Monday, July 1, 2013

Revision of pension of pre-2006 as per Revised concordance table OM dated 28.01.2013: CPAO's instruction to issue revision authority to all

Revision of pension of pre-2006 as per Revised concordance table OM dated 28.01.2013: CPAO's instruction to issue revision authority to all.


NEW DELHI-110066

Dated: 25/06/2013

Sub: Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission — Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc. as per O.M. No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 28.01.2013 issued by DPPW of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.

In pursuance of Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions O.M. No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 28.01.2013 regarding stepping up the pension of the pensioners of pre-2006 up to 50% of the sum of minimum of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay corresponding to the pre revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired (effective date of payment of enhanced pension/family pension is 24/09/2012), an exercise was conducted by NIC, CPAO and N1C,CGA on the already e-revision (not manual revision) cases of pre-2006 in terms of recommendation of 6CPC to find out whether pensioner/family pensioners are actually going to be befitted with this order or not.

2. This may kindly be brought to the notice of all PAOs under your control that Ministry/Department wise list of such cases are available on website of CPAO to facilitate all PAOs in order to speedily dispose of the cases. This is, however, subject to scrutiny of each revised case in the light of DOPT O. M. dated 28/01/2013 at PAOs level and issue revision authority in favour of all the pre-2006 retirees including cases having 'No Change'.

(Dr. Dilip Kumar)
Controller Of Accounts


Home Town LTC to employees whose headquarter and home town are within the same district

Home Town LTC to employees whose headquarter and home town are within the same district

Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam,
Delhi Cantt-110010


No. AN/X1V/14162/TA/DA/LTC
DATE 28/05/2013

All PsCA/CsDA//IFA’s
PCof A(Fys) Kolkata

Sub:  Home Town LTC to employees whose headquarter and home town are within the same district.

The matter regarding admittance of Home Town LTC to employees whose headquarters and home town within the same district, are under examination at HQr’s office.

2. After taking into consideration of views and opinion of different Controllers, the matter has been examined at this HQr’s office and the undersigned has been directed to inform Horne Town LTC may be admitted to employees whose HQr’s and Home Town are within the same district provided they do not come within the purview of-same station as has been defined under SR 116 of FRSR Part II TA Rules.

3.    All LTC Claims may be regulated  accordingly.

Main Order:

7th CPC, Merger of DA, Removal of ceiling of Bonus etc. included in Common Charter of demands for Joint Council of Action by Confederation, AIRF & AIDEF

7th CPC, Merger of DA, Removal of ceiling of Bonus etc. included in Common Charter of demands for Joint Council of Action by Confederation, AIRF & AIDEF

As per Confederation letter published on official website the following demands are included Common Charter of demands for Joint Council of Action by Confederation, AIRF & AIDEF.   In the meeting of members of Confederation, AIRF & AIDEF, it has been decided to submit the Charter of demands to the Cabinet Secretary and seek negotiated settlement.

  1.     Set up the 7th CPC and frame its terms of reference after consultation with Staff Side.
  2.     Merge DA with pay for all purposes.
  3.     Scrap the New Contributory Pension Scheme.
  4.     Regularize (a) Gramin Dak Sevaks of Postal Department.(b)Daily rated workers , (c) Contract Labourers:
  5.     Remove 5% Ceiling on Compassionate appointments.
  6.     Settle all 6th CPC anomalies raised in the National Anomaly Committee and implement the Arbitration Awards.
  7.     Remove Ceiling of Rs. 3500 on computation of Bonus.

The contents of Confederation post is reproduced here for information:-

(Central Head Quarters)
NEW DELHI – 110001

 Dear Comrade,

            The representatives of AIRF, AIDEF, Confederation met at AIRF Office today under the Chairmanship of Com. Umraomal Purohit. President, AIRF. The following Comrades were present.

Com. U. M. Purrohit, President AIRF
Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF
Com. S. N. Pathak, President AIDEF
Com. C. Srikumar General Secretary AIDEF
Com. J. S. Sharma, Org. Secretary: AIDEF
Com. S. K. Vyas, Advisor, Confederation.
Com. K. K. N. Kutty, President, Confederation.
Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation
Com. Virigu Bhattacharjee, Finance Secretary Confederation.
            The meeting decided to forge a Joint Council of Action to pursue the enclosed Charter of Common Demands of CGEs. Com. Umraomal Purohit President AIRF will be the Chairman and Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra will be its Convenor. The following shall be the members of the Council.

1.         Com. U.M. Purohit – AIRF
2.         Com. Shivgopal Mishra-AIRF
3.         To be nominated by AIRF
4.         Com. S.N. Pathak – AIDEF
5          Com. Sree Kumar –AIDEF
6.         To be nominated by AIDEF
7.         Com. S.K. Vyas – Confederation
8.         Com. KKN Kutty – Confederation
9.         Com. M. Krishnan- Confederation

The following demands were included in the Common Charter of demands:

1.    Set up the 7th CPC and frame its terms of reference after consultation with Staff Side.
2.    Merge DA with pay for all purposes.
3.    Scrap the New Contributory Pension Scheme.
4.    Regularize (a) Gramin Dak Sevaks of Postal Department.(b)Daily rated workers , (c) Contract Labourers:
5.    Remove 5% Ceiling on Compassionate appointments.
6.    Settle all 6th CPC anomalies raised in the National Anomaly Committee and implement the Arbitration Awards.
7.    Remove Ceiling of Rs. 3500 on computation of Bonus.

All organizations may include the department –specific and other demands in Part B of the Charter and seek settlement thereof with the appropriate authorities.

The meeting also decided to submit the Charter of demands to the Cabinet Secretary and seek negotiated settlement.

The Council will meet again in the first week of August 2013 to decide upon the date of National Convention and other programmes of action in pursuance of the Charter of demands.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General


The Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme - 2013 to the redeployed erstwhile employees of Delhi & Mumbai Airports - Extension of date up to 30 June 2013

The Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme - 2013 to the redeployed erstwhile employees of Delhi & Mumbai Airports - Extension of date up to 30 June 2013


No. A-60011/28/2012-HRPC
19th June, 2013

The Regional Executive Director
Airports Authority of India
Northern/Western/Eastern/Southern/NER Delhi/Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai/Guwahati.
The Executive Director,
New Delhi
The Airport Director
Airports Authority of India
Kolkata/Chennai Airport.
The Director,
Indian Aviation Academy,
New Delhi.
The Princial,
CATC, Bamrauli
The General Manager,
CRSD/E&M Workshop,
New Delhi.

Subject: The Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme - 2013 to the redeployed erstwhile employees of Delhi & Mumbai Airports - Extension of date up to 30 June 2013.

Reference is made to Corporate HRM Circular of even number dated 14.03.2013 and letter dated 30.04.2013 on the subject cited above, wherein the last date for excising the option for VRS was mentioned as 30.04 2013 and subsequently, the date of exercising the option for VRS was extended from 30.04.2013 to 31.05.2013.

2. Now, it has been decided to further extend the said Scheme upto 30.06.2013 based on the request received from RED, Western Region, Mumbai,.

3. In this context. it is requested to ensure timely relieving of the executives and non-executives opting for VRS-2013. The relieving date shall be the date requested by the VRS opted employees in their application or 30.06.2013, whichever is earlier.

4, Further, no overstay is allowed in this regard and no VRS opted employee is allowed to report for duty after the closing date of the VRS-2013 Scheme i.e., 30.06.2013. As such the VRS forms for executives must be faxed immediately to CHQ for acceptance and the approval of the same should be communicated by return FAX without any delay. As far as Non-executives are concerned their cases should be approved and communicated to the concerned on or before the date of opting for VRS but not later than 30 06.2013.

5. The other terms and condition remain same.

6. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.


Internal Distribution :-

  •     OSD to Chairman
  •     PS to Member (HR) / Member (Ping) / Member (ANS) / Member (Ops.) / Member (Fin.)
  •     All HoDs / EDs at CHQ / Operational Offices
  •     President /General Sceratary — AAOA (I) / ATC Guild (I) / ACOA / AAIEG(I) / IAAIOA /  AAI SC & ST Employees Welfare Association.
  •     General Secretary AAEU
  •     GM (IT) — for uploading on AAI website.


Retirement Age of Scientist- Re-constitution of Committee for DRDO, DSIR, MoEF, MoES

Retirement Age of Scientist- Re-constitution of Committee for DRDO, DSIR, MoEF, MoES
Reconstitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering the cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation:  DoPT has issued Office memorandum for DRDO, MoEF, DSIR, MoES as details below:

  1.     Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) - O.M. No.26012/7/2013-Estt.(A.IV)  dated 26th June, 2013
  2.     Ministry of Environment and Forests  (MoEF) - O.M. No.26012/7/2013-Estt.(A.IV) dated 26th June, 2013
  3.     Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) - O.M. No.26012/7/2013-Estt.(A.IV) dated 26th June, 2013
  4.     Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) - O.M. No.26012/7/2013-Estt.(A.IV) dated 26th June, 2013

The contents of above mentioned OMs is reproduced below for information ......

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

New Delhi dated the 26th June, 2013.


Subject : Re-Constitution of Departmental Peer Review Committee for considering the cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation.

The Prime Minister has approved the composition of the Standing Peer Review Committee in respect of Defence Research and Development Organisation with the following compositions for considering the cases for extension of service of Scientists beyond the age of superannuation under FR 56(d).

i. Secretary, Department of Defence R&D - Chairman
ii. Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences - Member
iii. Prof. P.B.Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, DTU - Member
iv. Chairman, Recruitment and Assessment Centre (DRDO) - Member
v. Secretary, DOPT or representative of Secretary not below the rank of Additional Secretary - Member

2. The tenure of the Committee will be two years.

3. The Committee will hold biennial meetings, three to four months in advance to consider the proposals for extension of service coming up in the six months block i.e. April-September and October-March so that the ACC gets sufficient time to consider the proposals. The recommendation  of the Peer Committee for extension of service beyond 60 years and upto 62 years may be submitted to the EO Division of DOP&T for obtaining approval of the ACC.

4. The Committee will also consider the cases of extension of service beyond 62 years and upto 64 years and the recommendation of the Committee may be submitted to the Establishment Division for placing the same for consideration by the Screening Committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary before obtaining the approval of the ACC.

Director (E)


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