Latest DoPT Orders 2021
File No. 1/ 2/ 2020-CS.II (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 13.01.2021
CSSS promotion orders 2021
Subject: Implementation of orders relating to promotion of officers in various grades in CSSS – reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Orders relating to ad-hoc promotion in various grades of CSSS Cadre issued recently, as per the details below:
S.No. | Description | Order No. | Date of issue |
i | Promotion of Senior Principal Private Secretary to Principal Staff Officer | 1/ 2/ 2020-CS.IIA | 14.12.2020 &15.12.2020 |
ii | Promotion of Principal Private Secretary to Senior Principal Private Secretary | 1I3/ 2020-CS .IIA | 01.01.2021 |
iii | Promotion of Private Secretary to Principal Private Secretary | 3/ 6/ 2020-CS.II A | 01.01.2021 |
iv | Promotion of Personal Assistant to Private Secretary | 4/ 3/ 2020-CS.II(A) | 29.12.2020 |
v | Promotion of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ to Personal Assistant | 5/ 1/2020-CS.Il(C) | 29. 12.2020 |
2. The ad-hoc promotion orders had to be made to address the urgent requirement of various cadre units for manpower at various levels. However, it is seen that a number of officers have not joined. It may be appreciated that ad-hoc promotion is resorted to as a special dispensation for ensuring efficiency in Government’s functioning. The non-joining of officers is defeating the very purpose for which these ad-hoc promotions were made.
3. Hence, in partial modification of the Orders mentioned in para-1 above, all the Cadre Units are hereby directed to issue instructions to the promoted officers in all grades, who have not yet assumed the charge of the posts, to assume the charge immediately and not later than 15.01.2021, failing which the promotion orders with respect to non-joinee Officers, shall be liable to be withdrawn, apart from debarment from ad-hoc promotion or other suitable consequences. Further, the vacancies on this account shall be filled up by considering eligible officers next in order of seniority.
4. The cadre units are also requested to submit a report by 15.01.2021 to this Department at email: bhagirathjha.68[at]
5. All the concerned Ministries/ Departments are hereby requested to forward the list of officers who have not assumed the charge of the post on promotion by 15.01.2021, 03:30 P.M. on the email id mentioned above.
(Bhagirath Jha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 24654020
Under Secretary(Admn.) of Cadre Units of CSSS.
Source: DoPT