More than 5000 employees working in CSD Canteens
The below statistics was provided in the Lok Sabha by the Minister of Defence on 10th December 2012 as in the written reply to a question raised regarding the employees working in the Canteen Stores Department and their pay...
There are approximately 5400 civilian employees working in various Units Run Canteens (URCs). The pay and benefits of URC employees are governed as per rules regulating the terms and conditions of the services of civilian employees of the URCs issued by Army Head Quarters. The basic pay of all categories of URC employees has been increased by 50% w.e.f. 1.2.2009 and another 15% w.e.f. 1.12.2009.
The below statistics was provided in the Lok Sabha by the Minister of Defence on 10th December 2012 as in the written reply to a question raised regarding the employees working in the Canteen Stores Department and their pay...
There are approximately 5400 civilian employees working in various Units Run Canteens (URCs). The pay and benefits of URC employees are governed as per rules regulating the terms and conditions of the services of civilian employees of the URCs issued by Army Head Quarters. The basic pay of all categories of URC employees has been increased by 50% w.e.f. 1.2.2009 and another 15% w.e.f. 1.12.2009.