Thursday, June 20, 2013

Constitution of the Core Committee : Execution of the Cadre Restructuring of IT (Income Tax) Department

Constitution of the Core Committee : Execution of the Cadre Restructuring of IT (Income Tax) Department

ICADR Building, Plot No. 6, Vasant Kunj Institutional Area Phase-II,
New Delhi — 110070

F. No. HRD/CM/102/3/2009-10/(Pt)/963

Dated 19th June, 2013


Sub:- Implementation of the Cadre Restructuring of Income Tax Department :
Constitution of the Core Committee

1. Restructuring proposal of the Income-tax Department has been approved by Government on 23.05.2013 for the creation of a total 20,751 additional posts, and various measures to increase the effectiveness of the Department.

2. The steps required to be taken to implement the Cadre Restructuring have been considered by the Board and it has been decided that its roll-out needs to be carried out in a planned and time-bound manner. It has therefore been decided to constitute a Core Committee as detailed in Para 6 to facilitate the implementation of the Cadre Restructuring.

3. The Board has also decided to Constitute various other Sub-committees, consisting of representatives from CCAs, field formations and other stakeholders that would undertake the task of analyzing the issues and data, preparing roadmaps as well as assisting in the implementation of the various components of the Cadre Restructuring. The tasks for the Sub-committees would include ensuring modalities for earliest implementation for items such as promotion/recruitment at various levels, conducting DPCs/up-gradations, considering operational/functional/jurisdiction issues for allocation of posts in different regions, restructuring/establishment of Directorates, required amendments in RRs and the creation of necessary infrastructure required for the posts.

4. The Core Committee would be responsible for the overall implementation of the Department's restructuring. It would process the constitution/approval of the Sub-committees, co-ordinate efforts of all the Sub-committees, keep the CBDT abreast of all the developments; seek necessary clearances/approvals, wherever required, and assist the Sub-committees in their functions including seeking intervention wherever required to ensure that the work of the Sub-committees remains on schedule.

5. It would also be directly responsible for facilitating/ ensuring the DPC for grant of Apex grade to CCsIT, submission of analyses and reports to the CBDT; making recommendations on policy issues with regard to promotions/upgradations and inductions at various levels in consultation with the Sub-committees as may be required.

6. The Core Committee as detailed below, is accordingly constituted with the approval of Competent Authority:-

Sh. T. Jena
Smt. Archana Ranj an
Sh. Krishna Saini
Sh. Binay K Jha
Smt. Pragya Saxena
J. S.
Sh. Amitabh Kumar
Sh. Manoj Joshi
Sh. R R Singh
Sh Debjyoti Das
Smt. Swati Joshi
Addl. DIT
Member Secretary

7. The Chairman of the Committee may

i.Co-opt more Members, if required, for specialist inputs or to make the consultations broad based and inclusive.
ii.Constitute further sub-committees, if required, for examining various issues, for providing material that may assist the Core Committee in its work

8. The Headquarters of the Committee shall be at New Delhi in the Directorate of HRD, which shall function as its Secretariat and shall provide:
i. All necessary coordination and secretarial support, and assistance to the Core Committee, and Sub-committees for their functioning
ii.  Arrange for, collect, obtain and provide feedback, data, information analysis and any other specialist or specific inputs that may be material to and necessary for carrying out its functions.

9. The Committee shall carry out weekly review of the progress of its work and shall periodically brief the CBDT on the status thereof.

( Sanjay Gosain)
Deputy Director of Income tax (HRD)


Terms & Conditions of Loan Schemes by Oriental Bank of Commerce to BSNL workers

Terms & Conditions of Loan Schemes by Oriental Bank of Commerce to BSNL workers

The various kinds of loans along with the general terms and conditions, are mentioned below:
Maximum Loan Ceilings
Eligible Loan Amount
No. of Installments (EMI)
Purchase of plot, purchase of flat from Housing Board / Development agency / Private builders / construction of house / repairs / renovation / addition / alteration of house / flat
Max. Rs. 40.00 lacs for purchase of flat I construction / addition etc. For purchase of plot,50% of the eligible Loan amount. & Rs. 10.0 lacs for renovation.
Upto Rs. 20 lacs - 15% ,
Above Rs. 20 Lacs - 25%
60 times of gross
300 EMIs for construction/ purchase of Home / Flat / Plot & 120 EMIs for Renovation
Employees in
regular service

Purchase of motor Car (new / used)
90% of cost Subject to Max. Rs.10 lacs for New Cars & Rs 7.5 lacs for old cars
New Car: 10% & 30% (old car)
30 times of gross salary
84 EMI for new cars, For Old Cars 60 EMIs (If car 3 years old) & 36 EMIs (If the car is 5 years old)
Minimum Gross pay - Rs.10,000/- per month with 1 year of confirmed service
Two wheelers
Purchase of scooter/motor cycle/moped
 90% of cost including registration,  insurance, etc. subject to maximum Rs 2.0 lacs
30 times of gross salary
Max 60 installments
Minimum Gross Salary - Rs.6000 /- pm & 1 year of confirmed service
Education Loan
To finance the study of family members in India and abroad
 Rs. 10.00 lacs for studying in India & Rs 20.00 lacs for studying abroad.  Rs 20.00 lacs for studying in IIMS,IITS, XLRIs and ISBs. (Collateral Free)
Up to Rs. 4.00 lacs - NIL Above 4 lacs - 5% (India) & 15% (abroad) 5% (IIMs,IITs , XLRIS and ISBs.)
As per fee component of the institute includes moratorium period i.e. study period & Grace Period
120 EMIs (up to 7.5 lacs) &. 180 EMIs (above Rs 7.5 lacs) Repayment Period
Confirmed admission to Govt.'/ Regulatory (AICTE/UGC etc.) approved institutes
Personal loan
Any miscellaneous requirement / contingency except for speculation
A) Rs.l.50 Lac. B) Rs 5.0 lacs if salary a/c is with Bank
A) Upto 15 months net take home salary, subject to maximum of Rs.1.50 Lac.
B) Upto 20 months net take home salary, subjec to max of Rs 3.0 lacs, if salary a/c is with Bank
C) Up to 15 months net take home salary, subject to maximum of Loans above Rs 3.00 lacs and up to Rs 5.00 Lacs,  if salary a/c is with Bank
60 EMI (subject to remaining period of service)
1. Permanent and regular employees of BSNL
2. Minimum 3 years of service, including service with the previous employer (s), Govt., if any.
Natural Calamity Loan
To the affected employees of BSNL in natural calamities areas
The Bank shall immediately devise suitable scheme if the unfortunate need so arises, taking into account the specific circumstances of the calamity, in the affected area.

  1. The recovery of housing loan will start not later than 18 months from the date of first disbursement or immediately from the next month after completion of the house/flat, whichever is earlier.
  2.       The recovery of education loan will start 12 months after completion of the course or 6 months after getting the job whichever is earlier, for the child whose studies have been financed through loan.
  3.     Loanees can fore-close the loan account without any foreclosure charges.
  4.     The interest will be charged on reducing balances of loan on day-to-day basis.
  5.     No processing charges will be levied by bank.
  6.     Amount of the loan will be as per eligibility and maximum loan ceiling as detailed above. However, the bank can give loan for a lesser amount also at its own discretion.
  7.     Borrowing capacity of the borrower shall be considered at the time of the sanction of the loan.
  8.     Employees desiring to avail loans will furnish their Employee / PF No. duly certified by their Staff Department.
Interest Rates for Various Retail Credit Loans
As a special gesture, the Bank has allowed a concession of 0.50% on its card interest rates in all brackets and schemes (excl. Personal Loan Scheme which is already customized for BSNL employees); and the final rates (Related to Base Rate System) for BSNL Employees are as under:

S. No.LoanRates of Customized Scheme for BSNL Employees Floating rate of Interest*
(Present Base Rate is 10.25% w.e.f.25.02.2013)
1.HousingUp to Rs 30.00 lacs
BR= 10.25%
Above Rs 30.00 Lacs - Rs. 75.00 Lacs
10.25% (Repayment up to 25 years)
Above Rs 75.00 Lacs - Rs. 03.00 Crores
10.50% (Repayment up to 25 years)
2.CarUp to 3 Years -
10.35% (New Car)
12.75% (Old Car)
More than 3 Yrs and up to 7 Yrs-
10.60% (New Car)
3.Two wheeler Up to 3 Years - 10.35%
More than 3 Years - 10.60%
5EducationUp to Rs.4.00 lacs 12.25%
Rs 4 lacs - Rs 7.5 Lacs 12.75%
Above Rs 7.5 Lacs 12.25%
Scheme for Students of IITs,IIMs, XLRIs & ISBs 10.25%
*Special concession of 0.5% to girl students SC /ST / Disabled and special scheme for students of IITs, IIMs, XLRIs & ISBs offering collateral free loans at Base Rate i.e. 10.25%
6.Natural calamity loanThe Bank shall immediately devise suitable scheme if the unfortunate need so arises, taking into account the specific circumstances of the calamity. in the affected area.

*Floating rate of interest will change as per the changes in the Base rate of the Bank, i.e., increase or decrease in the interest rate by the same basis points as in the base rate of the Bank. However in any case, the proposed rate of interest shall not fall below the Base Rate of the Bank.  Most of the loans are in Branch Managers' powers and will not take any significant time after fulfillment of the documents / formalities.

Key Indicators of Employment & Unemployment in India, 2011-12

Key Indicators of Employment & Unemployment in India, 2011-12

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation

20-June-2013 11:42 IST

Key Indicators of Employment and Unemployment in India, 2011-12

The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has released the key indicators of Employment and Unemployment in India,  from the data collected in its 68th round survey conducted during the period July 2011 - June 2012. The NSS surveys on employment and unemployment are conducted quinquennially starting from 27th round (October 1972 - September 1973) and the last quinquennial survey was conducted in NSS 66th round (July 2009- June 2010) for which, the results have already been released. The NSS 68th round was the ninth quinquennial round on the subject. The detailed results of surveys on employment and unemployment are usually brought out by the NSSO through a number of reports. In order to make available the salient results of the surveys, well in advance of the release of its reports, for use in planning, policy formulation, decision support and as input for further statistical exercises, the NSSO has released the key indicators.
 The indicators are based on the Central Sample of  1,01,724 households (59,700 in rural areas and 42,024 in urban areas) surveyed from 7,469 villages in rural areas and 5,268 urban blocks spread over all the States and Union Territories except (i) interior villages of Nagaland situated beyond five kilometres of the bus route and (ii) villages in Andaman and Nicobar Islands which remained inaccessible throughout the year.

In defining the lead indicators of Labour force participation rate (LFPR i.e. ratio of labour force to population), Worker Population Ratio (WPR i.e. ratio of workforce to population), Proportion Unemployed (PU i.e. ratio of unemployed to population) and Unemployment Rate (UR i.e. ratio of unemployed to labour force) in NSS surveys, persons are classified into various activity categories on the ba­sis of the activities pursued by them during certain speci­fied reference periods. Three reference periods used in NSS surveys are (i) one year (ii) one week and (iii) each day of the reference week.  Based on these three periods, three different mea­sures of activity status are arrived at. Activity status determined on the basis of reference period of one year is known as the Usual Status (US) of a person, that determined on the basis of a reference period of one week is known as the Current Weekly Status (CWS) of the person and the activity status determined on the basis of the activities pursued by a person on each day during the reference week is known as the Current Daily Status (CDS) of the person. In US approach, there are two indicators viz. one based on principal activity called Usual Principal Status (ps) and other based on both principal and subsidiary activities taken together termed as Usual Status (ps+ss). The unit of measurements in case of US and CWS is persons and in case of CDS, it is person-days. The key indicators on employment and unemployment based on 68th round along with the comparable indicators of 66th round  and estimated persons/person-days (in million) in labour force, in workforce and unemployed corresponding to these two rounds are given in Annexure -I and Annexure –II respectively.

These indicators and also the other important statistics relating to  distribution of workers according to employment status and industry and also on wage rates of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labourers from the survey are summarized as below:

1. Labour force participation rate (LFPR) in Usual Status (ps+ss)

About 40 per cent of population belonged to the labour force - 41 per cent in rural areas and 37 per cent in urban areas.

LFPR for males was nearly 56 per cent and it was 23 per cent for females.

LFPR was about 55 per cent for rural males and about 56 per cent for urban males. It was  about 25 per cent for rural females and about 16 per cent for urban females.

2. Worker Population Ratio (WPR) in usual status (ps+ss)

WPR was 39 per cent at the all-India level- 40 per cent in rural areas and 36 per cent in urban areas.

WPR for males was nearly 54 per cent and it was 22 per cent for females.

WPR was nearly 54 per cent for rural males and 25 per cent for rural females. It was nearly 55 per cent for urban males and 15 per cent urban females.

3. Unemployment rate (UR) in usual status (adjusted)

UR in the usual status (ps+ss) termed as UR in usual status (adjusted) was nearly 2 per cent at the all-India level. It was about 2 per cent in rural areas  and about 3 per cent in urban.

In the rural areas, UR for both males and females were almost at the same level (nearly 2 per cent) while in urban areas, UR for females was about 5 per cent as compared to 3 per cent for males.

4. Growth in employment between 66th  round and 68th  round :

According to the  usual status (ps+ss), the workforce at the all-India level, was about 459.0 millions (rural male: 231.9, rural female:104.5, urban male: 99.8 and urban female: 22.8) as on 1st January 2010 (NSS 66th round) which increased to 472.9 millions (rural male: 234.6, rural female:101.8, urban male:109.2 and urban female: 27.3) as on 1st January 2012 (NSS 68th round), indicating a growth of about 13.9 millions of the workforce at the all-India level between 66th round and 68th round.

5. Distribution of usual status (ps+ss) workers  by employment status

In the total workforce of usual status (ps+ss) at the all-India level, the shares of self-employed, regular wage/salaried employees and casual labour were 52 per cent, 18 per cent and 30 per cent, respectively.

In the rural areas, the shares of self-employed, regular wage/salaried employees and casual labour were 56 per cent, 9 per cent and 35 per cent, respectively.

In the urban areas, the shares of self-employed and regular wage/salaried employees were 42 per cent and 43 per cent, respectively and the rest (15 per cent) were casual labours.

The shares of self-employment in total workforce were 55 per cent for rural males, 59 per cent for rural females, 42 per cent for urban males, 43 per cent for urban females. The corresponding shares of casual labour were 36 per cent, 35 per cent, 15 per cent and 14 per cent for rural males, rural females, urban males and urban females, respectively.

6. Industry-wise distribution of usual status (ps+ss) workers

Among the workers in the usual status (ps+ss), about 49 per cent, 24 per cent and 27 per cent were engaged in agricultural sector, secondary sector and tertiary sector, respectively.

In rural areas, nearly 59 per cent of the usual status (ps+ss) male workers  and nearly 75 per cent of the female workers were engaged in the agricultural sector. Among the male workers, 22 per cent  and 19 per cent were engaged in secondary and tertiary sectors, respectively. The corresponding proportions for female workers were 17 per cent and 8 per cent, respectively.

In urban areas, nearly 59 per cent of male workers and 55 per cent of the female workers were engaged in the tertiary sector. The secondary sector employed nearly 35 per cent of the male and 34 per cent of the female workers. The share of urban workforce in agricultural sector was nearly 6 per cent for male workers and 11 per cent for female workers.

7. Wage Rates of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees and Casual Labourers (age 15-59 years)

At the all-India level, average wages received by regular wage/salaried employees was Rs. 396 per day. This was Rs. 299 in the rural areas and Rs. 450 in the urban areas.

In the rural areas, wages received per day  by a regular wage/salaried employee was was Rs. 322 for males and Rs. 202 for females, indicating the female-male wage ratio as 0.63. In the urban areas, this was Rs. 470 for males and Rs. 366 for females, indicating the female-male wage ratio as 0.78.

Daily wages received by casual labours engaged in works other than public works was Rs. 139 in rural areas and Rs. 170 in urban areas. In the rural areas, wage received (per day) was Rs. 149 for males and Rs. 103 for females. In the urban areas, the corresponding rates were Rs. 182 and Rs. 111 for males and females, respectively.

Daily wages received by casual labours of rural areas engaged in public works other than MGNREG public works was Rs. 121. This was Rs. 127 for males and Rs. 111 for females. Daily wages received by casual labours of rural areas engaged in MGNREG public works was Rs. 107. This was Rs. 112 for males and Rs. 102 for females.

Sourcee: PIN News

Enhancement in the rate of used Medical Allowance from Rs. 1200/- to Rs. 2000/- p.m. w.e.f 01.03.2013, payable to the serving as well as retired employees of the EPFO for outdoor medical treatment - regarding.

Enhancement in the rate of used Medical Allowance from Rs. 1200/- to Rs. 2000/- p.m. w.e.f 01.03.2013, payable to the serving as well as retired employees of the EPFO for outdoor medical treatment - regarding.

Fixed Medical Allowance to Pensioners and Employees of EPFO : Enhancement in the rate of used Medical Allowance from Rs. 1200/- to Rs. 2000/- p.m. w.e.f 01.03.2013, payable to the serving as well as retired employees of the EPFO for outdoor medical treatment - regarding.

Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
(Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India)

No, HRM-8/V/12/1/2003/FMA/Vol-117/6160

Dated 13 JUN 2013

All Addl. Central P F. Commissioner (Zones)
Director (NATRSS)
All RPFCs-In-Charge of the Region/ZTIs
RPFC (ASDL), Head Office
All Officer-in-charge of SROs

Sub:. Enhancement in the rate of used Medical Allowance from Rs. 1200/- to Rs. 2000/- p.m. w.e.f 01.03.2013, payable to the serving as well as retired employees of the EPFO for outdoor medical treatment - regarding.

I am directed to convey the approval of the 76th Executive Committee, CBT, EPF held 25/02/2013 and Hon'ble Labour & Employment Minister, Government of India for enhancement of the Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) for pensioners and employees of EPFO from Rs. 1200/- p.m. to Rs 2000/- p.m w.e.f. 1st March, 2013, subject to the following conditions :-

(i) The enhancement of fixed medical allowance will be available to serving employees and pensioners (including family pensioners) of the Employees Provident Fund Organization. The serving employees of the Organization who are in the Head Office at New Delhi and Regional/Sub Regional Office at Delhi and at stations which are covered by the Central Government Health Scheme will not be eligible for Fixed Medical Allowance.  As soon as any employee is covered by Central Government Health Scheme, the fixed medical allowance admissible to him/her shall be stopped.

(ii) If two or more members of family are working in the EPF Organization, only one of them will be eligible for the facility of fixed medical allowance.

(iii) In the case of an employee whose wife/husband spouse is an employee of a Government or any other organization (including private firm/office) he/she will be required to give an undertaking that his/her spouse is not availing of medical facilities in case, lf any granted by their respective employers.

(iv) The Fixed Medical Allowance will be in lieu of the medical facility available for outdoor treatment under the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Ruler 1944 as adopted by the FPF Organization for its own employees and pensioners.

(Authority: Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India letter no.G-25012/2/2011-SS-I dated 07.06.2013)
You faithfully,

Source  :

Promotion of LDC as UDC of CSCS (Central Secretariat Clerical Service) on ad-hoc basis- Continual of Ad-hoc appointments regarding

Promotion of LDC as UDC of CSCS (Central Secretariat Clerical Service) on ad-hoc basis- Continual of Ad-hoc appointments regarding

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
New Delhi dated 19th June 2013.

Office Memorandum

Subject : Promotion of LDC as UDC of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS) on ad-hoc basis-Continuance of Ad-hoc appointments regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even number dated 19th December, 2012 whereby cadre units were permitted to continue the ad-hoc appointments in the U.D. grade made by the cadre units has been reviewed in this Department. Since availability of regular UDCs through normal modes of recruitment prescribed under the CSCS Rules may take some more time, it has been decided that the period of ad-hoc appointment of those LDCs who are working as UDC of on ad-hoc basis may be extended up to 31st December, 2013 or till regular UDCs become available, whichever is earlier.

2. Continuance of ad-hoc appointment shall not confer on the appointees any right to continue in UDC Grade indefinitely or for inclusion in the Select List of UDC of CSCS or to claim seniority in UDC Grade of CSCS.

3. Other terms and conditions mentioned in this Department's O.M. No.3/6/2004-CS.II dated 28.2.2005 will remain unchanged.

4. Hindi version will follow.

(Kameshwar Mishra)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India

Source :

Pensioners Portal - Central Civil Pensioners Problems Resolves Directly

Pensioners Portal - Central Civil Pensioners Problems Resolves Directly
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare once again published the order as a remainder that the pensioners individual issues may settle in person in New Delhi office on every Wednesday between 1500 and 1600 Hrs...

Introducing a dedicated day for attending pensioners in person...

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
New Delhi, the 31st Dec., 2012

Subject: Introducing a dedicated day for attending pensioners in person - reg.

The undersigned is directed to inform that in order to facilitate mitigation of problems of Central Civil Pensioners, it has been decided that on every Wednesday, concerned officers of the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare will be available between 15.00 and 16.00 hrs, in person, in Room No. 310, Lok Navak Bhavan (near Gate No.1) to meet pensioners and, as far as possible, answer the queries/points raised by the pensioners.

2. The Central Civil Pensioners, aggrieved of pension related matters and seeking clarification etc., on application of any of the following rules/regulations may meet the concerned officers of this Department alongwith a written submission, by appearing in person, on the prescribed date, time and venue, and make us of this facility.

3. The rules being administered by this Department are:

(i) CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972;

(ii) CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981;

(iii) CCS (Extra-ordinary Pension) Rules;

(iv) GPF (CS) Rules, 1960; and

(v) CPF (lndia) Rules, 1962.
(Tripti P Ghosh)
Director (PP)
Source :

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