Sunday, September 15, 2013

Railways: Re-engagement of retired staff on daily remuneration basis

Railways: Re-engagement of retired staff on daily remuneration basis


New Delhi, dated 12.09.2013
The General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways/PUs

Sub: Re-engagement of retired staff on daily remuneration basis in exigencies of services.

Attention is invited to this Ministry's letter of even number dated 27.9.2012 (RBE No. 109/2012) on the above subject. Keeping in view the acute shortage of staff in various categories of posts and consequent hampering of the Railway's services, Ministry of Railways (Railway Borad) have decided to extend the said scheme, in exigencies of services, for a further period of one year, i.e., up to 14.09.2014, under the same terms & conditions as mentioned in the letter ibid. While implementing the scheme, General Managers may keep in view the fresh recruitment made in the vacant posts.

This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).

(Harsha Dass)
Director Estt. (N)II
Railway Board
Source: NFIR

Grant of Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to Employees.

Grant of Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to Employees.
Dated: 13/09/2013

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Grant of Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to employees - reg.

Ref:    (i) Record Note of discussion in the Joint committee held on 15th March 2011 and 27th July 2012 on MACPS.
(ii) NFIR's letter No.IV/MACPS/09/Pt.7 dated 04/07/2013.

(iii)  NFIR's letter No.IV/MACPS/09/Pt.7 dated 06/07/2013.

In this connection, NFIR wishes to convey to the Railway Board that  the contention of the Federation for granting benefit of financial upgradation under MACPS in the promotional hierarchy has been ordered not only by the CAT (OA No.1038/CH/2010) but has also been upheld by the High  court (CWP No.19387 of 2011) and the supreme court (sLP No.CC 7467/2013).

Federation,  therefore, requests the Railway Board to issue necessary instructions early to avoid sufferings of staff. A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to NFIR.

Yours faithfully,

General Secretary

Source: NFIR

Trade Union Membership verification by the officials of Chief Labour Commissioner

Trade Union Membership verification by the officials of Chief Labour Commissioner

No. IV/NFIR/VMS/2011
Dated: 14/09/2013
The General Secretaries of
Afliliated  Unions of  NFIR

Dear Brother,

Sub:  Trade Union  Membership  verification  by  the  officials  of  Chief  Labour Commissioner (Central), Government of India,  New Delhi.

You are aware that the Officials of Minister of Labour, Government of India, will be verifying the claimed membership of various Trade Unions for the year 2011 for finalizing the verified membership of each central trade union at national level.

It is reported that the Officials of Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) have already started work in this direction. All  the NFIR affiliated Unions should get ready to ensure that their claimed membership is accepted as verified membership by the Officials of RLC(Central) of the respective regions. In order to avoid default, affiliated Unions should meet the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) in their respective areas and show the copy of the annual return for the year 2011 already filed before Registrar of Trade Unions so that verification can go smoothly.

The Railway Unions of Contract Labour, Lincensed Porters etc. may also be got verified for the purpose of proof of verified membership.

Any laxity on the part of affiliated Unions would result in set back to the position of NFIR and INTUC and hence NFIR urges upon the affiliated Unions to treat this issue as most important and act accordingly.

Yours fraternally

General Secretary

Source: NFIR



Dated: 14/09/2013

No. I/10
The General Secretaries of Affiliated Unions of NFIR

Dear Brother,

Sub: Payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to Railwaymen.

In the wake of attempts to reduce the Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) by Railway Board, the affiliates are directed to launch protests in the form of mass rallies and demonstrations on 16 any such move. The cadre of NFIR should plunge into the field and generate awareness among employees to fight in the event of Railway Board's adamant attitude to reduce the number of days of wages towards Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB). During the year 2012-13 Indian Railways has moved over one Billion Tonnes of freight while operating ratio was 88.8%. Hence there is no question of reducing the Bonus amount.

The President and General Secretary of NFIR have been invited by Railway Board for a meeting on 16th September, 2013 (Monday). NFIR has decided to convey our protest in the meeting.

All the affiliates of NFIR are therefore advised to mobilize Rail Workforce for massive protest rallies and demonstrations all over Indian Railways from Establishment level to Zonal level and also in all the Production Units and Workshops etc.,

Yours fraternally
General Secretary

Source: NFIR

Issue of Hearing Aid prescribed for ECHS Members: Amendment to Policy Central Organisation, ECHS

Issue of Hearing Aid prescribed for ECHS Members: Amendment to Policy  Central Organisation, ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
 Integrated Headquarters of
 Ministry of Defence (Army)
Maude Lines
 New Delhi – 110010
29 Aug 2013



1, Refer following of Central Org ECHS letters:-
 (a) B/49773/AG/ECHS dated 05 Apr 2004.
 (b) B/49770/AG/ECHS/HA dated 30 Aug 2006.
 (c) B/49761/AG/ECHS/Policy dated 01 Apr 2013.

2. As per letter as 1 (a) above the following Med Eqpts are authorized for issue to ECHS members:-
 (a) Hearing Aids.
 (b) Artificial Limbs / Appliances.
 (c) Glucometers and Nebulisers.
 (d) CIPAP / BIPAP Machines.
 (e) Spectacles.

3. The competent Financial Authority for purchase of all a/m Med Eqpts is the Station Cdr as per letter as para 1 (a). For all Regional Centres where medical claims are being processed ‘on line’ w.e.f 01 Apr 2013, CFA has been redesignated as per letter at para 1 (c). All such claims will be processed physically by Polyclinics and Regional Centres and not “On line” as was being done hither-to-fore.

4. Para 6(a) of this office letter No. B/49770/AG/ECHS/HA dated 30 Aug 2006 is amended as under for Body worn/Pocket type/Analogue BTE hearing aids.

    For - “Recommendation for Hearing Aids will be acceptable ONLY from a Service ENT Specialist”
Read - “Recommendation for Hearing Aids will be acceptable from Service ENT Specialist / ENT Specialist of Govt Hospitals.”

 (Vijay Anand)
 Dir (Med)
 for MD

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