Saturday, March 14, 2015

7th Pay Commission: Rajya Sabha questions regarding Expected date of report & implementation and representative of security forces

Seventh Pay Commission: Questions asked in Rajya Sabha regarding Expected date of report & implementation and representative of security forces
ANSWERED ON  10.03.2015
Seventh Pay Commission
1380 Shri Narendra Kumar Kashyap
Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to satate :-

(a) Whether Government has announced the Seventh Pay Commission for the Central Government employees;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) by when the Commission is likely to submit its report and the date from which it will be implemented;
(d) whether the representatives of the security forces have also been included in this Commission; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?


(a) & (b) : The Government of India has appointed the Seventh Central Pay Commission comprising of the following vide Resolution dated 28th February, 2014:

(i) Shri Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur - Chairman
(ii) Shri Vivek Rae - Member (Full time)
(iii) Dr. Rathin Roy - Member (Part time)
(iv) Smt. Meena Agarwal, - Secretary

(c): In terms of the aforesaid Resolution dated 28.2.2014, the Commission is required to make its recommendations within 18 months from the date of its constitution.

(d) & (e). No Sir.

भारत सरकार
वित्त मंत्रालय
व्य्य विभाग
राज्य सभा
अतारांकित प्रश्न  संख्या: – 1380 
 मंगलवार, 10 मार्च, 2015/19 फाल्गुन, 1936 (शक)
सातवां वेतन आयोग 
1380. श्री नरेन्द्र  कुमार कश्य प: 
क्याा वित्त मंत्री यह बताने की कृपा करेंगे कि:
(क) क्या सरकार ने केन्द्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों के लिए सातवें वेतन आयोग की घोषणा की है; 
(ख) यदि हां, तो तत्संबंधी ब्यौरा क्या है; 
(ग) आयोग द्वारा कब तक अपनी रिपोर्ट सौंपने की संभावना है और इसके किस तिथि से लागू होने की संभावना है; 
(घ) क्या इस आयोग में सुरक्षा बलों के प्रतिनिधियों को भी शामिल किया गया है; और 
(ङ) यदि हां, तो तत्संबंधी ब्यौरा क्या  है?
वित्त मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री (श्री जयंत सिन्हा)

(क) और (ख): भारत सरकार ने 28 फरवरी, 2014 के संकल्प के तहत सातवें केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग का गठन कर दिया है जिसमें निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं:

(i)   न्यायमूर्ति श्री अशोक कुमार माथुर - अध्यक्ष
(ii) श्री विवेक राय - सदस्य (पूर्णकालिक)
(iii) डॉ. रथिन रॉय - सदस्य (अंशकालिक)
(iv) श्रीमती मीना अग्रवाल - सचिव

(ग): 28 फरवरी, 2014 के उपर्युक्त संकल्प के अनुसार, आयोग को अपने गठन की तारीख से 18 माह के अन्दर अपनी सिफारिशें देनी हैं। 
(घ) और (ङ): जी, नहीं। 

Demand of allowance at par with Defence Service/Technical Personnel by Defence Civilian Employees is not feasible

Demand of allowance at par with Defence Service/Technical Personnel by Defence Civilian Employees is not feasible
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
13-March-2015 13:33 IST
Recruitment of Soldiers
From time to time Defence Civilian employees have been raising the demands that they should be granted Field Area allowance and Modified Field Area allowance as applicable to the service Personnel and for providing other allowances like Aeronautical Technical Allowance, Airworthiness Certificate Allowance, Flight Charge Certificate Allowance etc. at par with technical defence personnel. It has not been found feasible to accept these demands as the job requirements and service conditions of Service Personnel and Defence Civilian employees are totally different.

Complaints relating to alleged irregularities / malpractices in recruitment of soldiers have been received from time to time. In cases of complaints of involvement of touts, FIRs, where applicable, have been lodged. During the last three years (2012 to till date), three cases of involvement of Service Personnel were found. Court of Inquiry has been instituted in one case; preliminary investigation has been ordered in another case and in third, the CBI has registered a case.

Proactive measures have been taken on a continuous basis to streamline the recruitment process. These include deployment of vigilance teams, involving police and Government intelligence sources, introducing additional checks and balances in documentation procedure, online verification of documents where feasible, conducting awareness campaigns against falling prey to touts, in-house printing of Question Papers to obviate leakage.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri Manohar Parrikar in a written reply to Shri P Karunakaran in Lok Sabha today.

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