Thursday, June 22, 2017

Condonation of deficiency in service for grant of 2nd service pension in respect of DSC (Defence Security Corps) personnel: DESW Order dated 20.06.2017

Condonation of deficiency in service for grant of 2nd service pension in respect of DSC (Defence Security Corps) personnel: DESW Order dated 20.06.2017

No. 14(02)/2011-D(Pen/Pol)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi
Dated 20th June 2017
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject : Condonation of deficiency in service for grant of 2nd service pension in respect of DSC (Defence Security Corps) personnel.

Condonation of deficiency in service for eligibility of service pension has been mentioned in Rule 125 of Pension Regulation Part-l 1961 (Rule 44 of Pension Regulation Part-I 2008). This rule is applicable in all cases except the case mentioned under the Rule125 of Pension Regulation Part-l 1961 (Rule 44 of Pension Regulation Part-l 2008). Deficiency in service for eligibility of Service pension or Reservist pension or Gratuity in lieu may be condoned by competent authority up to 12 month as mentioned in GoI, MoD letter No. 4684/DlR(PEN)/2001 dated 14th August 2001.

2. Representations of the ex-servicemen who have been granted Service pension from Army side and re-employed in DSC are received for condonation of deficiency in service for the 2nd service pension from DSC. The matter has been examined and decided that condonation of deficiency in qualifying service is to be
accorded on merit and in the deserving cases to make individual eligible for at least one service pension. Condonation of deficiency in qualifying service for grant of 2nd service pension in respect of DSC personnel has no merit.

3. It is conveyed that the intention behind condonation of deficiency in service for grant of service pension is that the individual must not be left high & dry but should be made eligible for at least one service pension in View of above, it is clarified that no condonation shall be allowed for grant of second service pension.

4. The Pension Regulation for the Army shall stand amended by inserting item “(iv) an individual who is eligible for 2nd service pension for the service rendered by individual in respect of DSC” below Regulation 44 of Pension Regulation for the Army PM (2008).

5. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.

6. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No 10(16)/2016/FlN/PEN dated 26/08/2016

7. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(K.T. Lepcha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Source: [PDF]

CSD: Implementation of GST at URCs



1. The Govt has declared 50% exemption of GST to CSD (copy of relevant extract att as Annx).

2. URCs' sales to end customers are exempted levy of GST. As a consequence, URCs are exempted from registration for GST and filing of monthly returns etc.

3. URCs need not make any extra efforts in implementation of GST wef 01 Jul 2017, except the following activities:-
(a) Ensure proper accounting of closing stock as on 30 Jun 2017 since, they have to be sold at old selling prices wef 01 Jul 2017.

(b) CSD Depots will be selling the balance stocks as on 30 Jun 2017 at the old rates to URCs. All the stocks received from CSD Depots with old selling prices during July 2017 and the closing stocks at URCs as on 30 Jun 2017 should be sold at old prices as on 30 Jun 2017 to end customer.

(c) No URC should refuse the stocks already demanded by them in the month of Jun 2017, as these stocks have been purchased and supplied to Depots.

(d) Goods purchased by CSD Depots from the companies in GST Regime (wef 01 Jul 2017) will be sold at revised wholesale price. URCs will sell these goods at revised retail price to end customers, which will be communicated by CSD HO in due course of time through their respective depots.

(e) It is advisable to liquidate old stocks at URCs as on 30 Jun 2017 first and then only start selling new stocks.

(f) Dual billing system may be followed, if all the stocks as on 30 Jun 2017 cannot be liquidated and sale of new stocks to be carried out with new rates, if situation warrants.

(g) CS Dte has directed CIMS management to prepare and forward revised software to all URCs, in order to switchover the billing process in GST environment. This is dependent on companies disclosing post GST prices to CSD HO in an early timeframe.

(h) All URCs should maintain the record of purchases and sales meticulously in electronic mode,

(j) The Government is yet to finalise e way bill procedure in GST
environment for collection vehicles that will be used to collect stores from CSD Depots by URCs. Once e way bill is made mandatory for URCs, the same will be intimated.

4. However, as liquor is outside the purview of GST, URCs will continue with the existing system for sale of liquor.

5. This letter supersedes all earlier instructions on the subject and be disseminated to all URCs under respective comd.

Signed copy

Securing the Personal information including Aadhar No, in RTI Applications/ Appeals in compliance to Aadhar Act, 2016 and Information Technical Act, 2000

Securing the Personal information including Aadhar No, in RTI Applications/ Appeals in compliance to Aadhar Act, 2016 and Information Technical Act, 2000

F. No. 1/1/2013-IR (pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
IR (Division)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 20th June, 2017
Office Memorandum

Subject: Securing the Personal information including Aadhar No., in RTI Applications/ Appeals in compliance to Aadhar Act, 2016 and Information Technical Act, 2000.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this department's OM of even no. dated 21.10.2014, 23.03.2016 and 07.10.2016 vide which it has been requested that personal information of an RTI applicant should not be disclosed, while uploading the application/ appeal etc. on the public domain/ websites.

2. In this context, it is to be stated that Ministry of Electronics And Information Technology (Meity) have circulated guidelines for securing Identity information and Sensitive personal data or information in compliance to Aadhar Act, 2016 and Information Technology Act, 2000, wherein they have instructed that personal particular and information including Aadhar No. etc. should not be published in public domain/websites etc.

2. In view of the above, it is requested that all Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India including the subordinate offices may ensure the following while handling RTI applications viz. receiving, replying and uploading on websites etc.:-
(a) the personal information details like Aadhar no. should not be asked for while handling RT/ applications.
(b) that the Aadhar no. or such other personal information is hidden from public view while uploading the RT/ applications/ Appeals/ Replies to the RT/ applications on websites, if Aadhar no. is mentioned therein.

(Preeti Khanna)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
To All Ministries/Department of Govt of India

Source: DoPT


ECHS 2017 - Latest List of 189 Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes for Different Specialties

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Dept of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi the 2nd June, 2017
The Managing Director
Central Organisation, ECHS
Maude Line, Delhi Cantt


1. I am directed to state that in terms of the provisions of Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 22B(04)/2010/US(WE)D(Res) dated 18 Feb 2011 and 22B(02)/2013/US(WE)D(Res) dated 18 Oct 2013, it has now been decided by the 10th Screening Committee for empanelment of Medical facilities with ECHS in its meeting held on 10 Mar 2017 under the chairmanship of MD ECHS to empanel 189 Private Hospitals/Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Laboratories for different specialities and procedures as per the list attached in the Annexure:-

2. All the terms and conditions including fixation of rates payable to empanelled hospitals will be regulated under Govt of lndia, Ministry of Defence letter No.228(O4)/2010/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 18 Feb 2011 and amended from time to time.

3. The rates for ECHS Hospital/Nursing Home, Dental Centres and Diagnostic Centres as approved by the Empowered Committee will be as per CGHS rates and will be notified by the Director, Regional Centre ECHS to all concerned including Polyclinics, SEMDs, CDA/PCDA and Central Organisation ECHS.

4. Empanelment of CGHS empanelled hospitals is subject to the hospital providing proof of its being a CG HS empanelled facility as on the date of signing MoA with ECHS.

5. CGHS empanelled medical facilities will be empanelled with ECHS for the period for which the facilities hold valid MoA with CGHS. The MoA will be extendable once CGHS renew the MoA with the medical facilities.

6. NABH accredited medical facilities will be empanelled with ECHS for the period of validity of NABH certificate and the MoA will be renewed once the medical facility is issued revalidation/renewed NABH certificate.

7. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their U.O. No. 34(05)/2010 dated 2.6.2017.

(AK Khan)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India

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