Applicability of Old Pension Scheme to Substitutes who
attained temporary status prior to 01.01.2004 but regularized after
01.01.2004 - clarification by Railway Board:-
RBE No, 121/2014
No. 2012/F(E)III/1(1)/2
All Indian Rauways/Production Units.
(As per mailing list)
Subject: Applicability of Old Pension Scheme to Substitutes who attained temporary status prior to 01.01.2004 but regularized after 01.01.2004 - clarification regarding.
The issue of coverage of substitutes who had attained temporary status prior to 01.01.2004 but regularized after 01.01.2004 under Old Pension Scheme, has been raised by both the recognized Federations (A1RF & NFIR) under PNM.AIRF item No.05/2012 and PNM/NFIR item No.15/2011 respectively. The issue has also been raised under DC/JCM (Railways) item No.20/2012.
2. The issue has been examined by Board and it has now been decided that substitutes who got temporary status prior to 01.01.2004 but regularized/absorbed after 01.01.2004 and after regularization, if the date of appointment is prior to 01.01.2004, in terms of provision of Board's letter No.E(NG)ll/90/SB/Master Circular dated 29.01.1991(M.C. No.20/91) and para 6 of letter No.E(NG)11/2008/SB/SR115 dated 17.09.2010, then they may be covered under Old Pension Scheme.
3. Further, the employee and employer contribution of the NPS corpus of the Substitutes, mentioned in para 2 above, who so far have been covered under the National Pension System (NPS) may be adjusted in terms of the instructions contained in Board's letter No.2010/AC-11/21/18 dated 31.03.2014(RBA No.5/2014)
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
RBE No, 121/2014
New Delhi, Dated: 29.10.2014.
The GMs/FA&CAOs,All Indian Rauways/Production Units.
(As per mailing list)
Subject: Applicability of Old Pension Scheme to Substitutes who attained temporary status prior to 01.01.2004 but regularized after 01.01.2004 - clarification regarding.
The issue of coverage of substitutes who had attained temporary status prior to 01.01.2004 but regularized after 01.01.2004 under Old Pension Scheme, has been raised by both the recognized Federations (A1RF & NFIR) under PNM.AIRF item No.05/2012 and PNM/NFIR item No.15/2011 respectively. The issue has also been raised under DC/JCM (Railways) item No.20/2012.
2. The issue has been examined by Board and it has now been decided that substitutes who got temporary status prior to 01.01.2004 but regularized/absorbed after 01.01.2004 and after regularization, if the date of appointment is prior to 01.01.2004, in terms of provision of Board's letter No.E(NG)ll/90/SB/Master Circular dated 29.01.1991(M.C. No.20/91) and para 6 of letter No.E(NG)11/2008/SB/SR115 dated 17.09.2010, then they may be covered under Old Pension Scheme.
3. Further, the employee and employer contribution of the NPS corpus of the Substitutes, mentioned in para 2 above, who so far have been covered under the National Pension System (NPS) may be adjusted in terms of the instructions contained in Board's letter No.2010/AC-11/21/18 dated 31.03.2014(RBA No.5/2014)
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
(Amitabh Joshi)
Deputy Director Finance( Estt.)III)
Railway Board.
Source: Director Finance( Estt.)III)
Railway Board.