and the claim made in the return of income. Thus, data about number as well as amount of refund due to be paid is not maintainable.

Grievances or claims about refunds, if any, received are looked into by the Assessing Officers concerned and appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act is taken.

Various steps taken by the Department to expedite refunds are as under:
i) Promoting e-filing of the returns for speedy processing

ii) Issuance of refunds through Refund Banker

iii) Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) at Bengaluru has been set up to process e-returns.

iv) Through Citizens’ Charter and other press releases issued by the Department, tax payers are requested to carefully mention the relevant particulars in return of income.

v) TDS deductors are required to compulsory e-file their TDS returns on quarterly basis.

vi) Mandatory quoting of deductee PAN in the quarterly statement of TDS filed by the deductors.

vii) Facility of viewing the Tax Credit Statement in Form 26AS is made available to tax payers so that they can verify the TDS details before filing the return of income and take proper steps with the deductor(s) to rectify mistakes, if any.

viii) Online viewing of status of tax payers refund is available for better information dissemination.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Finance, Shri S.S. Palanimanickam in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.

Ban on new recruitment in Central Government Departments..!

Ban on new recruitment in Central Government Departments..!

Any ban order on recruitment in Central Government Services..?

Important reply as clarification by the concerned Ministry was submitted in the Parliament on 12.12.2012.

The Minister of Dopt has given reply to a question in Lok Sabha regarding the ban on new recruitment in Central Government Departments on 12th December 2012.

The Minister said that there is no ban on recruitment in Central Government. And the all Ministries and Departments concerned are required to fill up the vacancies within the framework of existing instructions and rules keeping in view functional requirement of the posts.

Revision of PPO in respect of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners - Minutes of the meeting held on 21.11.2012

Minutes of the meeting held on 21st November, 2012 regarding Revision of PPO in respect of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners


A meeting was held on 21st November, 2012 at 09:45 AM in the Conference Room, 5th Floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Shri Sanjay Kothari, Secretary (Pension, AR&PG) with the officials of 15 Departments/Ministries having maximum number of unrevised Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) pertaining to pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners under the CPAO network and Ministry of Railway, D/o Ex-servicemen Welfare, D/o Posts and D/o Telecommunications. The objective of this meeting was to review the progress made by these Ministries/Departments in the revision of PPOs in respect of pre-2006 pensioners.

2. The list of participants is at Annexure.

3. In the Opening address, Secretary (Pension, AR & PG) shared the steps taken since the last meeting with these Ministries/Departments held on 28 August, 2012. It was informed that instructions regarding use of 7 documents indicated in respect of grant of enhanced pension/family pension on attaining the age of 80 years and above have been made applicable for determining the date of birth of spouse at the time of revision of PPO.

He added that the instructions regarding change of date of birth of spouse have also been issued and use of e-scroll given by banks has been allowed in addition to Annexure-III. Secretary expressed his concern that most of the pensioners are unaware of the fact that not only revision of amount of pension by banks is to be done, the PPOs have also to be simultaneously revised. The Chief Controller (Pension) informed that about 75% of the PPOs related to civil pensioners have been revised and it is apprehended that there may be many inoperative PPOs in the remaining lot. She also expressed her concern that in many cases pension might have been fixed on the higher side and there may be issue of recovery of excess pension involved in the revision of these PPOs.

4. Thereafter, Ministry-wise review was taken up starting with Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). The representative of MHA informed that JS (Admin) has been taking regular meetings to review the progress. He informed that a large number of pre-1990 PPOs pertaining to Assam Rifles are in respect of Nepalese citizens and persons residing in the North-East. The system of de-centralized Record-keeping has made it more difficult to revise PPOs of these pensioners. The MHA informed that they have issued an advertisement for awareness of pensioners.

Secretary (Pension) suggested that MHA may consider issuing another advertisement, encourage the pensioners residing in North-East to form pensioners' group and organize intensive camps and workshop during the next four months. Department of Pension and PW may provide financial assistant to these group if
suitable proposals were received. In order to prevent such delays in future Pay Commissions, Secretary (Pension) also suggested that original records of the employee may be handed over to him in bound form at the time of his/her retirement as per instant rules.

5. D/o Urban Development reassured that they will meet the target set for December 2012. Central Board of Excise and Customs informed that a large number of PPOs are in the pipeline and as on date only 3000 pre-2006 and 7800 pre-1990 cases were pending. The D/o Atomic Energy informed that they are segregating pre-1990 cases from pre-2006 cases with the help of CPAO and will be able to adhere to the timelines fixed. M/o Water Resources informed that the Secretary (Pension)'s DO letter to Secretary (Water
Resources) has helped in putting in place a proper monitoring system for revision of PPOs.

It was further added that engagement of four consultants for this purpose has a positive impact on the work. Similarly, Ministry of Coal informed that they have a proper monitoring system in place and have engaged two consultants. They are hopeful that theyneed not be called in the next meeting as their pendency would go down substantially.

Ministry of Science & Technology informed that owing to shifting of some of their offices in the past, they were facing the problem of locating pensioners' records. They informed that they would sort out the problem soon. The figures of All India Radio did not reconcile with those ofCPAO. It was pointed out by CPAO's office that progress in Prasar Bharati is slow. Secretary (Pension) desired to write a d.o. letter to the Chairman, Prasar Bharati. Ministry of Mines was requested to reconcile the figures with the CPAO and meet the targets set for December, 2012 and March, 2013.

6. No one from the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Health and Ministry of Civil Aviation were present. It was decided to write DO letters to the Secretary/Chairman concerned from Secretary (Pension).

7. Department of Telecommunications informed that out of 2.41 lakh pre-2006 cases, only 2600 are pending, most of which belong to the erstwhile Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited. Department of Posts informed that out of 1.8 lakh pre-2006 cases, about 52,000 are pending. They assured to complete the task by February, 2013. Department of Exservicemen Welfare informed that out of 15.5 lakh cases, they have revised 5.81 lakh PPOs. Every month, they had devised to 40,000 cases. They informed that owing to change in the amount of pension, most of the PPOs would have to be revised again.

Secretary (Pension) suggested that in the meantime basic information requiredfor revision of PPOs may be collected and kept ready for immediate use after the re-fixation of pension is over and PPOs are ready to be revised again. He expressed his concern that a number of representations about PCDA, Allahabad are being received. He desired to write a D.O. letter to Secretary, Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare in this regard.

8. As the Banks were at times sending Annexure III twice/thrice for the same individual, which counted towards the total numbers whereas in many cases Annexure-III are not received, it was felt that a meeting of the Banks may be called in second half of December, 2012. After looking into the availability and utility of e-scrolls of such pensioners for revision of their PPOs, CPAO and Ministries/Departments will provide inputs to the Department of Pension &PW for setting the agenda of the meeting.

9. Secretary (Pension, AR & PG) expressed his satisfaction about the progress made so far. He assured the participants that any assistance that is needed will be considered positively in the Department of Pension & PW.

10. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Appointment against 30% DE quota vacancies in LDC grade of CSCS - Dopt orders

Lower Division Grade Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff 2012 held by Staff Selection Commission - allocation of qualified candidates - regarding.

Most Immediate

No. 13/3/2011-CS.II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi,
Dated the 14th December , 2012


Subject: Lower Division Grade Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff 2012 held by Staff Selection Commission - allocation of qualified candidates - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that the final result of Lower Division Grade Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff 2012, which was held on 25.03.2012, has been declared by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for appointment against the 30% DE quota vacancies in LDC grade of CSCS. SSC has allocated 16 qualified candidates to this Department for appointment as LDC (03 SC & 01 ST candidates have qualified on own merit). Nominations of 16 candidates are made against the Select list Year 2012 on the basis of the Lower Division Grade Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff 2012 as indicated in the Annexure to this O.M.

2. The dossiers of the candidates are forwarded herewith and these should he retained on their appointment in the Ministry / Department as part of their personal files. The candidates mentioned in the Annexure have not been medically examined and as such, they should be got medically examined by the prescribed competent authority, if deemed necessary.

3. The cadres may first verify the eligibility of the candidate(s) including the condition that he/she belongs to an office participating in CSCS.

4. The candidates mentioned in the Annexure shall have to pass, if they have not already passed. one of the periodical type-writing tests in English or Hindi held by the Staff Selection Commission at a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi from Department of Official Language under the Hindi Teaching Scheme as provided in DOP&T O.M. No. 16/4/99-CS.II dated 29.5.1990 within a period of one year from the date of appointment, failing which no annual increments shall be allowed to them until they have passed the said test. If they do not pass the typewriting test within the period of probation, they shall be liable to be reverted to their substantive post. The candidates who had already passed the typewriting test prior to their appointment be granted the increment asper the relevant rules/instructions.

5. Offer of appointment may kindly be made to the candidate in order of merit as indicated. Copies of offer of appointment issued to them may please be forwarded to this Department as also to the Staff Selection Commission. The date(s) of their joining the post of LDC may also please be intimated to this Department as soon as possible under intimation to the Commission. If any candidate declines to accept the offer of appointment, the same may be cancelled and his/her dossier may be returned directly to the Staff Selection Commission keeping copies of all correspondence made with the candidates under intimation to this Department.

6. The persons when appointed may be given compulsory training (including basic computer skills) within one year of their joining service in convenient batches as laid down in this Department’s O.M. No. 20/23/88-CS.II) dated 13th March. 1989.

7. The seniority of these candidates is to be fixed in accordance with the sub paragraph(s) of sub rule 3 of Rule 17 under the Head II LD Grade of CSCS Rules, 1962.

8. Receipt of the O.M. together with its enclosures may please be acknowledged.

Encl (Dossiers).

(Kamehwar Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India


Clarification on granting entry grade of Rs.5000-8000 to Diploma Engineers as per 5th CPC in BRO

Clarification on granting entry grade of Rs.5000-8000 to Diploma Engineers as per 5th CPC in BRO.

Pay scale of diploma engineers in BRO

In the Lok Sabha Defence Minister replied to a question about the pay scale of diploma engineers in Border Roads Organisation on 12th December 2012.

The Fifth Central Pay Commission (CPC) in Chapter 87 of its report made specific recommendations in respect of officers and staff of Border Roads Organisation (BRO). However, there was no specific recommendation for upgradation of pay scale for diploma holder engineers of BRO. All the specific recommendations made by the 5th CPC in respect of BRO staff as accepted by the Government have already been implemented. There is therefore no question of any arrears being pending for payment to diploma holder engineers.

The Sixth CPC recommended for upgradation and merger of the post of Overseer with promotional post of Superintendent BR-II and grant of pre-revised scale of Rs.5000-8000/- to the combined cadre retrospectively w.e.f. 1.1.1996 at least for the purpose of fixation of pay. Accordingly the benefit of notional fixation of pay in the pre-revised scale of Rs.5000-8000 w.e.f. 1.1.1996 and actual benefit of arrears w.e.f. 1.1.2006 has been granted to the diploma holder engineers of BRO.

Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government - Clarification


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi, the 14th December , 2012


Subject : Special concessions/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control of Central Government - Clarification.

The undersigned is directed to refer to DOPT OM No.18016/3/2011-Estt.(L) dated 27.6.2012 extending the Special concession/facilities to Central Government Employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/ subordinate offices or PSUs falling under the control or Central Government for the period with effect from 1.1.2012 to 31.12.2012 and to say that this Department has been receiving references seeking clarifications.

The doubts raised are clarified as under:-

1. Whether those employees who are posted in Kashmir Valley (comprising of 10 districts) are eligible to draw HRA at the rate of 30% for the period of posting when they are transferred from Delhi or any other 'X' class city?
As regards to quantum of additional HRA, it is clarified that applicability of above referred OM is not linked to previous place of posting where the officer posted to Kashmir Valley chooses to retain his family nor it is linked to any other place where he chooses to move his family. It is uniformly admissible @ of HRA applicable for Class 'Y' city only for employees who exercise the option to move their families to a selected place of their choice in India.

2. Whether it is applicable for those staff also who have been appointed on Zonal basis in Kashmir Valley and do not have all India transfer liability?
The package of special concession for Central Government employees working in Kashmir Valley confirms its uniform applicability to all Central Government employees without making any distinction as regards their mode of appointment i.e. whether it is on Zonal basis or whether such appointment entails all India posting liability or whether such duty posts are in non-family stations. As such, special concession is available to all Central Government employees/PSU under the Government of India posted in Kashmir Valley.

2. Hindi version will follow.

(S.  G. Mulchandaney)
Under Secretary to Govt. of India


Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) Regulations, 2010 - regarding

Most Immediate
No. 13/7/2011-CS.II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi,
Dated the 12/13th December , 2012


Subject : Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) Regulations, 2010 - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Staff Selection's letter No. 10/4/2012-P&P-II dated 06.12.2012 on the subject mentioned above and to request that the vacancy position for Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff, 2013 (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) may be calculated as per the provisions of CSCS Rules, 1962, as amended on 08.11.2010. The total number of vacancies falling under DR Quota that are to be abolished in terms of instructions contained in this Department's O.M. No. 9/2/2003-CS-II dated 20.04.2005 may also be shown against relevant column in the proforma for the sake of filling up of the vacancies against reserved slots.

2. Cadre Units are requested to intimate the vacancy position for Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group 'C' Staff 2013, (Grade Pay of Rs.1800) to this Department in the enclosed prescribed proforma urgently.

(Kameshwar Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Click here to view the Certificate from Cadre Controlling Authority
Source :

Deputation of Service Officers in Armed Forces - 5th CPC Recommendations

Deputation of Service Officers in Armed Forces - 5th CPC Recommendations


Defence Minister Shri.A.K.Antony laid down a written reply to the questions asked by the Hon'ble Member of Parliament on 10th December 2012. The questions and answers are as follows...

Whether there is any recommendation in the Fifth Central Pay Commission which necessitates the Army officer working in institutions along with civilian officers to get repatriated to Army and the vacancies so created would be filled by the civilian officials..?

While suggesting that Armed Forces may conduct a review of the strength of Service Officers on deputation and permanent secondment to other organizations, the Fifth Central Pay Commission had expressed the view that through progressive civilianization of those organizations, service officers could be withdrawn from them and deployed within the Armed Forces to overcome the shortages. Names of such institutions were not specified by the Fifth Central Pay Commission.

Whether the Government has issued any order to this effect..?
No, as the aforesaid suggestion of the Fifth Pay Commission was not accepted by the Government.

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