Tuesday, May 29, 2018

7th CPC on revision of provisions regulating Pension/Gratuity/Commutation of Pension/Family Pension including pensionary awards

7th CPC on revision of provisions regulating Pension/Gratuity/Commutation of Pension/Family Pension including pensionary awards

No. 1(7)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare,
New Delhi, 24th May, 2018
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Sub: Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission on revision of provisions regulating Pension/Gratuity/Commutation of Pension/Family Pension including pensionary awards notified in terms of casualty pensionary awards Fixation of Pension of Commissioned Officers of Army Medical Corps/Army Dental Corps/Remount & Veterinary Corps retired during 1.12016 to 30.6.2017.


The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's letter No. 17(02)/2016/D(Pen/Pol) dated 4th September, 2017. In accordance with Para 4.1.1 of said letter, the emoluments reckoned for calculation of pension include Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) granted to Medical officers of Army Medical Corps /Army Dental Corps / Remount & Veterinary Corps.

2. For Medical Officers of Armed Forces who have retired from 1.12016 to 30.6.2017, their pension is based on emoluments which included NPA @ 25% of the pre-revised pay. Orders have been issued by Ministry of Defence vide letter No. 4(10)/2017/D(Med) dated 28th September,2017 for grant of NPA to serving medical officers @ 20% of basic pay w.e.f. 1.7.2017. Accordingly, the medical officers retired/retiring on or after 1.7.2017 are entitled to pension based on emoluments which include NPA at the rate of 20% of the revised basic pay.

3. The matter regarding revision of pension the Medical Officers of Armed Forces who retired during 1.12016 to 30.6.2017 based on revised rate of NPA has been examined by the Government. It has been decided that all kind of pension/family pension in respect of Medical officers of Armed Forces who retired/died during 1.12016 to 30.6.2017 and were drawing NPA at old rates on the date of retirement/death, shall be further revised w.e.f. 1.7.2017 by adding NPA @ 20% to the basic pay on the date of retirement. The fixation of pension/ family pension of retired Medical officers of AMC/ADC/RVC in the above manner, shall be further subject to the condition that emoluments (i.e. Basic Pay MSP + NPA) to be reckoned for pension do not exceed Rs. 2,37,500/- (Rupees two lakh thirty seven thousand and five hundred only). Amount of Gratuity and CVP which has already been notified, shall remain unchanged.

4. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence(F1nance/Pension) vide their ID No. 10(8)/2018/Fin.Pen dated 11.05.2018.

5. Hindi version will follow.

Yours faithfully,
(Manoj Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Source : DESW

GDS Strike: GDS Indefinite Strike Reaches on 7th Day

GDS Strike: GDS Indefinite Strike Reaches on 7th Day

GDS Strike

(Central Head Quarters)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi-110007
Secretary: M. Rajangam
General Secretary: S.S.Mahadevaiah
Date 28.05.2018

Gramin Dak Sevaks in the Department of pots went on indefinite strike from 22nd May 2018. All the Branch Post offices in Rural India closed. Rallys have been conducted on Monday in Cirde Head Quarters in 22 postal Circles said S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, AIGDSU.

Very good strike is recorded all over the country. All the postal services in rural India have been effected. Strike will continue till the demand is achieved said Mahadevaiah.

The News Editor,

For favour of publication in your worthy joumal.
(SS. Mahadevaiah)
General Secretary
Source: AIGDSU (CHQ)

Schedule for Music and Dance Competition for wards of Central Government Employees

Schedule for Music and Dance Competition for wards of Central Government Employees

F.No. 18/3/2017-18-CCSCSB
Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board
Schedule for Music and Dance Competition for wards of Central Government Employees

Reporting Time and DateEvent CategoriesVenue
*10 A.M on 30.5.2018i. Instrumental Music
ii. Classical Music
iii. Folk Music and
iv. Folk Dance
CSOI Auditorium, Vinay Marg
**9 A.M. on 31.5.2018i. Western Dance and
ii. Classical Dance
* Participants are requested to report the venue at sharp 10 A.M. on 30.5.2018.
** Participants are requested to report the venue at sharp 9 A.M. on 31.5.2018.

Important information: -
1. The participants who have crossed the age of 16 years on the last date of receipt of
application i.e. 25.5.2018 will not be entertained.

2. Children's of Civilian persons working in Ministries of Central Government including those working in the attached and subordinate Offices located at Delhi/ Delhi NCR will be eligible for participation in the tournament. Uniformed Services/Police/Para Military personnel are not eligible.

3. Board is only providing the platform to perform, therefore, all participants are requested to bring their equipments needed to showcase their talent. Further they are also responsible for their belongings.

Source: DoPT

Railways: Appointment on Compassionate Grounds: 2nd Wife Policy Letter

Railways: Appointment on Compassionate Grounds: 2nd Wife Policy Letter

RBE No.42/2018
New Delhi, dated 21.03.2018
The General Manager(P)
All Indian Railways & PUs.

Sub: Appointment on Compassionate Ground

The issue Of considering appointment on compassionate grounds(CG) to sons/daughters, born through Other than first legally married wife has been engaging the attention of this Ministry for quite some time, in the backdrop Of partial quashing of CG related instructions contained in this Ministry's letter dated 02.01.1992 regarding such appointments, by the Hon’ble High Court/Calcutta in the case(WPCT 20 of 2009) Namita Goldar & Ors. Vs 1301 & Others.

2. In this regard, Railway Board has taken into account following observations of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, on the subject of CG appointment, in the case of State Bank of India & another Vs Rajkumar, (Civil appeal No. 1641 of 2010):
"it is now well settled that appointment on compassionate grounds is not a source of recruitment. On the other hand it is an exception to the general rule that recruitment to public services should be on the basis of merit, by an open invitation providing equal opportunity to al/ eligible persons to participate in the selection process. The dependants of employees, who die in harness, do not have any special claim or right to employment, except by way of the concession that may be extended by the employer under the Rules Or by a separate scheme, to enable the family of the deceased to get over the sudden financial crisis. The claim for compassionate appointment is, therefore, traceable only to the scheme framed by the employer for such employment and there is no right whatsoever Out side such scheme….".
3. Railway Board has also taken into account following observation of Hon'ble High Court of Jharkhand (Ranchi) in writ petition No. WP(S) 16 of 2014 (pronounced on 24.07.2014) “"Compassionate appointment is a matter of policy of the employer and the employer cannot be compelled to provide compassionate appointment contrary to its policy/scheme. When there is specific circular which clearly provides that the children of second marriage of the employee shall not be eligible for compassionate appointment, no direction can be issued to the respondents to consider the case of the petitioner."

4. The matter has been examined and in Supersession Of this Ministry's letter dated 02.01.1992 issued under RBE No. 01/1992 and No. dated 03.04.2013, it has been decided that the first right of being considered for compassionate grounds appointment is vested, in cases Of death Of Railway servants while in service, with the legally wedded surviving widow provided she has not remarried at the time of making request for appointments on compassionate grounds. It is clarified that in cases of those Railway Servants who are governed by the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, there can only be one legally wedded wife/widow, as second marriage, while spouse is living, is void/voidable in view of the Section 5(1) read with Section 11 of the Act. In this respect, Railway Board’s letter NO. GS 1-1 dated 10.04.1992 connects.

5. If aforementioned legally wedded surviving widow does not want herself to be considered for compassionate grounds appointment, she can nominate, for CG appointment, a "bread winner" for the family from amongst the following:
(a) In cases of those Railway Servants who are governed by the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Son(including adopted son); or daughter(including widowed/ adopted/ married/divorced daughter). However, if such Railway Servant has left sons/daughters, who have been treated as legitimate Or deemed to be legitimate, under Section 16 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, neither widow can nominate them as bread winner for CG appointment nor such sons/daughters can claim CG appointment.

(b) In cases Of those Railway Servants who are governed by their respective Personal Laws: Son(including adopted son); Or daughter(including widowed/ adopted/ married/divorced daughter).
However, if such Railway Servant has left sons/daughters through second/subsequent legally valid marriages, i.e. other than through first wife and deceased Railway Servant have failed to Obtain requisite permission for such second/subsequent marriage as required under section 21 (relating to restrictions regarding marriage) Of the Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966, neither first widow/second/subsequent widow can nominate such sons/daughters as bread winner for CG appointment nor such sons/daughters can claim CG appointment. Moreover, such Second/subsequent widow also would not have any right to seek compassionate grounds appointment.

6. All Zonal Railway/PUs/Units are directed to decide cases accordingly.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Neer Kumar)
Director Estt. (N)ll,
Railway Board
Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in

Fixation of Pension of Retired Medical officers of AMC/ADC/RVC - DESW Orders

Fixation of Pension of Retired Medical officers of AMC/ADC/RVC - DESW Orders

"The fixation of pension/ family pension of retired Medical officers of AMC/ADC/RVC in the above manner, shall be further subject to the condition that emoluments (i.e. Basic Pay MSP + NPA) to be reckoned for pension do not exceed Rs. 2,37,500/- (Rupees two lakh thirty seven thousand and five hundred only). Amount of Gratuity and CVP which has already been notified, shall remain unchanged. "
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, 24th May, 2018
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Sub: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission on revision of provisions regulating Pension/Gratuity/Commutation of Pension/Family Pension including pensionary awards notified in terms of casualty pensionary awards Fixation of Pension of Commissioned Officers of Army Medical Corps/Army Dental Corps/Remount & Veterinary Corps retired during 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2017.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's letter No.17(02)/2016/D(Pen/Pol) dated 4th September, 2017. In accordance with Para 4.1.1 of said letter, the emoluments reckoned for calculation of pension include Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) granted to Medical officers of Army Medical Corps /Army Dental Corps / Remount & Veterinary Corps.

2. For Medical Officers of Armed Forces who have retired from 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2017, their pension is based on emoluments which included NPA @ 25% of the pre-revised pay. Orders have been issued by Ministry of Defence vide letter No. 4(10)/2017/D(Med) dated 28th September, 2017 for grant of NPA to serving medical officers @ 20% of basic pay w.e.f. 1.7.2017. Accordingly, the medical officers retired/retiring on or after 1.7.2017 are entitled to pension based on emoluments which include NPA at the rate of 20% of the revised basic pay.

3. The matter regarding revision of pension the Medical Officers of Armed Forces who retired during 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2017 based on revised rate of NPA has been examined by the Government. It has been decided that all kind of pension/family pension in respect of Medical officers of Armed Forces who retired/died during 1.12016 to 30.6.2017 and were drawing NPA at old rates on the date of retirement/death, shall be further revised w.e.f. 1.7.2017 by adding NPA @ 20% to the basic pay on the date of retirement. The fixation of pension/ family pension of retired Medical officers of AMC/ADC/RVC in the above manner, shall be further subject to the condition that emoluments (i.e. Basic Pay MSP + NPA) to be reckoned for pension do not exceed Rs. 2,37,500/- (Rupees two lakh thirty seven thousand and five hundred only). Amount of Gratuity and CVP which has already been notified, shall remain unchanged.

4. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/Pension) vide their ID No. 10(8)/2018/Fin.Pen dated 11.05.2018.

5. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(Manoj Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Source: www.desw.gov.in

Relaxation of Rules for consideration of reimbursement in excess of the approved rates pertaining to medical claims - CGHS Orders

Relaxation of Rules for consideration of reimbursement in excess of the approved rates pertaining to medical claims - CGHS Orders
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
EHS Section
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 22nd May, 2018
Subject: Relaxation of Rules for consideration of reimbursement in excess of the approved rates pertaining to medical claims

With reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is directed to draw attention to the Office Memorandum No. 4-18/2005- C&P [Vo]. l-Pt (1)], dated the 20th February 2009 and to state that it has now been decided to modify the Para 3 (2) of the above referred Office Memorandum as per the details given under the succeeding paragraphs.

a) The requests for full reimbursement which fall under the following defined criteria shall be examined by Directorate General of CGHS and submitted to AS&DG (CGHS) for consideration of approval. After the recommendation of AS&DG (CGHS), the concurrence of Internal Finance Division and approval of Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are required for reimbursement in excess of CGHS rates:

1) Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency and the patient was admitted by others when the beneficiary was unconscious or severely incapacitated and was hospitalized for a prolonged period.

2) Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency and was admitted for prolonged period for treatment of Head Injury, Coma , Septicemia, Multi-organ failure , etc.

3) Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency for treatment of advanced malignancy

4) Treatment was taken under emergency in higher type of accommodation as rooms as per his/her entitlement are not available during that period.

5) Treatment was taken in higher type of accommodation under specific conditions for isolation of patients to avoid contacting infections

6) Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency when there is a strike in Govt. hospitals.

7) Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency while on official tour to non-CGHS covered area.

b) The requests from CGHS beneficiaries. having a valid CGHS Card at the time of treatment, in respect of the following conditions shall be considered by a High Powered Committee constituted by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare:
(i) Settlement of medical claims in relaxation of rules
(ii) Approval for air-fare with or without attendant on the advice of treating doctor for treatment in another city even though he/she is not eligible for air travel treatment facilities are available in city of residence
(iii) Representations from CGHS beneficiaries seeking full reimbursements under special Circumstances, which are not notified.
c) The other terms and conditions mentioned in the OM No. 4-18/2005- C&P[Vol. l-Pt(1)] dated the 20 February 2009 shall remain unchanged.
(Rajeev Attri)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Source: www.cghs.gov.in

Pay Revision of Employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Government decision on allowances etc

Pay Revision of Employees following CDA pattern in CPSEs - DPE Orders dt. 21.5.2018

Pay Revision of Employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Government decision on allowances etc: regarding

No.W-02/0058/2016-DPE (WC)-GL-XIII/18
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan,
Block No.14, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
Dated, the 21st May, 2018

Subject: Pay Revision of Employees following CDA pattern in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Government decision on allowances etc: regarding.

In continuation of DPE’s OM of even number dated 17.08.2017 regarding Pay Revision of Employees following CDA pattern in CPSEs, it is informed that following allowances applicable to the Central Government employees have been revised by Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT):
i. Travel entitlements for the purpose of LTC as per DoPT’s OM No.31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IV dated 19.09.2017(Annexure-I).
ii. Grant of Children Education Allowance as per DoPT’s OM NO.A 27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 16.08.2017(Annexure-II).
iii. Grant of Children Education Allowance for differently abled children of government employees as per DoPT’s OM No.A-27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 31.10.2017(Annexure-III).
iv. Special Allowance for Child Care for women with disabilities as per DoPT’s OM No.A-27012/03/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 16.08.2017((Annexure-IV)).
2. Further, the following allowances have been abolished by Department of Expenditure/DoPT
i. Department of Expenditure’s OM No.12 (4)/2016-EIII.A dated 07.07.2017 regarding discontinuance of Family Planning Allowance for adoption of small family norms-recommendation of the 7th CPC (Annexure-V).
ii. Department of Personnel & Training’s OM No.A-27023/01/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 16.08.2017 regarding implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 7th CPC-Abolishing Desk Allowance (Annexure-VI).
3. Accordingly, the allowances of the employees of CPSEs following CDA pattern of pay may be revised in terms of OMs mentioned above in para 1 and 2 w.e.f. 01.07.2017.

4. Any subsequent amendment(s) made by the DoE/DoPT in respect of above allowances for Central Government employees would be applicable to these employees also.

5. All administrative Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are requested to bring these orders to the notice of CPSEs under their administrative control who are following CDA pattern of pay scales as per DPE’s OM dated 17.08.2017.
(Samsul Haque)
Under Secretary
Source: https://dpe.gov.in/

DoPT: Training of Non- Statutory Departmental Canteens employees on Food Safety & Standards norms by Food Safety & Standards Authority of India.

DoPT: Training of Non- Statutory Departmental Canteens employees on Food Safety & Standards norms by Food Safety & Standards Authority of India.

No. 17 /1 /2018-Dir (C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel & Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
New Delhi, dated 24th May,2018

Subject:- Training of Non- Statutory Departmental Canteens employees on Food Safety & Standards norms by Food Safety & Standards Authority of India.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. No. 25/1/2013 dated 26.07.2016 on the above subject and to say that as a regulatory body, Food Safety & Standards Authority of India is responsible for ensuring the availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.

2. In order to ensure the same in various Offices of Central Government, all departmental canteens, tiffin rooms etc. have to be licensed as per Section 2.1.2 of the Food Safety & Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Business) Regulations, 2011. Further, as per advisory No. 1-2/Correspondence/FoSTaC/FSSAI/2017 dated 25th April 2018, "every food business having either Central or State License should have atleast one trained & certified "Food Safety Supervisor" for every 25 food handlers or part thereof in each of their premises and nominated food safety supervisors have to be trained under FoSTaC by 31st December 2018."

3. In view of the above, first phase of trainig workshop of Food Safety Supervisor is scheduled on 16th June 2018 at 10 AM onwards in FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi FSSAI for Departmental Canteens of Delhi-NCR. All the Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to nominate individuals to FSSAI, for the said training workshop of Food Safety Supervisor and ensure their active participation in the same, under intimation to this Department.

4. For further information/ queries, Ms. Preetha Ghosh, Deputy Director, Training, FSSAI (Mobile No. 0980660056 and e-mail I.D preetha1980@gmail.com) may be approached.
(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel No. :- 011-24646961
Source: DoPT

Central Government should increase Minimum Pay and Fitment formula - Karnataka COC

Revision of Minimum Pay and Fitment formula due to increased revenue collections of the Central Government

Today none of the 7th CPC related demands of Central Government Employees are settled. The assurance given by the Group of Ministers to the NJCA leaders regarding increase in Minimum Pay and Fitment formula is in paper even after a lapse of 20 months. Now the Finance Minister has replied in Parliament that "no change in Minimum Pay and Fitment formula is at present under consideration".

To avert the 11th July CG employees strike the Hon'ble Prime Minster had instructed the group of Hon'ble Ministers including Shri Rajnath Singhji, Hon'ble Home Minister, Shri Suresh Prabhuji , Hon'ble Railway Minister and Shri Arun Jaitelyji , Hon'ble Finance Minister to hold discussions with the Staff Side (JCM) on 30th June 2016 and the Shri Arun Jaitelyji , Hon'ble Finance Minister had published a written assurances in the Government website on 6th July 2016 leading to deferment of the strike .

Pay Commission Objective: It is the endeavour of every pay commission to ensure that the pay and allowances of employees should be ‘fair and reasonable'. The pay structure should also motivate the employees to reasonable levels of performance in the tasks assigned to them, so that the general public derive the benefit of their service as intended.

Our demand of revision of Minimum Pay and Fitment formula is quite justified.
Comparison of earlier wage hike we can observe that the fitment factor of 2.57 times is the lowest comparing to other pay commissions. If we make a study of earlier pay commission.

Pay CommissionYearMinimum wage ( old )Minimum wage (revised)Increase
2nd CPC1959Rs 55/-Rs 80/-1.45 times
3rd CPC1973Rs 80/-Rs 196/-2.45 times
4th CPC1986Rs 196/-Rs 750/-3.82 times
5th CPC1996Rs 750/-Rs 2550/-3.40 times
6th CPC*2006Rs 2550/-Rs 7000/-2.74 times
7th CPC *2016Rs 7000/-Rs 18000/-2.57 times

Comparative picture of pay of Central Government and State Government in regards to minimum wage as on 1.7.2017
Many of the State Governments are following the Central Government pay scales, but a few state Governments have improved upon the Central Government pay scales. The examples are as under:

Government AgencyGroup "D" Basic pay in RsAdd Skill 25% from Group "D" to Group "C"Group "C"
Basic Pay in Rs
DA%Add DA Amount in  RsBasic Pay in Group "C" in Rs
Govt. of IndiaNil18000590018900
AndhraPradesh &  Telangana1300032501625024.1391620166

The financial position of the Central Government is very good. Even the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has shown increase in last few years which is around 7% , the Indian economy is fastest growing and placed 7th in the world ( which is at 2,250.987 billions of $ ), comparing to wages paid in the world our wages are at lower level. The Government fiscal budget deficit equal to 3.50 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2016. Compared to 2008 where the fiscal deficit was at 7.8%, but today the fiscal deficit is contained at 3.5%. This is also a healthy sign of the economic status of the Central Government financial status, the budget fiscal deficit is always below 4%.

Direct tax collections in 2017-18 at Rs 9.95 lakh crore, exceeded the revised budgetary target of Rs 9.8 lakh crore. Also, 6.84 crore income tax returns filed in the year against 5.43 crore in the previous year signalling a rise of 26% . A net of 99.5 lakh new assesses were added to the tax net.

Net collection from corporate tax went up 17.1 per cent while that from personal income tax rose 18.9%.

The revenue collection from Goods and Services Tax (GST) exceeded Rs 1 lakh crore in April 2018, GST revenue collected in April 2018 came at Rs 1,03,458 crore.

With the improved economic climate, introduction of e-way bill and improved GST compliance, GST collections would continue to show a positive trend.

The wage bill of the Central Government on in its employees is less than 10% or 3.4% of the GDP, which is less compared to various countries world wide.

Vacancy of the Central Government is about 15% , more than 4 lakhs vacancies are existing in the Central Government the work load is being carried out by the existing employees. The Government being a model employer should pay for its employees and motivate them to work more for implementation of its policies.

Hence due to the improved revenue earning of the Central Government, as assured to the staff side JCM by the Group of Ministers in respect of increase of Minimum Pay and Fitment formula, the Central Government should increase the Minimum Pay and Fitment formula.

Source: COC Karnataka

Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980 - Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.04.2018 to 30.06.2018

CGEGIS 1980: Tables of Benefits from April 2018 to June 2018
Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980 - Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.04.2018 to 30.06.2018

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, the 25th May, 2018

Sub: Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980 - Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.04.2018 to 30.06.2018.

The Tables of Benefits for Savings Fund to the beneficiaries under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980, which are being issued on a quarterly basis from 01.01.2017 onwards, as brought out in this Ministry's OM of even number dated 17.03.2017, for the quarter from 01.04.2018 to 30.06.2018, as worked out by IRDA based on the interest rate of 7.6% per annum (compounded quarterly) as notified by the Department of Economic Affairs as per their Resolution No. 5(1)-B(PD)/2018 dated 11.04.2018, are enclosed.

2. The Tables enclosed are of two categories as per the existing practice. As hitherto, the first Table of Benefits for the savings fund of the scheme is based on the subscription of Rs.10 p.m. from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1989 and Rs.15 p.m. w.e.f. 1.1.1990 onwards. The second Table of Benefits for savings fund is based on a subscription of Rs.10 p.m. for those employees who had opted out of the revised rate of subscription w.e.f. 1.1.1990.

3. While these orders are in respect of Table of Benefits for the period from 01.04.2018 to 30.06.2018, the Tables already issued for the first quarter from 01.01.2018 to 31.3.2018 are also reproduced for the sake of convenience and consolidation.

4. In their application to the employees of Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders are issued after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

5. Hindi version of these orders is attached.
(Amar Nath Singh)
Check the table here
Source: https://doe.gov.in/

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