Monday, September 18, 2017

Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2016-2017

Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2016-2017
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 12th September, 2017
The Chief of the Air Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2016-2017.

1. I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry ‘s letter No.F.24(10)/80/D (JCM), dated 2nd November,1983 as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 40 days (Forty Days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2016-2017 to the eligible civilian employees of the Indian Air Force.

2. The entitlement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2016-2017 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB will be paid to all eligible Gp.'B' (Non-Gazetted), Gp.'C' and Gp.'D' civilian employees of Indian Air Force who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2016-2017. The calculation ceiling of Rs.7000/-(7000*40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Productivity Linked Bonus to the casual laborer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/-p.m.(1200*40/30.4) for the accounting year 2016-2017, However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs.1200/-p.m., the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The Expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budget grant for the year 2017-2018.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. Of Expenditure) vide their I.D. No. 300349244/E.III(A)/2017 dated 08.09.2017 and MoD (Finance/AG/PB) vide their I.D. No. - 152/AG/PB/2017 dated 11.09.2017
Yours faithfully,
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Source: BPMS

Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2016-2017

Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2016-2017
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 12th September, 2017
The Chief of the Air Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2016-2017.

1. I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry 's letter No.F.24(6)/80/D(JCM), dated 28th September,1983 as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 40 days (Forty Days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2016-2017 to the eligible civilian employees of the AOC.

2. The entitiement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2016-2017 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB will be paid to all eligible Gp.'B' (Non-Gazetted), Gp.'C' and Gp.'D' civilian employees of AOC who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2016-2017. The calculation ceiling of Rs.7000/-(7000*40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Productivity Linked Bonus to the casual laborer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/-p.m.(1200*40/30.4) for the accounting year 2016-2017, However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs.1200/-p.m., the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The Expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budget grant for the year 2017-2018.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. Of Expenditure) vide their I.D. No. 300349248/E.III(A)/2017 dated 08.09.2017 and Defence (Finance/AG/PB) vide their Dy. No.149/AG/PB/2017 dated 11.09.2017
Yours faithfully,
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Source: BPMS

Productivity Linked Bonus for the civilians of the Indian Navy for the year 2016-2017

Productivity Linked Bonus for the civilians of the Indian Navy for the year 2016-2017

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 12th September, 2017
The Chief of the Naval Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for the civilians of the Indian Navy for the year 2016-2017.

1. I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry 's letter No.F.24(9)/80/D(JCM), dated 28th September, 1983, as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 40 days (Forty Days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2016-2017 to the eligible civilian employees of the Indian Navy.

2. The entitlement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2016-2017 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB shall be paid to all eligible Gp.'B' (Non-Gazetted), Gp.'C' and Gp.'D' civilian employees of Indian Navy who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2016-2017. The calculation ceiling of Rs.7000/-(7000*40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Productivity Linked Bonus to the casual laborer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/-p.m.(1200*40/30.4) for the accounting year 2016-2017, However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs.1200/-p.m., the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The Expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budget grant for the year 2017-2018.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. Of Expenditure) vide their I.D. No. 300349888/E.III(A)/2017 dated 08.09.2017 and MoD (Finance/AG/PB) vide their Dy. No.163/AG/PB dated 11.09.2017
Yours faithfully,
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: BPMS

Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries

Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries - reg.

Government of India Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi
Dated, the 15th September, 2017
Subject: Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries- reg.

The undersigned is directed to state that the issue of utilizing the services of retired officers for conducting departmental inquiries had been under consideration of the Department. It has now been decided that panels of retired officers from the Ministries/Departments under Government of India and PSUs would be created and maintained by the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities for conducting Departmental Inquiries against the delinquent officials.

2. Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers - Panels of retired officers not below the rank of Deputy Secretary in Central Government and equivalent officer in the State Governments/PSUs to be appointed as the Inquiry Officer for the purpose of conducting departmental inquiries would be maintained level/rank wise and place-specific by each cadre controlling authority where its offices are located.

3. Validity of the panel - The panel of the retired officers created for the purpose of appointing Inquiry Officers for conducting departmental inquiry will be valid for a period of three years. The respective Cadre Controlling Authority will ensure that a panel of retired Inquiry Officers is available with them.
4. Following are the eligibility conditions for appointment of willing retired officers as the Inquiry Officers to conduct departmental inquiries:-
(i) Retired officers who are willing to serve as Inquiry Officer.
(ii) He/she should not have been penalized in a Disciplinary Proceeding case (no penalty in DP or prosecution in criminal case)
5. The respective Cadre Controlling Authority will immediately take necessary action for inviting applications from willing and eligible retired officers to serve as the Inquiry Officer for conducting departmental inquiry. In this regard, a format for inviting applications is annexed.

6. A three-member committee consisting of Joint Secretary level officers including CVO of the concerned Ministry/Departments/PSUs would be constituted by the respective cadre controlling authority. The other two members can be from the same Ministry/Department or from the attached or subordinate office. After receipt of willingness of the retired officers, names of the officers will be screened by the committee so constituted. The formation of panel will be a continuous and ongoing process. The DA will decide on the appointment of the JO based on willingness for a case, experience in the sector and status of residence. Committee constituted for making panels of retired officers as the Inquiry Officer has to keep in mind that applications of retired officers willing to serve as an Inquiry Officer should be scrutinized carefully to ensure that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.

7. The number of disciplinary cases assigned to an Inquiry Officer may be restricted to 8 cases in a year, with not more than 4 cases at a time.

8. Terms and conditions for appointment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officer.
The designated Inquiry Officer shall require to give an undertaking as follows:-
(i) that he/she is not a witness or a complainant in the matter to be inquired into or a close relative or a known friend of the delinquent Government officer. A certificate to this effect will be obtained from the Inquiry Officer with respect to every inquiry and placed on record
(ii) shall maintain strict secrecy in relation to the documents he/she receives or information/data collected by him/her in connection with the inquiry and utilize the same only for the purpose of inquiry in the case entrusted to him/her.
9. No such documents/information or data shall be divulged to anyone during the Inquiry or after presentation of the Inquiry Report. All the records, reports etc. available with the Inquiry Officer shall be duly returned to the authority which appointed him/her as such, at the time of presentation of the Inquiry Report.

10. The Inquiry Officer shall conduct the inquiry proceedings at a location taking into account the availability of records, station/place where the misconduct occurred as well as the convenience of the witnesses/ PO etc. Video Conferencing should be utilized to the maximum extent possible to minimize travel undertaken by the IO/PO/CO. The cadre controlling authorities will facilitate necessary arrangements for the Video Conferencing.

11.The Inquiry Officer shall undertake travel for conducting inquiry (in unavoidable circumstances) with the approval of an authority as may be nominated by the concerned Ministry/Department.

12.The Inquiry Officer shall submit the inquiry report after completing the inquiry within 180 days from the date of his/her appointment as the Inquiry Officer. Extension of time beyond 180 days can be granted only by the Authority as may be prescribed.

13. The rates of honorarium and other allowances payable to the Inquiry Officer will be as under:-


50% will be paid on submission of the Inquiry Report. Remaining amount will be paid within 45 days. In case it is not possible to proceed with the matter due to stay by courts etc., the Inquiry Officer may be discharged from his/her duties and payment of honorarium and other allowances will be made on pro rata basis.
14. Before the payment is received by the Inquiry Officer, it will be his/her responsibility to ensure that:-
(a)All case records and inquiry report (two ink signed copies) properly documented and arranged is handed over to the office of Disciplinary Authority.

(b)The report returns findings on each of the Articles of Charge which has been enquired into should specifically deal and address each of the procedural objections, if any, raised by the charged officers as per the extant rules and instructions.

(c)There should not be any ambiguity in the inquiry report and therefore every care should be taken to ensure that all procedures for conducting departmental inquiries have been followed in accordance with the relevant rules/instructions of disciplinary and appeal Rules to which the delinquent Government officials are governed.
15. Letter regarding engaging a retired officer as the Inquiry Officer will only be issued with the approval of the Disciplinary Authority of the Ministry/Department/ Office concerned.

16. A review of every empanelled Inquiry Officer will be done after receipt of 2 inquiry reports where adherence to time lines and the procedure and quality of work will be assessed by the concerned Ministry. Subsequent allocation of work may be done only after such evaluation. The services of Inquiry Officers whose performance is not upto the mark will be terminated with the approval of appointing authority.

17.Any issue arising out of this O.M. between the Inquiring Officer and the Disciplinary Authority will be decided by the Secretary , DoPT whose decision shall be final and binding on both parties.

18.These guidelines are issued for internal use of DoPT and other Cadre controlling authorities may adopt the same with suitable amendments.
(K. Srinivasan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: Dowmload PDF

Agitation programmes of NFPE & Confederation : AIPEU-GDS

Agitation programmes of NFPE & Confederation : AIPEU-GDS
Agitation programmes of NFPE & Confederation : AIPEU-GDS

Dear Comrades,
The Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers decided to conduct series of agitation programmes on the issues of working class & Central Govt. Employees as scheduled below.

NFPE is the major organization in the CCGEW and endorsed the agitation programmes announced on the charter of demands.

The members of AIPEU-GDS is also should participate in all the agitation programmes given by NFPE. The GDS demands are also placed in the Charter for the cause of GDS along with the demands of postal working class and Central Govt Employees.

It is requesting all the members of AIPEU-GDS in the divisions of all Circles to participate in all agitation programmes along with NFPE unions and make it grand success.

The CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries, Division/Branch Secretaries and active comrades are requested to mobilize the GDS comrades and participate in a large number to make all the agitation programmes successful.

Phased Programmes

1. Mass Dharna at all District Head Quarter on 19th Sept 2017
2. Mass Dharna at all State Capitals on 17th October 2017
3. Maha Dharna at New Delhi with Central Trade Unions other independent federation on 9th, 10th& 11th Nov 2017.

12 points charter of Demands of all workers

1. Urgent measures for containing price rise through universalization of public distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.
2. Containing unemployment through concrete measures for employment generation.
3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of Labour laws.
4. Universal social security cover for all workers.
5. Minimum wages of not less than 18000/- per month with provisions of indexation.
6. Assured enhanced pension not less than Rs.3000/- per month for the entire working population.
7. Stoppage of disinvestment and strategic sale in Central/State Public Sector Undertakings.
8. Stoppage of Contractorisation in permanent periennial work and payment of same wage and benefits for contract workers as regular workers for same and similar work.
9. Removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund; increase the quantum of gratuity.
10. Compulsory registration of Trade Unions within a period of 45 days from the date of submitting application and immediate ratification of ILO Conventions C-87 and C-98.
11. Against Labour law amendments.
12. Against FDI in Railways, Insurance and Defence.

21 points charter of Demands of Confederation

1. Honour the assurance given by the Group of Ministers to NJCA on 30th June 2016 and 6th July 2016, especially increase in minimum wage and fitment factor. Grant revised HRA at the rate of 30%, 20% and 10% with effect from 01-01-2016. Settle all anomalies arising out of implementation of 7th CPC recommendations, in a time bound manner.

2. Implement option-I recommended by 7th CPC regarding parity in pension of pre-2016 pensioners.

3.  Scrap PFRDA Act and Contributory Pension Scheme and grant pension and Family Pension to all Central Government employees recruited after 01.01.2004, under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.

4. Treat GraminDakSewaks of Postal department as Civil Servants, and extend all benefits like pay, pension, allowances etc. of departmental employees to GDS.

5. Regularise all casual, contract, part-time, contingent and Daily rated mazdoors and grant equal pay and other benefits.

6. No Downsizing, Privatisation, outsourcing and contractorisation of Government functions.

7. Withdraw the arbitrary decision of the Government to enhance the bench mark for performance appraisal for promotion and financial upgradations under MACP from "GOOD” to VERY GOOD" and also decision to withhold annual increments in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the bench march either for MACP or for regular promotion within the first 20 years of service. Grant MACP pay fixation benefits on promotional hierarchy and not on pay-level hierarchy. Personnel promoted on the basis of examination should be treated as fresh entrants to the cadre for grant of MACP.

8. Withdraw the draconian FR 56 (J) and Rule 48 of CCs (Pension) Rules 1972 which is being misused as a short cut as purity measure to punish and victimize the employees.

9. Fill up all vacant posts including promotional posts in a time bound manner. Lift ban on creation of posts. Undertake cadre Review to assess the requirement of employees and their cadre prospects. Modify recruitment rules of Group-'C' cadre and make recruitment on Reginal basis.

10. Remove 5% ceiling on compassionate appointments and grant appointment in all deserving cases.

11. Grant five promotions in the service carreer to all Central Govt. employees.

12. Abolish and upgrade all Lower Division Clerks to Upper Division Clerks.

13. Ensure parity in pay for all stenographers, Assistants, Ministerial Staff in subordinate offices and in all organized Accounts cadres with Central Secretariat staff by upgrading their pay scales. Grant pay scale of Drivers in LokSabha Secretariat to Drivers working in all other Central Government Departments.

14. Reject the stipulation of 7th CPC to reduce the salary to 80% for the second year of Child Care leave and retain the existing provision.

15. Introduce Productivity Linked bonus in all department and continue the existing bi-lateral agreement on PLB wherever it exists.

16. Ensure cashless, hassle free medical treatment to all Central Government employees & Pensioners in all recognized Government and Private hospitals.

17. Revision of Overtime Allowance (OTA) and Night Duty Allowance (NDA) w.e.f 01.01.2016 based on 7th CPC pay scale.

18. Revision of wages of Central Government employees in every five years.

19. Revive JCM functioning at all levels. Grant recognition to the unions/Associations under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 within a time frame to facilitate effective JCM functioning.

20. Implementation of the Revised Pay structure in respect of employees and pensioners of autonomous bodies consequent on implementation of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 and Revised Pension Rules in respect of Central Government employees and pensioners.

21. Implementation of the "equal pay for equal work" judgment of the Supreme Court in all departments of the Central Government.
General Secretary
Source :

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