Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Flaws in Pay Matrix of 7th CPC: Less benefit on grant of Promotional Pay Scale i.r.o. Next Pay Scale

Flaws in Pay Matrix of 7th CPC: Less benefit on grant of Promotional Pay Scale i.r.o. Next Pay Scale

Pay fixation on promotion from UDC to Assistant immediate next pay scale is found more beneficial than the hierarchical promotion. Fixation of a UDC drawing Rs. 10960+2400 promoted to Assistant is given below:

Pay in PB in 6th CPC Pay Scale 10960
Grade Pay in 6th CPC Pay Scale 2400
Total Basic Pay in 6th CPC Pay Scale 13360
Fixation of Pay in New 7th CPC with factor 2.57 34435
New Basic Pay in New Pay Matrix 34300
Increment on 1.7.2016 35300
Fixation on Pay scale hierarchy i.e., 2800 GP
Increment on Promotion 1059
Total of Basic Pay and Increment 36359
Pay fixed at higher stage in 2800 Grade Pay 37000

Fixation on Promotional hierarchy i.e. Rs 4200 GP
Increment on Promotion 1059
Total of Basic Pay and Increment 36359
Pay fixed at higher stage in 4200 Grade Pay 36500

Similar deficiencies may be noticed in other cases also. For similar cases multiplication factor should be increased. Two increments should be granted on promotion.

Source : http://www.staffnews.in/

Entitlement of financial up-gradation under ACP/MACP for Pharmacist – NFIR

Entitlement of financial up-gradation under ACP/MACP  for Pharmacist – NFIR

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
No. IV/MACPS/O9/Vol. 9
Dated:  18/01/2016
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub:  Entitlement of financial up-gradation under ACP/MACP  Schemes – Pharmacist  

Ref:       DoP&T O.M. No.  35014/1/2014-Estt.   D dated 10/06/2015 addressed to JCM (Staff Side) and copy endorsed to Ministry of Railways and others.

Further to NFIR’s   letter of even number dated 05/01/2016, Federation invites attention of the Railway Board   to the DoP&T’s    O.M.   Dated   10/06/2015   wherein   clarifications   on financial   up-gradation   under ACPSIMACPS   for the category   of Pharmacist   have been conveyed.   Gists of the clarifications   are given hereunder:-

(i)          Every financial up-gradation including non-functional grades granted, have to be treated as offset against one financial up-gradation under the scheme

(ii)     The Pharmacists recruited in GP 2800/- are to be placed in GP 4200/- after completion of 2 years service. They will be eligible  for 2nd  financial  up-gradation  in GP 4600/–, on completion  of next 10 years  of service  i.e. total  12 years  of service  and further  3rd  MACP  on completion  of 22 years of continuous  service.

(iii)       The  Pharmacists   who  have  received  benefit  of  financial  up-gradation   under  ACP  Scheme  shall however  be  eligible  for  3rd   financial  up-gradation   under  MACPS  (which  came  into  effect  from 01/09/2008).   
(iv)        The  Pharmacists,   on  their  placement   from  GP  2800/-  (PB-l)   to  GP  4200/–  in  PB-2  have  been allowed  the  pay  fixation  benefit   equal  to  3%  of  existing  Basic  Pay  and  the  difference  in  GP consequent  upon such placement  which changes not only the Grade Pay but the Pay Band as well.
  1. In this connection,   Federation   cites  below  the  cases  of  the  following  Pharmacists   working  in  the Railway  Hospitals  of Northern Railway,  which are required to be reviewed  for extending benefit on the basis of above clarifications  of DoP&T.
S.N Name Date of Apptt. Pay as on 01/01/2006 Benefit of ACP Existing Pay
1 Ms.Suman Sharma 03/08/1994 10700+2800=13,500(*) 3/08/2006-11530+4200=15,730(**) Promoted in GP 4200/- on 20/01/2010-12,580+4200=16,780
2 Shri Dharmendra Kumar 06/02/1996 10,470+2800=13,270(*) 6/02/2008-11720+4200=16,320(**) Continuing in GP 4200/-
 (*)  They  were  required  to be placed  in GP  4200/- on 01/01/2006 (being  provided  NFG),  having  completed more than two years service in the recruitment  Pay Scale Rs. 4500-7000  (5th  CPC)/Grade  Pay 2800/- (PB-l)  as on 31/12/2005.

(**)  Item No.1   and 2 above have completed 12 years of service on 03/08/2006  & 05/02/2008  respectively  and as such they should be granted  1st ACP in GP 4600 from those dates.

S.N Name Date of Apptt. Date of promotion in 5th CPC Scale Pay as on 01/09/2008
1 Shri Krishan Kumar 27/11/1982 5000-8000as on 01/04/2003&5500-9000 sometime in 2007 16100+4600=20700(under MACPS)
2 Shri Anil Kaushik 02/07/1984 5000-8000as on 01/04/2003&5500-9000 sometime in 2007 15720+4600=20320(under MACPS)

Note:     1. The above named have completed 24 years of service in the year 2006 and 2008 (i.e. 26/11/2006 & 01/07/2008) respectively and were entitled to receive 2nd ACP in GP 4800/- which has not been extended.

It is also pointed out that the above named have since completed 30 years of service on 26/11/2012 and 01/07/2014.  They are due 3rd   financial up-gradation in GP 5400 under MACPS.  Similar is the case of persons mentioned in the table below, (IV)

S.N Name Date of Apptt. Pay revised and re-fixed on 01/09/2008
1 Shri. L.S.Chandel 19/05/1976 18090+4800=22890 (D.O.R 31/01/20133
2 Ms.Sarita Bhardwaj 19/02/1980 16460+4600=21060

Note:     Both  the   above   named   persons   completed   24  years  of  service  on   18/05/2000   and   18/02/2004, consequently  they were eligible  for 2nd  ACP in GP 4800/- from the respective  dates. Further on completion  of 30  years  of  service   they   are  also  eligible   for  MACP   in  GP  5400/-  w.e.f.   01109/2008  and   18/02/2010 respectively.  However,  this benefit was not granted to them. In this connection  it is to be noted that the DoP&T in its reply dated  10/06/2015  to the JCM (Staff Side), copy endorsed to the Railway Ministry, has clarified that the Pharmacists  at the time of their placement  from GP 2800/- (PB-l)  to GP 4200/- (PB-2) may be allowed pay fixation  benefit.  This  shows that the category  of Pharmacists  were granted placement  in GP 4200/-  subject to fulfillment  of 2 years service  in 4500-7000/GP  2800/-  (PB-l)  as the GP 4200/- for this category is required  to be treated  as  “placement   Grade  Pay”  in place  of GP  2800/-.  The  above  named  are therefore  eligible  for 3rd financial up-gradation  in GP 5400/- under MACPS w.e.f. 01109/2008 and 18/02/2010 respectively.

Federation   also  conveys  that  in the  above  cases  the entitled  benefit  under  ACP/MACP   Scheme  has unfortunately  not been granted  with effect from the dates they were due as explained  in the above paras. There may be similar situations in the case of Pharmacist category on Zonal Railways.

NFIR, therefore,  requests  the Railway  Board to issue clarification  instructions  to the General Managers of Zonal Railways  and Productions  Units in general and Northern Railway in particular  to review the cases and extend  benefits  under  ACP/MACP   Scheme  correctly  and also allow consequential  benefits  to the Pharmacists. Federation may be replied of-action being taken in the matter.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaia)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners with effect from 1.1.2006 instead of 24-09-2012 – Railway Board Orders on 18.12.2015

Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners with effect from 1.1.2006 instead of 24-09-2012 – Railway Board Orders on 18.12.2015

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board
RBA No.79/2015
New Delhi Dated: 18/12/2015
All Zonal Railways/PUs

Sub: Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners with effect from 1.1.2006 instead of 24-09-2012.
Please connect Board’s letter of even no.dated 14.10.2015 wherein it has been requested to expedite the revision of pension in accordance with the instructions contained in the letter No.F(E)III/2008/PN1/12 dated 31.7.2015. However, complaints are being received from several Pensioners’Associations in this regard.

FA & CAOs / CPOs may kindly fix a target date for completion of revision of PPOs. A feedback on progress made in this regard may also be sent to Board.
(Vivek P Tripathi)
Director Finance Accounts
Railway Board
Authority: www.indianrailways.gov.in
Click to view the order

Press release on the eve of 3 Day Protest on the call of NJC

Press release on the eve of 3 Day Protest on the call of NJCA

Central Government is not giving any priority to solve long pending demands of the Central Government employees. In spite of our sustained persuasions, to resolve of our demands of removal of retrograde recommendation of 7th CPC, payment of arrear of Productivity Linked Bonus etc. To register protest on this NJCA has chalked out a 3 day Protests programmes w.e.f 19.01.2016 to 21.01.2016. In this connection Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra has called upon all the Central Government employees, including the railwayemen to join all the programmes en masse on the call of the NJCA. Detailed press release is uploaded below…..
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055

New Delhi: 18th January, 2016 – “All India Railwaymen’s Federation is preparing for total shut- down with the Central Government under the banner of National Joint Council of Action”.
The above was stated by Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary of AIRF/NRMU and Convener of the NJCA in a Press Conference held today in AIRF Office, 4 State Entry Road, New Delhi.

Shri Mishra said that, the Central Government is not giving any priority to solve long pending demands of the Central Government employees. In spite of our sustained persuasions, to resolve of our demands of removal of retrograde recommendation of 7th CPC, payment of arrear of Productivity Linked Bonus, filling up of more than 2.5 lakhs vacancies of railway employees, indiscriminate outsourcing, handing over Production Units of Madherpura and Marohra of Electrical and Diesel Locomotive with assured off-take and thirteen years maintenance contracts to M/s Alstom and General Electric Companies, there is no headway on these issues. Outsourcing of maintenance of train-sets for thirteen years, amendment in the labour laws in favour of the corporate houses, non-creation of new posts for new assets, 100% FDI, PPP in the Railways, institution of the Railways Development Authority to promote privatization etc., have forced AIRF to join thirty six lakh Central Government employees for sustained struggle.

Shri Mishra further said that, AIRF cadre will join three days dharna at all state capitals and industrial centers from 19th to 21st January, 2016. All the affiliates of AIRF shall also conduct strike ballot on 11-12 February, 2016 to know the mood of the railway employees in favour of “Indefinite Strike”.

AIRF affiliates are also campaigning vigorously among the railwaymen to make the strike ballot and indefinite strike successful.

Northern Railwaymen’s Union is also going to launch a mass mobilization fortnight programme programme by contacting each and every railwayman from 25th January to 10th February, 2016.
Shri Mishra added that, the railwaymen are not responsible for economic crises in the Railways because they are running 22,000 pairs of trains round-the-clock, carrying 2.5 crors passengers everyday along entire length and breadth of the country, even by sacrificing their lives.

The Government of India should bear the burden of rupees twenty six thousand crore of subsidized traffic carried by the Railways and rupees twenty eight thousand crore being paid on railway pensioners. The Government should also stop charging Service Tax on the products of the Indian Railways and should also stop step motherly treatment and invest from the General Exchequer to improve upon the infrastructure of the Railways to support common man of this country. The Central Government should also wave off dividend to be paid by the Railways to the tune of around rupees ten thousand crore.

Shri Mishra said, we have kept this life line moving since 1974, but now, it has become difficult because of indifferent attitude of the Central Government. There has been no meeting of the National Council(JCM) for the last more than last five years, which should be at least thrice a year.

Shri Mishra said that, we don’t want to disturb the train service to create chaos in the country, but now we have no option, therefore, all the Central Government Employees Organization, including Railways, Postal, Ordinance Factories and other Civilian, Defense Establishment, other Central Government employees have decided to go on “Indefinite Strike”, if their demands are not resolved by end of February 2016.

He appealed to all the Central Government employees, including the railwayemen to join all the programmes en masse on the call of the NJCA.

For General Secretary

Source: AIRF

AIRF’s Suggestions for the General Budget 2016-17

AIRF’s Suggestions for the General Budget 2016-17

All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), representing more than 1.3 million Railwaymen, has submitted significant suggestions to Hon’ble Finance Minister on General Budget which is going to be presented on Feb 29, 2015. Budget leaves great impact on the lives of Railwaymen and their families including pensioners.

Therefore it becomes mandatory to bring core issues of Railwaymen at forefront so that Railwaymen find some relief…….
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055
Dated: January 13, 2016
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
Ministry of Finance,
(Government of India),
New Delhi

Respected Sir,

Sub: Suggestions for the General Budget 2016-17

All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF), representing more 1.3 million Railwaymen, wish to submit the following significant suggestions for consideration in the ensuing General Budget 2016-17:-

Provision of Rs.35,000 crore for implementation of VII CPC Report in the Railways – Indian Railways is broadly functioning as social entity; serving the vast spectrum of the society, majority of whom belongs to lower income group. Railways, is therefore, facing financial crunch on account of little flexibility in freight and fare. To implement report of the VII CPC Indian Railways require Rs.35,000 crore during the coming financial year 2016-17. Keeping in view total scenario and financial health of the Indian Railways as also the aspirations of the people of this country to modernize the Railways, provision of at least Rs.35,000 crore should be made for implementation of VII CPC report for the Railwaymen.

2. Exemption of the Railwaymen from the purview of National Pension System(NPS) – Successive Hon’ble Minister for Railways, accepting the established fact that the Indian Railways is the second line of defence of this country, and the Railwaymen have always proved their worth during all wars, may be 1962, 1965 and 1971, have already recommended for exemption of the Railwaymen from the purview of National Pension System(NPS). Since Railways is an operational department, Railwaymen have to work round-the-clock throughout the year and also have to stay away from their families for long period time while performing duties in the areas where adequate facilities are not available. Railwaymen have to work throughout the year in all weather conditions and their duties are of such complex and critical as well as hazardous in nature and they have to sacrifice their lives, while performing duties, in large number every year, as already accepted by the High Power Committee constituted by the Ministry of Railways under the Chairmanship of Dr. Anil Kakodkar. Therefore, Railwaymen deserve exemption from the purview of National Pension System(NPS), irrespective of their date of appointment on par with armed forces. It would also be pertinent to point out here that, the Indian Railways is the only government department which is shouldering total burden of payment of Pension/Family from its own resources.

3. Raising the limit of exemption from Income Tax deduction – Despite several announcements, one of the major issues in the election manifesto, limit of exemption from Income Tax, could not be raised during the last General Budget(2015-16) as per aspiration of the people of this country. It would not be out of context to submit that, value of the Rupees has substantially devaluated over the years, as a result of which, Dearness Allowance, which is paid to compensate this devaluation of money, has already crossed 119% w.e.f. 1st July, 2015 and is further likely to be increased during this year. This largely justifies that, limit of exemption from Income Tax deduction should be raised to at least 5 lakh per annum. AIRF, therefore, urges that, this aspect needs to be considered in the ensuing General Budget.

4. Provision of adequate allocation of funds for Education and Healthcare – Education and medical facilities in the market have become quite costly, as such gradually going out of reach of the common man because of business type educational institutes and private hospitals. Public Education System and medical facilities have drastically deteriorated over the year due to paucity of funds being allocated under these heads. This is also creating huge imbalance in the Indian Society. There is, therefore, urgent need of augmenting education and healthcare for the common man of this country, for which allotment of funds under these heads needs to be raised to 6% and 4% respectively of the GDP.

5. Allotment of funds for Skilled India Mission of the Hon’ble Prime Minister – A number of railway stations are proposed to be developed for skill development of the youth, as already announced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, for which, substantial fund would be required. Since this is a National Mission and the Indian Railways is not in a position to bear this burden due to financial crunch, adequate fund needs to be allotted for this purpose in the ensuing General Budget.

6. Budgetary support for modernization and augmentation of Indian Railways – Indian Railways is the cheapest and most convenient mode of transport for common man of this country and is virtually lifeline of the nation. To fulfill the aspirations of the rail users, services of the Indian Railways need to be augmented to run this organization more safely and efficiently. It may be appreciated that the Indian Railways is a government organization. As such, Dividend and Lease Charges need not be recovered from the Railways, rather budgetary support, which has drastically declined over the year, should be increased adequately for modernization and augmentation of the Indian Railways. It has been observed that, Service Charges are also being taken on many materials and components manufactured or purchased by the Railways. Being government organization, Service Charges must not be taken from the Indian Railways.

7. Implementation of “Own Your House Scheme” for the Railwaymen – Indian Railways is employing more than 13 lakh employees who work round-the-clock in all weathers throughout the year. Only a marginal number of railway staff is provided with railway quarters while others have to starve badly for residential accommodation or are forced to reside as tenant. Former Hon’ble Minister for Railways, considering this apathy of the railwaymen, had made announcement in the Rail Budget regarding “Own Your House Scheme”, which has not seen light of the day due to paucity of funds. AIRF, therefore, urges that, necessary funds be allotted for this purpose, which will not only help in providing accommodation to needy railwaymen, but also in rapid growth in construction industry and boost the GDP of the country.

8. Refund of Pension Charges born by the Indian Railways – Indian Railways is the only government organization which takes care of entire Pension/Family Pension and Retirement benefits to the Railway employees, whereas for the whole lot of government employees, Government of India owns responsibility. At present, Indian Railways is disbursing around Rs.28,000 in the form of retirement benefits, including Pension/Family Pension to their employees and their dependents. It would be appreciated, if this money should be refunded to Indian Railways to improve economic health, and by this way there will be at least some provision for improvement in the safety standard and passenger care of the Indian Railways.

9. Refund of subsidy – Indian Railways is spending around Rs.26,000 crore for the subsidized fare, being given to the passengers. It is cross subsidy from freight to passengers. It would be in all appropriateness if this amount should be refunded to Indian Railways, so that it could take various important projects pending since years.

AIRF earnestly hope that its aforementioned suggestions would be given due consideration while preparing ensuing General Budget 2016-17 by the government.

With kind regards!
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source: AIRF

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