Monday, January 6, 2014

Expected DA from Jan 2014 - Additional DA from Jan 2014 likely to hike by 11%

Expected DA from Jan 2014 - Additional DA from Jan 2014 likely to hike by 11% 
The one more and another additional Dearness allowance to Central Government employees and Pensioners from Jan 2014 will be announced in the middle of March 2014. 
This is too early and predict the enhancement in percentage of Dearness allowance with effect from January 2014. The prediction and announcement of this hike make us cool, that the additional DA will jump to 101% and another word, an additional DA would be 11%. 

But, still we have to wait for one more month, that the magic number of AICPIN would be increased by 3% and more..! From the existing level of the AICPIN is now 243, if it becomes 246 in end of December 2013, out prediction will be right…or otherwise certainly we would cross century in total Dearness allowance… 
The table describes the prediction of additional DA from Jan 2014:

Month Year AICPIN (IW) BY 2001=100 Points Increasing in AICPIN  Total Average App. DA DA
Dec 2013 Expected 24632793232.75101.06101

Source :

Grant of financial upgradation under MACP scheme-wrongful clarification issued by Railway Board - NFIR Letter

Grant of financial upgradation under MACP scheme-wrongful clarification issued by Railway Board - NFIR Letter
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen


Dated: 03/01/2014

The Member Staff,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme - wrongful clarification issued by Railway Board - reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board's letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 13/12/2012.
(ii) NFIR’s letter No.IV/MACPS/09/Pt.6 dated 20/01/2013.
(iii) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/2011/M/4/NFIR dated 05/03/2013.
(iv) Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/7/SCR dated 05/03/2013.
NFIR vide its letter dated 30/01/2013 had invited attention of the Railway Board (MS) to clarification issued by the Railway Board vide letter dated 13/12/2012 and illogically upheld further vide letter dated 05/03/2013. In its letter dated 30/01/2013, while explaining rule position in detail, Federation had demanded meeting at the level of Railway Board (MS) considering its wider implications and the inappropriate stand taken by the Railway Board, besides keeping in abeyance the implementation of instructions dated 13/12/2012.

Unfortunately, Railway Board did not take any action despite Railway Board (MS) verbal assurance. The wrong stand taken by the Railway Board on the issue has resulted into affecting undue recoveries from the salaries of staff on some Zonal Railways creating deep sense of resentment among them who are now feeling aggrieved and agitated.
2. In this connection, NFIR wishes to invite once again the kind attention of the Railway Board (MS) that the clarification dated 13/12/2012 allows financial upgradation under MACPS under promotional /cadre hierarchy whereas the MACP Scheme permits granting financial upgradation in Grade Pay hierarchy and is admissible upto GP Rs. 12000/- in PB-4.
This proves the contention of the Federation that the said clarification is grossly erroneous as the same is against the policy guidelines on MACPS and may not withstand judicial scrutiny.
3. Apart from above. NFIR wishes to bring to the notice of Railway Board (MS) following additional facts for kind information and necessary action:-
That the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi vide O.M. No.Z2901171/2012-N dated 11th April 2013, which is the nodal ministry in sofar as para-medical stall are concerned has permifted financial upgradation in PB-3 with GP Rs.6600/- to the nursing staff pursuant to the judicial scrutiny of the issue at the level of Supreme Court.
That the Federation is shocked to know from many Zonal Railways that based on Railway Board’s clarification issued on 13/12/2012 recoveries from all similarly placed stall, including para-medical stall has since begun and the staff are being put to totally disadvantageous position.
4. Federation further wishes to clarify that the O.M. dated 11th April 2013, should be implemented mutatis-mutandis in favour of railway employees who are similarly situated as any action contrary to the said O.M. will be contempt the orders of Apex Court.
NFIR. therefore, requests the Railway Board (MS) to immediately withdraw the clarification issued under letter dated 13/12/2012, as requested earlier and issue suitable instructions to all General Managers etc.. not to affect recoveries. Federation is, however, ready to discuss the issue at the level of Railway Board (MS). Federation may be kept advised of the action taken.

Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

Source: NFIR

INDWF News - Trade Test in respect of Industrial Employees

INDWF News - Trade Test in respect of Industrial Employees

Ordnance Factory Board
10 A, Shaheed Kahudiram Bose Road
Kolkata - 700001

No. A/I/SRO/245
Dated: 24-12-2013

The Sr General Manager / General Manager
All Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factories

Sub : Trade Test in respect of Industrial Employees
Ref : Various Queries from Factories

Various queries have been raised by factories in regard to trade test for Industrial Employees. The same have been complied and a consolidated clarification is being issued for the same in the table underneath

SI No.
Point of Doubt
Periodicity / Frequency of Trade Test
Quarterly(January-April-July-October) after impalng 15 days training.
Validity of Trade Test
3 years from the date of declaration of reasults of the Trade Test
Whether trade test can be conducted prior to completion of qualifying service/probationary peirod.
SRO 185/1994 only provides readency period norms. Reasonably, however, trade test may be conducted for all categories of Industrial Employees from Semi-skilled to HS-II, one month prior to the completion of the qualifying service / residency / probationary period after imparting the 15 days training mentioned above. Actual promotion/placement is qualifying, however to be accorded after completion of necessary qualifying service/residency period (satisfactory competition of probationary period in respect of Semi-skilled lEs), and getting necessary vigilance e clearance.
Whether for promotion to the post of MCM, a trade test is required.
No trade test is required for promotion to the post of MCM. PC of A (Fys) clarification No. Pay/Tech-II/04 dated 08-11-2013 circulated vide OFB Circular No. 20/15/GenI./A/IR dated 04th December 2013 refers.
How the movement of IEs has to be regulated from 14.06.2010 to 13.12.2010
From 01.01.2006 to 14.06.2010. IEs can have two movements.1. First movement against exemption provided vide MoD Circular No. 11(5)/2009-D(Civ.I) dated 14/06/2010 for the above period. 2. Second movement against a valid trade test as mentioned in para above, subject to fulfilment of residency period norms. Beyond 14.06.2010 1. No exemption as per MoD letter dated 14.06.2010 is to be given. All movements are to be regulated against a valid trade test as mentioned in para 2 above, subject to fulfilment of residency period norms.

sd/- (S.K.Singh) 

INDWF News - Observance of Austerity Measures imposed by the Ministry of Finance.

INDWF News - Observance of Austerity Measures imposed by the Ministry of Finance.



Dated : 24/12/2013
The Sr. General Manager/General Manager/HODs
All Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories
Sub: Observance of Austerity Measures imposed by the Ministry of Finance.

Ref: OFB Circular No.786/Austerity/A/A dated 28/10/13.
Attention of all OFs / Units Is drawn to OFB circular dated 28/10/2013 cited at ref above vide which it was intimated that where sanction for recruitment has been issued by OFB but factory is yet to advertise, the mattermay be kept pending till complete clarity is obtained from DDP.
02. In this connection, it has now been decided to take action for direct recruitment for filling up the vacancies where sanction has been accorded by OFB. However, before proceeding ahead with the recruitment process, DGOF & Chairman desires that all Members should review afresh the sanctions already issued and only there after factories should proceed further in the matter.
03. As such all factories are requested to obtain clearance from the respective operating Member of the division for further recruitment action In respect of sanction accorded by OFBoard for direct recruitment for the years 2012-2013 & 2013-2014 for which advertisement have not yet been issued.

For Director General Ordnance Factories

Posting of a Nurse to Factory Health Clinic- reg.

 Posting of a Nurse to Factory Health Clinic- reg.

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Ordnance Factory Board

Dated : 24th December, 2013
The Sr. General Manager/General Manager,
All Factories.

Sub: Posting of a Nurse to Factory Health Clinic- reg.

One Nurse will be posted to Factory Health Clinics (FHC) of Factories in day shift wef 01 Jaunary, 2014.

This is required for the following reasons :
a) Nurse is part of the staff requirement of FHC under Factory rules of various states.

b) Nurse will assist Medical Officer in conduct of Periodic Medical Examination of employees at FHC.

c) Nurse will help in investigation and treatment of routine and emergency cases at FHC and reduce referrals from FHC to main Hospital.

d) Nurse will supervise the work of subordinate paramedical staff.

02. The nurse will be posted to the FHC from overall strength of Nurses in hospital. Factories without hospitals but with independent Estate Health Clinics (EHC) will utilize the services of the Nurse of the EHC in FHC also on past time basis. In case of Factories without Hospital / FHC, Nurse will be posted to FHC from the Hospital concerned.

03. The above arrangement is feasible from current sanctioned strength of Nurses in hospitals with 30 beds are more. Some of the Hospitals with 25 beds or less, where sanctioned strength of nurses (Sr Nurse Gr I & II + Matron) is 06, may have difficulty in making the arrangement due to restricted availability of Nursing staff. They may post a Nurse to FHC on part-time basis.

04. Confirmation of above arrangement may please be forwarded for record before 13-01-2014.

Director Health Services
For Director General, Ordnance Factories

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