Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pre-Rail Budget Meeting of the Railway Federations with Hon’ble MoSR

Pre-Rail Budget Meeting of the Railway Federations with Hon’ble MoSR
Dated: February 23, 2015
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,

Sub: Pre-Rail Budget Meeting of the Railway Federations with Hon’ble MoSR

Today Presidents and General Secretaries/Secretary Generals of all the Recognized Federations of the Railwaymen met Hon’ble MoSR and handed him over following significant suggestions for including the same in the forthcoming Rail Budget 2015-16:-

The government is concerned about the safety and welfare of its workers and officers, serving round-the-clock to transport passengers and freight from one end to other end of the country.
The following burning issues may be considered favourably:-

  • Maintenance/repair cost of more than 60% over-aged staff quarters has gone considerably higher. As such, present allotment of budget for maintenance of railway quarters may be increased by 30%. Please take steps to improve the condition of the Drivers/Guards Running Rooms, Barracks, TTEs Rest Rooms, Subordinate Rest Houses also.
  • Smart Card Medical Facilities are requested to be extended to all the Railwaymen.
  • Vacancies of Safety Category posts may be filled-up in the larger interest of safe-rail operation.
  • Scope of the LARSGESS for Safety Categories, which has been found to be very useful, may be extended to all Group `C’ categories.
  • The government proposes to introduce “House and Education for all”. For this purpose, vacant railway land at various stations may be utilized, and the Ministry of Urban Development be approached to construct houses for the Railwaymen, and easy home loans may be provided through the Banks and Railway Schemes.
  • The government has decided to open Medical and Engineering Colleges, Universities for the children of its workforce. The same may be extended to the Railwaymen as well.
  • The government is concerned about the welfare of the Railwaymen and their families and dependants. Parents of the Railwaymen may be granted Railway Pass and Medical facilities.
  • Quasi-administrative staff, working in the Federation/Union Offices, who are availing Railway Pass and Medical facilities may kindly be absorbed in the Railways.
  • As the then Hon’ble Minister for Railways has already written a letter to the then Hon’ble Finance Minister to implement Old Pension Scheme in place of National Pension Scheme(NPS), and for that it has also been written that financial provisions will be made by the Railways itself. Therefore, it is requested that provisions for the same should be made in this Rail Budget.
  • Repealing of RPF Amendment Act, 2001 should be implemented to give powers to the RPF.
  • Railway Federations and Associations have been expressing their concern on outsourcing and FDI in the Railways. This has been considered by the government, and the Hon’ble Prime Minister has already announced that there is no intention for privatization of the Indian Railways. Keeping in view prevailing cordial industrial relations, it is requested to re-call the instructions of the government on FDI in the Indian Railways.
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishara)
General Secretary

Dopt Clarification on Definition of a Dependent Family Member – Whether ‘married son’ can be considered for compassionate appointment?

Dopt Clarification on Definition of a Dependent Family Member – Whether ‘married son’ can be considered for compassionate appointment?

G.I., Dep.of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.14014/02/2012-Estt(D), dated 25th February, 2015

Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment ‘D’ Section

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Compassionate Appointment

Definition of a Dependent Family Member

S.No. Question and Answer

60. Whether ‘married son’ can be considered for compassionate appointment?

Yes, if he otherwise fulfils all the other requirements of the Scheme i.e. he is otherwise eligible and fulfils the criteria laid down in this Department’s O.M. dated 16th January, 2013. This would be effective from the date of issue of this FAQ viz. 25th February, 2015 and the cases of compassionate appointment already settled w.r.t. the FAQs dated 30th May, 2013, may not be reopened.

Sr.No.13 of the FAQs dated 30th May, 2013 may be deemed to have been modified to this extent.


DOPT has invited NC JCM Staff Side for a meeting on the issues raised in Charter of Demands

DOPT has invited NC JCM Staff Side for a meeting on the issues raised in Charter of Demands.

Meeting to be held on 25/2/2015 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) – Order sent to all Secretaries
G.I., Dep. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.N0.3/1/2015-JCA, dated 23.2.2015

Subject: Meeting to be held on 25/2/2015 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P).

This is in continuation of this Department’s letter of even no. dated 20th February, 2015 forwarding therewith the letter No. NC/JCM/2015 dated 11/2/2015 received from Staff Side, NC (JCM). A copy of the Charter of Demands received vide their letter dated. 2nd February is also enclosed.

2. In this connection, I would like to inform you that a meeting is scheduled to be held on 25/2/2015 at 2.30 PM in Room No. 190, Ministry of Personnel & Training, North Block under the chairman ship of Secretary (Personnel) to discuss the issues raised in Charter of demands of Staff Side NC(JCM).

3, Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting.


Meeting of the NC (JCM) Staff side under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DOPT on 25/2/2015 at 2:30 p.m – Order sent to all Staff Side Members of NC JCM

G.I., Dep. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.3/ 1/2015-JCA, dated 20.2.2015

Subject: Meeting of the NC (JCM) Staff side under the Chairmanship of Secretary, DOPT on 25/2/2015 at 2:30 p.m. – regarding.

This is with reference to your letter No. NC/JCM/2015 dated 11/2/2015 and 16/2/2015 enclosing therein a copy of Charter of Demands.

2. In this connection, I am directed to inform you that a meeting, under the chairmanship of Secretary (DOPT), is scheduled to be held on 25/2/2015 to discuss the issues raised in the Charter of demands. The meeting will be held at 2.30 PM in Room No. 190, Department of Personnel & Training, North Block
3. Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting.


Dated 17th February, 2015
Dear sir/Madam

Kindly refer to D.O. letter of even number dated 23rd July, 2012 regarding holding of meetings of Departmental Councils regularly with a view to making effective use of Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) Scheme. Secretary, DoPT had also vide his d.o letter of even number dated 3rd December, 2012 & 26th September, 2013 requested to promote this interaction more proactively through regular meetings of Departmental/Office Councils under your Ministry/Department.

2. The JCM Scheme provides for Departmental Councils at the level of individual Ministries/Departments including their attached and subordinate offices and instructions have been issued by this . Department from time to time for making effective use of the JCM scheme. The Staff Side of JCM however has been remonstrating that regular dialogue with the Staff Side through the mechanism of Departmental Councils at Ministry/Department level is not happening frequently. You would kindly appreciate that this is essential as it helps in resolving differences and stimulates an atmosphere of trust.

3. It is therefore requested that the Departmental Councils should be constituted in those Ministries/Departments where they have not been constituted and where they are already in existence, the meetings of the Departmental Councils should be held more frequently to resolve Staff Side grievances.

Yours sincerely
(Mamta Kundra)
Authority :

Amendment to Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972 – Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (PWD Act, 1995)-regarding

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, the 25th February, 2015


Subject: Amendment to Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules, 1972 – Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (PWD Act, 1995)-regarding

The Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 were amended vide the Department of Personnel and Training Notification No. 13026/1/2002-Estt(L) dated the 15/16thJanuary, 2004 consequent to the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (PWD Act, 1995) which came into force from 7thFebruary, 1996.

2. Section 47 of the PWD Act, 1995 provides that services of no employee can be terminated nor can he be reduced in rank in case the employee has acquired a disability during his service. The first proviso to the Section 47 lays down that if such an employee is not suitable for the post he was holding, he could be shifted to some other post.

However, his pay and service benefits would be protected. The second proviso provides that if it is not possible to adjust such an employee against any post, he would be kept on a supernumerary post until a suitable post is available or he attains the age of superannuation, whichever is earlier. Further, the Clause (2) of Section 47 provides that no promotion shall be denied to a person merely on ground of his disability. In Kunal Singh v. Union of India, [2003] 4 SCC 524, Hon’ble Supreme Court has observed that the very frame and contents of Section 47 of the PWD Act, 1995 clearly indicate its mandatory nature.

3. The issues relating to leave or absence of Government servants who have acquired a disability while in service are required to be dealt with in the light of the provisions of the Section 47 of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. The case of a disabled government servant who is declared fit to resume duty but who may not able to perform the duties of the post he was holding earlier may be dealt with as per the first proviso to Section 47 of the PWD Act, 1995. The second proviso shall apply if it is not possible to adjust him against any existing post. In all such cases, the Government servant so adjusted shall be entitled to the pay scale and other service benefits attached to the post he was holding.

4. A disabled Government servant who is not fit to return to duty shall be adjusted as per second proviso to the Section 47 mentioned above, until he is declared fit to resume duty or attains the age of superannuation whichever is earlier, with the same pay scale and service benefits. On being declared fit for resuming duty, the Government servant who is not fit for the post he is holding, may be adjusted as per the first proviso to Section 47.

5. Leave applied on medical certificate in connection with disability should not be refused or revoked without reference to a Medical Authority, whose advice shall be binding. The ceiling on maximum permissible leave laid down in Rule 12 may not be applied to leave on medical certificate applied in connection with the disability. Any leave debited for the period after a Government servant is declared incapacitated shall be remitted back into his/her leave account.

6. For a government servant who is unable to submit an application or medical certificate on account of disability, an  application/medical certificate submitted by a family member may be accepted. The provisions relating to examination of  disabled Government servants and the Medical Authorities competent to issue such certificates are also being amended.

7. Necessary amendments to the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 are being notified separately.

(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Tel: 23093176

Amendment in Educational Code for Kendriya Vidyalaya

Amendment in Article 108 of the Education Code for Kendriya Vidyalayas

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
(Min.of HRD,Deptt. Of Education, Govt.of India)
18-Institutional Area
Shaheed jeet singh Marg
110016/New Delhi – 110016

Office Memorandum

Subject: Amendment in Article 108 of the Education Code for Kendriya Vidyalayas.

Board of Governors of KVS in its 100th meeting held on 10-12-2014 has ratified the recommendations of 42nd Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) meeting held on 26-11-2014 on Amendment in Article 108 of the Education Code for Kendriya Vidyalayas.

The Amendment are as under:-

Existing provision 

A. Classes I to II
(1) Hindi (2) Engilsh (3) Mathematics (4) Art of Healthy and productive living
A.Classes III to V
Scholastic Subjects:
(1) Hindi (2) English (3) Mathematics (4) Environmental Studies
Non – Scholastic Subjects:
(5) Work Experience
(6) Art (7) Physical Education/Games (8) Music (Computer Awareness programme as a part of work experience shall be provided from class III onwards if, facilities are available.)
Amended Provision

A. Classes I to V
(1) Hindi (2) English
(3) Mathematics
(4) Environmental Studies

Co Scholastic Subjects:-
(5) Art Education (6) Work Education (7) Health and physical Education (8) ICT skills
*Art Education includes Music, Drawing Dance & Drama.
C. Calsses VI to VIII 

Scholastic Subjects:(1) Sanskrit (2) Hindi (3) English (4) Mathematics (5) General Science (6) Social Studies
Non Scholastic Subjects:
(7) SUPW (8) Art Education (9) Health and Physical Education
B. Classes Vi to VIII 

Scholastic Subjects:(1)Hindi (2) English (3) Third Language – Sanskrit (4) Mathematics (5) Science (6) Social Science
Co Scholastic Subjects:
(7) Work Education (8) Art Education (9) Health and physical Education including Yoga (10) ICT Skills
* Art Education includes Music, Drawing, Dance & Drams.
D. Classes IX and X 

Scholastic Subjects:(1) & (2) Any two languages out of Sanskrit, Hindi and English (3) Mathematics
(4) Science and Technology
(5) Information Technology
(6) Socience (Computer literacy/Education as a part of work experience)
C. Classes IX and X:

Scholastic Subjects:
(1) & (2) Any two languages out of Sanskrit, Hindi and English (3) Mathematics
(4) Science 5) Social Science
Co Scholastic Subjects:-
(6) Work Education (7) Art Education (8) Health and physical Education including yoga (9) ICT Skills
* Vocational Subjects, if any, as per CBSE Guidelines.
** Art Education includes Music, Drawing Dance & Drame.
E. Calsses XI and XIII Science Group:

Compulsory: Core language (English or Hindi or Sanskrit), SUPW, General Studies

Elective: Any four of the following: (i) physics (ii) Chemistry (iii) Biology (iv)Mathematics (v) informatics practices (vi) Computer Science (vii) Multimedia & Web Technology (viii) Economics (ix) language other than that offered as compulsory core languae (x) Biotechnology
D. Classes XI and XIII Science Stream:

Core Subjecs: English, Hindi,Sanskrit (Any One or two*)

Elective: (Any four or three*) out of the following:
(i) Physics (ii) Chemistry (iii) Biology (iv) Mathematics (V) Computer Science (VI) Informatics Practices (VII)Economics (ix) language other than that offered as compulsory core language (x) Biotechnology
* Total: Core +Elective – 05 Subjects (CBSE guidelines to be followed)
II Commerce Gorup:Compulsory: Core language (Snskrit or English or Hindi) SUPW, General Studies. Elective: Any four of the following (i) Accountancy (ii) Business Studies (iii) Economics (iv) Mathematics (v) Geography (vi) Informatics practices (vii) Computer Science (viii) Multimedia & Web Technology (ix) language other than that offered as compulsory core language. II Commerce Stream:Core Sunjects: English, Hindi, Sanskrit (Any one ot two*) Elective: (An four or three*) out of the following:
(i) Accountancy (ii) Business Studies (iii) Economics (iv) Mathematics (v) Geography (vi) Informatics practices (vii) Computer Science (viii) Multimedia & Web Technology (ix) language other than that offered as compulsory core language.
* Total: Core +Elective = 05 Subjects (CBSE guidelines to be followed)
III Humanities Group:
Compulsory: Core language (Sanskrit or Hindi or English), SUPW, General Studies.
Elective: Any four of the following
(i) History (ii) Geography (iii) Economics (iv) Mathematics (v) language other than that offered as compulsory core language (vi) Multimedia & Web Technology (vii) Informatics practices.
Note: Students may offer any subject as prescribed by the CBSE provided 15 or more students opt for the same. However, a student can also opt for any other subject (s) other than the above, even if the number of students is less than 15, provided he/she makes his/her own arrangements for study. This applies for both compulsory and elective subjects.
III Humanities Stream:
Core Subjects: English, Hindi, Sanskrit (any one or two*)
Elective: (Any four or three*) out of the following:

(i) History (ii) Geography (iii) Economics (iv) Mathematics (v) language other than that offered as compulsory core language (vi) Multimedia & Web Technology (vii)Informatics practices (viii) Political science (ix) Sociology
* Total: Core +Elective =05 Subjects (CBSW Guidelines to be followed)
Co Scholastic subjects for all streams: 
i) Work Education
ii) Health and physical Education including yoga
iii)General studies/life skills Education/Values Education/Gender Sensitivity
Note: Students may offer any subject as prescribed by the CBSE an arrangement of contractual teacher can be made by KV provided 15 or more students opt for the same. However, a student can also opt for any other subject(s) other than the above (Subject to CBSE guidelines), even if the number of students is less than 15, provided he/she makes his/her own arrangements for study. This applies for both core and elective subjects.

Yours faithfully
Joint Commissioner(Acad)

Schemes for development of sports

Schemes for development of sports

The Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs and Sports Shri Sarbananda Sonowal has said that the details of the existing schemes of the Department of Sports, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports for the development of sports in the country are as follows:

(i) “Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan” (RGKA), a centrally sponsored scheme introduced in 2014-15 in place of erstwhile Panchayat Yuva Krida aur Khel Abhiyan, aims at construction of Integrated Sports Complexes in all block panchayats of the country in a phased manner and providing access to organized sports competitions at block, district, state and national levels.

(ii) Urban Sports Infrastructure Scheme, introduced in 2010-11, envisages development of playfields by the State Governments through Playfield Associations, coach development programme through Central and State Governments, creation of infrastructure including laying of artificial turfs for hockey, football and athletics, and construction of multi-purpose hall. Under the Scheme, State Governments, local civic bodies, schools, colleges, universities and sports control boards are eligible for assistance.

(iii) Scheme of Assistance to National Sports Federations (NSFs) for conduct of National Championships at Senior, Junior, Sub-Junior level for men and women, conduct of international tournaments in India, participation of sportspersons in international sports competitions, organizing coaching camps, engagement of foreign coaches, and procurement of sports equipments.

(iv) National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) for various activities including giving assistance to elite athletes, who are medal prospects for their customized and tailor-made training and competition exposure.

(v) Scheme of Human Resource Development in Sports focusses on developing human resources in sports sciences and sports medicine for the overall development of sports and games in the country. The scheme also provides assistance to coaches and referees / judges to upgrade knowledge / accreditation level and assistance for participation in and conduct of seminars in India, etc.

(vi) Scheme of Special Cash Awards for Winners of medals in international sports events and their coaches.

(vii) Scheme of Pension to Meritorious Sportspersons after they retire from active sports career with the objective of providing them financial security and incentivizing sporting achievements.

(viii) Scheme of National Sports Awards, viz, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, Arjuna Awards, Dronacharya Awards, Dhyanchand Awards for honouring them for their achievements and contributions as sportspersons and coaches.

(ix) National Welfare Fund for Sportspersons for providing lump sum financial assistance to sportspersons now living in indigent conditions for their medical treatment etc.

(x) Scheme of Sports & Games for Persons with Disabilities for broad-basing of sports among differently-abled sportspersons by way of conduct of training for community coaches, conduct of sports competitions and providing assistance to schools/institutes having differently-abled sportspersons on their rolls for procurement of sports equipments and engagement of coaches on contract basis.

Details of the schemes of Sports Authority of India (SAI) for development of sports in the country are as under:
(i) National Sports Talent Contest (NSTC): The main objective of the scheme is to identify gifted and talented sportspersons among school children in the age group of 8-14 years.

(ii) Army Boys Sports Companies (ABSC) is implemented in collaboration with the Army. Children in the age group of 8-16 years are imparted scientific training to achieve excellence at national and international levels. The scheme also provides job opportunities in the Indian Army. Similar arrangements are proposed to be made in Central Para-military forces.

(iii) Special Area Games (SAG): This Scheme follows an area-specific approach to scout and nurture talent for modern competitive games and sports from tribal, rural, coastal and hilly areas of the country. The main objective of the scheme is to train talented and meritorious sportspersons in the age group of 12-18 years.

(iv) SAI Training Centres (STC): Under this scheme, talented youth in the age group of 12-18 years are given the option to join the scheme on residential or non-residential basis.
(v) Centres of Excellence (COE): The main objective of this scheme is to identify and train outstanding sportspersons who are medal prospects for the country in international competitions.
In a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today Shri Sonowal said, allocation of funds to various National Sports Federations towards participation of sportspersons and teams in international sports events, conduct of international tournaments in India, conduct of National Championship, organizing of National Coaching Camps is done in acordance with the Annual Calender of Training and Competition (ACTCs) finalized in consultation with NSFs. Details of grants released to National Sports Federations, sports discipline-wise during last one year are given in Annexure. For other schemes of the Department of Sports, Sports discipline-wise expenditure is not maintained.

Click here to see Annexure.

Meeting with 7th Pay Commission on 25.02.2015 – Memorandum including Minimum Wages, Retirement Benefits, Allowances

Meeting with 7th Pay Commission on 25.02.2015 – Memorandum including Minimum Wages, Retirement Benefits, Allowances
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
4, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110055
Dated- February 24, 2015
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,

Sub: Meeting with Seventh Pay Commission on 25.02.2015

Seventh Central Pay Commission is going to hold a meeting with Staff Side Members of NC JCM on 25th February 2015 at 11.00 am in the Conference Room, 1st Floor B­14/A, Chatrapati Shivaji Bhawan, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi.

Main agenda of the meeting will be on the memorandum submitted to 7th Pay Commission by JCM, Fixation of minimum wages, Retirement benefits and allowances paid to the central government employees. Feedback of the meeting will be intimated soon after.
Yours sincerely,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source: AIRF

NFIR – 55 Point Charter of Demands Including DA Merger, Interim Relief and Scrap NPS

NFIR’s 55 Point Charter of Demands Including DA Merger, Interim Relief and Scrap NPS

1. Withdraw FDI, PPP in Railways – Stop Out Sourcing, Contractorisation and Privatization.
2. Scrap New Pension Scheme in Railways and restore liberalised pension scheme.
3. DA merger with pay with retrospective effect and payment of Interim Relief to Central Government employees (serving and retired).
4. Calculation and payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) on actual wages.
5. Transport Allowance be exempted from the purview of Income Tax.
6. Increase contribution to Group Insurance Scheme (GIS) by atleast 10-times for all Government employees.
7. Merge Technician-II with Technician-1 with Grade Pay Rs.2800/- (PB-I) in Railways.
8. Revise entry grade pay of Station Masters as Rs.4200/- in PB-2.
9. Replacement of Grade Pay Rs.4600/- with Rs.4800/- (PB-2) w.e.f. 01/01/2006.
10. Revise upwardly the kilometrage rates of Running Staff w.e.f. 01/01/2006 – Settle Running Staff issues as per agreement dated 7th February, 2014.
11. Implement agreement for Up-gradation of Apex Group ‘C’ posts to Group ‘B’ Gazetted in Railways.
12. Allotment of higher Grade Pay to the Loco Pilots and Guards.
13. Count Temporary status Casual Labour Service in full as qualifying service for retirement and other purposes.
14. Allot entry Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- to the Group ‘B’ Gazetted staff.
15. LARSGESS be extended to GP Rs. 2400/- and above.
16. Track patrolling – Support man provision be complied with.
17. Rectify MACPS anomalies.
18. Rectify Sixth CPC anomalies.
19. Enhance Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs.500/- p.m. to not less than Rs.2000/- p.m., for all retired employees.
20. Extend special privileges and facilities for Women employees for their empowerment.
21. Ensure full implementation of the report of Joint Committee for career growth of Track Maintainers.
22. Abolish 12/- Hours duty in Railways – Introduce 8 hours duty roster for Running and Safety categories staff. Classify Running Staff working high speed trains as “Intensive” – NFIR’s proposals on the recommendations of High Power Committee (R&S) be considered for reaching negotiated settlement.
23. Remove hardships being faced by Train Controllers.
24. Reduce Duty Hours of Nursing Staff, thus honour Government’s decision.
25. Create ticket checking staff posts for manning trains.
26. Casual Labour acquired temporary status prior to 01/01/2004 should be covered under Liberalised Pension Scheme.
27. Implement norms approved by Railway Board and sanction new posts of SSE/JE (Signal), ESM, Helper (Signal) etc.
28. Amend Rules for providing employment to Wards of Employees.
29. Provide quality Health care to employees, their families besides retired employees.
30. Fill vacancies of Doctors, Para Medical Staff and provide Super specialists in all Railway Hospitals — enhance superannuation age of Railway Doctors.
31. Cover all Railway employees under Incentive Scheme in Workshops, PUs etc., wherever not covered.
32. Grant parity in Pay Structure for Stenographers in Railways at par with CSS/RBSS.
33. Training Allowance should be revised to 30% of pay in all Training Centres/Schools.
34. Implement agreement on stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors.
35. Review SPAD definition – Prevent harassment and victimisation of Running and safety categories staff.
36. Make upward revision of Income Tax exemption limit in the case of running staff.
37. Running Rooms should be improved, air-conditioned and upgraded on priority.
38. Grant Project incentive allowance to the staff working in projects on Indian Railways.
39. Negotiating foras of PNM, DC/JCM & NC/JCM should be made effective for resolving issues speedily – Implement agreements reached in PNM, DC/JCM & special meetings etc., immediately.
40. Ensure creation of posts in safety/operational/public image categories for manning new services and maintaining new assets without linking to matching surrender.
41. Grant Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers.
42. Absorb quasi administrative units/offices staff against posts in GP Rs. 1800/- PB-1.
43. Induct Course Completed Act Apprentice against vacancies.
44. Ensure quality Uniform to all employees and supply of quality protective gears — concede NFIR’s proposals.
45. Grant Patient Care Allowance to all para-medical staff.
46. Provision of single woman Hostel facility at all Divisional Headquarters and important stations.
47. Setting up of a multi-disciplinary training institute for imparting training in rail related electronic technologies for the wards of Railway Employees.
48. Extension of medical facilities to the dependent parents of railway employees.
49. Liberalize compassionate appointment provisions.
50. Remove restrictions on payment of Children Education Allowance/Hostel subsidy.
51. Allot adequate funds for maintenance of Railway Quarters as well as construction of new quarters.
52. Introduce warning/ Hooter system to prevent deaths of Track Maintainers etc., while on duty.
53. Grant Study leave with attendant incentives liberally o the employees for pursuing higher studies.
54. Enhance Night Patrolling Allowance for Track Maintainers.
55. Allot Pay Band-4 to Junior Administrative Grade Officers in Railways.

Likely increase of salary for bank employees

Likely increase of salary for bank employees

After long wait and negotiations, strike call and withdraws, finally the wage hike settled for bank employees with 15% hike in pay slip components and two extra holidays per month. Click here for details. Details of hike and joint note will be prepared within three months. As per sources, two saturdays will be holidays from 1st April onwards.

Bank employees are very much eager to know the amount of exact increase in pay slip. Though no official confirmation is available, we reproduce a likely chart of increase as procured and sent by one of our viewers, Mr Debashis Das.

Likely increase of salary for bank employees – Approximate pay hike chart

Expected Salary Hike for Bank Employees

AIBOA reports on Meeting of IBA and UFBU 23rd Feb and Salient features of 10th Bipartite Wage Settlement for Bank Employees and Officers

AIBOA reports on Meeting of IBA and UFBU 23rd Feb and Salient features of 10th Bipartite Wage Settlement for Bank Employees and Officers

Circular No.6/VI/2015
February 23, 2015
            Camp: MUMBAI

Dear Comrades,


In the background of C.L.C.(Central) Delhi, counseling IBA and also representatives of the unions  to get back to the negotiation on 20.02.2015, in which Com.Alok Khare, Vice Chairmen, Com.S.S.Shishodia, President and Com.Sanjay Khan  Joint Secretary AIBOA participated and at the CLC’s advice IBA invited the unions for discussions on 23.02.2015.
To-day, a meeting was held at IBA office at 11.30 am.  Representatives of all the eleven unions participated in the discussions.
2.         IBA team was led by Shri.T.M.Bhasin, Chairman IBA, Smt.Arundhati Bhattacharya Chairman SBI, Smt.V.R.Iyer, Chairperson and Managing Director BOI, Shri.Rajeev Rishi,CMD,CBI,Shri.Ashwini Kumar,CMD DB, Shri.Arun Tiwari CMD UBI, Shri.Rakesh Sethi CMD All Bank, Shri.Animesh Chauhan MD&CEO OBC,Shri.Ashwini Mehra DMD SBI Shri.Shyam Srinivasan CEO Federal Bank, Shri.M.V.Tanksale CEO IBA, Shri.K.Unnikrishnan Dy CEO,IBA, Shri.K.S.Chauhan besides officials of HR department of IBA.

3.         While initiating the dialogue Shri.M.V.Tanksale CEO IBA expressed the progress made in the last 18 rounds and also the meetings held with the subgroups with workmen and officers during this period. Shri.Rajeev Rishi Chairman Negotiating Committee IBA, picked up the thread from the last discussion held on 3.02.2015 and reiterated that unions should come forward with the revised demand. Com.M.V.Murali, Convenor UFBU presented in a pointed way the chronological progress of the conduct of the negotiations and also the ‘U’ turn of IBA on 03.02.2015 vis a vis the assurance made on 19.01.2015 precipitating the crisis.

4.         Shri.T.M.Bhasin, Chairman IBA quoting the details of the earlier bipartite benefits, ultimately indicated the paying capacity of the individual banks is the deciding factor, indicated failure at Industry level to force a situation of individual bankwise settlement. He also appealed to appreciate the present situation in Q3 performance of various banks and realize the need to fold up the negotiation with the offer of further 0.5% increase from 13% made on 03.02.2015 by Shri,Rajeev Rishi, Chairman Negotiating Team IBA.

5.         Smt.A.Bhattacharya Chairman SBI in her pointed  presentation dealt the present position of Public Sector Banks vis a vis Private Sector Banks, present capital infusion announcement of Rs 6990 crores by Government of India and also to realize the need to finalise the agreement keeping in mind the various serious developments having global compulsions and also stipulations. To get the priority reallocation of PSB employees at par with Central government employees for the purpose of admission of the wards in Kendriya Vidyalayas by her efforts was also shared in the meeting.  Smt.V.R.Iyer, too supported the view points expressed by Chairman SBI and explained the need to function as a team to keep PSBs in tact and not to allow the Private sector banks to sneak in to capture the business from us..

6.         After protracted negotiations, ultimately the understandings have been clinched which are as follows;
a.  Date of Effect      1.11.2012.
b.  Total Increase of 15% in Payslip components- amounting of Rs 4725 crores.
c.  Construction of new Basic Pay by merging 60.15% of D.A impact where of not to exceed 2% of BP plus DA amounting Rs 597 cr.
d.  2nd and 4th Saturdays will be holidays and other Saturdays will be full working Days.

7.         Thus the exercise to construct new Basic Pay effective from 1.11.2012 has been initiated by sealing the agreement, with the first step to clinch a new working condition in the era of Information and Communication Technology explosion, quite nearer to our most important demand of 5 day working.

8.         AIBOA place on record the role played by Com.D.Raja CPI MP leading AIBEA –AIBOA delegation to meet FM on 19/02/2015 and making sincere efforts to break the deadlock in the Banking Industry avoiding paralysis of the nerve centre of the economy in the last week of this month., due to the proposed 4 days strike which now stands called off consequent to signing of MOU as above. Detailed Pay structures may now be worked out with IBA in subsequent meetings besides discussions other left out issues including of those pertaining to retirees.

9.         Comrades, while rejoicing this success of wage increase, let us not be complacent in our efforts to protect our Public Sector character of our Industry and also preserve the jobs and jobs security secured by the founding fathers of our movement.

Yours comradely,

Source: AIBOA

CGHS Order dated 24-02-2015: Additional empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) and diagnostic centres under CGHS Delhi & NCR

CGHS Order dated 24-02-2015: Additional empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) and diagnostic centres under CGHS Delhi & NCR

No: S. 11045/36/2012-CGHS (HEC)
Government of India
Directorate General of Central Government Health Scheme
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
Dated the 24th February, 2015

Subject: Empanelment of private hospitals (including dental clinics and eye centres) and diagnostic centres under CGHS Delhi & NCR.

In continuation of this Directorate’s Office Memorandum of even no. dated 01.10.2014, 12.11.2014 & 10.02.2015 on the above mentioned subject, the undersigned is directed to convey that in addition to the list of the hospitals (including dental clinics & eye centres) and diagnostic laboratories already empanelled, the hospitals (including dental clinics & eye centres) and diagnostic laboratories as per the list attached have also been empanelled under CGHS in Delhi & NCR from date of issue of this order. The newly empanelled hospitals (including dental clinics & eye centres) and diagnostic laboratories may be treated as included in the existing list with same terms and conditions as have been indicated in the Office Memorandum dated 01.10.2014.

Enel: As above

[Dr. (Mrs.) Sharda Verma]
Director (CGHS)


Sr. No. Name of the Hospitals Address & Tel. No. NABH Accredited / Non-NABH Facilities Empanelled for
1 Gupta Multispeciality Hospital

Empanelled w.e.f.24.02.2015
B-20 (opp. Ram Mandir), Vivek Vihar, Delhi-110095.
Tel. No. 011-45652410-21.
Non-NABH     General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynecology and Obst, Orthopedic, Eye, ENT, Endoscopic/Laparoscopic Surgery, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Urology, nephrology, Dental and Diagnostics.
2 Navjeevan Hospital,

Empanelled w.e.f. 24.02.2015
A-12, Pushpanjali Enclave, Pitampura, New Delhi – 110088. Non-NABH General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynecology and Obst, Orthopedic, Eye, ENT, Endoscopic/Laparoscopic Surgery, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Urology, nephrology, Dental and Diagnostics.

Sr. No. Name of the Diagnostic Centres Address & Tel. No. Accreditation Status Empanelled For
1 Gagan Pathology Centre

Empanelled w.e.f. 24.02.2015
H.No.22, Pocket F26, Sector-7, Near Ayodhya Chowk, Rohini, Delhi. Non-NABH/ NABL Accredited Laboratory Investigations

Sr. No. Name of the Exclusive Dental Centres Address & Tel. No. NABH / Non-NABH Empanelled for
1 Balaji Dental Care

Empanelled w.e.f. 24.02.2015
2065/A, Old Anaj Mandi, Narela, Delhi. Non-NABH All Available Dental Care Facilities

Sr. No. Name of the Hospitals Address & Tel. No. NABH / Non-NABH Facilities Empanelled for
1 Shreya Hospital

Empanelled w.e.f. 24.02.2015
837, Shalimar Garden, Extn.-I, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad. Tel. No. 0120-2649444-555. Non-NABH General Medicine, Pulmonology, General Surgery, Gynaecology and Obst, Orthopaedic, Eye, ENT, Endoscopic/Laparoscopic Surgery, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Urology, nephrology, Dental and Diagnostics.

Sr. No. Name of the Hospitals Address & Tel. No. NABH / Non-NABH Facilities Empanelled for
1 Yatharth Wellness Super Speciality Hospital & Heart Centre

Empanelled w.e.f. 24.02.2015
NH-I, Sector-110, Noida. Tel. No. 9582833333, 9582933333 Non-NABH General Medicine, General Surgery, Pulmonology, Gynaecology and Obst, Orthopaedic, Eye, ENT, Endoscopic/Laparoscopic Surgery, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Urology, nephrology, Dental and Diagnostics.
2 Green City Hospital

Empanelled w.e.f. 24.02.2015
Plot No.NH-17, Delta- I, Greater Noida- 201308. Tel. No. 0120¬2320260, 2320261. Non-NABH     General Medicine, General Surgery, Pulmonology, Gynaecology and Obst, Orthopaedic, Eye, ENT, Endoscopic/Laparoscopic Surgery, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Urology, Nephrology, Dental and Diagnostics.
3 Sharda Hospital

Empanelled w.e.f. 24.02.2015
Plot No. 32&34, Knowledge Park-3, Greater Noida-201306. Tel. No. 0120¬2329700, 2329722. Non-NABH Interventional Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Surgery, Laparoscopic/ Endoscopic procedures, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Orthopaedic Surgery, Pulmonology, General Medicine, General Surgery, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Urology & Nephrology (Including Dialysis), Gastroenterology and GI Surgery, Eye & ENT, Dental, Cancer treatment(Surgery, Chemotherapy & and Diagnostics.


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