Saturday, July 27, 2019

Handing over of Retiring room / dormitory to IRCTC


Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board

No.2005/TGIV/35/ policy/RR

New Delhi dated; 02.05.2019

Pr, Chief Commercial Managers,
AII Zonal Railways.

[Commercial Circular No. 24 /2019)

Sub: Handing over of Retiring room / dormitory to IRCTC.

Ref: [i] Board’s letter no. 2005/TGIV/ 35/policy /RR dated 23.09.2016
(ii) IRCTC’s letter no. 2016 /IRCTC/ LCS/ Retiring Room dated 17.01.2019 & 22.04.2019

Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even no. dated 23.09.2016 (Commercial Circular No. 50/2016) stipulating the policy guidelines to be followed for handing over of Retiring Roorns / Dormitories and their management to IRCTC.

As per clause 1.1 of CC No 50/2016 – “The phase wise plan prepared and submitted by IRCTC will be approved by Ministry of consultation with Zonal Railways, The NIT shall be published by IRCTC after getting due approval from Railway Board.”At present, 32 stations have already been approved for handing over of retiring room to IRCTC.

It has, now; been decided that in order to speed up the process of up-gradation of retiring rooms, Principal Chief Commercial Manager {on recommendation of division) shall have powers for handing over of any retiring room directly to IRCTC with the persoilal approval of General Manger. Board’s office to be informed by IRCTC before tendering. While selecting stations for handing over Retiring Rooms to IRCTC, zones should ensure that there is no overlap with staions already being proposed for redevelopment through IRSDC. AIso, additional expenditure from divisional fund (PH-53] should be stopped at such selected Retiring Rooms.

It is also advised that Zonal Railways may expedite the process of signing the pending agreements with IRCTC for all remaining stations and provide the details for calculation of MLF, Sketch maps, etc. to IRCTC as per existing guidelines.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

(Samir Kumar)
Director Traffic Commercial (G)
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

7th CPC Revised pay limits for entitlement of Passes and PTOs for railway servants

7th CPC Revised pay limits for entitlement of Passes and PTOs for railway servants

RBE No. 120/2019



New Delhi, dated:- 26.07.2019

The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways &
Production Units.

Sub: Revised pay limits for entitlement of Passes/ PTOs.

Consequent to implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission’s recommendations and notification of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, the “Grade Pay” component has been dispensed with and “Pay Level in Pay Matrix” (PLPM) has been introduced in the pay structure of railway servants.

Hence, switching over to 7th CPC based PLPM to determine pay limits for entitlement of Passes / PTOs has been under consideration.

The Competent Authority has now accorded his approval for amending the extant provisions of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules-1986 (Second Edition-1993) (RSPR-1986) to switch over to “ Status (i.e. Gazetted/ Non-gazetted) cum PLPM ” basis to determine the entitlement of Passes/ PTOs, as indicated in the enclosed Advance Correction Slip No.81.

The extant provisions of RSPR-1986 and other administrative instructions issued from time to time shall continue to apply in all other respects.

If a railway servant, who is presently entitled to First Class Pass becomes ineligible to First Class Pass on the basis of revised criteria, the First Class Pass may be allowed as personal to the employee.

This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(V. Muralidharan)
Dy. Director Estt.(Welfare)-I
Railway Board

CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL / MTNL employees who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates – Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement

CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL / MTNL employees who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates – Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement

No. 4-12(12)/ 2018-PAT-Part(1)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
(PAT Section)

New Delhi, dated 1st July, 2019


Subject: CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL / MTNL employees who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates – Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Office Memorandum No. 4-12(11)/2012- PAT(Part) dated 31.08.2016 vide which CGHS facilities were extended to retired BSNL / MTNL employees who receive pension from Central Civil Estimates.

The rates of monthly CGHS subscription and entitlement of Wards in Private hospitals empanelled under CGHS have been revised with effect from 01-01-2017 by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide OM No. S.11011/11/2016-CGHS(P)/EHS dated 09.01.2017. This has necessitated corresponding revision in mapping of Pay & scales from IDA to CDA as circulated vide O.M. dated 31.08.2016.

Accordingly, Annexures to the said O.M. dated 31.8.2016 stand revised as enclosed w.e.f. 1.1.2017 to enable CGHS in deciding the rate of CGHS contribution and ward entitlement in respect of retired BSNL/MTNL employees who receive pension from Central Civil Estimates and avail CGHS facilities.

This issues with the approval of Member (Services).

Enclosures: As above

(Bulley Mishra)
Assistant Director General (PAT)
Phone 011 2303 6245


CDA/IDA correspondence for deciding Monthly Contributions for availing CGHS facility
(A1) Case of BSNL retirees:

7th CPC Pay Matrix LevelMonthly Contribution
Level 1 to Level 5Rs. 250/-
Level 6Rs. 450/-
Level 7 to Level 11Rs. 650/-
Level 12 and aboveRs. 1000/-

(A2) Case of MTNL retirees:

7th CPC Pay Matrix LevelMonthly Contribution
Level 1 to Level 5Rs. 250/-
Level 6Rs. 450/-
Level 7 to Level 11Rs. 650/-
Level 12 and aboveRs. 1000/-

Nation-wide Pension Adalats in each Ministry / Department / Organisation / Field formation on Friday, August 23, 2019

Nation-wide Pension Adalats in each Ministry / Department / Organisation / Field formation on Friday, August 23, 2019

Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
E.IV Section

Room No.235, ‘C Wing, Shastri Bhawan,
New Delhi, the 9th July, 2019.


Subject:- Pension Adalat to be held on August 23, 2019.

It is informed that the Government as part of its 100-day impactful initiatives have decided to hold nation-wide Pension Adalats in each Ministry/ Department/ Organisation/Field formation on Friday, August 23, 2019. The Adalats are proposed to bring together all the stakeholders involving officials incharge of pay fixation and pension processing PPO issuing branch, Pay and Accounts Office as well as senior officials of concerned banks besides the pensioners on a single platform for immediate and quick redressal of grievances within the framework of extant policy guidelines.

All the pensioners of core secretariat of Ministry of Human Resource Development can exercise the option to attend the Pension Adalat on August 23, 2019 either in person or through their representative for redressal of their pension related grievances, if any. The timing and venue of the Adalat shall be shared at a later date.

It is requested that the details of the grievances may be sent in advance to Shn Syed Ekram Rizwi, Director(Administration), Room No.419-C, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi by post or by Email: syed.rizwi[@] so as to reach preferably 12.07.2019.

(Ratnesh Kumar Gupta)
Under Secretary to Government of India
All the Pensioners of core secretariat of Ministry of Human Resource Development (through official website of this Ministry)

Source: MHRD

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