Monday, April 29, 2019

Switch to electric cars for hired vehicles in Secretariats - Ministers - Government department of India located in Delhi

Switch over form petrol and diesel vehicles to electrical vehicles for hired vehicles in Secretariats/Attached officer of Ministries and Department of Government of India located in Delhi
F.No. 25(7)/E.Coord./2017
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E-Coord Section
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 22nd December, 2018

Subject: Switch over form petrol and diesel vehicles to electrical vehicles for hired vehicles in Secretariats/Attached officer of Ministries and Department of Government of India located in Delhi

Keeping in view the policy thrust of the Government that by 2030 30% of the total vehicle flect in the country will be electrical for the reason of its being environmental friendly cost effective and substitute for fossil fuels Ministries/ Departments are encouraged to switch over to electrical mobility from petrol and diesel cars in respect of vehicles taken on lease/hire for official purpose.

Accordingly, all the Ministries/ Departments may aim at replacing the petrol and diesel cars hired by Ministries/ Department in their Secretariats and attached officers (located in Delhi) through contractors by electric cars for mobility in Delhi. In cases where existing contracts for hiring of petrol/ diesel vehicles have come to an and, Ministry/ Departments may Consider fresh contract for hiring electric vehicles.

To facilitate Ministry/ Departments a framework of the draft agreement which the Ministry/ Departments may adopt for entering into contract for lease/ hiring of electric vehicles is annexed. Ministry/ Departments are at liberty to amend the conditions of the agreement as per the type of lease/ hiring (Wet or Dry) entered into with the service provide.
(Annie George Mathew)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India

Defence - Payment of Highly Active Field Area Allowance

Defence - Payment of Highly Active Field Area Allowance

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, dated 8th March, 2019.
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject: Notification of Highly Active Field Areas.

I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 26th February, 2018 on the above subject and to convey the approval of the competent authority to the payment of Highly Active Field Area Allowance for the areas as specified in Appendix to this Ministry letter No f(3)/2000/D (Pay/Service) Dated 18th Sept 2017.

2. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide MoD (Fin) ID No. 5(19)/2001-AG/PA-Voll.II dated 6.3.2019
Yours faithfully
(Arun Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India



Postal Life Insurance
Postal life insurance was introduced on 1-2-1884 as a welfare measure for the benefit of Postal employees and now the scheme covers the employees of the following organizations :-

Eligibility for P.L.I.
(i) Central Government employees.
(ii) State Government employees.
(iii) Employees of Railways.
(iv) Employees of Defence – Armed Forces Personnel and civilians.
(v) Extra-Departmental Agents of P&T Department.
(vi) Industrial and workcharged employees of the P&T Department. All permanent and temporary employees with three years’ service of the following establishments :-
(vii) Local Fund/local bodies.
(viii) Universities established by Government.
(ix) Government aided educational institutions.
(x) Kendriya Vidyalayas.
(xi) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
(xii) Indian Standards Institution.
(xiii) Medical Council of India
(xiv) Dental Council of India.
(xv) Nursing Council of India.
(xvi) Pharmacy Council of India.
(xvii) Provident Fund Organisation.
(xviii) Indian council of Agricultural Research and its subordinate organizations.
(xix) Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee.
(xx) Reserve Bank of India.
(xxi) State Bank of India and its subsidiaries.
(xxii) Nationalised Banks.
(xxiii) Five Central Financial Institutions i.e. :
(a) Industrial Development Bank of India
(b) Industrial Finance Corporation of India.
(c) Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India.
(d) Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India.
(e) Unit Trust of India.
(xxiv) Employees State Insurance Corporation.
(xxv) Khadi and Village Industries Commission
The following types of policies are issued by the P.D.I.F. :

(i) Whole Life Assurance :
Premium has to be paid monthly until the person reaches the age of 50, 55, 58, 60 or 70 years. The full value with the bonus accrued will be paid to the nominee assigns/successor on the death of the insurant

(ii) Endowment Assurance :
Premium has to be paid monthly until the person attains the age of 30, 33, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 58 or 60. the full value with the bonus accrued will be paid to the insurant when the policy matures. In case of earlier death the full value with bonus accrued till the time of death will be paid to the nominee/assignee successor.

(iii) Convertible whole life assurance :
Premium is required to be paid monthly at the rate applicable to whole life policy with premium ceasing at the age of 70. For the first five years, there will be an option to convert it into Endowment policy maturing at the age of 50, 55, 58 or 60, by agreeing to pay appropriate enhanced premium, at the end of 5 year from the commencement.

(iv) Anticipated endowment assurance :
This plan has two terms viz. 15 year term and 20-year term. In the case of policy for 15 years 20% of the sum assured is paid to the insurant at the end of 6th, 9th & 12th years and the remaining 40% with bonus accrued at the end of 15 years. In the case of 20 year policy, 20% of the sum assured is paid to the insurant at the end of 8th 12th and 16th year and the remaining 40% of the sum assured with bonus accrued at the end of 20th year. In the event of death of the insurant during the currency of these policies, the full amount assured with the bonus accrued will be paid to the Nominee/ assignee/ successor irrespective of the amounts already paid as survival benefits. (See Tables IV). The maximum age limit for a 15-year policy is 45 years and 40 years for 20-year policy.
Eligible persons may insure for a sum not less than Rs. 100/- and not more than Rs. 100000 in the cases 3(i) (ii) & (iii) above, and a minimum of Rs. 5,000/- and a maximum of Rs.1,00,000 in case of 3(iv) above.

P.L.I. offers the following special facilities :-

Lower premiums. - PLI premiums are lower. Extra premiums are not charged from Defense personnel, for war/aviation/high sea risk. Rebate at the rate of 5 paise per month per thousand is allowed on policies of Rs. 20,000/- and above. Rebate of 2 percent is admissible if premium for a year is paid in advance in cash.

Premium can be deducted at source from salary every month. The optional facility of payment of premiums in cash at the post office is also available. Premium Receipt Book is issued when premia are paid in cash.

Special concessions for payment of premiums to the insurants affected, by natural calamities.
There is provision for payment of premium by cheque when the amount is Rs.20/- and above.

INCOME TAX REBATE. - PLI premiums are eligible for income tax rebate, under section 80-C of I.T. Act.

Loans can be obtained easily against PLI policies and repayment of principal before maturity is optional.

Whole life policy can be converted into an Endowment Policy.

Non-medical policies are also issued for those below 28 years of age under certain conditions.

Exemption from Stamp Duty.- PLI policies and loan bonds are exempt from stamp duty.
All PLI policies are with profit policies.

Nominations. - Facility of nomination and assignment is available at no extra cost.

Higher Bonus. - PLI gives higher bonus. The latest rates of bonus on postal life insurance policies declared for the valuation period 1978 – 81 are as under :-

(i) Endowment Policies Rs. 35.00 (Per thousand of sum assured per Bonus is paid on paid up policies also annum.)
(ii) Whole Life Policies Rs. 44.00 (Per thousand of sum assured per Bonus is paid on paid up policies also annum.)

Credit is admitted on production of disbursing officer’s certificate.

Exemption from production of succession certificate in hard cases.

Payments for claims are made from the nearest Post Office.

Proposal forms for effecting insurance are available at departmental Post Offices. The forms should be filled in by the proposer in the presence of his immediate superior Development Officer who will then affix his signature at the proper place. After the Principal Record Officer/immediate superior furnishes the required certificates on the proposal form, the same will be made available to the nearest Government Medical Officer, authorized private medical practitioner. The Medical Officer, will after examination of the proposer will furnish the required certificates, to the P.M.G. for acceptance of the proposal in this regard.

Rates of Premia. - The tables of premium for all the four types of policies are furnished at the end of this Section.

Manner of realizing premia. 
(i) The first premium should be paid in cash in the Post office selected by the proposer on or before the date intimated by the P.M.G. who accepts the proposal.

(ii) Subsequent premia can also be paid in cash in any post office selected by the insurant on or before 21st of every month, in case the insurant has exercised option to pay the premium in cash. In that case he will be issued a premium receipt book in which entries relating to the payment of each premium shall be made. Alternately, the premia can be recovered from the pay of the insurant. In such cases the premium for the month is recovered from the pay of the previous month (i.e. premia for February is recovered from the pay for January) and it will be the responsibility of the insurant to ensure that the premia are regularly recovered and credited to P.O.I.F by his premia are regularly recovered and credited to P.O.I.F. by his employer every month. Until recovery from pay commences premia should continue to be paid in cash at the Post Office.

(iii) In case of any insurant whose premium is recovered from pay, ceasing to be an employee of the organization which made him eligible for PLI and does not join any other organization of this nature as an employee for any reason, after the insurance has been effected, he should pay further premia in cash at a post office selected by him. He should inform the PMG about the change and request for issue of a Premium Receipt Book.

Conversion. - Alteration of policy terms, reduction, discontinuance or commutation of premiums are permissible under certain conditions. Details can be ascertained from the P.M.G.

Revival of policies. - A policy becomes void, if any premium due on it remains unpaid. It can, however, be revised by the PMG at his discretion, if all the premia due with such fine as he may impose are paid and a medical certificate of continued good health is produced. An application for revival should be made to the PMG.

Loans. - Loans are granted on the security of the policies, provided the policy has been in force for at least three years, in the case of endowment policies; and five years. In the case of whole life policies, applications for loans should be made to the PMG.

Surrender. - A policy may be surrendered for an immediate payment in cash, provided the policy is of not less than three years duration and is in force on the date of application.

Settlement of claim. - 1.(a) The face value of the policy together with the bonus accrued on it becomes payable either :
(i) on the insurant attaining the age specified in the policy, or
(ii) on the death of the insurant.
(b) In the former case, the sum assured alongwith the bonus accrued will be paid to the insurant on his applying for it in the prescribed proforma (see appendix) and enclosing the following documents alongwith the application: -

(1) Policy document or the loan repayment book if a loan was taken.

(2) Premium receipt Book, in case premia was paid in cash.

(3) Certificate from the pay disbursing authority showing the recoveries of the last 6 instalment of premia, in case premium was paid through recovery from the pay of the insurant. The application with the documents should be submitted immediately after paying the last premium to the Postmaster General.

(c) In the case of the death of the insurant, the sum assured and bonus accrued is payable to the nominee/assignee of the insurant. In the absence of the nomination or assignment on the policy, the total amount will be paid to the legal heir/successor on production of evidence to that effect. The claimant should apply in the prescribed proforma (see appendix) and forward it to the Postmaster General along with the following documents: -

(1) Policy document or loan repayment book, if a loan was taken on the policy.
(2) Certificate of death of insurant.
(3) Premium receipt Book, if premia were paid in cash or pay recovery certificate for the last 6 months if premia were recovered from the pay of the insurant.
(4) Legal evidence to show that the claimant is the successor/legal heir to the insurant, in case there is no nomination or assignment.

Bonus. - The rate of bonus for each type of policy is declared once in three years. The next valuation is due in 1984.

DoT - Alternate Digital KYC Process for issuing new mobile connections to subscribers

DoT - Alternate Digital KYC Process for issuing new mobile connections to subscribers

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
(Access Services Wing)
Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110 001

File No: 800-26/2016-AS.II
Dated: 03.04.2019
All CMTS/UASL/Unified Licensees (having Access Service Authorization) Licensees.

Subject: Instructions for Alternate Digital KYC Process for issuing new mobile connections to subscribers-regarding.

This is in continuation to this office letter of even number dated 06.11.2018 vide which instructions for Proof of Concept (PoC) for Alternate Digital KYC Process for issuing new mobile connections to subscribers were issued. After successful completion of PoC and based on the suggestions received from stakeholders, some changes have been introduced in the process and it has been decided by the competent authority to adopt the following Digital KYC Process for issuing new mobile connections to subscribers.

a. The entire process shall only be used through the authenticated applications (App) hosted by the Licensees.

b. The access of the App shall be controlled by the Licensees and it should be ensured that the same is not used by unauthorized persons. The App shall be accessed only through login-id & password controlled mechanism given by Licensees to its authorized Point of Sale (POS). If there are multiple agents working in PoS, then each PoS agent shall be registered with Licensee and be given a separate login-id & password for accessing the App.

c. The App shall be installed only on those POS device which are having SIM card (mobile number) registered with the Licensees.

d. The customer desirous of obtaining a new mobile connection shall visit the authorized POS location of the Licensee or vice-versa. The original Proof of Identity/Proof of Address (PolI/PoA) documents shall be in possession of the customer.

e. The Licensee must ensure that the Live photograph of the customer is taken at POS terminal and the same photograph is embedded in the CAF. Further, the system application of the Licensee shall put a water-mark in readable form having CAF number, GPS coordinates, POS name, unique POS Code (assigned by licensees) and Date (DD:MM:YYYY) & time stamp (HH:MM:SS) on the captured live photograph of the customer.

f. The App of the licensees shall have the feature that only live photograph of the customer is captured and no printed photograph of the customer is captured. The background behind the customer while capturing live photograph should be of white color and no other person shall come into the frame while capturing the live photograph of the customer.

g. Similarly, the live photograph of the original POI/POA documents (placed horizontally) shall be captured vertically from above and water-marking in readable form as mentioned above shall be done. No skew or tilt in the mobile device shall be there while capturing the live photograph of the original documents.

h. The live photograph of the customer and his/her original documents shall be captured in proper light so that they are clearly readable and identifiable.

i. Thereafter, all the entries in the CAF shall be filled as per the POI/POA documents and information furnished by the customer. In those POI/POA documents where QR code is available, such details can be auto-populated by scanning the QR code instead of manual filling the details. For example, in case of physical Aadhaar/e-Aadhaar downloaded from UIDAI where QR code is available, the details like name, gender, date of birth and address can be auto-populated by scanning the QR available on Aadhaar/e-Aadhaar.

j. Once the above mentioned process is completed, an One Time Password (OTP) message containing the text that ‘please verify the details filled in form before sharing OTP’ shall be sent to customer’s own alternate mobile number. Upon successful validation of the OTP, it will be treated as customer signature on CAF. However, if the customer does not have any own alternate mobile number, then mobile number of his/her family members/relatives/known persons may be used for this purpose and be clearly mentioned in CAF. In any case, the mobile number of POS registered with the Licensee shall not be used for customer signature. The Licensee must check that the mobile number used in customer signature shall not be the mobile number of the POS.

k. The POS shall provide a declaration about the capturing of the live photograph of customer and the original POI/POA documents. For this purpose, the POS shall be verified with One Time Password (OTP) which will be sent to his mobile number registered with the Licensee. Upon successful OTP validation, it shall be treated as POS signature on the declaration. The live photograph of the POS agent shall also be captured in this POS declaration.

l. Subsequent to all these activities, the application shall give information about the completion of the process and submission of activation request to activation officer of the Licensee, and also generate the transaction-id/reference-id number of the process. POS shall intimate the details regarding transaction-id/reference-id number to customer for future reference.

m. The authorized representative of the Licensee shall check and verify that:
(i) information available in the pictures of POI/POA documents is matching with the information entered by POS in CAF.
(ii) live photograph of the customer matches with the photo available in the POI/POA documents.
(iii) All of the necessary details in CAF including mandatory fields are filled properly.
n. On successful verification, the CAF shall be digitally signed by authorized representative of the Licensee. Only after this activity, the SIM card shall be activated and tele-verification as per the prevailing guidelines shall be done before final activation of the services. However, if the customer has given his own alternate mobile number, then tele-verification through the use of 5-digit OTP pin shall be done for activation of final services.

Only two mobile connections shall be provided per day by using any one of the POI/POA documents to a customer by a Licensee (including all POS in that LSA) using the above mentioned alternate digital KYC process. However, in case more than one connection is issued, the entire process as mentioned above shall be repeated for issuing each connection.

The above mentioned digital KYC process is an alternative process to the existing process of issuance of mobile connections to subscribers and shall also be applicable for outstation and foreign customers. The additional safeguards in prevailing guidelines in respect of outstation and foreign customers shall also be followed in the above mentioned digital KYC process. However, in case of outstation customer, as an alternate method, the verification of local reference may be done by sending an OTP on the mobile number of local reference submitted by customer and upon successful OTP validation only, the local reference may be treated as tele- verified.

The above mentioned alternate digital KYC process shall be implemented within a month from the date of issue of these instructions.

The existing instructions in general and particularly those issued vide letter No. 800-09/2010-VAS dated 09" August 2012 and all other instructions shall remain the same for issuing of mobile connections to new subscribers.
Prashant Verma
Assistant Director General (AS-II)
Source: DoT

Harmonization of the cadre structure of Medical Laboratory Staff of Indian Railways with those in Central Government Hospitals

Harmonization of the cadre structure of Medical Laboratory Staff of Indian Railways with those in Central Government Hospitals.


National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Dated: 22/04/2019
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Harmonization of the cadre structure of Medical Laboratory Staff of Indian Railways with those in Central Government Hospitals.

(i) Railway Board's letter No. E(NG) II2001/RR- 1/45 dated 22/05/2015.
(ii) NFIR's letter No. II/1/Part X dated 17/08/2015 & 05/11/20l5.
(iii) NFIR's letter No. II/1/Part XI dated 26/09/2016.
(iv) NFIR's letter No. IV/NFIR/7 CPC (Imp)/R.B./ 2016/Part I dated 10/07/2017 (S.N./ Item No.2).
(v) Railway Board's reply vide letter No. PC/VI/ 2016/I/5/1 Part dated 21/08/2017 .
(vi) NFIR's letter No. II/1/Part XII dated 22/09/2017.
(vii) Railway Board's letter No. PC VI/2016/ I/5/1 Part dated 30/11/2017 addressed to GS/ NIFIR.
(viii) NFIR's letter No. II/1/ Part XII dated 11/12/2017, letter No. II/1/2018 dated 25/04/2019 & 24/10/2018.

Responding to the communication received from Railway Board vide letter dated 30/11/2017 seeking views of the Federation on priority, NFIR vide its letter dated 11/12/2017 gave detailed justification for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations for introduction of revised cadre of Medical Laboratory Staff on Indian Railways and also suggested the Railway Board to convene a meeting. Subsequently, Federation has written letters dated 24/04/2018 and 24/10/2018 to Railway Board. There is however, no response from Railway Board.

In this connection, Federation reiterates that the inaction on the part of Board has been causing disappointment and frustration among the Laboratory Staff of Medical Department in Railways especially when some relief has been given through recommendation by 7th CPC. Federation further states that it is willing to discuss the subject in detail for reaching conclusion.

NFIR, once again urges upon the Railway Board to expedite action in the matter and apprise progress to this office soon.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

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